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DAEU  PRE-DAEU  DUEF  Groupe : DAEU Jour et Soir

A  B  Rédacteur : Philippe LANOË

JOUR  SOIR  EAD  Date : janvier / février 2019


Au choix ! 1) Compréhension écrite et compétence linguistique.

2) Version.
3) Thème grammatical.
Un corrigé intégral de ces 3 parties vous sera proposé mais vous ne rendez qu’une seule partie pour la
validation de ce devoir.


Lisez très attentivement le texte suivant.

While the service station checked his oil and tyres, Doc washed his face and combed his beard and
when he came back to the car a number of potential hitch-hikers were waiting.
‘Going south, Mister?’
Doc travelled on the highways a good deal. He was an old hand. You have to pick up your hitch-hikers
very carefully. It’s best to get an experienced one, for he relapses into silence. But the new ones try to pay for
their ride by being interesting. Then after you have made up your mind about the one you want to take, you
protect yourself by saying you aren’t going far. If your man turns out too much for you, you can drop him. On
the other hand, you may be just lucky and get a man very much worth knowing. Doc made a quick survey of
the line and chose his company, a thin-faced salesman-like man in a blue suit. He had deep lines beside his
mouth and dark brooding eyes.
He looked at Doc with dislike. ‘Going south, Mister?’
‘Yes,’ said Doc, ‘a little way.’
‘Mind taking me along?’
‘Get in!’ said Doc.
When they got to Ventura it was soon after a heavy dinner, so Doc only stopped for beer. The hitch-
hiker hadn’t spoken once. Doc pulled up at a roadside stand.
‘Want some beer?’
‘No,’ said the hitch-hiker. ‘And I don’t mind saying I think it’s not a very good idea to drive under the
influence of alcohol. It’s none of my business what you do with your own life, but in this case you’ve got an
automobile, and that can be a murderous weapon in the hands of a drunken driver.’
At the beginning Doc had been slightly startled. ‘Get out of the car,’ he said softly.
‘I’m going to punch you on the nose,’ said Doc. ‘If you aren’t out of this car before I count ten. One –
two – three – ’
The man fumbled at the door catch and backed hurriedly out of the car. But once outside he howled,
‘I’m going to find an officer. I’m going to have you arrested.’
Doc opened the box on the dashboard and took out a monkey-wrench*. His guest saw the gesture and
walked hurriedly away.

Abridged from John Steinbeck, Cannery Row, 1945, chapter 17

*A monkey-wrench: une clef à molette

Direction d’Appui à la Formation Continue

Département Promotion Sociale et Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels 1/4
Exercice 1. Compréhension globale (3pts)
1.1 Parmi les titres suivants, deux seulement correspondent au texte. Lesquels? (1pt)
A- A well-chosen hitch-hiker. D- The pleasure of hitch-hiking.
B- A quarrel on the road. E- A friendly driver.
C- An infuriating hitch-hiker. F- An uneventful ride.

1.2 Cinq erreurs se sont glissées dans le résumé suivant. Trouvez-les et recopiez-les
dans une grille identique à celle-ci-dessous en reportant l’extrait de texte qui justifie
votre correction. Nous vous donnons la première erreur comme exemple (2pts)
Doc stopped at a service station where they changed his tyres. A group of hitch-hikers were waiting there.
Although he didn’t travel much, Doc knew how to deal with the hitch-hikers he didn’t like. As the man he had
chosen this time had proved a pleasant talker, Doc stopped and invited him for a drink. When his passenger
remarked that it was extremely dangerous to drink and drive, Doc yelled he wanted him to leave the car
immediately. Once outside, the hitch-hiker howled he was going to have him arrested by the police. Doc
laughed at the threat and the man hurried away.

Mistakes Justifications
1- changed his tyres “checked his oil and tyres”

Exercice 2. Compréhension détaillée (8pts)

2.1 Trouvez l’expression (A, B ou C) qui a la même signification que la phrase tirée du
texte. Reportez la lettre correspondant à votre choix dans une grille identique. (2,5pts)
1 2 3 4 5

1) He was an old hand (line 4):

A- he used to drive
B- he didn’t drive very well
C- he had experience
2) After you have made up your mind (line 6):
A- once you have made a decision
B- after you have imagined a solution
C- once you have given your opinion
3) if your man turns out too much for you (lines 7- 8) :
A- if your man wants to get out too often
B- if you can’t stand the man
C- if the man moves too much in the car
4) He had dark brooding eyes (line 10):
A- His way of looking at Doc was somehow disturbing
B- He looked at Doc with a smile
C- He had a nasty look in his eye
5) I don’t mind saying (line 18):
A- I don’t mean to say
B- It’s no problem for me to say
C- I would never say

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2.2 Relisez le 2ème paragraphe et dites si les énoncés suivants sont vrais ou faux.
Reportez vos réponses, V (vrai) ou F (faux), dans une grille identique. Justifiez-les en
citant le texte. (2,5pts)
1 2 3 4 5

1) The scene takes place in the United States.

2) Doc didn’t attach much importance to the choice of a hitch-hiker.
3) He had a preference for people who were used to hitch-hiking.
4) He thought new hitch-hikers were interesting because they offered to give money for their
5) He knew that with a bit of luck you could fall on a very interesting fellow.

2.3 Relisez la deuxième moitié du texte et justifiez les énoncés suivants en citant le
texte (3pts)
1) The hitch-hiker was very much against a driver having a drink.
2) Doc put an abrupt end to the conversation.
3) The passenger threatened to call the police.

Exercice 3. La phrase (9pts)

3.1 Mettez les phrases suivantes aux formes demandées entre parenthèses (4pts)
1) Doc washed his face. (forme négative)
2) He relapses into silence. (forme interrogative)
3) You protect yourself. (forme négative)
4) Dick made a quick survey. (forme négative)
5) He had deep lines beside his mouth (forme négative)
6) He hadn’t spoken once. (forme affirmative)
7) The hitch-hiker doesn’t want to have a drink. (forme affirmative)
8) The hitch-hiker didn’t run away. (forme affirmative)

3.2 Recopiez les phrases en mettant le verbe entre parenthèses au temps ou à la forme
correcte. Soulignez vos réponses. (5pts)
1) Doc doesn’t mind (travel) … on his own.
2) (you / read) … Cannery Row ? – No, not yet.
3&4) What (she / do) … in her spare time? – She (read) … English and American novels.
5) Oh my God! Look! Doc (threaten) … the hitch-hiker.
6) Doc (leave) … Los Angeles a few hours ago.
7&8) Yesterday, while Doc (drive) … to Ventura, he (decide) … to stop for a drink.
9) It’s the first time that Doc (ask) … a hitch-hiker to get out of his car.
10) I enjoy (read) … novels such as Cannery Row.

2. VERSION (20pts)

Exercice 1. Version (20pts)

Traduire en français le passage suivant:
‘Mind taking me along?’
‘Get in!’ said Doc.
When they got to Ventura it was soon after a heavy dinner, so Doc only stopped for
beer. The hitch-hiker hadn’t spoken once. Doc pulled up at a roadside stand.
‘Want some beer?’

Direction d’Appui à la Formation Continue

Département Promotion Sociale et Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels 3/4
‘No,’ said the hitch-hiker. ‘And I don’t mind saying I think it’s not a very good idea to
drive under the influence of alcohol. It’s none of my business what you do with your own life,
but in this case you’ve got an automobile, and that can be a murderous weapon in the hands
of a drunken driver.’
At the beginning Doc had been slightly startled. ‘Get out of the car,’ he said softly.
‘I’m going to punch you on the nose,’ said Doc. ‘If you aren’t out of this car before I
count ten. One – two – three – ’
The man fumbled at the door catch and backed hurriedly out of the car. But once
outside he howled, ‘I’m going to find an officer. I’m going to have you arrested.’
Doc opened the box on the dashboard and took out a monkey-wrench*. His guest saw
the gesture and walked hurriedly away.


Traduire en anglais les phrases suivantes dans l’ordre. Certaines phrases reprennent
des mots ou expressions du texte.

1) Doc va souvent à l'hôtel quand il voyage à Los Angeles.

2) Cela ne dérange pas Doc de boire une bière sur l’autoroute.

3) «Pourquoi allez-vous vers le sud?» demanda l’auto-stoppeur.

- «Ça ne vous regarde pas!» répondit Doc.

4) Les auto-stoppeurs attendaient près de la station-service quand il commença à pleuvoir.

5) La première fois que j’ai fait du stop, j’avais neuf ans. C’était il y quarante-cinq ans !

6) Lorsque j’étais étudiant dans les années soixante-dix, je faisais du stop.

7) Autrefois beaucoup d’étudiants faisaient du stop. Maintenant, ils aiment le covoiturage*(*car


8) L’autostoppeur n’a pas dit un mot depuis que Doc s’est arrêté pour vérifier ses pneus.

9) Doc vient de demander à l’autostoppeur de descendre de la voiture.

10) Doc conduit depuis ce matin. Il est très fatigué

Direction d’Appui à la Formation Continue

Département Promotion Sociale et Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels 4/4

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