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1) Define the terms

a) Force
- A push or a pull or a twist that can change an object’s motion
b) Acceleration
- Increase in speed
c) Inertia
- The tendency of an object to resist change in its motion

2) What term best describes each of the following

a) Newtons
b) Decelerate
c) Net force

3) List five ways a force can change motion

- Accelerating
- Decelerating
- Changing direction
- In rest, balanced force
- The shape is changed

4) Which of the following statements are true and which are false?

5) List the following forces in order of size from smallest to largest


6) Fill in the gaps in the statements below by selecting the correct word
a) Motion
b) Force
c) Push
d) Spring
e) Newton

7) Describe an example of a force that

a) Speeds up an object’s motion
- Friction
b) Changes an objects motion
- Air resistance

8) Explain how a spring balance is used to measure force

- The more the string is stretch, the greater force is applied, and the more newtons
- The less the spring is stretched, the lesser force is applied, and the less newtons

9) In both of them, the spring is squashed or compressed to measure the size of a force
- In a spring balance, when the mass of an object is applied, the spring will stretch, the
more the spring will stretch, the more newtons applied
- In a kitchen scale, cannot see the spring but when a mass of a force is applied, the
reading scale will go up in ratio of the mass in grams or newtons


a) friction, driving force (applied force)

b) Because both of the forces are balances so the net force is) and have equal amount of force
applied. This is why the bike is not accelerating, decelerating but at a constant speed.

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