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AP Computer Science Name: ______________________________

Unit 1

Installing the JDK & Eclipse

We will be programming using Java. You will need to download the JDK (Java Development Kit),
which contains a complete JRE (Java Runtime Environment) plus tools for developing, debugging,
and monitoring Java applications.

We will also be using an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) called Eclipse. There are
other IDEs available, but all demonstrations in class will be done using Eclipse. An IDE is a
software suite that consolidates the basic tools developers need to write and test software.
Typically, an IDE contains a code editor, a compiler or interpreter and a debugger that the
developer accesses through a single graphical user interface (GUI).

These must be downloaded and installed in order.

Mission #1: Download the JDK (Java Development Kit)

Step 1: Go to the oracle website at the following link.
Step 2: Choose the appropriate file to download based on your operating system.

If you are a Windows user

Step 3: Accept the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE
Step 4: Wait for the file to download, then open the file.

This window should pop up when you open the file. Click Next

Step 5: Files will be downloaded into your C: Drive under your Program Files. Click Next.
Step 6: Click Close, Mission Complete!
Mission #2: Download an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
We will be using Eclipse in class.

Step 1: Go to the Eclipse website. The program is a free download.

Select Download Packages

Step 2: We want to download the same version that is installed on our school computers.
That is Eclipse 2020-09 (4.17).
Direct Link:
Step 3: We want to download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Choose the version for your corresponding operating system.

Step 4: Download the zip folder and wait for it to download.

Step 5: Find the location of the file you downloaded. Click on your downloads folder.

We have downloaded a compressed (zipped) file, which needs to be uncompressed.

Notice under the file type it says Compressed (zipped)…

Right click on the file and select Extract All

Step 6: Find a good spot to put the extracted folder for Eclipse. To change the location, click
browse. I choose my C: Drive and my “Program Files,” but you choose to save it
anywhere you’d like.

Step 7: Wait for the files to be extracted.

Step 8: Once the files have been extracted. Open the Eclipse Folder. You should see the
following window:

Eclipse is ready to go!

Step 9: Create a shortcut to the desktop by right clicking on the Eclipse application icon and
select create shortcut. If the shortcut is created in the same folder, just drag it onto
the desktop.

You can also right click and select send to, then desktop.

Step 10: Celebrate! Mission accomplished! Test it by writing a basic HelloWorld program.

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