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Journal of Internal Medicine 2006; 259: 473–480 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2796.2006.01645.


Genetics of apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein AI and

premature coronary artery disease
From the 1Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, and 2Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of
Padua, Padua, Italy

Abstract. Zambon A, Brown BG, Deeb SS, Brunzell seen in individuals with elevated Lp(a). Normal apo
JD (University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; B levels were seen in familial hypertriglyceridaemia
and University of Padua, Padua, Italy). Genetics of and in ‘coronary artery disease with low-HDL
apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein AI and cholesterol’. Apo AI levels tended to be low in
premature coronary artery disease. J Intern Med FCHL and were decreased in ‘coronary disease with
2006; 259: 473–480. low-HDL cholesterol’. In familial hypertri-
glyceraemia, even though HDL-C levels were low,
Increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and
normal apo AI and apo B levels were seen in the
decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
absence of premature coronary artery disease.
(HDL-C) predict premature coronary artery disease,
Therefore, in genetic dyslipidaemias elevated apo B
as do elevated levels of apolipoprotein B or reduced
levels and reduced apo AI levels (or increased apo B/
levels of apolipoprotein AI. Probands were studied of
AI ratio) differ and predict premature coronary
families with common genetic forms of dyslipidaemia
artery disease.
to determine if apo B or apo AI define genetic groups
and if apo B or apo AI levels relate to premature Keywords: apolipoprotein AI, apoplipoprotein B,
coronary artery disease risk. Elevated apo B was cholesterol, coronary artery disease, genetic
characteristic of familial hypercholesterolaemia, lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, low-density
familial combined hyperlipidaemia (FCHL), and was lipoprotein, triglyceride.

20 years ago by Avogaro et al. [8, 9], who showed,

in 218 survivors of myocardial infarction and 160
Clinical studies have established that elevated cho- controls that apolipoproteins were as good as lipids
lesterol [1–4] and triglyceride (TG) levels [3, 5–7], in discriminating between the populations under the
and low levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol age of 50 years and better predictor of disease in the
(HDL-C) [3, 4] are associated with increased coron- sixth to eighth decades. Furthermore, values of total
ary artery disease (CAD) risk. The relationships cholesterol/apo B and apo A1/B obtained from
between apolipoproteins (apo) and atherosclerotic controls and normolipaemic survivors of myocardial
disease have been less well examined, but studies are infarction gave a bimodal distribution suggesting
beginning to investigate this area, particularly for that the protein moiety of lipoproteins is a better
apo B and apo AI. The first studies on the clinical discriminator than lipids between atherosclerotic
relevance of apo AI and apo B were presented about subjects and controls [8]. Data from other groups
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474 A . Z A M B O N et al.

confirmed the clinical relevance of apo B as a better

predictor of coronary atherosclerosis than plasma
cholesterol [10]. More recent clinical trials using
softer end-points like coronary angiography, angina
pectoris and nonfatal MI have been published and
reviewed, with most pointing to the importance of
apo B and apo AI as risk indicators [11, 12].
Observations from the INTERHEART [13], and
AFCAPS/TexCAPS [14] studies, demonstrated that
the single most powerful predictor of all of the
routine risk factors for CAD, with a very good linear
risk relation, is the apo B/apo AI ratio, which takes
into account all atherogenic and nonatherogenic Fig. 1 Apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein AI in different genetic
forms of dyslipidaemia.
lipoprotein species. This was best demonstrated in
AFCAPS/TexCAPS [14], where the on-treatment
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) values at
Table 1 Apo B and small dense LDL in various dyslipidaemia
1 year showed a ‘gap’ in cardiovascular disease risk
between those taking a statin and those taking a Elevated
placebo. This gap diminishes substantially if apo B is Lipid/lipoprotein disorder apo B sdLDL Reference
substituted and is totally eliminated if the apo B/apo FCHL (types IIa, IIb and IV)a Yes Yes [18]
AI ratio is used. In fact, it made no difference what Elevated Lp(a) Yes Yes [32]
treatment group a patient was assigned to in FH Yes No [15, 33]
FHTG Nob Yes [16]
AFCAPS/TexCAPS, because only the apo B/apo A1 HL deficiency No No [54]
ratio determined future risk. Therefore, the apo B/ LPL deficiency No –c [55]
apo AI ratio is not only very predictive in epidemi- Elevated hepatic lipase No Yes [39]
ological studies, but also predictive in prospective with central obesity
Type III dyslipidaemia No No [56]
randomized trials.
FCHL is associated with variable lipid and lipoprotein phenotypes
arbitrarily defined as type IIa, IIb and IV based on plasma total
Genetics of elevated apo B and premature cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Apo B levels were in the normal range, although compared with
controls, there was a small but significant increase.
Lipid abnormalities associated with dyslipidaemia c
In patients with no lipoprotein lipase activity, no significant
and increased plasma levels of apo B predispose to amount of LDL particles is detectable.
premature CAD [15–19]. The lipid phenotypes FCHL, familial combined hyperlipidaemia; FH, familial hyper-
cholesterolaemia; FHTG, familial hypertriglyceridaemia, HL, hep-
characteristic of the genetic forms of dyslipidaemia atic lipase; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; LDL, low-density lipoprotein.
that are associated with elevated apo B and
increased risk of CAD, are characterized by abnor-
malities in lipoprotein levels and lipoprotein size and characterized by increased levels of total cholesterol
density, and include familial hypercholesterolaemia and LDL-C, with usually normal apo AI, HDL-C and
(FH), familial combined hyperlipidaemia (FCHL) and TGs. In patients with FH, the apo B/apo AI ratio is
patients with elevated Lp(a) (Fig. 1). Table 1 sum- usually higher than in healthy controls, due mainly
marizes the major lipid/lipoprotein abnormalities to the increased apo B levels (Table 2). The FH
that are associated with elevated apo B or preval- clinical phenotype has been shown to be associated
ence of small dense LDL (sdLDL). with increased coronary heart disease and prema-
ture death. Mutations in the low-density lipoprotein
receptor gene (LDLR) can result in the FH pheno-
Familial hypercholesterolaemia
type, and there is evidence that receptor-negative
An excess number of LDL particles of normal size mutations result in a more severe phenotype than
and density with marked hypercholesterolaemia is do receptor-defective mutations. Mutations in the
the hallmark of FH [15], an autosomal disorder apo B gene can result in a phenotype that is
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Table 2 Apolipoprotein B and apo

AI concentration and HDL lipid n apo B apo Al B/Al HDL-C HDL TG/C TG
composition in different genetic
FCHL 12 144 117 1.26 40 0.40 224
forms of dyslipidaemia
Normal 172 88 121 0.73 45 0.29
FHTG 14 107 120 0.91 30 0.70 602
CAD with low-HDL 87 103 108 0.97 31 0.45a 205

FCHL, familial combined hyperlipidaemia; FHTG, familial hypertriglyceridaemia; HDL-C, high-

density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL TG/C, HDL triglyceride–cholesterol ratio.
Data on FCHL, FHTG and normal controls from Ref. [16]; data on CAD patients with low-HDL are
unpublished data from HATS [Ref. 49].
Data published in Ref [51].

clinically indistinguishable from FH, and mutations and sdLDL particles has been shown to be a
in this gene have also been shown to be associated consistent feature across the variable lipid pheno-
with coronary heart disease. Preliminary research types [18, 29]. Interestingly, available evidence
indicates that the FH phenotype is influenced by suggests that apo B levels and sdLDL particles
other genetic and environmental factors; however, it segregate independently in families with FCHL
is not clear if these are synergistic interactions or [30]. Hopkins et al. [28] recently found that most
simply additive effects [20]. FCHL patients met the NCEP criteria for the meta-
bolic syndrome, but abdominal adiposity and insulin
resistance do not fully account for the elevated apo B
Familial combined hyperlipidaemia
levels in FCHL. Purnell et al. [31] found that subjects
An increase in apo B secretion and apo B plasma with FCHL had significantly higher apo B levels
levels (Table 2), with mild to moderate elevation in compared with age-, body mass index- and abdom-
plasma cholesterol and/or TG [16], associated with inal fat-matched controls.
small, dense, more atherogenic LDL particles [21–
23], is characteristic of FCHL [17, 18]. The apo B/
Patients with elevated Lp(a)
apo AI ratio is usually higher than in healthy
controls (Fig. 1) due mainly to the increased apo B Other individuals with elevated apo B, who do not
levels, but also to a moderately decreased apo AI. have FH or FCHL, may have high levels of the
Familial combined hyperlipidaemia is associated largely genetically controlled lipoprotein Lp(a), a
with 1.7- to 10-fold increased risk of premature dense LDL-like lipoprotein often associated with
CAD [24, 25]. Goldstein et al. [26] initially described increased risk of coronary and carotid artery disease
FCHL in young myocardial infarction survivors [19]. Similarly to individuals with FCHL, patients
(<60 years old) and found an 11% prevalence of with elevated Lp(a) levels have predominantly small,
FCHL. Others have confirmed a 10–14% prevalence dense, atherogenic LDL particles [32, 33]. In the
of FCHL in individuals with premature heart disease setting of persistently elevated Lp(a) concentration,
[25, 27]. Although the prevalence of FCHL was data from analysis of the Familial Atherosclerosis
originally estimated to be 0.5–2.0% of the general Treatment Study (FATS) population, clearly indica-
population, a recent population-based study sugges- ted that significant LDL-C reduction was associated
ted a higher prevalence of 5.7% [28]. The underly- with reduced coronary stenosis progression and
ing process in FCHL appears to be the fewer cardiovascular events: these findings suggest
overproduction of apo B in lipoproteins. In vivo that Lp(a) atherogenicity is somewhat modulated by
studies on lipoprotein kinetics demonstrate: (i) an plasma apo B and LDL-C levels [34]. With a
increased hepatic secretion of apo B and VLDL in substantial apo B and LDL-C reduction, persistent
patients with prevalent hypertriglyceridaemia and elevation of Lp(a) bears a reduced atherogenicity
(ii) increased LDL apo B turnover in patients with a and may be no longer clinically threatening. Lp(a)
lipid phenotype mainly characterized by hypercho- has many properties in common with LDL particles,
lesterolaemia. Variable clinical lipid presentation of a well-established atherogenic factor for CAD. Thus,
FCHL in patients has made their identification the composition of the lipid moiety of Lp(a), inclu-
difficult, but the demonstration of elevated apo B ding its cholesteryl ester-rich core, is similar to that
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476 A . Z A M B O N et al.

of LDL, and the density distribution of the lipid history indicates premature CAD, but a family study
moiety of Lp(a) in a given subject closely mirrors is not possible, measurement of Lp(a) and apo B will
that of LDL [35]. Furthermore, like LDL, each add information towards choosing optimal therapy.
particle of Lp(a) has one molecule of apolipoprotein Patients with high apo B and sdLDL have a
B-100 (apo B-100); both apo B and the lipid core are threefold increased risk of premature CAD [21, 23],
proatherogenic [36]. The protein moiety of Lp(a), but are more responsive to a pharmacologically
apo(a), influences to a major extent metabolic and induced CAD improvement than individuals with
physicochemical properties of Lp(a) [37]. Lp(a) levels large, buoyant LDL particles [40, 41]. Changes in
are particularly affected by apo(a) synthetic rate, LDL buoyancy with intensive therapy are clinically
which is subject to strong genetic regulation. important predictors of CAD angiographic outcome
Because of this strong genetic impact, Lp(a) plasma through a pathophysiological mechanism that
levels are affected only to a minor extent by age, sex recognize the modulation of hepatic lipase activity
and environmental factors [19]. as a key player to promote antiatherogenic changes
in LDL and HDL size and density (Fig. 2). This
pathway is, in part, independent of changes in LDL-
Increased apo B, genetic forms of
C and apo B levels [42]. Subjects with sdLDL at
dyslipidaemia and response to lipid-
baseline, such as patients with FCHL or elevated
Lowering therapy in FATS
Lp(a), seem to be particularly susceptible to phar-
The prevalence of FCHL, FH and elevated Lp(a) has macologically induced CAD regression as compared
also been studied in men, aged £62 years, with to FH [33]. Angiographic improvement in FATS was
coronary disease diagnosed by angiography and observed in 80% of FCHL, 100% of patients with
elevated levels of plasma apo B (apo elevated Lp(a), and only 14% of patient with FH
B > 125 mg dL)1), originally studied in the FATS, [33]. This is, at least partly accounted for by both
a secondary CAD prevention trial using an intensive quantitative lipoprotein changes (a significant
lipid-lowering pharmacological approach [38]. reduction in LDL-C and apo B, and increased HDL-
About 54% of FATS probands, with elevated apo B C), as well as antiatherogenic changes in LDL
from large and well-characterized families, were buoyancy seen in FCHL and in patients with
found to be affected by FCHL, whereas only 23% elevated Lp(a) with lipid-lowering therapy. LDL
had FH, and 23% elevated levels of Lp(a) [33]. To be buoyancy did not change in FH (Fig. 2). The
diagnosed as a patient with elevated Lp(a) the concurrent presence of these two distinct metabolic
proband had to have elevated Lp(a) and apo B with pathways is crucial for modulating CAD improve-
no other forms of dyslipidaemia. Familial combined ment with lipid-lowering treatment [41, 42].
hyperlipidaemia appears to be the most common lipid
disorder in men with CAD, younger than 62 years of
Low-apo AI and hypetriglyceridaemia
age. Although no direct data are available, it is
plausible that the prevalence of premature CAD in
Familial hypertriglyceridaemia
FCHL is similar in postmenopausal women.
Familial combined hyperlipidaemia is usually a Familial hypertriglyceridaemia (FHTG) is an auto-
challenging diagnosis as it requires study of the somal dominant disorder characterized by elevated
patient’s family, a factor potentially limiting the TG levels in probands, one of their parents, and half
usefulness of our findings for the practicing doctor. of their siblings and children. The diagnosis is based
However, when a family study is not available, on elevated TG levels with cholesterol levels that are
measurement of plasma apo B represents a critical usually in the normal range [43]. Apo B levels are
surrogate parameter to identify patients with FCHL usually normal as well as LDL-C but carried in
[39]. In fact, in our population of 51 middle-aged smaller, denser particles (Table 1); HDL-C can be
men with CAD, with high apo B (without liver, markedly reduced despite normal apo AI [43]. The
thyroid or kidney diseases), all those who did not apo B/apo AI ratio is usually comparable with what
have FH or elevated Lp(a) levels, had FCHL. Subjects is observed in healthy controls. This decrease in
with FCHL, regardless their lipid phenotype have HDL-C involves all fractions of HDL and appears to
increased apo B and sdLDL [18]. When a family be due to replacement of cholesterol for TG in HDL;
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Fig. 2 Pathophysiology of coron-

ary stenosis improvement following
intensive lipid-lowering therapy in
different genetic forms of dyslipid-
aemia. FH, familial hypercholester-
olaemia; FCHL, familial combined
hyperlipidaemia; Lp(a), elevated
level of lipoprotein (a).

the number of HDL particles is unaffected. The

increase in TG is due to hepatic secretion of very TG-
rich VLDL particles [44, 45]. Apo B secretion is
normal, thus the number of VLDL particles is normal
[44, 45]. The TG-rich VLDL are associated with TG-
rich LDL and HDL [43]. Familial hypertriglyceridae-
mia was found in the families of survivors of
premature CAD in Seattle [26]. It followed a pattern
of autosomal dominant inheritance with complete
expression of the phenotype after age 20 years Fig. 3 Age of death in patients with FCHL and FHTG: 20-year
(complete penetrance). All affected relatives had follow up [Ref. 24]. Red dots: premature deaths, defined as death
<55 years of age in men and <60 years of age in women; FCHL:
elevated VLDL levels with high plasma TG. FHTG
familial combined hyperlipidaemia; FHTG, familial hyper-
was a predictor of CAD in families in which the triglyceridaemia.
proband had premature CAD [26]. However, when
families were studied where the proband did not correlated with those of HDL-C, and expression of
have CAD [25] no excess of premature CAD was apo AI may be largely responsible for determining
found in the FHTG families in contrast to the excess the plasma level of HDL [46]. Apo AI also acts as a
seen in the FCHL families. These families were cofactor for lecithin cholesterol acyl-transferase
restudied 20 years later [24]. There was an increase (LCAT), a key enzyme in the reverse cholesterol
in CAD death in both FHTG and in FCHL probands transport pathway, and it is the ligand for the ATP-
over the 20 years. However, premature CAD death binding cassette (ABC) protein, ABCA1, and thereby
only occurred in the FCHL probands, whilst the CAD is involved in the docking procedure by which excess
death in FHTG occurred at an older age (Fig. 3). cholesterol in peripheral cells is externalized to HDL
[12, 47] for further reverse cholesterol transport
either directly or indirectly via LDL back to the liver.
Low-apo AI and HDL-C in cardiovascular disease
Additional cholesterol and phospholipids are trans-
Apolipoprotein A has two major forms, apo AI and ported to HDL by phospholipid transfer protein
apo AII. Apo AI is the major apolipoprotein associ- (PLTP) from TG-rich lipoproteins following LPL-
ated with HDL-C. Levels of apo AI are strongly mediated TG hydrolysis [48].
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478 A . Z A M B O N et al.

A detailed analysis of HDL subclasses as well as HDL2-C of 0.46 mmol L)1 in healthy subjects, and
apo AI and AII was carried out in patients with only 20% of the total apo AI was found in the Lp(AI)
established CAD (by angiography) and low levels of subclass of these patients when compared with 36%
HDL-C: the HDL-Atherosclerosis Treatment Study in this HDL subclass of healthy subjects. Thus, the
(HATS) [49] enrolled 160 men (n ¼ 139; <63 years lipoprotein phenotype of patients with established
of age) and women (n ¼ 21; <70 years of age) with CAD and low-HDL-C is characterized by HDLs that are
clinical coronary disease, and HDL-C of 35 mg dL)1 slightly TG-enriched, with a reduced concentration of
(0.91 mmol L)1) or lower in men and 40 mg dl)1 the cholesterol in their larger, more buoyant compo-
(1.03 mmol L)1) in women, LDL-C levels of nent HDL2–Lp(AI) subclass, the particularly antiath-
145 mg dL)1 (3.75 mmol L)1) or lower, and TG erogenic HDL subspecies, as seen in FCHL, but not
levels below 400 mg dL)1 (4.52 mmol L)1). Of FHTG. None of the mutations reported in Tangier
these, 87 nondiabetic men were selected with apo Disease [52] were found in 36 of these individuals
B levels below 125 mg dL)1 to define a group of men with CAD selected to have HDL-C levels between 10
with low-HDL-C and CAD without FCHL or diabetes. and 25 mg dL)1. Finally, a normal or slightly eleva-
We compared apo AI, apo B, apo B/apo AI ratio, ted apo B/apo AI ratio was seen in these individuals.
HDL-C and TG of these 87 nondiabetic, HATS In conclusion, the clinical relevance of apolipo-
patients with the same parameters in subjects with proteins, and specifically of the apo B/apo AI ratio,
FCHL, FHTG and healthy controls [16] (Table 2). as predictor of CAD risk [12–14], is fully confirmed
Patients in HATS, with low-HDL-C, normal apo B by the analysis of the familial forms of dyslipidaemia,
and CAD by selection criteria, showed decreased apo FCHL, FH, elevated Lp(a) and low-HDL-C with CAD,
AI, with a slightly increased apo B/apo AI ratio where genetic abnormalities in apo B and apo AI
similar to that observed in FHTG, but remarkably metabolism play a crucial role in modulating the
lower than the apo B/apo AI ratio of patients with individual lipoprotein phenotype. In patients affected
FCHL. Moreover, in nondiabetic patients with CAD by these familial forms of dyslipidemia, the apo B/
and low-HDL-C, HDL particles were modestly TG- apo AI ratio is slightly to markedly increased. When
enriched (similar to FCHL) when compared with HDL the apo B/apo AI ratio is not elevated, such as in
in healthy controls, but not nearly as TG-rich as HDL FHTG, no excess CAD risk was observed. Screening
particles in FHTG (Table 2). Interestingly, when patients for apo AI and B levels may significantly
Genest et al. [27] looked at the type and prevalence improve our ability to properly evaluate individual
of dyslipidaemia in 102 kindreds (n ¼ 603 subjects) CAD risk beyond LDL-C measurement [53], and it
in whom the proband had significant premature CAD will help to define and monitor the efficacy of specific
documented by angiography, a similar lipid pheno- lipid-lowering regimes for different types of genetic
type as in HATS was found to be the most common dyslipidaemia.
lipid profile: low-HDL-C associated with fairly normal
apo B values, slightly decreased apo AI, with a
modestly elevated Apo B/apo AI ratio.
The two major apolipoproteins of HDL, apo AI and This study was supported by NIH Grants HL-30086
apo AII, may have contrasting effects on CVD. Human and HL-64322. A.Z. was supported by a Paul
plasma contains two major HDL subclasses, those Beeson Scholarship from American Federation for
containing apo AI and AII, Lp(AI, AII), and those Aging Research.
containing apo AI but not AII, Lp(AI). There is
evidence that these HDL subclasses differ in terms of
Conflict of interest statement
their metabolism and CVD risk [50]. Cheung et al. [51]
studied HDL subclasses and plasma apolipoproteins in No conflict of interest was declared.
the first 52 consecutive patients with documented
cardiovascular disease and low-HDL levels random-
Note added in proof
ized to participate in the HATS trial (see previous
paragraph, Ref. [52]). These patients had quite low Individuals with ‘‘CAD with low HDL’’ cholesterol
cholesterol in the large, atheroprotective HDL parti- (Table 2) may have familial hypoalphalipoprotei-
cles (HDL2: 0.10 mmol L)1) when compared with the naemia [27, 52].
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