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Do It Yourself Colorful Parachute

- I’ve got the idea to do this special project. I like the parachute to be a great size.
- Each Triangle of the parachute is 40 inches length and 30 inches width.

Stuff That Must Be Needed

- 4 solid color large fabrics (Red, Yellow, Green and Blue fabrics if necessary)
- Scissors
- Sewing machine
- Thread

1. Lay the fabrics on the floor and fold diagonally (i.e., match top left corner with
bottom right). Cut along the fold. Repeat for all four large fabrics. You should end
up with eight pieces.
2. Lay out all the pieces on the floor (or outside if you need more space). Be sure
to organize it in the order that you want the final parachute to be. When all the
pieces are laid out, it should form a rectangle.
3. Pick two neighboring pieces to start with. Sew the right sides together.
4. Find the next piece and sew the right sides together. Repeat until all eight pieces
have been sewn together. It should form the large rectangle that you had laid out
back in step 3.
5. Fold the rectangle until it forms a large diamond, with the center of the parachute
at the top. Try to flatten the material as best as you can. Cut the top of the
diamond in a semi-circle shape.
6. Cut your entire parachute into a circle.
7. Hem the outer edge of the parachute.
8. Make handles using the scraps and sew them onto the parachute.

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