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Domestic Violence

The church must be a safe place for victims of sexual and gender-based violence to share their
stories and seek support. It is our responsibility to help end domestic violence. Even if we do not
know their faces, victims and batterers alike sit in our pews and worship within our walls.
Whether we want to be or not, the Church is at the front lines of this issue.

Learn more about how you can be a support and an advocate for the people in your congregation
and community.

Ways to Witness Against Sexual and Gender-Based

Thursdays in Black: Resistance and Resilience
The campaign is simple but profound. Wear black on Thursdays. Wear a pin to declare you are
part of the global movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence. Show
your respect for women who are resilient in the face of injustice and violence. Encourage others
to join you. Learn more via the World Council of Churches.

Break the Silence Sunday

April 22, 2018
Break the Silence Sunday is a time for the church to learn together about the realities of rape and
sexual violence; about ways to create a community where survivors can share their stories and
receive support, hope, and love; and to prayerfully consider ways in which they can be advocates
for change in their communities, and around the world. Learn more and download resources.

Speak Out Sunday

October 2018
As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Speak Out Sabbath is an interfaith advocacy
weekend coordinated by the We Will Speak Out Coalition. Clergy are encouraged to engage in
speaking out against sexual and gender-based violence in an intentional and faithful way during
worship with their congregations. Worship resources, sermon starters, litanies, and children's
resources are being updated and added daily. Learn more.
Take Action
Stand in Solidarity with Victims of Gender-Based Violence!
We are called to oppose violence and abuse and ensure the protection and safety of others. Act
now. Tell Congress to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

Stop Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Around the World

SGBV is a human rights violation, a public health epidemic, and a barrier to solving global
issues like poverty. Tell Congress to support ending sexual and gender-based violence
worldwide by supporting the International Violence Against Women Act.

Disarm Domestic Violence

Women are 5X more likely to be killed if their abuser has access to a gun. Act now to close
loopholes that allow stalkers and abusers to access firearms.

Be a DV resource in your community

 If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, please seek help immediately.
You can call the 24-hour National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE
 Hotlines for further support:

o National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

o National Dating Abuse Helpline: Call 1-866-331-9474 or text “loveis” to 22522.

o GLBT National Help Center: 1-888-843-4564 and 1-800-246-PRIDE (national

youth talkline)

Read & Share

 Violence Against Women: Back in the Shadows? Commentary by Sandy Sorensen,
Director of the UCC Washington Office
 Forgiveness and Domestic Violence: A sermon by Amber Neuroth, a UCC pastor in

 Jesus, Priest and Victim: A Litany for UCC Domestic Violence Awareness Month by
UCC Rev. Aleese Moore-Orbih

 Worship Resources to End Domestic Violence from the World Council of Churches
Teen Dating Violence Awareness
Our religious heritage compels and guides us in creating a safe environment where people can
come to understand and respond to the challenges facing them as sexual beings.

Here are some resources geared toward teens for health sexuality education and anti-violence
awareness and training."

Our Whole Lives – Resources for Grades 7-9

Check out the second edition of the UCC/UUA sexuality education program Our Whole Lives
geared toward youth in grades 7 to 9. The second edition introduces new content, activities,
perspectives, language, and resources that will help today's young teens make informed and
responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior by providing accurate, age-
appropriate information. New topics in the second edition include

 Bullying and bystander responsibilities;

 Sexuality, social media, and the Internet;

 Body image; consent education; and communicating with a sexual partner.

Amy Johnson, our UCC Our Whole Lives coordinator, has written several helpful articles on
teen dating violience:

 Let's talk about sex ... and consent

 Scary stats: Teen break-ups and domestic violence

 Standing on the side of love

Resources from Partners

 Break the Cycle has some excellent resources for empowering youth to end DV. Their
mission is to inspire and support young people to build healthy relationships and create a
culture without abuse.
 Love Is Respect - Teens can text "LOVEIS" to 22522 or call 1-866-331-9474 to chat with
a trained peer advocate and get more info.

Why does the United Church of Christ Work on

sexual and gender-based violence?
We are people of the New Covenant: Jesus' teachings call us to oppose violence and abuse at all
levels of our life. His attitude toward women and children was one of compassion and caring,
and his outrage at the abuse he saw in the Temple surely parallels our outrage at violence against
the most sacred of temples, the human person.

We are called by our Baptism to respond to that abuse, for by Baptism, we are One in the body
of Christ. When any member of that body is abused or violated, the whole of Christ's body is
injured. As members of that body, we are called to seek justice, but not revenge, to righteous
anger, but not blind rage. We are called to works of compassion, justice, and mercy; we are
called to pastoral and prophetic ministries in response to victims of violence. We are called as a
Church to be a sanctuary for those who are abused.

Jesus foreshadowed this ministry in his story of the Good Samaritan, who cared for one
victimized by the violence of his society. Among us today the victims of violence and abuse lie
by the side of the road: beaten, humiliated, bruised, and exploited. Too often the Church, like the
Priest and the Levite of the Gospel story, has passed by on the other side. We are called to be the
Samaritan-to support, shelter, love, and heal those who are victims of violence. (The
Pronouncement On Violence In Relation To Women, General Synod 14)

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