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Emma Carolina Bayona Alvarez 860144048


Depression is a complex mental health condition characterized by a persistent and

overwhelming sense of sadness or a lack of interest and pleasure in activities.
Individuals experiencing depression may also encounter changes in appetite and
sleep patterns, feeling fatigued or lacking energy, and having difficulty concentrating
or making decisions. Emotional symptoms often include feelings of hopelessness,
worthlessness, or guilt, and in severe cases, thoughts of death or suicide may arise.
Physical symptoms such as aches, pains, and digestive issues may accompany the
emotional distress. Depression can affect various aspects of a person's life,
impairing daily functioning and interpersonal relationships. It is essential to seek
professional help if these symptoms persist, as effective treatments, including
therapy and medication, are available to support individuals in managing and
overcoming depression.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) are two

effective therapeutic approaches for treating depression. CBT focuses on identifying
and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors, helping individuals
develop healthier coping strategies and more positive perspectives. Through
structured sessions, individuals learn to recognize distorted thinking, set realistic
goals, and gradually change detrimental behavioral patterns. On the other hand, IPT
centers on improving interpersonal relationships and communication skills.
Therapists using IPT assist clients in addressing and resolving interpersonal issues
that may contribute to their depression. This approach helps individuals navigate
challenges in relationships, manage conflicts, and enhance social support, fostering
a more positive and fulfilling social environment. Both CBT and IPT have
demonstrated success in alleviating depressive symptoms and empowering
individuals with valuable tools to cope with life's challenges.

World Health Organization: WHO & World Health Organization: WHO. (2023, March

31). Depressive disorder (depression).



Website, N. (2023, July 11). Treatment - Depression in adults.

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