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BUS 303

Final Ethics EI Report Requirements

Graded out of 100%

This report is divided into 3 components as follows:

I. Emotional intelligence Learning Summarization: 40%; 1-2 pages

II. Seeing your Dream & Values Summarization: 20%; 1-2 pages
III. Personal and Professional Ethics Management: 40%; 3-4 pages

When completing this report use the numbering of this document to respond.


• Minimum 8 pages, Maximum 10 pages (not including cover page, appendix, references, etc.)
• Double-Spaced
• Calibri or Times New Roman. Size 11 font. 1” Page Margins.
• All tables are to be in the appendix
• APA Style
• Cover Page Required

I. Emotional Intelligence Learning Summarization 40% 2-4 pages

The purpose of this report is to provide you an opportunity to consolidate the knowledge you gained
from the emotional intelligence exercises and relationships with others. Please summarize your
experiences by addressing the following.

1. EI Skill Development: 25%

a. Please simply state the skill you chose (Informing, Listening or Conflict Management) and restate
the new behavior you practiced. No explanation is required. Not graded (0%)

b. Review your EI journal from beginning to end (15%):

i. Comment on what you learned about yourself and any changes in behaviour you
observed in yourself regarding skill development.
ii. Provide an example from your personal experience which could have occurred any time
during the term that illustrates your statements in (i).
iii. Provide two quotes from your journal one before and one after your personal insight or
change supporting your statements in (i). Cite the journal number and entry dates.

c. The 4 components of EI development include: (1) your practice behaviour, (2) meditation, (3)
journaling, and (4) coach. For each component: (10%)
i. Discuss difficulties and successes you experienced with each of the activities; (5%)
ii. Discuss how you feel each activity did or didn’t contribute to to your skill development
and learning about yourself, and (5%)
iii. Summary of how often and how long you engaged in the activities over the term: I do not
expect everyone to engage in the 4 components equally as everyone is different. The
purpose is to provide a summary of how often and how long you engaged in the activities
over the term. (0%) Not graded, however if you don’t reply 3% will be deducted.

You may use the following table to respond to 2(c) i-iii: Expand the table as much as you need to
2(c) Practice Behaviour Meditation Journaling Coach
(i) Successes
(i) Difficulties
(ii) Contribution to
skill development
(iii) How often*
(iii) Length of
*e.g. once a day, once a week, once a month, not at all.
** estimate the average minutes spent per time at each activity.

2. EI score and Moral Foundation Score Review: 15% the purpose of this section is to relate your
experiences over the course with the changes in normalized scores.

a. Normalize your before and after EI scores as shown in the tables below. For your
convenience an excel spreadsheet is included on Canvas which you can use.
b. Review your normalized EI pre and post course survey scores (the numbers highlighted in
green). Ignore the normalized scores that decreased. Identify the score(s) that increased the
most and second most. Discuss: do you agree, disagree, why? If you agree, state why and
describe experiences from the class or your life outside the class that support your view. If
you don’t agree state what you believe changed or didn’t change and why. Support with
examples of your experiences. Append your completed table in your final report.
c. Normalize your before and after Moral Foundation Scores as shown in the tables below. For
your convenience an excel spreadsheet is included on Canvas which you can use.
d. Review your normalized Moral Foundation Scores (the numbers highlighted in green). Ignore
the normalized scores that decreased. Identify the score(s) that increased the most and second
most. Discuss: do you agree, disagree, why? If you agree, state why and describe experiences
from the class or your life outside the class that support your view. If you don’t agree state
what you believe changed or didn’t change and why. Support with examples of your
experiences. Append your completed table in your final report.

*Note*: Normalize your before and after scores by taking the average of your actual scores and divide the
actual score by the average as shown below. For your convenience an excel spreadsheet is included on
Canvas which you can use

Example Before and After Emotional Intelligence Example Tables

Don’t show the Calculation Row in your Submission, it’s here to show how the normalize score is
EI Survey Score Emotional Emotional Emotional Emotional Total Average
Before Class Awareness Regulation Expression Management
Actual Score 8 7 6 5 26 26/4=6.5
Calculation* 8/6.5 7/6.5 6/6.5 5/6.5
Normalized Score 123% 108% 92% 77%

EI Survey Score Emotional Emotional Emotional Emotional Total Average

After Class Awareness Regulation Expression Management
Actual Score 7 6 6 5 24 24/4=6
Calculation* 7/6 6/6 6/6 5/6
Normalized Score 117% 100% 100% 83%

See next page for definitions of the Emotional Intelligence categories.

Definition of Emotional Intelligence categories

Emotional awareness: clear about their own and other people’s feelings.
Emotional regulation: capable of controlling their emotions.
Emotional expression: capable of communicating their feelings to others.
Emotional management: capable of influencing other people’s feelings.

Example Before and After Moral Foundation Survey Example Tables

Don’t show the Calculation Row in your Submission, it’s here to show how the normalize score is
MFS Score Harm Fairness Loyalty Authority Sanctity Total Average
Before Class Care Cheating Betrayal Subversion Degradation
Actual Score 25 28 24 26 20 123 123/5=24.6
Calculation* 25/24. 28/24.6 24/24.6 26/24.6 20/24.6
Normalized Score 102% 114% 98% 106% 81%

MFS Score Harm Fairness Loyalty Authority Sanctity Total Average

Before Class Care Cheating Betrayal Subversion Degradation
Actual Score 25 29 22 23 22 121 121/5=24.2
Calculation* 25/24.2 29/24.2 22/24.2 23/24.2 22/24.2
Normalized Score 103% 120% 91% 95% 91%

Definitions of Moral Foundation Survey Categories are provided in Lecture 6 slides 30-32.

II. Seeing Your Dream and Values Summarization 20% 1-2 pages
Complete the exercises contained in “Chapter 4 Seeing my Dream” pages 69 – 108 of Resonant

The purpose of this section is to summarize and consolidate the work you did in completing “Chapter 4
Seeing my Dream” and apply it to ethics. Knowing your purpose and values is an important component of
ethics. Summarize the following from your completion of Seeing My Dream:

1. My Passion, Calling, Purpose, and Legacy and state based on your personal experiences why this
is important to you. (Pages 86 to 89) (5%)

Based on your completion of My Values and Philosophy (pages 89 – 104) please answer question 2
2. Provide a statement as to the top 3 values that are most important to you. (15%)
For each of these values discuss
• Why do you hold each one of them?
• How do you know each of these values are important and worth having?
• How these values influence your actions in the world?

Note: Answer 1 is worth 5% and answer 2, is worth 15%.

III. Personal and Professional Ethics Management 40% 3-4 Pages
1. Throughout the term we learned about personal and social conditions that influence how you might
respond to and manage ethics in the workplace. Choose from one of the following statements
(choose only one of a, b, c or d) and answer the question below it. (5%)

a. I had an experience that caused me to question the way I normally act;

If this statement applies to you describe how you normally act, the experience that caused
you to question your normal and how you would behave now.

b. I had an experience that caused me to question my ideas about social roles. (Examples of social
roles include: parents and children; husband and wife; teacher and student; leader follower etc.).
If this statement applies to you describe the experience that caused you to question your
ideas about social roles, the social role that was challenged and how it resulted in your
changed ideas about that social role.

c. As I questioned my ideas, I realized I no longer agreed with my previous beliefs.

If this statement applies to you, describe the idea that you questioned, what experience or
class concept that changed your idea and how your beliefs have been changed.

d. As I questioned my ideas, I realized I still agreed with my beliefs or role expectations.

If this statement applies to you, describe the idea that you questioned, what experience or
class concept that caused you to question your idea and why you continue to hold the
same belief as before. (It is fine to continue to hold the same belief. An explanation as to
why your belief was challenged and what caused you to continue to hold the belief is
being requested.

2. Write a short paper where you identify 3 concepts from any of lectures 1 through 10 that are important to
you personally where you: (35%)

a. Identify the concepts with a single phrase; E.g. Emotions are Contagious.
b. Discuss in your own words what the concept means to you and why it is important to you; (7.5%)
c. Provide an example of how you have witnessed each of the three concepts in action or where you
have applied each of the 3 concepts in your work or personal life. (7.5%)
d. Find each of the 3 concepts in the management literature and provide a brief summary of what the
literature concludes regarding how the concept is useful in management and or ethics. (Tip, using Google
Scholar, available through the SFU library, search for articles that discuss your topic in terms of
management and or ethics). You must find new information not provided in the course materials. For
example, you cannot reference “Give me a Break” or repeat information you prepared for the Aetna case
in the midterm. (20%)

e. References:
• You may reference your class reflections journal to help you complete this question.
• You may also reference other sources.
• Make sure you indicate the source of your references.
• Please use APA format for references.

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