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my boss called me into his office, in the office were 3 people, me, my boss, and a man I haven’t seen
before, he was from the insurance company, my boss told me to sit down so I did, the guy from the
insurance company asked me to describe what had happened so I did. I told them we were working
on a big truck with a huge tank on the back it happened to have a mechanical railing on the top, our
colleague was working on the top of the truck as we had to look inside it, personally I was working
on the underside of the truck since I had to cut off some stuff and then weld new parts on. I tried my
best to keep it short yet detailed, I told them about how we had to work late, we were all tired and
groaning, we had to do over time to get it done on schedule, after I finished replacing the parts on
the underside of the truck I saw how dirty my hand had gotten so I went to wash them, after I had
cleaned them I went back out and crawled on top of the truck to help my co-workers inside since I
thought they might need an extra set of hands and I was right, I went on inside the big tank on the
back of the truck where we were standing. After a while we got back out of the truck and all went for
a cup of coffee at this point it was around 7pm here in Denmark, we all sat down and went over
what had been done and still needed doing, I asked what had actually happened to the truck, it turns
out the truck had waste product from Novo nordisk and had flipped on the highway, they assured
me that the waste product was harmless and only real bad thing about it is the smell, we had a good
laugh and quickly went back to work. As I got back in the tank of the truck I almost puked having
forgotten my nose clamper, I quickly put it on and helped my co-workers open the last hatch at the
bottom of the tank since it was stuck closed, after a couple tries, we managed to get it open and
drain the rest of the waste left in the tank. I got out last and had to close up all the hatches on the
top of the tank and make sure they are sealed right, after a while I get back down and takes a deep
breath of fresh air until I get told one of the hatches isn’t on right, I go take a look at it and fix it right,
I get up using the railing but as I get up the railing folded down, one of the others hadn’t seen me go
back up and put down the railing as I got up, I fell of the truck which was about 5-6 meters tall, my
co-workers describe the sound of me hitting the floor by the sound of a loud definitive crack, I myself
don’t remember it I only remember the start of the all and waking up in the hospital with dislocated
shoulder, a crack in the forehead and 4 broken ribs, yes its hurt, as I finished telling what happened
the man from the insurance company asked If I thought I could work, I simply said no I was told not
to do much for at least 4 months, and that was the end of the discussion, my boss and the man both
agreed and we all shook hands and I went back home.

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