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Google Algorithms - Updates.

Google Algorithm Updates

The rules defined by Google Authorities, to index up the proper websites when searching for
any queries in Google.
Before knowing Google algorithms, Let’s know what an algorithm is? Algorithm is a process
or set of rules to be followed in calculations or problem solving operations.

In the past, Google used to put a handful of changes and set of rules for features to SERPS.
But now Google brings thousands of changes every year. These changes vary from major or
minor. Here I’ll discuss some major updates by Google.

Google updates impacts both On page and off page SEO. They revolve around three main
pillars, like content, links, and user satisfaction. These pillars:

Panda basically targets spammy and weak content that doesn't help the end users.
Weak content means-thin content that has merely Keyword stuffing or invaluable or
irrelevant stuffed data.
It is an Official and one of the core updates by Google, introduced back in 2011.
Websites with quality data remained safe from this update.
Recovery from its impact can only be possible by molding your low quality content
with high quality content. In short to improve user experience.

Let’s dive deep into Panda’s update.

Why Google Rolled Panda Update?

It is usually researched and asked by experts the reason behind every Google
update. Before panda, Google user experience was not good. The sites merely were
in Good positions just with Keyword stuffing and irrelevant stuff with no user’s help.
Well, there was no big deal at that time, because google was not that efficient at that
time. But, as Google found the need.
So, on 24 February, 2011 it was introduced. which changed the concept both for
search engine optimization experts and user’s.

Things to Know about Panda:

Well, if you’re looking for perfect SEO, and wanted to be safe from Panda’s effect,
you have to follow the instructions i’m explaining here:

Don’t write as a writer, but with the intent of the reader: It is pretty simple, write what
the user is looking for, put all possible information in content t0o reach the reader's
intent. Read your content again and again considering yourself the reader of your

Write with complete knowledge: Write only when you have maximum knowledge and
grp on topic, or hire the one.
Google Algorithms - Updates.

Reliability: are you damn sure what you have written is reliable for the reader to use.
Credibility: make sure your content is written in a way to be credible for your reader.
Means if you ask your reader to buy something. Your content is much credible to
believe in you.

● Check Errors if: Read through what you have written, is it grammatically and
spelling wise correct?
● Both sides of stories: Try to put both sides of the story, means if you’re
telling benefits of something don;t forget to add its draw-back if any. It
increases credibility.
● Relevancy: Make sure to post the relevant link. For example, if your site is on
sports and you’re writing an article on “How to feed your dog”. This doesn’t
make sense at all.
● Distraction: Make sure to not have many ads on your page that distracts
your users. Let suppose you have an Affiliate marketing site, and the site is
full of distracting apps, then how do you think of selling any stuff on it.
● Meet user’s intent: Last but not the least, read through your article, make
sure it is reaching the intent of the user, is it helping the user thoroughly?

Possible penalty:
If your content is not upto the mark on Panda’s set of rule. Then Panda is going to hit your
site badly. Penalty in case of deceiving panda can be of two types:
1. De-ranking your site
2. Removal of your site.

Once, you are caught deceiving or using illegal ways just to rank, you must be ready to bear
the hit from Panda. Because there is no place to escape |

Solution to recover Panda’s Penalty

The best solution for recovering Panda’s hit is by doing your Content Audit. Make your
content according to these updates instructions, and you’re possibly going to get back to
your previous position.

How to know if your site is affected by Panda?

This is the most frequent question asked by people, who’s site gets hit by Panda. Most of the
people even don’t know that their site is hit by Panda or which of the updates.

How can I remove Panda’s Effect?

You can remove Panda’s effect from your site, but if you are expert at checking:
● Content Quality
● Keyword stuffing
● Outdated content
● Title Optimization
● Headings optimization
● Images Optimization
● Interlinking OPtimization
Google Algorithms - Updates.

You can do all this stuff by yourself, but you can also check Basic SEO GUIDE . You can
also hire an SEO expert for this as well.
All its effects come from ON-Page SEO. You can be safe if you follow the instructions I
explained here in my topic ON-PAGE-OPTIMIZATION.

Penguin is another major update by Google that targets the spammy links by looking at the
backlinks. This update rewards the sites with ranks and positions if you have good backlinks.
With this, It also penalizes the sites with artificial Backlink profiles in the worst manner.

Penguin was an update introduced by Google arthritis in 2012, and it has created a great
impact on search engines. It thoroughly changed the concept of SEO.

Link volume plays an important role when a page is crawled, indexed and analysed by
Google. So, this also notices the volume with quality of Links on the web-page.

Why Google Rolled Penguin Update?

The reason behind this update was to get rid of spammy links that people
usually create to Increase website's DR PR(and other metrics).

For Google to better understand the difference between artificial and natural
links, Penguin worked towards ensuring the pure natural links that are pointed
towards the site. It made a clear difference, unnatural, spammy and tool
generated links and pure white hat natural links.

After this update, sites with pure white hat started ranking and the black hat
sites started disappearing from the scene. The reason was to give worth to

Things Happened after Penguin :

Soon after the launch of Panda, many site gurus who once had great ranks of
their sites by using black hat techniques were no more on google. Their
appearance was succeeded with the pure organic sites.

Sites following organic ways and with their pure, and natural link building
started appearing on the search engine.

Initially, Penguin Didn’t affect the complete sites, but demolished activities of
specific content or keywords that were heavily spanned and over optimized.
As this was the initial motto.
Google Algorithms - Updates.

Penguin Penalty:
As I already described about the initial penalty by this update. It didn’t affect
the whole site, initially. But it started penalising the specific parts of the site.

But with time, Google started penalising the whole sites that were stuffed with
illegal, auto-generated links. The sites with no worth were at the top of search
engines before, but this update changed the whole game set.

Penguin penalty has three stages:

● Penalising specific parts of the site.
● De-ranking the site.
● Removing the site from the search engine.


How to get to know if your site is penalised?

To get to know if your site is penalised by penguins is not as simple as it
seems. Mostly we don’t even know if the site is penalised by Penguin or

You think your site is penalised by penguins? Have you checked your site
traffic, can you see the difference between today and a week before? Major
difference ? No worries… I’m here to let you know how to get through this..

Sites are hitted in two ways:

1. Noticed penalty: You are notified in Google webmaster tools to
check with manual action, if your site is penalised or not.
2. Silent penalty: It is more dangerous than the first one, when you don’t
even know if your site is penalised or not.

How can I remove Effect of the Penguin?

Okay, in short if we do a Link Audit of the site, we can easily get to know if
site is penalized or not. I explain this to you in a while…

Noticed penalties, through which we are notified by Google that our site is
penalized or not, with a reason.
Steps to remove:
Google webmaster tools > top links > get metrics through > Export(in excel
Google Algorithms - Updates.

Filters: Now you have to apply certain filters to get the spammy links. These
filters are:
● Domain rating should be greater than 5. (DR>5)
● Link greater than 3(Link>3).
So, here sites with Low RD’s are spammy and harmful sites. (Highlight them)
Also where OBL is matching, these are also harmful sites.

For more ease, and time saving, You can also go for Premium tools like Ahrefs and
Majestic. You can check how to do it Href LINK AUDIT LINK HERE.

You’ll have to find the Silent Penalties following the way I mentioned above.

Now, all your spammy links are in your hands. Remove them instantly!

3. Hummingbird:
Google Hummingbird is designed to help Google better
understand the Intent and Context of the site.
After release of core updates like Panda and penguin, it came the
Hummingbird, another major update.Which supports both
previous core updates.

Why named HummingBird?

Actually HummingBird is a Bird that Fly silently and fastly, so why
Google called this update Hummingbird, for being “Fast and

Hummingbird let Google understand more sophisticated

understanding of both researcher and writer.

Google Authorities introduced hummingbirds in late 2013,

September 24. This have any negative impact on sites. But it
made clear the knowledge of Google. As Google is trying to reach
the most accurate answer to a query, so HummingBird has a
great impact in this regard.

Why Google Rolled HummingBird Update?

There is always a major reason behind every update google rolls in the
market. Only concern of Google is to make the best user experience, in
short Semantic results, which means the same.
In order to understand HummingBird, you must be familiar with words
like Semantic results and knowledge graphs.
Google Algorithms - Updates.

In order to answer the queries Google Introduce SERPS Features.

Which are shown in the picture:


Similarly google Introduced Graph Knowledge, for quick, better, and

understandable knowledge. You can see it clear here:


How Semantic Results Work ?

The working of HummingBird in bringing semantic results is simple. As
this not only focuses on the keywords used, but goes beyond to the
meaning behind that keyword. Even when a visitor searches for
anything, it also reaches their intent, combining both writer’s and
reader’s intent, it shows the top quality content in Feature Snippets.

Similarly it brings the most relevant pictures also in the SERP

Google is now more advanced using semantic by comparing entities
with the real world objects and their relationships to one another.

Power of HummingBird:
One of the main purposes of Hummingbird is to get the best
results of user search. To reach the most accurate answer to the
Let’s take an example; As I'm searching for an Auto shop, it
shows the most near Auto-shops.

This is the actual power of Hummingbird. You can take

HummingBird as an addition to google intelligence technology.

HummingBird for Voice Research:

Before HummingBird, Google only understands the written stuff
for search. But this update changed through the concept of
search. Google then started understanding the Natural human
language. The language in form of voice along with the written
queries. This brought Google technology to the next level.
Google Algorithms - Updates.

Finding keyword, reaching keyword intent was not a big deal. But
reaching the sound words and behind their intents was a big deal,
that was conquered by Google after this update.

HummingBird Penalty:
If your site’s traffic is decreased, or de-ranked by google and you
think it is hitted by HummingBird. Sorry, let another thought
come--Hummingbird doesn't give any penalty!
It may affect some businesses locally, for the research
If still you’re feeling hit, you can read All-in-one Guide to Google

The more advanced form of HummingBird was introduced
recently in 2019. This is a neural network based technique for
natural language.
It understands the full context of your query by looking at words
you use in search engines.

According to Google it will only affect complicated search queries

that are difficult to understand. Being the advanced form of the
previous update, it started understanding Natural Language more

Why Google Rolled BERT update?

To bring more advancement to Google Natural language detecting
technology, BERT was introduced. As it deals with tasks such as entity
recognitions, grammar of text, and other question-answering in the
Natural-Human language.

Some experts say Google made it open source for all experts, so they
make changings in it accordingly.

Because of its Deep Human learning, and capturing of the intent

behind words, it is brought to the technology of Google.

Penalty by BIRT:
Google Algorithms - Updates.

I was asked by a friend of mine, Saad Yousaf, who is also a great SEO
person about BIRT. Is it going to affect my site ? His answer was a BIG

Yes, he was absolutely right! Bert doesn’t harm the sites but gives
importance to the sites with Good quality. In this way sites with lower
quality automatically go down.

Else, Google not talk about any penalty or hit by BIRT. But, if you still
think your site is hit by some Algorithms, you can read this guide to
Google algorithms.

How can i recover from BERT Penalty:

Recovery is possible only when it is hitted, in the case of BIRT, as I
already mentioned, you don’t get any hit.

Only way to be appreciated by BIRT is to write as per instructions

officially given by Google, or you can read my guide to On-page-SEO.

Can i remove penalty from my site?

Yes, It is possible if you have good knowledge with google
updates, and you know how to mess with them. I’ve already
explained in the above topics how you can remove penalties from
the site.

Remember that! Knowing the penalty and then removing it. Both
are two different works. Most people were asking me. Should I
hire someone to remove the penalty? And the answer is Yes, if
you really want to see your site alive in the same or better
position again, you have to hire an SEO expert. Best thing about
this is you no longer need experts. You’re at the right place
because HashRanks has a number of experts which provide
quality SEO services. You can Contact us anytime!

Now the Google update portion is completed, if you still have any
question regarding anything in SEO, you can let me know in the
comment box. I would Love to hear from you :)

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