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Use this template for Friday’s assignment.

Rename the file (last name, per number,” Theme Answer”) for example Tony Stark would name his: Stark 4 Theme

Name: Harper O’Neill Per 4

Three themes from Ender’s Game are:

Being isolated can cause a lack of trust.

Isolation can cause someone to burn out.

Being isolated as a child can follow you throughout your life.

Choose one of those to answer the following:

A. 1st sentence: Title, author, state theme

B. Then, provide evidence from early in the book.

C. Explain how that evidence develops the theme.

D. Provide evidence from the middle of the book.

E. Explain that evidence.

F. Then, provide evidence from late in the book.

G. Explain that evidence.

H. Last sentence: Summary of how the theme is developed throughout the book.

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card gives the theme of “Being isolated as a child can follow you throughout your
life.” Near the beginning of the book, (chapter 3), Colonel Graff isolates Ender by making him seem like the “perfect
student.” This shows that he is isolating him because it will make the other children dislike him, as he appears to be the
Colonel’s favorite in the launch. This develops the theme because to have isolation follow you throughout the course of
your life, you must be isolated in the first place. In chapter 7, in the middle of the book, Ender is alone in Salamander
army, and makes no attempt to socialize or make acquaintances (Petra comes to him, not the other way around). This
develops the theme of the book by showing how that original isolation has led him to believe that he does not need
friends or people in his life to support him. At the end of the book, in chapter 14, Ender states, “Then he went to bed
and slept again and dreamed again and then he woke up and won again and slept again and he hardly noticed when
waking became sleeping. Nor did he care.” This statement proves how Ender’s isolation followed him because when he
no longer cares for sociality or friendship, he is isolating himself, which is a reflex formed from his isolation when he was
younger. The theme “Being isolated as a child can follow you throughout your life” is developed throughout the book in
chronological order with his age, showing how his isolation as a child has made him weary and depressed later in his life.

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