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In this section, the Investigators arrive on Venus in search of the third Necromakina. Unlike the devices the
Investigators have explored up to this point the third Necromakina is fully operational and already
producing large numbers of Undead Legionnaires to join the armies of the Dark Legion. Forces loyal to
Algeroth are heavily invested in the upkeep of the Necromakina. They guard it closely. The reason that the
previous Necromakina have not been fully effective at triangulating the location of the Venusian device is
because it is underwater, resting on an uncharted area of seabed close to the aquatic territories around the city
of Polaria. It is under the control of a very cautious and clever Nepharite of Algeroth “Lord Ragathol” a unusual
warrior known for his use of having many human heretics. Nephrite Ragathol will be liberal with Dark
Symmetry gifts, special powers and Symmetry Necrobionics.
This location happens to be an auspicious one for the Dark Legion. Ever since it became clear that the
corpses of humans could be transformed into Undead Legionnaires the Brotherhood has ordered over a
thousand years ago that the only acceptable way to dispose of a cadaver is via cremation. Such an act has
starved the Dark Legion of the raw materials they need to employ many of their war engines, the Necromakina
among them. However, those who have been slain in the skirmishes around Polaria often drift away from the
battlefields, sinking to the ocean depths or carrying on its currents to other parts of the ocean. The nature of
the submarine warfare which pervades the area means that it is not convenient for the warring parties to
retrieve their dead. Such corpses offer the Dark Legion a ready source of (not so) fresh recruits. Furthermore,
the area provides the followers and servants of Algeroth with an advantageous battlefield. The Ezoghouls who
provide support to his legions are able to survive underwater as they do not have lungs to begin with, as are
the Undead Legionnaires created by the Necromakina, and such creatures can therefore fight unhampered by
diving equipment. Many of them have been deployed in the area to assist with defending the device from
assault and to scout out more corpses. Attacks by squadrons of Undead Legionnaires on settlements in and
around Polaria have been on the increase in recent weeks, and by studying the pattern of these assaults the
Investigators could work out the likely site of the Necromakina. However, they have more to contend with than
just their Dark Legion foes.

The Unstinting Order of the Blood, who have their center of operations on Venus, make further moves against
the Investigators whilst they are on the planet. Given the many enemies that lie ahead of them the situation
facing the Investigators might seem hopeless, though more secrets regarding the ancients exist on Venus,
and uncovering these greatly assists their struggles. Help can (and should) be sought from authorities in
Polaria, though if the Investigators wish to be able to monopolize the benefits of their discoveries then they
must be careful regarding which potential allies they choose to inform about its existence.


The action on Venus is presented in sandbox fashion, there is no single way to work through the events
described. Venus is in chaos, as Dark Legion forces wage determined war on the cities and installations of the
corporations all over the surface of the planet. The Investigators have to navigate a dangerous warzone
and complete their own detective work in order to track down and explore the Necromakina.
It could become easy enough to get side-tracked into endless conflict with Dark Legion forces on one hand,
or to simply chase the Necromakina and therefore lose opportunities to engage in intrigues or fully evoke the
scale of conflict on the planet on the other. As such, the GM is advised to keep as close as possible to this
default suggestion for a running order of events.

1. INVESTIGATORS ARRIVE: At one of the operational spaceports in one of the larger Bauhaus cities. See
page 62.
2. THEFT OF THE CHAKRAM (OPTIONAL EVENT): If the Investigators have the Brass Chakram at this point
Georgia hires some rogues to try and take it from them. This event is split into three parts which can resolve at
any time between now and part 10. See page 62.

3. THE ONLY SOLUTION: REVOLUTION!: Almost as soon as they have disembarked the Investigators learn
how chaotic Venus has become as they are plunged into the midst of a riot instigated by revolutionary
blackguards. See page 68.

4. THE CRIPPLED STALKER: As the Investigators travel to Polaria they come across a scene of destruction.
The only survivor, a damaged Praetorian Stalker, still presents a danger to travelers. See page 67.

5. LOCATING THE NECROMAKINA: The Investigators arrive in Polaria. By collecting and contrasting stories
of how local forces have been beset by Undead Legionnaires they can work out the likely location of the
Necromakina. See page 73.

Investigators a helping hand if they need it. See page 78.

7. INITIAL EXPLORATIONS: Having some idea of where the Necromakina is the Investigators make an initial
foray into the area. They discover that the forces of Dark Legion are too numerous there for them to take on by
themselves and so they ought to return to Polaria for help. On their way back to the city they may come across
a useful item, the Locus of Maya, which rests on the ocean floor. See page 81.

8. GETTING HELP IN POLARIA: Having discovered that the Dark Legion in the area are too strong to face
alone, the Investigators must try to win important military connections to their cause. See page 88.

9. TECHNOLOGY IN REVOLT: A Cable Marionette manifests whilst the Investigators are moving about the
streets of Polaria. See page 73.

10. A WAR WITHIN THE UNSTINTING ORDER OF THE BLOOD: Certain members of the Order decide that
the Investigators have outlived their usefulness and attack. Other members of the Order work to save them.
See page 95.

11. THE VENUS NECROMAKINA: With the aid of the Bauhaus military the Investigators destroy the Dark
Legion forces around the Necromakina and enter the device. See page 98.

12. SNIPERS ON THE ROAD: A small squad of Callistonian Intruders have taken up a position overlooking a
lonely stretch of road. Any small groups of travelers, such as the Investigators, are attacked by these hidden
foes. See page 68.

13. THE ORDER CLEANS HOUSE: Georgia decides that the Investigators have outlived their usefulness and
know too much, and she makes moves to destroy them. See page 100.

14. LEAVING VENUS: Now that the Investigators know where the Necromakina on Mercury is they no doubt
wish to continue their adventures there. See page 103.

Georgia Hurtzel, with the support of Petra Weiss, argues that the Investigators are little more than useful idiots,
and that by leaving them unmolested for the time being the Order can benefit by having the Investigators
continue to uncover sites and people of interest. In truth, Georgia has entirely selfish reasons for taking this
line of reasoning. She wishes to go on to reap any benefits and kudos she can for her part in uncovering
Ancient secrets. Other elements of the Order are less yielding in their attitude to those who have even the
slightest contact with, or knowledge of, the Ancients. In particular, a senior Inquisitor, Pedro Alberquero,
argues that the Investigators should be put to death as a matter of urgency. He has the backing of Luke
Banbury and several other junior members of the Order. For now, the two factions have reached a
compromise that slightly favors Georgia’s approach. They continue to keep the Investigators under
surveillance and plan to make moves against them only if their connection with the Ancients becomes more
apparent. In the meantime, Georgia tries to work out a way to earn the trust of the Investigators without alerting
Pedro to the fact.

As the Investigators approach Venus they notice that cordons and warning signals guide them away from
many of the spaceports. Flying vehicles are greatly restricted during this time of conflict. The military have
requisitioned many of them, and stories of planes and ships being shot down mean that private owners and
Hire firms are unwilling to lease the use of their vehicles until the circumstances change.

Read the following to the Investigators as they approach Venus.

From a distance Venus seems placid, a jewel of a world wreathed in rolling clouds and dappled with verdant
jungle and wide blue oceans. However, as you close, various warning lights flash into life on the dashboard,
and a tiny klaxon sounds in the cockpit. Written messages flash up on monitor screens, and icons show up to
inform you that various radio signals have been received and require urgent attention. Such messages are all
to the same end. The apparently peaceful world is wracked by war, in the throes of some of the fiercest
conflicts ever waged between the forces of the corporations and the armies of the Dark Legion. All traffic that
hasn’t been ordered here for the purposes of the war effort and is requested to turn back for its own safety. All
the minor spaceports are closed to incoming traffic, only the landing zones in Volksburg and Heimburg are still
accepting traffic. Landing zones on the planet are restricted to Volksburg and Heimburg. This is due to an
agreement between the corporations in time of war; only registered private vehicles and military craft may
land outside of the largest spaceports. In terms of reaching Polaria, Volksburg is the better choice, as it is
situated to the south of the ring of fire (Venus’ equatorial zone) whereas Polaria is to the south of the
southern ring of strife (the southern temperate zone). Heimburg is further to the north of the planet, though as
the capital of Venus and the Bauhaus corporation there are several reasons to visit there (see the Bauhaus
supplement book for more details on these great cities). Security is very tight, the Investigators are escorted to
a space port whether they want to land there or not, and Bauhaus Law Enforcement Units (known more
commonly as “The BLEU”, Bauhaus’ famously brutal policemen) are very strict with them about landing
anywhere else. (Should this lead to a confrontation of any kind between BLEU troopers and the Investigators
then refer to The Only Solution: Revolution on page 68 for some ideas on how this might play out in such a
way to allow the Investigators to carry on with the adventure). Even when the Investigators land at the
spaceport they are thoroughly searched and subjected to close scrutiny. They are asked what their dealings on
Venus are and where they have come from, as well as expected either to show identity, or give names and
corporations of origin. Such matters are not pursued too diligently provided that reasonably convincing
answers are provided, the security services here are stretched too thin to follow up on deceitful answers. Use
the Corporate Security profile (Mutant Chronicles rulebook page 275) for the spaceport security personnel, but
replace the Tactical Driving special ability with the following:

JUST A ROUTINE SEARCH: Overworked and understaffed, the security personnel at the Venus spaceports
are keen to keep the influx of human traffic moving. The Investigators may add one d20 to any opposed roll,
excluding bribery, in which they are attempting to deceive the overworked spaceport security.
The Brass Chakram could become a cause of consternation. If it isn’t hidden carefully prior to landing by use of
a Stealth or Thievery test (opposed by security’s Observation), then it is discovered during the routine arrival
search and may arouse suspicions. Partly this is down to fear that the Chakram could be an example of Dark
Technology (though the clean aesthetics of the weapon speak against this). A bigger problem is that members
of Bauhaus believe that any finely crafted object must owe its existence to innovations and workmanship that
ought to be found only within the ranks of Bauhaus, and as the Chakram lacks a cogwheel it might be a

If the Investigators admit that the Chakram is an alien object, or just something they found, then spaceport staff
demand to have it quarantined and examined by a member of the Brotherhood. If the Investigators allow this,
then they lose the Chakram. It was acquired by the Unstinting Order of the Blood and passed on to Georgia.
Providing the Investigators argue for an origin of the Chakram that does not involve aliens or the Dark Legion
then it is not confiscated here, though hopefully the bemused reaction the spaceport staff show towards the
item helps to inform the Investigators that people within Bauhaus society regard it as an odd and suspicious


If the Investigators still possess the Brass Chakram then it gives Georgia and Pedro one thing to agree upon.
Both believe that this item is only safe in the hands of the Unstinting Order of the Blood, and Pedro suggests
that it should be Georgia who arranges for the theft of the Chakram.

There are a number of ways that the Investigators could lose the Chakram during this part of the adventure:
• They could fail to give spaceport inspectors a good reason for possessing such an odd item, in which case it
is confiscated.
• They could get arrested, in which case it goes missing whilst they are being processed.

• They could be so careless as to use it in front of regular soldiers, in which case it is confiscated from them
“for the good of the war effort”, or taken by people who suspect it of being Dark Technology.

In all such cases the confiscation leads to the Chakram coming into the possession of Georgia. However, she
does not just wait passively in the hope that the Investigators lose the Chakram through their own
carelessness. Through Luke’s networks three pickpockets have been hired to try and lift the Chakram. These
pickpockets are: Sonia Draey: A winsome young girl with long and unruly blonde hair and a wide eyed
expression. She wears a tatty blue summer dress and a straw hat. Her persona is that of an impoverished
beggar. Jude Lascelles: A tall man with red hair and an imperious expression. He dresses well in expensive
but old fashioned clothing. His persona is that of a lost tourist. Vern Jopp: An intense young man with a thin
black mustache and shifty eyes. He dresses in working clothes and black armband. His persona is that of a
revolutionary agent.

The pickpockets work in pairs. One of them approaches the Investigators whilst adopting the guise of their
persona, whilst the other holds back and tries to lift the Chakram whilst the Investigators are distracted.
First Sonia approaches the Investigators and asks in plaintive tones whether or not they have any money or
food they could spare. Whilst she begs, Jude tries to spot and take the Chakram (prompting Observation and
Thievery tests from Jude). If this fails, Jude pretends that all he is interested in are some directions. He says he
is visiting from Victoria in the asteroid belt, and engages in all manner of banal small talk about the various
places in the solar system he has visited and whether or not the Investigators have any opinions about them. If
challenged about his apparent interest in the Chakram he claims he was just examining it, because “I’ve been
all over the place but never seen something like that before”. A short while later the pickpockets try again.
This time Vern approaches the Investigators. He whispers to them “Innocuous speak, but will you listen?”
and taps his nose (this is a reference to the event The Only Solution: Revolution on page 68, and it may be
best if the encounter with the flier and BLEU troopers has already occurred by this point). He then responds to
any queries the Investigators have with vague revolutionary slogans and utopian promises about change and
progress. In the meantime, Sonia tries to locate and steal the Chakram. If caught she bursts into tears and
spins some pitiful yarn about being desperately poor, owing money to all sorts of loan sharks and gangsters,
and apologizes for the attempted theft. She will have adopted a new disguise for this attempt, although the
Investigators may recognise Sonia by opposing her Stealth with their Observation. If they are successful she
will further embellish her story by stating that she had caught sight of the Chakram during their first meeting
and recognised it as a valuable item. The third attempt can happen at a point later in the adventure, such as
when the Investigators reach Polaria. This time Jude approaches the Investigators, looking for directions to a
local attraction and, once again, keen to talk about all manner of banal stuff about the places he has seen in
the solar system. This time Vern tries to lift the Chakram. If he is caught in the act he makes excuses about
“requiring funds for the cause – it’s nothing personal comrades”. The pickpockets stick to their cover
stories under interrogation and even mild torture; they will oppose intimidation tactics as normal but must also
make a Willpower test to resist the effects of torture, with the difficulty rating equivalent to the amount of
wounds inflicted. If they succumb to severe duress or telepathic arts, they may reveal that they were
commissioned to steal the Chakram by a person of Luke Banbury’s description who went by the name of
Barney H Allison.

THE HUSTLE: Each hustle will involve a distracter and a pickpocket. Sonia, Jude and Vern will use Persuade
or Education to engage the characters in the hope of distracting them, which may be opposed by the victim’s
Insight. If the target wins the opposed test their suspicions have been raised and they are aware they are being
lied to or played; each point of Momentum spent may be used to increase the Repercussion of any subsequent
Thievery test for the pickpocket by one until the end of the scene. If the distracter wins the opposed roll the
target remains ignorant of anything untoward; the distracter may spend Momentum to assist the pickpocket,
with each point spent increasing the Repercussion of the target’s Observation skill by one until the end of the

Looting a corpse is usually straightforward, but lifting an item from an alert individual is clearly much harder.
The pickpocket makes a Thievery test, opposed by the target’s Observation as described on page 81 of the
Mutant Chronicles rulebook. An item can be secured against Thievery attempts, although this is largely
dependent upon the size of the item; small items can be easily concealed and secured, whilst larger items may
need the additional protection of a secure holder.

Concealing an item requires a Stealth or Thievery test, which will add the Hidden 1 quality to it if successful.
The difficulty of the test is defined by the size of the item, as described in the table below. The Hidden quality
may be increased by one for each Momentum spent, to a maximum of Hidden 3. Attempting to locate a
concealed item without the use of a bodily search will also require a Thievery test, as the character becomes
reliant upon their trade knowledge whilst also searching for telltale signs. Using Thievery to perform this type of
cursory search, however, will increase the difficulty rating of the resultant test by one. Possessing the Spot the
Mark talent will negate this increase. The following table provides brief examples, but also feel free to invent
your own descriptions:

Using a bag or holder is certainly a good way to provide additional security against Thievery attempts, although
straps may still be cut or bags sliced open etc. Of course, the authorities will certainly require answers should
an armored briefcase be the receptacle of choice.
The pickpockets are professional, and if they do manage to swipe the Chakram then they quickly vanish into
the Venusian criminal underworld. The Investigators are unable to pick up their trail

(mostly due to Georgia’s meddling via her Suppress and Appropriate special ability) but they might be able to
win the Chakram back later on as Georgia confronts them for a final reckoning before they leave Venus.

Much of the surface of Venus is effectively a warzone at this point. From the myriad citadels that can be found
on the planet issue forth snaking columns of Dark Legion forces, most of them loyal to Algeroth, though the
other Dark Apostles have their representatives at work on the planet as well. Settlements and army bases all
over the world are either under siege from Dark Legion forces, or marshaling troops in the effort to bring the
war to their enemies. This could make things extremely confusing for the Investigators, after all they are there
to track down Dark Legion activity and, given the prolific presence of Dark Legion forces on the planet, the
mission to locate the Necromakina might strike them as trying to find a needle in a haystack.

The GM should try to balance things in this regard. Certainly the Investigators could be waylaid by Dark Legion
forces as they traverse the wild areas of Venus, or even be caught up in heretic uprisings if they stick to the
cities. It would be unrealistic for the Investigators to be able to explore the war ravaged planet without
becoming embroiled in some of the violence that grips it. On the other hand, their mission should not be
forgotten. Facing down the scions of the Dark Legion is all well and good, but the Investigators should
remember to try to focus their efforts on locating and exploring the Necromakina, and the GM should not over
complicate matters by having them engaged in constant running battles with the Dark Legion and notions of
wider unrest. It is therefore suggested that the Investigators come into contact with Dark Legion forces that are
not related to the specific plot at least four times during the course of this section of the adventure. Two of
these occasions should occur as the Investigators move between cities, and two of them should occur as the
Investigators are moving from place to place within a city. If the GM has ideas for other extra encounters, and
is confident that the Investigators are able to manage them, then they should feel free to add such episodes in.

Ragathol is a Nepharite of Algeroth, meaning that he is low in the standing of Algeroth's commanders, and he
is without a Citadel of his own—something that he plans to rectify immediately. His ambitions to become a
Nepharite “Warlord” and usurp Golgotha have led Ragathol to secretly deal with Muawijhe, the Apostle of
Insanity. These dealings have increased Ragathol's power, both in victories and in the use of the Dark
Symmetry, but have put his life in jeopardy as Algeroth’s displeasure is seldom survived. Ragathol stands a
good 9 feet tall with a dense, muscular body that he does not cover with armor, since he has gained the ability
to repair himself almost instantly from wounds. In battle, Ragathol tends to rush forward, charging into the
enemy lines where he causes havoc with his Dark Gifts and his mystical weapon, the Blade of Lost Souls.
Ragathol does not lack in cunning, when he does lack in something he will acquire it, be it a human with a skill
set he will offer Dark Symmetry gifts heretic or other more mundane gifts like gold and gems. He also will
actively rescue his human subordinates when they are captured or pay for their release, instilling in them a
high degree of loyalty.

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