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Now, football and basketball are two of the most popular sports played in many

parts of the world, and both of these games are similar in many ways, but there
are differences, and in this article, we're going to compare football and
basketball to find out how different these two are.
First of all, we're going to go to the same point between these two sports: both
basketball and football are team sports involving the ball, which are designed to
score by putting the ball in the goal of the team.
Next, we'll learn about their differences: the shape of the ball, the size of the
playground, the number of players, the style of the game and the point system,
the length of the game.
- The shape of the ball: Both basketball and football are played in synthetic
balls or skins.
+ But basketball is round and always good for leaps of truth.
+ Balls are long-size, and they're incredibly high when they hit the
ground, and basketball is bigger and heavier than football.
- Size and type of play surface:
+ The basketball field is much shorter and narrower than the football
field, which is usually made of wood and is 94 feet across 50 feet.
+ The football field outside uses natural grass or synthetic grass and
is 360 feet by 160 feet.
- Number of players:
+ The basketball teams usually have 12 to 15 players on the list,
which means there'll be 10 players on the field at any time between
the two teams.
+ And football teams can move from 50 in professional fights to 85
in college games, which means there'll be 22 players on the field at
any given time between the two teams.
- Play style and point system:
+ So football is full contact sport, with ball rules, confrontations and
collisions in each game.
+ Basketballs are considered non-exported sports and by regulations,
physical contact in basketball is a violation that could lead to
+ A basketball game with a higher rate than soccer
+ The basketball team only gets two or three points for a throw of
punishment done and one point for a throw of punishment
+ The football counts six points for one hit the ball when the player
comes to the end, three points for a goal on the field and two points
for safety, but the score is much less frequent than in basketball.
- The length of the game:
+ The soccer games at a professional level and the university are 60
minutes, while high school football is 48 minutes.
+ Basketball plays 48 minutes at a professional level, 40 minutes in
college and 32 minutes in high school.
So football and basketball are different in many ways, but they have a huge
impact on the lives of many people, and soccer and basketball promote team
spirit, improve cooperation and focus, and also keep the players in good
physical and physical shape.

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