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Dear Students,

Please install JDK 15-0-2 and Eclipse 4.22.0 in your system using the following link:

(N.B.:Installation of Eclipse is optional. In the lab we will be working with Eclipse. In the class
with Notepad++. So you can choose any of the option for practicing. We will be strictly using
these versions of Java and Eclipse. No other versions are recommended)

(1) In Windows Explorer, type the following:

(2) Now, follow the path: Windows->development_tools->
(3) In development tools, select
(4) Copy the zip file in your system.
(5) Extract it to a folder
(6) You will see two files in it viz: (1) JDk (2) Eclipse
(7) Ignore the JDK file. Download the JDK file from the following link:
(i) Choose the option ‘Download Now’
(ii) Choose option ‘Windows’. Other OS users may choose the respective option.
(iii) Once download is complete, follow the steps given below for installation:
(a) Right click on the JDK file and select ‘run as administrator’
A window will pop-up: ‘Do you want this app to make changes to this device?,
say ‘YES’
(b) The following window will pop-up

(c ) Select Next. The following window will pop-up.

Select Next. The following window will pop-up.

Select Close.
The installation is complete. You can check in C->Program files->java

Eclipse Installation:
(1) Right click on the file and select ’run as administrator’
A window will pop-up: ‘Do you want this app to make changes to this device?,
say ‘YES’

(2) The following window will pop-up

Select the first option (Eclipse IDE for Java Developers)

(3) The following Window will pop-up:

Choose the folder where you want to install Eclipse and then select INSTALL

(4) Wait for sometime. After installation is complete, the following window will pop-up:
Select Launch

(5) The following window will pop-up:

You can choose the directory where you want to launch and then enter Launch.
The installation is complete

Hope you had a happy installation!

Prof. Anita Agrawal

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