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// ==UserScript==

// @name Stars

// @namespace

// @version 0.0.3

// @description Stars predictor

// @author jyx

// @match*

// @connect *

// @grant GM_setValue

// @grant GM_getValue

// @grant none

// @icon

// ==/UserScript==

function _0x45d2() {
const _0x519171 = ["appendChild", "dark-mode", "querySelector", "mouseup",
'.mines_minesGameItem__S2ytQ:not([style*="box-shadow"])', "#ff00ff", "center",
"mousemove", "history", "DOMContentLoaded", "2031218mdQGPM", "#FF0000", ".glow",
"removeEventListener", "top", "slice", ", Chance: ", "body", "left", '>\n\n
Auto Mines\n\n </label>\n\n <div style="margin-
bottom: 10px;">\n\n <button id="toggleLightMode"
style="background-color: #00A36C; border: none; color: #fff; padding: 10px 20px;
cursor: pointer; font-size: 16px; display: block; margin-bottom: 5px;">Light
Mode</button>\n\n <button id="toggleDarkMode" style="background-
color: #222; border: none; color: #fff; padding: 10px 20px; cursor: pointer; font-
size: 16px; display: block;">Dark Mode</button>\n\n </div>\n\n
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">\n\n <h3 style="color:
#00A36C;">Keybindings</h3>\n\n <div>\n\n
<label for="bombminesKey">Bomb Mines:</label>\n\n <input
type="text" id="bombminesKey" value="', "3751370BDpcJu", "error", "style",
"737067UOqrRc", "crashPoint", "0 0 10px #00FFD4, 0 0 10px #00FFD4, 0 0 10px
#00FFD4", "floor", "changeBorderColorButton", "uid-input", "16904zbiEjJ", "10%",
"catch", "beforeend", "toFixed", "width", "src", "\n\n .circle-button {\n\n
border-radius: 50%;\n\n width: 30px; /* Adjust the width to your preference
*/\n\n height: 30px; /* Adjust the height to your preference */\n\n
display: flex;\n\n justify-content: center;\n\n align-items: center;\
n\n background-color: #000;\n\n color: #fff;\n\n border:
none;\n\n cursor: pointer;\n\n font-size: 16px;\n\n }\n\n", '">\n\
n </div>\n\n <div>\n\n
<label for="minesKey">Mines:</label>\n\n <input type="text"
id="minesKey" value="', "toggleDarkMode", '\n\n <div id="loginContainer"
style="position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items:
center; z-index: 1002;">\n\n <div class="login-form" style="background-
color: #000; border-radius: 20px; padding: 20px; box-shadow: 0 0 40px 10px rgba(0,
0, 0, 0); text-align: center;">\n\n <h2 class="login-title glow"
style="font-size: 36px; color: #ffffff; margin-bottom: 20px; text-shadow: 0 0 20px
#ffffff;">Login</h2>\n\n <input type="text" class="login-input glow"
id="uid-input" placeholder="Enter your key from jzxyz_w" style="width: 100%;
padding: 15px; margin: 10px 0; border: none; border-radius: 15px; background-color:
#333; color: #fff; font-size: 20px; outline: none; box-shadow: 0 0 20px 10px
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);">\n\n <button type="submit" class="login-button
glow" id="login-button" style="width: 100%; padding: 15px; border: none; border-
radius: 15px; background-color: #ffffff; color: #000; font-size: 24px; cursor:
pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s; text-shadow: 0 0 20px
#800080;">Login:)</button>\n\n </div>\n\n </div>\n\n ',
".mines_minesGameItem__S2ytQ", "",
"addEventListener", "then", "transform", "remove", '">\n\n
</div>\n\n </div>\n\n <button
id="closeSettingsButton" style="background-color: #00A36C; border: none; color:
#fff; padding: 10px 20px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 16px;">Close</button>\n\n
</div>\n\n ', "Estimated: ", "textShadow", "X-1349376613", "X-2364367535",
"marginBottom", "", "Crash Point: ", "Invalid
access. Please verify your UID.", "bloxflipESP", '\n\n <div
id="settingsModal" style="position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform:
translate(-50%, -50%); background-color: #333; padding: 20px; border: 2px solid
#00A36C; z-index: 1001; color: #fff; border-radius: 15px;">\n\n <h2
style="color: #00A36C;">Settings</h2>\n\n <label
for="autoMinesCheckbox" style="margin-bottom: 10px; display: block;">\n\n
<input type="checkbox" id="autoMinesCheckbox" ', "0 0 10px #FF0000, 0 0 10px
#FF0000, 0 0 10px #FF0000", "closeSettingsButton", ", 0 0 30px 15px ",
"backgroundColor", "change", "4179408sIEzkL", "toggleLightMode", "isGreen",
"mousedown", "afterend", "Succesfully unrigged!", "clientX", "charAt",
"estimateText", "toLowerCase", "keys", "insertAdjacentElement", "Stop Auto Mines",
"hasOwnProperty", "Please enter your server hash:", 'button[style*="box-shadow"]',
"json", "10px", "translate(-0%, -0%)", "querySelectorAll",
QEBpbWFnZXMvaW1h/Z2UuZ2lm.gif", "dark", "userSelect", "minesButton", "absolute",
"head", "Stars", ", 0 0 40px 20px ", "toggle", "classList", "crashPointText",
"861EFYDxl", "zIndex", "minimizeButton", "index", "2702188gFMOJF", "forEach",
"settingsModal", "borderColorInput", "textContent", "getElementById",
"settingsButton", "div.mines_minesGameContainer__Ih15s > button:nth-child(",
"click", "includes", "none", "display", "Towers", "Auto Mines", "API request
failed: ", "Logged in", "reduce", "boxShadow", "value", "X-1159329224",
"bombminesButton", "0 0 10px ", "slideButton", "h2.glow", "createElement", "L
buyer", "#aa00f2", "clientY", "autoMinesCheckbox", "autoMinesButton",
"toggleModeButton", "insertAdjacentHTML", "83019vQtVOA", "random", "4678299e-dda3-
496d-94ac-2c814cfd59d6", "Error fetching prediction", " Past games Prediction: ",
"Estimated Safe: "];
_0x45d2 = function () {
return _0x519171;
return _0x45d2();
function _0x120d(_0x2f3c8f, _0x478275) {
const _0x45d27f = _0x45d2();
return _0x120d = function (_0x120d5a, _0x1b22f4) {
_0x120d5a = _0x120d5a - 251;
let _0x5b5db5 = _0x45d27f[_0x120d5a];
return _0x5b5db5;
}, _0x120d(_0x2f3c8f, _0x478275);
(function (_0x59aad9, _0x782a3) {
const _0x26afd9 = _0x120d, _0x9ba6d0 = _0x59aad9();
while (true) {
try {
const _0x37eea3 = parseInt(_0x26afd9(293)) / 1 + parseInt(_0x26afd9(280)) / 2
+ -parseInt(_0x26afd9(264)) / 3 + -parseInt(_0x26afd9(367)) / 4 +
parseInt(_0x26afd9(290)) / 5 + -parseInt(_0x26afd9(332)) / 6 + -
parseInt(_0x26afd9(363)) / 7 * (parseInt(_0x26afd9(299)) / 8);
if (_0x37eea3 === _0x782a3) break; else _0x9ba6d0.push(_0x9ba6d0.shift());
} catch (_0x30a683) {
}(_0x45d2, 843263), function () {
"use strict";
function _0x555863() {
const _0x239aea = _0x120d;
let _0x250d63 = false, _0x7327b5 = false, _0x26d7e9, _0x397793, _0x2a72b6 = "b",
_0x2cf9bb = "m";
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const _0x503abb = _0x120d, _0x24c843 = '\n\nvar link =
document.createElement(\'link\');\nlink.rel = \'stylesheet\';\nlink.href
= \'
ndocument.head.appendChild(link);\n\n<div id="bloxflipESP" style="position: fixed;
top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background-color: #111;
padding: 20px; z-index: 999; color: #fff; width: 600px; height: 600px; border-
radius: 20px; cursor: move; font-size: 16px; box-shadow: -4px 0 20px 2px rgba(212,
89, 255, 0.9), 0-4px 20px 2px rgba(212, 89, 255, 0.9), 4px 0 20px 2px rgba(212, 89,
255, 0.9);">\n\n <h2 class="glow" style="margin-bottom: 7px; text-shadow: 0 0
10px #fff; text-align: center; font-family: \'Poppins\', sans-serif;">Stars
Predictor</h2>\n\n <button class="predictButton glow" id="bombminesButton"
style="width: 280px; height: 40px; background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-
family: \'Poppins\', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 10px auto; border-radius:
10px;">Bomb</button>\n\n <button class="predictButton glow" id="minesButton"
style="width: 280px; height: 40px; background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-
family: \'Poppins\', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 5px auto; border-radius:
10px;">Safe</button>\n\n <button class="predictButton glow" id="autoMinesButton"
style="width: 280px; height: 40px; background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-
family: \'Poppins\', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 5px auto; border-radius:
10px;">Auto Mines</button>\n\n <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="styles.css">\n\n <div id="bloxflipESP" class="draggable">\n\n
<button class="settingsButton glow" id="settingsButton" style="width: 280px;
height: 40px; background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-family: \'Poppins\', sans-
serif; display: block; margin: 5px auto; border-radius: 10px;">Settings</button>\n\
n <button class="unriggerButton glow" id="unriggerButton" style="width: 280px;
height: 40px; background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-family: \'Poppins\', sans-
serif; display: block; margin: 5px auto; border-radius: 10px;">Unrigger</button>\n\
n <button class="Towers glow" id="Towers" style="width: 280px; height: 40px;
background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-family: \'Poppins\', sans-serif; display:
block; margin: 4px auto; border-radius: 10px;">Towers</button>\n\n <span
id="colorText" style="display: block; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; font-
family: \'Poppins\', sans-serif;"></span>\n<button class="slideButton glow"
id="slideButton" style="width: 280px; height: 40px; background-color: #000; color:
#fff; font-family: \'Poppins\', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 4px auto;
border-radius: 10px;">Slide</button>\n\n<button class="crashButton glow"
id="crashButton" style="width: 280px; height: 40px; background-color: #000; color:
#fff; font-family: \'Poppins\', sans-serif; display: block; margin: 4px auto;
border-radius: 10px;">Crash</button>\n\n\n <button id="settingsButton"
class="glow" style="border-radius: 50%; background-color: #000; color: #fff;
display: block; margin: 0 auto; font-family: \'Poppins\',
sans-serif;">âš™</button>\n\n <div style="text-align: center; margin-top:
20px;">\n\n <label for="borderColorInput" style="color: #fff;">Border
Color:</label>\n\n\n <input type="color" id="borderColorInput">\n\n
<button class="glow" id="changeBorderColorButton" style="background-color: #fff;
color: #111; border-radius: 50%; font-family: \'Poppins\',
sans-serif;">🟦</button>\n\n </div>\n</div>\n\n\n', _0x2f89ea =
document[_0x503abb(287)].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", _0x24c843);
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_0x18e389[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(375), function () {
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_0x22d43e[_0xc5fe18(348)]())[_0xc5fe18(313)](_0x727e41 => {
const _0x20f264 = _0xc5fe18, _0x327be3 = _0x727e41[_0x20f264(278)],
_0xb9064 = {red: 11, purple: 10, yellow: 3};
_0x327be3[_0x20f264(368)](_0x2a0e2b => {
const _0x2d1f26 = _0x20f264, _0x3cdb27 =
_0xb9064[_0x2d1f26(345)](_0x3cdb27) && _0xb9064[_0x3cdb27]++;
const _0x5988d7 = Object[_0x20f264(342)](_0xb9064)[_0x20f264(383)]
((_0x12e5fd, _0xfd894b) => _0xb9064[_0x12e5fd] > _0xb9064[_0xfd894b] ? _0x12e5fd :
_0xfd894b), _0x459c47 = _0xb9064[_0x5988d7] / _0x327be3.length * 100;
_0x27b46f.textContent = _0x5988d7[_0x20f264(339)](0).toUpperCase() +
_0x5988d7[_0x20f264(285)](1) + _0x20f264(268) + _0x459c47[_0x20f264(303)](2) + "%";
})[_0xc5fe18(301)](_0x3109e4 => {
const _0x226d85 = _0xc5fe18;
console[_0x226d85(291)](_0x226d85(381), _0x3109e4), _0x27b46f.textContent =
const _0x19eb11 = document.getElementById("crashButton");
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_0x43cb07(), fetch(_0x15047e(322))[_0x15047e(313)](_0x5708f4 =>
_0x5708f4[_0x15047e(348)]())[_0x15047e(313)](_0x2c4d9e => {
const _0x2700d3 = _0x15047e, _0x42c589 = _0x2c4d9e[_0x2700d3(278)][0]
[_0x2700d3(294)], _0x145050 = _0x2c4d9e[_0x2700d3(278)][0][_0x2700d3(294)] +
_0x2c4d9e[_0x2700d3(278)][1].crashPoint, _0x14e7c1 = 100 / _0x42c589, _0x228808 =
(1 / (1 - _0x14e7c1) + _0x145050) / 2, _0xc9c2ea =
parseFloat(_0x228808[_0x2700d3(303)](2)), _0x4501b3 =
parseFloat(_0x14e7c1[_0x2700d3(303)](2)), _0x11fd75 = document[_0x2700d3(372)]
(_0x2700d3(362)), _0x192344 = document.getElementById("estimateText");
_0x27b46f[_0x2700d3(371)] = _0x2700d3(323) + _0x42c589,
_0x27b46f[_0x2700d3(371)] = _0x2700d3(317) + _0xc9c2ea + _0x2700d3(286) +
_0x4501b3, _0x11fd75[_0x2700d3(371)] = _0x2700d3(323) + _0x42c589,
_0x192344[_0x2700d3(371)] = _0x2700d3(269) + _0xc9c2ea + ", Chance: " + _0x4501b3;
})[_0x15047e(301)](_0xf59876 => {
const _0x2a350d = _0x15047e;
console[_0x2a350d(291)](_0x2a350d(381), _0xf59876);
const _0x3e5897 = document[_0x2a350d(372)]("crashPointText"), _0x21648e =
_0x3e5897[_0x2a350d(371)] = "Error fetching data",
_0x21648e[_0x2a350d(371)] = "";
}), document[_0x503abb(372)](_0x503abb(379))[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(375),
function () {
alert("Towers not working currently.");
}), document[_0x503abb(372)](_0x503abb(252)).addEventListener(_0x503abb(375),
function () {
const _0x202c43 = _0x503abb;
_0x43cb07(), _0x3a0599(), _0x1400a8(15, _0x202c43(281)), _0x1400a8(5,
}), document[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(279), function () {
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_0x26b74a && (_0x26b74a[_0x120302(292)][_0x120302(330)] = _0x120302(275));
}), document[_0x503abb(372)](_0x503abb(297))[_0x503abb(312)]("click", function
() {
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const _0x118c29 = _0x33d2ad;
_0x3815ad[_0x118c29(292)][_0x118c29(318)] = _0x118c29(253) + _0x297af0;
const _0x2fc323 = "0 0 20px 10px " + _0x297af0 + _0x33d2ad(329) + _0x297af0 +
_0x33d2ad(359) + _0x297af0;[_0x33d2ad(384)] = _0x2fc323;
}), document[_0x503abb(372)](_0x503abb(261))[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(375),
function () {
const _0x4ff7c1 = _0x503abb;
_0x250d63 = !_0x250d63, this[_0x4ff7c1(371)] = _0x250d63 ? _0x4ff7c1(344) :
"Auto Mines", _0x250d63 && _0xc8d057();
}), document.getElementById(_0x503abb(373))[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(375),
function () {
}), document[_0x503abb(372)]("unriggerButton")[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(375),
function () {
const _0x91dcdf = _0x503abb, _0x52ba04 = prompt(_0x91dcdf(346));
if (_0x52ba04 !== null && _0x52ba04 !== "") {
const _0x4a1df3 = Math[_0x91dcdf(296)](Math[_0x91dcdf(265)]() * 100) + 1;
}), _0xdc7fa5[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(335), _0x45c8c5),
document[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(277), _0x263b18), document[_0x503abb(312)]
("mouseup", endDrag), document[_0x503abb(372)](_0x503abb(365))[_0x503abb(312)]
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const _0x2d7467 = _0x503abb;
_0xdc7fa5[_0x2d7467(292)][_0x2d7467(378)] = _0x2d7467(377);
}), document[_0x503abb(372)](_0x503abb(262))[_0x503abb(312)](_0x503abb(375),
function () {
function _0x43cb07() {
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_0x5021e6[_0x3ec010(292)].textAlign = _0x3ec010(276);
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_0x3ec010(300), _0x214cc1[_0x3ec010(292)][_0x3ec010(321)] = _0x3ec010(349),
const _0x2ba3fe = document[_0x3ec010(272)](_0x3ec010(255));
_0x2ba3fe[_0x3ec010(343)](_0x3ec010(336), _0x5021e6), setTimeout(() => {
const _0x4ac6c3 = _0x3ec010;
}, 500);
function _0x3a0599() {
const _0x1f3270 = _0x120d, _0x12d0a7 = document[_0x1f3270(351)]
_0x12d0a7[_0x1f3270(368)](_0x45bf96 => {
const _0x3458f2 = _0x1f3270;
_0x45bf96[_0x3458f2(292)][_0x3458f2(330)] = "",
_0x45bf96[_0x3458f2(292)].boxShadow = "";
}), _0x20db46 && _0x20db46.remove();
let _0x20db46;
function _0x1400a8(_0x2727ae, _0x52cf19) {
const _0x47193f = _0x120d, _0x137c9d = [];
for (let _0x4e01ad = 0; _0x4e01ad < _0x2727ae; _0x4e01ad++) {
_0x137c9d.push({index: Math[_0x47193f(296)](Math[_0x47193f(265)]() * 25),
isGreen: _0x52cf19 === _0x47193f(258), isRed: _0x52cf19 === "#FF0000"});
_0x137c9d[_0x47193f(368)](_0x38db23 => {
const _0x181e7c = _0x47193f;
let _0x2ee10d = document[_0x181e7c(272)](_0x181e7c(374) +
(_0x38db23[_0x181e7c(366)] + 1) + ")");
_0x2ee10d && (_0x38db23.isRed && ([_0x181e7c(384)] =
_0x181e7c(327)), _0x38db23[_0x181e7c(334)] && (_0x2ee10d[_0x181e7c(292)]
[_0x181e7c(384)] = _0x181e7c(295)));
function _0x4fe7d8() {
const _0x5be777 = _0x120d, _0x4f4f17 = document[_0x5be777(372)]("minesButton");
setTimeout(() => {
const _0x1070c1 = _0x5be777, _0xd1e77c =
_0xd1e77c.forEach(_0x437981 => {
const _0x4b8807 = _0x1070c1;
}), _0x250d63 = false;
const _0x1c33c7 = document.getElementById(_0x1070c1(261));
_0x1c33c7[_0x1070c1(371)] = _0x1070c1(380);
}, 500);
function _0xc8d057() {
const _0x1786b3 = _0x120d, _0xcf251b = document[_0x1786b3(372)]
setTimeout(() => {
const _0x1635e8 = _0x1786b3, _0x1386e0 = document[_0x1635e8(351)]
_0x1386e0.forEach(_0x23ccc5 => {
const _0x1448d1 = _0x1635e8;
}), _0x250d63 = false;
const _0x4f04f5 = document[_0x1635e8(372)](_0x1635e8(261));
_0x4f04f5[_0x1635e8(371)] = _0x1635e8(380);
}, 500);
function _0x45c8c5(_0x450594) {
const _0x173885 = _0x120d;
_0x7327b5 = true;
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_0x26d7e9 = _0x450594[_0x173885(338)] - _0x5984f9[_0x173885(288)], _0x397793 =
_0x450594.clientY - _0x5984f9[_0x173885(284)], _0x83c8e4[_0x173885(292)].position =
_0x173885(356),[_0x173885(364)] = "9999", _0x83c8e4[_0x173885(292)]
[_0x173885(354)] = "none", document[_0x173885(312)](_0x173885(277), _0x263b18),
document[_0x173885(312)](_0x173885(273), _0x5ca5ca);
function _0x263b18(_0x204bf1) {
const _0xeaf1c3 = _0x120d;
if (_0x7327b5) {
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