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WHITE-LAVENDER spiritual, enlightened, energy sensitive, transcendent

3/17/23 7:42 PM

Inneractive Enterprises Inc. * 100 Wilshire Blvd. #700 * Santa Monica, CA 90401
Phone 310-578-5810 * *

Aura Video Station 7 1


WHITE-LAVENDER spiritual, enlightened, energy sensitive, transcendent

3/17/23 7:42 PM

Inneractive Enterprises Inc. * 100 Wilshire Blvd. #700 * Santa Monica, CA 90401
Phone 310-578-5810 * *

Aura Video Station 7 2


The AURA VIDEO STATION measures your data through hand sensors. This data is
analyzed, processed and mapped to specific aura-chakra states.

Your Aura-Chakra Photo and Report gives you a colorful, visual and graphical
representation of the measured data. This information is for educational and
entertaining purposes only. For any medical or therapeutic diagnosis, please consult
your health professional.


Your main aura color reflects your personality type and traits.

DEEP-RED Physical, hardworking, power, realistic, vital, grounded, strength, stamina.

RED Excitement, physical, energetic, competitive, winner, will-power, sexual, entrepreneur.

ORANGE Productive, physical and creative expression, adventurer, business, enjoyment.

ORANGE-YELLOW Analytical, intellectual, detail oriented, logical, structured, scientific.

YELLOW Playful, sunny, easy going, creative, intellectual, entertaining, curious, active.

GREEN Social, natural, content, harmony, teacher, communicative, quick minded.

DEEP-GREEN Quick minded, goal-oriented, social, material, communicative, organizer.

BLUE Caring, sensitive, loving, helpful, loyal, peaceful, desire to be of service, nurturing.

INDIGO Clarity, calm, deep inner feelings, loving, loyal, introverted, inner values, artistic.

VIOLET Intuitive, artistic, sensual, theorist, futuristic, visionary, charismatic, innovative.

LAVENDER Imaginative, mystical, fantasy, soft, fragile, sensitive, often spacy, etheric.

WHITE Transcendent, transformation, imaginative, quiet, higher dimensions, spiritual.

Aura Video Station 7 3


The red circle indicates the size of your aura and is an important indicator of how much
energy you radiate around you.

Large, Wide Aura (75-100) Indicates a strong and powerful

radiance. Other people can feel your strong aura. Use your
charisma and aura power to achieve your goals and dreams.

Middle, Average Aura (40-75) Indicates you have a strong

presence and radiant energy. You can achieve your goals by
increasing your aura even more and focusing on your goals.

Small Aura (0-40) Indicates low energy level. Others might

perceive you as introverted or with low physical energy. Try to
create a stronger radiance around you and increase your aura


Look for the following variations of each chakra:

ROUND: Balanced, harmonious chakra activity.

OVAL: Slightly unbalanced chakra.

LARGE: Overactive, high-energy activity.

SMALL: Underactive, low energy activity.

BRIGHT: Balanced, high energy. Positive qualities of chakra.

DARK: Low energy, unbalanced, stressed chakra activity.

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Knowing about your energy centers or chakras may help you gain insight into creating
greater balance and harmony in your life.


This chakra is located at the end of the spine and corresponds to life energy, physical
activity, emotional strength, will power and sexuality.

High life energy, radiant, sensual and passionate qualities.

Medium life energy, active lifestyle.

Low life energy, survival, accidents, stress qualities.

You need to recharge your field energies and vitality.


This chakra is located below the navel and corresponds to creative, productive and
emotional expression of life energy.

High productivity, strong emotional expression.

Medium productivity and emotional creativity.

Low productivity and creativity, limited emotional expression.

Increase your creative qualities and abilities.

Aura Video Station 7 5


This chakra is located at the solar plexus and corresponds to personal power, creative and
intellectual thoughts.

High creativity, intellectual and analytical thinking, playful qualities.

Medium creativity, intellectual and analytical thinking, playful qualities.

Low creativity, intellectual and analytical thinking or playful qualities.

Have more fun and joy in your life, increase your creativity.


This chakra is located around the heart and corresponds to unconditional love, self-love and
forgiveness. It relates to the balance between Body, Mind and Spirit energy.

Very heartfelt, loving and sensitive qualities.

Average loving and sensitive qualities.

Low heart energy and expressive qualities.

Need to open heart and feel thoughts and emotions more deeply.

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This chakra is located around the throat and relates to communication, speech, social
abilities, verbal and emotional expression.

Strong expression of thought, emotions and communicative qualities.

Average communicative qualities.

Unbalanced energy, limited emotional and verbal expression.

Find new ways to express your thoughts and emotions.


This chakra is located between the eyes and corresponds to intuition, vision, and artistic and
creative thoughts.

High intuitive energy, strong artistic and intuitive qualities.

Medium intuitive energy, average artistic and intuitive qualities.

Low intuitive energy, artistic and intuitive qualities.

Need to increase intuition and creative and artistic thoughts.

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This chakra is located on top of the head and corresponds to intuition, spirituality and

High intuitive energy, radiant, sensitive and spiritual qualities.

Medium intuitive energy, radiant, sensitive and spiritual qualities.

Low intuitive energy, sensitive and spiritual qualities.

Need to find new direction and vision in your life.


This graph indicates your overall aura chakra balance.

Very balanced. Aura and chakras are in harmony.

Average balance. Aura and chakras are not fully balanced.

Very unbalanced. Aura and chakras are stressed with low energy.
Improve your aura and chakras conditions. More harmony needed.

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The following energy-data graphs and meters reflect important parts of your energetic
body system.


The color wheel gives you an overview of the complete aura color range. It is recommended
to use your aura color or the complementary-opposite color to relax and balance yourself.



This graph also indicates your Yin-Yang balance. The short needle reflects the Yin-female-
left qualities. The long needle the Yang-male-right qualities of your energy system.

Yin-Yang balance with needles close together indicates male-female energies

seem to be in harmony.

Unbalanced, disharmonious, left-female and right-male energies need balancing.

Very unbalanced, one energy side might feel tense or stressed. Balancing is recommended.

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This Mind-Body-Spirit graph gives you an overview of how your energies are distributed
between body, mind and spirit energy.

MIND: Your focus is mainly on creativity, mental and emotional expression, and communication.

BODY: Your focus is on physical reality and results, and field-related activities.

SPIRIT: Your focus is on personal development, feelings, intuition, spirituality and inner qualities.


The emotiometer shows your emotional reactions, true thoughts and inner feelings. Real-
time graphic indicators display immediate response of true feelings and thoughts.

Highly emotional stressed, agitated,

High excitement, nervousness or sensitivity.

Very emotional and sensitive, expresses emotions freely.

Centered, stable, unemotional, passive, does not express

emotions easily, keeps emotions inside.


The state-of-mind body graph displays your overall mind/body condition.

A tense, stressed condition If you are in a relaxed, harmonious
will register when the needle state, the needle will move toward
moves towards the left side. the right side of the graph.

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The relaxation graph shows your energetic relaxation or stress energy level. The left blue
bar is used as a baseline (environment). The green bar and left top numeric value show your
personal energetic relaxation level.


110+ High relaxation, very balanced and high energy
95 Average daily physical activity or relaxation level
80- High physical stress, low circulation, low physical energy


The energy level graph shows the different energy channels that are measured and is based
on your electro-dermal activity. The Indigo Channel (1) represents your Intuitive Energy.
The Green Channel (2) represents your Mental Energy. The Light Blue Channel (3)
represents your Emotional Energy. The Red Channel (4) represents your Physical
Energy. 1,500,000 Extremely High Vibration Range
-800,000 More grounding and focus is needed.

800,000 High Vibration Range Great for intuitive and sensitive

-500,000 activities. More grounding and focus is recommended.

500,000 Medium Vibration Range Great for daily activities.

-250,000 Shows mind-body-spirit balance.

250,000 Low Vibration Range Great to achieve goals and

-70,000 recharge your energy. Relaxation is also advised.

70,000 Very Low Vibration Range

-10,000 Increasing sensitivity and energy level needed.

Even bars indicate that the different energy channels are flowing in harmony and each part of
your system is vibrating at the same frequency. Uneven bars show that there is disharmony in
your energy flow and part of your system may be out of balance.

The values indicate your vibrational rate, starting with low values from 10,000 to high values
up to 1,500,000.

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Please review the following areas on your aura-chakra photo:

Left Side (Female-Yin)

The color on the left side is normally the vibration coming into your being. It is what you
feel inside, but might not have expressed.

Above Head (Thoughts-Beliefs)

The color over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It reflects what you think
or believe at that moment and shows your current state of mind.

Right Side (Male-Yang)

The color on the right side is traditionally the energy being expressed, the qualities most
likely seen or felt by others around you. It is what you are putting out to the world.

Center (Base Aura Color)

Your most dominant Aura Color is seen in the center of your body. This Base Aura Color
helps determine your Personality Type and does not change as fast as the outside colors.

Dark, muddy or multiple Aura Colors

You might be stressed and tired. You may be in a period of tremendous growth and change
reflected by several aura colors.

The shape, size and intensity of the color of each chakra reflects various physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual states within your aura.

Round, circular chakras show a balanced energy system.

Non-circular, blurred chakras show an imbalance in your energy centers. Also look at the
color and brightness of each chakra for a more detailed analysis.

Aura Video Station 7 12

Deep Red: Realistic, grounded, active, strong will-power, survival-oriented.

Red: Active, powerful, energetic, vitality, competitive, winner, sexual,


Orange-Red: Confidence, creative power.

Orange: Creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, relates to emotions.

Orange-Yellow: Analytical thinker, creative, intelligent, scientific,

detail oriented, perfectionist.

Yellow: Creative, intelligent, playful, lightness, optimistic, easy-going,

relates to life energy.

Yellow-Green: Communicative, creative with heart.

Green: Teacher, social, communicator, love people, animals, nature.

Blue-Green: Healer, therapist, sensitive, peace, tranquility, compassionate.

Blue: Caring, sensitive, loving, helpful, intuition, love to help others.

Indigo: Intuitive, sensitive, loyal, deep feelings, visual, relates to the third eye.

Violet: Intuitive, artistic, magical, futuristic, idealistic, relates to crown.

Lavender: Imagination, visionary, daydreamer, etheric.

White: Spiritual, transcendent, higher dimensions, etheric and non-physical qualities.

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The left female side of your field has a higher energy level than your right active masculine side.
Answer these questions for yourself:

Are you experiencing physical ailments on your left side?

Is your left side more sensitive? Are there feelings that need to be expressed?

Do you feel a slight physical imbalance between your left and right field side?


Your heart energies seem to be very active right now. Answer these questions for yourself:

Do you have friends or family you can share your feelings with?

Do you feel strong and intense emotions in your heart at the moment?

What feelings are waiting to be expressed and shared?


Is it a very stressful time for you right now? Are you going through a lot of changes or are you
working on too many projects at once? Your Aura shows that you are not very energized. You
might be very active but in reality you are using up your internal battery. It might be time for
you to relax your mind and field on a regular basis. Why not go to the beach or mountains to
unwind and recharge your inner batteries. Ask your consultant for products to help you to be
more creative, balanced and relaxed.

Aura Video Station 7 14

Your Individual
Aura Color Analysis
Lavender in the Aura

Lavender combines artistic visionary violet with the ethereal and spiritual white. Lavender
indicates strong intuition and imagination. You may be in a sensitive, transcendent state of mind
and field-energy right now, filled with radiant spirituality.

Clear bright Lavender shows a strong selfless love of humanity and a powerful connection with
the Divine. Dark muddy Lavender indicates deep inner feelings and an imaginative mind that
often has difficulty connecting to this harsh world. Your biggest challenge may be to bring your
ideas and visions in the physical reality. Often others might see you as ungrounded, scattered or
confused. Lavender is the color associated with the seventh Crown Chakra.

Have you realized your vision and are you fulfilling your destiny in this life?

What kind of meditation do you use to connect with your universal life energy?

Are you ever scattered or involved in too many projects at once?

Do you take care of your physical field-energy and ground yourself?

Are you able to express your ideas and create physical results?

Are you giving away your energies to those around you?

Are you connected with your emotions and do you communicate them?

Blue Around the Head

Clear bright blue indicates that you are a powerful communicator who has abilities as a teacher
and peacemaker. Your inner spiritual life is important and you have artistic and aesthetic
sensibility. Clear deep blue shows your desire to be of service. You may be drawn to a
humanitarian job or healing energy profession. Your love and compassion goes to everyone who
needs it. Dark and muddy blue shows a withdrawal of personality. You may be introverted,
feeling misunderstood, not wanting to deal with the world. You may need to escape through
dreams and fantasies.

Aura Video Station 7 15

White on the Left Side

White flowing into your aura indicates a high frequency of energy for you to embrace. It can be
an indication that you are allowing divine energy into your life through meditation or channeling.
Intense white spots may show energy blockages and a need to deal with hidden or denied
emotional issues.

Lavender on the Right

Clear bright Lavender shows that you have great spiritual and intuitive insight, and your energy
may have a healing energy effect. Many can sense the power emanating from you. You may be
receiving impressions and visions, often without trying. You are idealistic and futuristic, with
psychic abilities. Dark and muddy Lavender can mean that you are physically tired and may
have difficulty staying grounded. You might have trouble meeting the demands of daily life,
needing to rest often. Ground yourself and recharge to allow your powerful spiritual energies to
flow harmoniously.

White on the Right Side

White indicates an abundance of energy that is available. This energy is of a very high level and
can be directed wherever it is needed. You have a deep connection to this Divine energy and a
commitment to spiritual practice. This is the aura of meditation and enlightenment. White spots
may show energy blocks and pain. You might need to reach out to healers or medical
professionals to help you resolve issues.

White in the Heart Area

White in the heart area indicates that you have accumulated incredible energy. It can also mean
you may open your heart too widely and therefore may need to protect your self from the
demands of others. If white is harmonious with the aura there is great spiritual knowledge in
your heart.

Aura Video Station 7 16

The following are the energetic-qualities with LAVENDER personalities:

Area Description .

Physical Sensitive physical energy, pale skin, may be ungrounded or unrealistic

often appear like angels or fairies.

Emotional Sensitive, enchanting, insecure, aloof, live in their own dream

world, don't like confrontations and harsh reality.

Mental Imaginative, artistic, creative thinkers, visionary, idealistic,

ideals and intuitions, fantasy, dreams, visualization.

Spiritual Mystical, higher dimensions, meditative state, angels, fairies.

Motivation Experiencing dreams and fantasies, mentally and spiritually creative.

Mission/Vision Imagination, manifesting their dreams into physical reality.

Growth Imaginative, from inside out make dreams a reality, bring then into world.

Exercise Grounding exercises, meditation, prayer, Qui-Gong, gardening, walking.

Recharge battery Connect with spiritual energy, creative and artistic expressions.

Communication Focus on inner connection, soft but artistic.

Interaction Unpredictable, follow their inner guidance, unstructured, spontaneous.

Relationships Need some solitude, freedom, mainly relationship with inner world, social.

Social, Friends Unconventional, few close friends, many imaginative relationships.

Sex, Intimacy Creative, light, experimental, transcendent.

Money Security, unreal concept, challenging and difficult to handle finances.

Success To be creative, imaginative and bring dreams into this world.

Occupation Be alone, all artistic and imaginative areas, quiet and peaceful environment.

Career Designer, artist, writer, poet, healer, spiritual teacher, consultant.

If you want to know more about your LAVENDER Personality Type, we suggest that you review the
VIOLET and WHITE profile in the book AURA MASTERY.

Aura Video Station 7 17


Lavenders prefer living in their own fantasy dream world. Enchantment, myths, inner
"higher" dimensions of existence, angels and fairies are all concepts, which fill the mind and
heart of a Lavender. They spend a lot of time in a world of imagination.

Lavenders are mentally and emotionally free to explore new possibilities, concepts and
realities. They can function without any limitations. Whatever they can imagine is possible and
real. This unique ability allows them to produce new, creative and often cutting edge ideas.
Lavenders believe dreams come true.

Lavenders can perceive energies through their unique and powerful inner senses. Many
Lavenders have the ability to see or sense other worlds and experience different realities. In
communication within higher dimensions they are able to perceive ideas and concepts that go far
beyond most understanding. They have access to spiritual and enteric energies, which they may
use for energy healing. These fantasy-oriented personalities enjoy soft, meditative music, wind
chimes, candles, incense, meditation and the rhythmic sounds of chanting. They enjoy any
sound, color or environment, which can inspire their imagination. They love to leave their
physical plane in meditation on their quest for self realization.

Lavenders can be entertaining teachers. With their colorful imagination and amazing
perception they can guide us into a land of fantasy and enchantment. In power Lavenders are
wonderful storytellers, writers and artists. They have the talent to visualize and to describe
magical mystical worlds where spirits and fairies reside.

Lavenders can take us beyond our limited, harsh reality into a world filled with incredible
possibilities. They need to be free without physical, emotional or mental limitations. They need
to fly with the wind, changing direction at their own will. They feel compelled to experience
these inner dimensions, with their intuition or Guardian Angel guiding them all the way.
Lavenders see life as a magical world full of adventure. They are here to stimulate the
imagination of others, to inspire a sense of wonder and keep the idea of magic alive.

As a result of living more in their inner world then on the physical plane, they may dislike
being confronted with reality. Physical reality, as most people perceive it, might seem cold, harsh
and even brutal to a Lavender. Therefore they seek environments or situations where life is light,
easy, pretty and enchanting. To them, their imagination is a real plane of existence where
dreams come true. They know that beliefs and thoughts play a vital role in creating our physical
world. Lavender personalities are able to use their imagination and thoughts to create and
change realities.

When in power, Lavenders can use their creative talents to show people the unlimited
possibilities of other realms. They have the ability to transform their visions into works of art,
which can enhance the lives of their fellow beings. They need to be with visionary people who
can see the potential in their ideas and are capable of taking action to help them manifest their
dreams. Lavenders are able to inspire and stimulate others to create and produce new futuristic
products and concepts.

Aura Video Station 7 18

Lavenders live by their feelings and intuition, rather than by their intellect. They have a
very intuitive and creative way of thinking. They have difficulty processing analytical, rigid and
structured concepts or beliefs. They want to be free to explore their imaginations and experience
new realities. Their physical energies are often sensitive and sometimes fragile. They may have
small bones and a slight build. They might have little interest in physical activities, sports or

Lavenders are ultra sensitive beings with high sensory perception, causing their nervous
system to become easily overloaded. Creating an environment filled with peace and harmony is
essential. When Lavenders stay grounded in physical reality connected to their physical energy,
they are powerful spiritual beings using the art of imagination and visualization to enlighten

Lavenders who are out of power daydream to escape reality. They have a hard time
differentiating between fantasy and reality. They may spend far too much time living in another
world, making it difficult for them to express their imagination and share their experiences.
Unbalanced Lavenders are forgetful and scattered. Their visions and ideas seem unrealistic,
illusionary and impossible to bring forth into the material world.

Most out-of-power Lavenders have a major challenge functioning in the three

dimensional world. They don't like dealing with day-to-day business activities such as paying
their bills, shopping or interacting with others. Their task is to find the balance between physical
reality, which functions through rigid scientific laws that seemingly cannot be changed by
imagination, and the world of fantasy where these same laws can be transcended opening up
unlimited possibilities.

The imagination of most Lavenders is so vast that they can visualize what God might
look like. They have access to higher dimensions where reality takes on many different forms.
If they learn to stay grounded and focused, they will experience union with God in the physical
world. They have the capacity to bridge Heaven and Earth.

Lavenders are excellent teachers, able to support others in their personal spiritual growth.
When Lavenders realize their true power, they can become extraordinary psychic counselors and
therapists. Lavenders are free spirits, forever enticing us to discover the world of imagination.


Lavenders are usually fun to be around because they are stimulating, creative and
extremely charming. They have a magical quality about them that makes them irresistible.
Unbalanced Lavenders may be irresponsible, unreliable and difficult. They are often forgetful,
changing plans with no regard for prior commitments.

Lavenders can sometimes be scattered. It's not uncommon for them to get up from their
chair, go into another room and then forget why. Or they may drive their car for ten minutes
without noticing where they are going. Their friends, partners and associates may have a
challenge dealing with them. Some Lavenders may feel guilty or inadequate because of their
unorthodox behavior.

Aura Video Station 7 19

Most out of power Lavenders try to adjust to society's rules and regulations. But they
must understand that by accepting what they consider to be illusion, and not following their inner
guidance, feelings of unhappiness and sadness will haunt them. They rarely wish to be involved
in any rigid, spiritual or religious organization. Their mind is free and cannot be trapped in
limited reality.


Lavenders need sensitive yet strong understanding partners. Because they have a
challenge with reality and being grounded, their partner will have to bring material stability to
their relationship. When treated with gentleness, kindness and respect, they will in turn be
appreciative and devoted mates, graciously sharing the magical enchanting side of themselves.

Lavenders do not necessarily need the closeness of others. Nor do they desire emotional
or social nurturing from friends or family. They need enough space around them, without
restrictions or obligations, to give them the freedom to live in their own world. Relationships are
not a primary issue because living in their dream and fantasy world is quite fulfilling.

Lavenders are experimental and creative in lovemaking and like to fantasize during sex.
They often leave their physical energy and drift into other dimensions. Making love can be a
very spiritual experience for them. If their partner is sensitive, caring and playful, they will enjoy
sex creating a mystical experience full of unimagined pleasure for both.

Because of their fragile physical and emotional system, Lavenders choose their partners
with the utmost care. Sex for them is a very intense and powerful experience and can easily
create emotional traumas with a mate who is not sensitive to their vibrational frequency. A
healthy sex life allows them to feel their physical energy while still being connected with their
inner dream world. Relationships provide an insightful mirror for Lavenders. The challenge of a
Lavender is to stay centered and grounded, and a compatible relationship will assist them in
balancing their emotional / spiritual side with their physical energy.

Lavenders may be attracted to all physical color types but in reality they will have quite a
challenge in creating lasting relationships. Reds, Deep-Reds, Orange and Yellow personalities
are much more physically active and creative, whereas Lavenders may feel more comfortable
exploring ideas in their mind. Orange-Yellows may be too realistic and mental for the
imaginative and artistic Lavender.

Lavenders love the playfulness of Yellow personalities. Greens and Deep-Greens enjoy
communicating with Lavenders and are stimulated by their mental activity and vivid creativity.
Blues and Lavenders are usually good matches, but may lack the direction and strength to make
a relationship work. Violets and Whites have a lot in common with the imaginative and
spiritually oriented Lavender and their test will be to help ground each other.

If Lavenders find enough freedom and support in a relationship they will be loving and
devoted, opening doors to an incredible world of magic and fantasy.

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Lavenders will be found wherever imagination, fantasy and visionary thinking is needed.
Many are in artistic professions or performing arts where they may have very fulfilling careers.
As writers, actors or artists they are free to explore their creativity, manifesting their dreams into
reality. Through their visual and imaginative style, they have the unique ability to take people
into a fantasy world, which is alive with feelings, sensations and magic. In energy healing and
therapy, Lavenders are able to use their psychic ability and spiritual experiences combined with
their knowledge of the inner worlds, to help and support others.

Lavenders overcome their obstacles by being creative and inventive. Because they are
imaginatively resourceful, they can come up with unorthodox and what may appear to be
unrealistic solutions. They are perfect in finding creative solutions but are often too ethereal to
do the physical work required to complete projects. They must gather a powerful technical team
around them to manifest their visions.

When Lavenders are out of power they don't want to confront their obstacles. They
escape into their fantasy world, simply wishing not to be bothered. Lavenders are creative and
intuitive problem solvers but too much mental work, thinking and analyzing can easily overload
their sensitive system.

Lavenders have difficulty in dealing with the physical reality of money. Earning money
is a challenge and they are capable of spending it very quickly. They like to be supported by
others but must still confront themselves with the day-to-day reality of making a living, paying
bills and creating prosperity. One of the tasks of Lavenders is to learn to bring their imagination
and focus into their financial situations.

Lavenders may not be attracted to positions of leadership or occupations, which involve

demanding stressful work. They are sensitive and friendly, working best in low stress, quiet
environments. They do not prefer regular office jobs or analytical, mental occupations. They
should find activities where they can integrate their creative imagination and fantasies.

Some Lavender occupations are: storyteller, artist, writer, mime, actor, dancer, designer,
decorator, teacher, spiritual teacher or healer.


To stay in power, Lavenders need to understand the importance of physical reality. Their
challenge is to remember that we were born on this planet to experience all aspects of life and
that we live in a three dimensional, physical world. As long as they are courageous enough to
face the real world and to stay in touch with their physical energy, they will live a joyous and
fulfilled life. They have a need to explore other worlds and live out their fantasies and
imagination. Their test is to express their visions in the physical world.

Aura Video Station 7 21

Lavenders need to escape into their dream world for the same reason most people require
sleep. They often need to deeply relax or meditate. Creating a peaceful environment where they
have lots of time to think, imagine and create new dream worlds is essential for Lavenders. They
must constantly unwind and recuperate from the stress of the physical world.

Meditation and visualization are familiar concepts to them. Their test is to connect to
their personal power in the lower Chakras -- their survival on the material plane, their
relationships and emotional energy, sexuality, ego and personality. This will ensure their success
in dealing with life and expressing their creativity and inner strength .The more Lavenders are
able to ground themselves, the more they will make their ideas and dreams a reality.

Lavenders are not very attached to their physical energy. They may be fragile and may
often have small bones. Because they have a challenge to be grounded, they need to take care of
their physical energy on a regular basis. Exercise, such as walking, gardening, swimming and
other gentle forms of physical activity, will help Lavenders stay connected to their body.

Imagination is a powerful tool for Lavenders to heal both themselves and others. To
create balance, their challenge is to live consciously in their inner worlds while maintaining
connection to their bodies and the reality of the physical plane.

Lavenders love creating sacred spaces with incense, aromatherapy, candles, lights, color,
plants and music, to support their magical experience of inspirational and spiritual journeys.

As long as Lavenders use their ability to connect with other worlds, inspiring imaginative
thinking to create new ideas, concepts and forms, they will be happy and content and will have
an empowering influence on themselves and on our planet.

Aura Video Station 7 22

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