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Glycol dehydration of high-acid

gas streams
A model based on mass and heat transfer closely predicts plant performance
data for glycol dehydration of high-acid gas streams

John Carroll Gas Liquids Engineering

Nathan Hatcher and Ralph Weiland Optimized Gas Treating

lycol dehydration is a process that presents point. One of them is the heat transfer situation
some unique challenges from both techni- that ensues in a regenerator using both stripping
cal and computational standpoints. In the gas and a reboiler (Stahl column). When the hot
first place, modern designs almost invariably use gas hits the bottom of the packing in the wash
tower internals consisting of structured packing section atop the column, it finds itself suddenly
rather than the more traditional bubble cap going from an environment in which it is satu-
trays. Structured packing offers a lower pressure rated with water in equilibrium with a
drop and considerably higher capacity than trays, predominantly TEG stream into an environment
and it is well suited to handling the very low L/G where it is grossly under-saturated with respect to
ratios common in dehydration. However, until the pure water stream in the wash section. This
now, the height of the packing was estimated causes extremely rapid humidification, and the
using rules of thumb, not good engineering humidification process extracts the necessary heat
science. Mass transfer rate-based modelling, on of vapourisation as sensible heat from the liquid
the other hand, uses science and therefore offers water phase. Sudden humidification can drop the
greater reliability of design. The other challenge wash water temperature by 30–40°F or even
of dehydration using any glycol is thermody- more.
namic: water is the component of interest but it This article addresses the efficacy of a new
is probably nature’s most perversely non-ideal mass and heat transfer rate-based model in
chemical, which makes it challenging to devise a terms of how well it reflects known phase behav-
truly accurate model for the vapour-liquid equi- iour and how closely it predicts known plant
librium, especially in systems with a high-acid performance data using both bubble cap trays
gas content. and packed columns without recourse to height
Traditionally, sweetened gases have been the equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) or
main candidates for dehydration, mostly using height of transfer units (HTU) estimates and
triethylene glycol (TEG) prior to entering the other rules of thumb.
transmission pipelines. More recently, there has
been much interest in sour gas injection as a Phase equilibrium
means of disposing of gas streams of too low Our phase equilibrium concerns are twofold:
quality for sulphur recovery. In the context of accurate calculation of the equilibrium water
carbon capture, the recovered CO2 is compressed, content of high- and low-pressure gases contain-
liquefied and injected into underground forma- ing very high levels of CO2 and/or H2S; and
tions. Handling these sour and high CO2 streams calculation of the solubility of all gases, includ-
requires dehydration prior to compression and/ ing water, in the dehydration solvent itself. These
or liquefaction. two topics are inter-related because both require
There are other facets of glycol dehydration that the accurate assessment of the interactions
are interesting just from an applied science view- between components in the vapour phase; PTQ Q3 2006 1

however, the solubility calculation is more its significance is that at infinite dilution, the
demanding. activity coefficient defined this way is unity.
Normally, to model the solubility of a gas in a The exponential term is the Poynting correc-
liquid, one uses the Henry’s Law approach. A tion. It accounts for the effect of pressure on the
thermodynamically complete version of Henry’s reference fugacity, and it is important (signifi-
Law2,3 is: cantly different from unity) only at high pressure.
For a small molecule such as methane, hydrogen
>v–i∞ (P – Pjo)H (1) sulphide or carbon dioxide in water, the partial
a~ixiHij exp = γ Pφ̂ v
RT i i molar volume at infinite dilution is approxi-
mately 0.032 m3/kmol. Thus, at 7000 kPa and
where 20°C (293°K), the Poynting correction for these
γi: Activity coefficient systems is about 1.1. Neglecting the Poynting
xi: Mole fraction of component i in effect altogether at these conditions means the
the solvent (its solubility) solubility is under predicted by approximately
Hij: Henry’s constant for solute i in 10%.
solvent j, kPa/mol frac A common definition used in describing the
v i∞ Partial molar volume of i in solubility of a gas in a liquid is partial pressure.
solvent j at infinite dilution, The partial pressure, Pi, of a component in a gas
m3/kmol mixture is defined as:
Pjo:Vapour pressure of the solvent,
kPa Pi = yiP (2)
P: Total pressure, kPa
R: Universal gas constant, The non-idealities in the vapour phase are
8.314 kJ/kmol·K embodied in the fugacity coefficient. As an
T: Absolute temperature, K approximation, the fugacity is to the partial pres-
yi: Mole fraction of component i in sure as the compressibility factor is to the molar
the vapour volume. Included in this quantity is the effect of
φˆiv Fugacity coefficient for pressure, temperature and composition on the
component i in the vapour, gas phase non-ideality. For an ideal gas mixture,
unitless the fugacity coefficient of all components, i, in
the mixture is unity:
Most people believe that Henry’s Law is only
applicable to dilute solutions, but the form in φ̂iv = 1 (3)
Equation 1 can be applied without restriction. It
would be unusual to do so, but this equation can However, for a non-ideal mixture, this quantity
even be applied to mixtures that are not typically can be less than, greater than or equal to unity.
considered to refer to the solubility of a gas in a At relatively low pressure, it is generally less
liquid at all; for example, methanol and water. than unity and it can be as small as 0.1 (and
The numerical value of the Henry’s constant is even smaller for liquids). At high pressure and
a function of both the solute and the solvent. high temperature, the fugacity coefficient can be
Thus, the Henry’s Law constant, Hij, is different greater than unity; however, it is rarely greater
for methane in water than it is for methane in than two. Therefore, it is very important to
methanol, and Hij is different still for ethane in include this contribution in the solubility model.
water. Furthermore, for every solute-solvent pair, The fugacity coefficient in the vapour phase
the Hij is a function of the temperature. When can be calculated using an equation of state such
comparing different solutes in the same solvent, as the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) or Peng-
the larger the Henry’s constant the lower the solu- Robinson (PR) equations. These cubic equations
bility of the solute. of state have been used for many years for
The activity coefficient accounts for the effect modelling the fluid properties and phase equilib-
of concentration on the activity of the compo- rium in petroleum systems containing light
nent in the liquid phase. The infinite dilution hydrocarbons and a few associated non-hydro-
definition of the activity coefficient is used here; carbons such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen

2 PTQ Q3 2006

sulphide and nitrogen. However,
Saturated water content of gases
they are less successful with
water and other polar substances
GPSA ref. Mole % (dry basis) Temp, °F Pres, psia H2O lb/MMscf
such as alcohols and glycols. CH4 CO2 H2S Meas’d ProTreat
Typically, the equations of state Ex 20-1 100 0 0 150 1000 220 216
Ex 20-2 80 20 0 160 2000 172 188
must be modified to predict Fig 20-9 0 100 0 100 500 132 125.3
accurately the pure component 750 110 102.5
1000 125 100.7
properties, and the mixing rules 2000 215 215.1
must account for the complex 3000 238 247.8
interactions. 5.31 94.69 0 100 850 88 96.9
1125 81 99.2
At low pressure, both the 1500 128 148.6
Poynting correction and the 2000 139 184.2
Fig 20-16 89 11 0 100 2000 40.6 41.1
fugacity coefficients are approxi- 89 11 0 160 1000 286 283.9
mately unity. Furthermore, if 80 20 0 100 2000 40.6 45.1
the solubility is low, Equation 1 80 20 0 160 1000 282 292.5
80 20 0 160 2000 172 188.5
reduces to the more familiar 92 0 8 130 1500 111 103.5
form of Henry’s Law: 72.5 0 27.5 160 1367 247 252.6
83 0 17 160 1000 292 293.4
30 60 10 100 1100 81 81.2
xiHij = yiP (4) 9 10 81 100 1900 442 264.4
5.31 94.69 0 77 1500 109.2 95
5.31 94.69 0 122 2000 164.6 234.5
or equivalently:

xiHij = Pi (5) Table 1

Physically, this equation says that the solubil- calculations applies a large number of interac-
ity of a gas increases directly as the partial tion parameters (kijs) for the interactions
pressure of the component in the gas increases. between water and the various gases, as well as
However, this idealised version is limited to between the gases themselves.
about 200–300 kPa and gases with solubilities Other components whose solubility in TEG is
less than about 0.1 mol%. pertinent are the acid gases and hydrocarbons,
The ProTreat simulation tool’s dehydration especially the BTEX components. Vapour-liquid
model uses the Peng-Robinson equation of state equilibrium constants (K-values) for BTEX are
(EOS) for the vapour phase and currently offers available in GPA RR-131, and the data there have
a four-suffix Margules equation activity coeffi- been used to fit the ProTreat solubility model for
cient model based on the data of Bestani & these species. The data indicate that at typical
Shing1 for the liquid phase, as reported by contactor conditions, approximately 10–30% of
Clinton et al.4 A similar model based on the less the aromatics in the gas stream may be absorbed
conservative data of Parrish et al6 is planned for in the TEG solution. ProTreat results conform
a future release. closely to the conclusions of RR-131, as they
There are two important aspects to thermody- should, because ProTreat’s solubility model has
namic modelling of phase equilibrium in glycol been regressed to the actual measured BTEX
dehydration systems: the water content of the solubilities.
treated gas; and the hydrocarbon, acid gas and
especially the benzene, toluene, ethylvenzene Process simulation
and xylene (BTEX) content of the water-laden The GPSA Data Book contains a nice example of
glycol. Table 1 compares ProTreat model results dehydration with TEG (Example 20–11). The gas
with Gas Processors Suppliers Association is water saturated at 600 psia, with other particu-
(GPSA) Data Book entries for saturated water lars noted in Figure 1. Two cases are detailed,
content. Generally, ProTreat reproduces meas- both requiring two theoretical stages. One uses
ured values of water content to within the bubble cap trays, which, at a tray efficiency of 25–
accuracy of the data. The Peng-Robinson EOS 30%, translates into 6–8 actual trays. The other
that performs these saturated water content case uses 10ft of an unspecified structured pack- PTQ Q3 2006 3

<7 lb H20/MMscf
(<0.01474 mole% H20) Dehydrated gas
22 24
99%wt TEG
3 gal TEG/lb H20 removed (5.1 gpm)
9 8 CB 7 23 6
Recycle Controller Cooler Stripper
Two ideal stages
Diameter = 3.4 ft
11 27 21
25-30% efficiency
30 MMSCFD gas 6.8 bubble cap trays, or
100F 10 ft of structured packing
600 psia 350 MBTU/hr
Water saturated 20
1 reboiler duty
Lean/rich 3 2

Stahl column

26 gas
10 4

Figure 1 GPSA Data Book example 20-11

ing. ProTreat has provision for a separate Stahl indicate that the model is accurately reflecting
column, shown immediately below the stripper in literature data on the vapour-liquid equilibrium
Figure 1, but the stripper can also be simulated (VLE) and general TEG dehydration experience,
without this column if desired. Two condenser as reported by GPSA.
outlet streams permit the withdrawal of wet strip-
ping gas and/or water vapour from the system Dehydration column performance
(Stream 19) and the removal of a specifiable Until now, only an equilibrium-stage model has
portion of condensed water (Stream 20), with the been available for calculations involving the
remainder returned as reflux. performance of structured packing. However, the
Table 2 shows the effect of the actual tray HETP of the particular packing is surely related
count on the water content of the dehydrated to packing size. For structured packing, size can
gas. ProTreat simulation indicates six trays are be expressed in terms of specific surface area and
adequate to reduce the water content from 88.7 crimp size, characteristics that are geometrically
lb/MMscf to the target level of <7 lb/MMscf related. Under otherwise identical process condi-
(32°F dew point). Tower diameter for 70% flood tions, one should expect that large crimp packing
is 3ft. These values are in line with GPSA Data will require a deeper bed to give the same
Book results. In summary, the available data performance as a relatively short bed of small
crimp packing simply if for no other reason than
because the surface area of the small crimp mate-
Water content vs tray count rial is so much larger.
Figures 2 and 3 are simulations of how packing
Number Water size within the Mellapak X Series (roughly 60-
of trays lb/MMscf degree crimp angle) packings affects dehydration
5 8.5
6 6.7
performance. For Sulzer Mellapak structured
7 5.7 packings, the packing designation (eg, M250.X)
8 5.1 is a close indicator of the specific area, in this
case 250 m2/m3. Simulations were all run with
Table 2 40ft of packing and the absorber was sized for

4 PTQ Q3 2006

70% flood (9–11ft diameter
depending on crimp size). The 0
absorber was set up to dehydrate
5 M170.X
49 000 lbmol/h of wet sweet

Distance from top of bed, ft

methane (trace CO2 and H2S) 10 M250.X
using 250 gpm of 99.95 wt% M350.X
TEG. 15
The gas-phase temperature
profiles for the various packing 20
sizes shown in Figure 2 indicate
that there can be a significant
temperature bulge in dehydra- 30
tion columns caused by the
phase change (condensation) of 35
the water being absorbed. Water
absorption generates sensible 40
1000 110 120 130 140
heating equivalent to its latent Temperature, ºF
heat of condensation. Also,
when small-crimp packings are Figure 2 Temperature profiles and the effect of packing size in the Mellapak X Series
used, the temperature bulge is
closer to the bottom of the
column because the larger 0
surface area allows water to M125.X
absorb so much faster. Figure 3 5 M170.X
Distance from top of bed, ft

shows the water content of the
10 M250.X
gas at various positions along
the height of the column. It is
evident that, after traversing the
bottom 20ft of M350.X packing,
the gas is about as dry as 99.95
wt% TEG at 100°F can get it. 25
With M125.X packing, on the
other hand, water is still being 30
removed even after the gas has
passed through 40ft of packing. 35
So the required bed height is
very much a function of the 40
packing size. It is not that rules 0 1 10 100 1000
of thumb cannot be made to Water in gas, Lb/MMscf
work; rather, it is that the right
rules of thumb, at least for pack- Figure 3 How water removal depends on packing size and packed bed depth
ing, depend on too many
parameters (not just packing type and size but tool that allows this to be done.
also on the gas and solvent fluxes through the Figure 4 shows that the blanket rule of thumb
column) and this makes them rough at best and of 6–8 trays for dehydration can be a gross
unreliable at worst. Until now, the answer to this over-simplification. The number of trays depends
dilemma has been to over-build the columns; at least on the dryness to be achieved; that is,
however, in a competitive environment, surely the dryness of the solvent. If the target dew
being able to avoid over-design gives the knowl- point is not too stringent (say, 10 or 20lb H2O/
edgeable contractor and the astute internals MMscf), 6 or 8 trays seem adequate. But in very
vendor a commercial advantage. Mass and heat low dew point applications, such as LNG plants,
transfer rate-based simulation is the precision two or three times that number of trays may be PTQ Q3 2006 5

does tend to make structured
100 packing more attractive.

Stahl columns and stripping

Dry gas water content,

10 A Stahl column gives an extra

stage of regeneration by taking

the solvent from the reboiler
and contacting it with a flow of
1 99.97%
dry inert gas. Stahl columns are
essential when the dried gas
must have a very low dew point.
0.1 Figure 5 shows the effect of
0 8 12 16 stripping gas rate (SCF per
Number of trays gallon of TEG solvent) on the
TEG purity and on the water
Figure 4 Water removal to low dew points requires deeper beds and more content of the treated gas for
trays Example 20-11 from the GPSA
Data Book scaled up by a factor
of five and using six bubble cap
trays in the absorber and a 10ft
  bed of FlexiPac 1.6Y in the
regenerator (includes a 2ft reflux
 D r y ga s,  lb/ M M sc G
 Glyc ol pur iU y w t %

  wash section). In terms of scale,

the absorber is nearly 7ft in
diameter and is drying gas that
  is water saturated at 600 psia
and 100°F. The regenerator is
  only 15in in diameter.
5&(XU The simulation results in
MC..TD' Figure 5 show that using even a
  modest flow of stripping gas can
       reduce the water content in the
Stripping gas rate, SCF/gallon treated gas by more than a
factor of two. Stripping gas
Figure 5 Effect of stripping gas flow on solvent dryness and water content of gas permits more water removal
from the solvent and increases
required to get to the desired dryness. With the dry TEG from 98.8 wt% to 99.8 wt%. This
99.97% TEG, for example, it is possible to get to particular treated gas is dry enough by transmis-
below 1 lb/MMscf water content, but even after sion line standards, but it is a long way from dry
16 trays, water is still being removed. enough for an LNG plant, for example. However,
For the particular conditions simulated in this this demonstrates the principle that a Stahl
study, it should be mentioned that high TEG column can serve a useful purpose — it should
viscosity is a consideration and will negatively be used when treated gas needs to be drier than
affect internals performance compared with light usual.
hydrocarbons, for example. At the solvent mois-
ture levels encountered in these simulations, Observations from a mass transfer rate model
viscosity is not significantly affected by water The mass and heat transfer rate model uses real
content, and at the lowest temperature (feed trays, both in number and mechanical detail, and
solvent at 100°F) the viscosity is about 19 cP (for real packing in terms of actual bed depths of a
reference, corn syrup is 50–100 cP). This does specific packing with defined geometry, includ-
not necessarily rule out using trays, although it ing crimp angle, crimp size, surface treatment,

6 PTQ Q3 2006

specific surface area and vendor.
The simulation of a packed 0
column begins by finely 1

Distance from top of bed, ft

segmenting the packed height 1
into a large number of thin 3
cross-sectional slices to approxi-
mate the continuous nature of
contacting in packing. As a 5
result, one gets to observe mass 6
and heat transfer effects on a 7
fairly detailed scale. 8
Figure 6 shows the vapour Vapour
and liquid temperature profiles Liquid
through a 10ft-deep bed of 2in
metal Nutter Rings in a regen- 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
erator operating at 1 psig. The Temperature, ºF
dehydrator is treating 440
MMscfd of wet, sweet gas with Figure 6 Temperature profiles in regenerator with stripping gas via Stahl column
a TEG flow of 1000 gpm, and
the bone-dry nitrogen stripping gas flow to the liquid there is better than 95 wt% TEG with only
Stahl column is 1.9 scf/gal. The bed starts with 5 wt% (17–18 mol%) water. So, although satu-
a 2ft-deep wash section for TEG recovery rated with water, it is saturated with only an 18
followed by an 8ft-deep stripping section for mol% water phase. When it hits the first reflux
water removal. The stripper was simulated by segment, this vapour is suddenly exposed to a
dividing it into 40 segments, each having a 3in pure, hot water stream (flowing from the wash
depth. Finer segmentation is, of course, possi- section), so it is seriously under saturated against
ble, but it adds nothing to the detail and very pure water. The consequence then is for water to
little more to the accuracy of the simulation. We evaporate as fast as possible so as to resaturate
will traverse the regeneration column, starting the hot gas, now against pure hot water. This is a
with the condensate (essentially pure water), typical humidification operation and has some
which enters the column from the condenser at interesting characteristics. The evaporation proc-
180°F and is heated by the gas stream (strip- ess is not mass transfer rate limited. Rather, it is
ping gas and water), which is at 198°F. limited by the rate at which the latent heat of
As the condensate trickles down through the vapourisation demanded by the humidification
bed, it continues to be heated by the wet strip- process can be drawn from the bulk liquid to the
ping gas, but within the first 18in its temperature gas-liquid interface. This process is one of heat
reaches a peak (194.5°F) and then suddenly transfer and, indeed, the rate of humidification
plummets to about 160°F. The gas becomes right above the feed point is controlled by essen-
hotter as we descend through the column, and tially conductive heat transfer across the liquid
eventually it experiences a rapid climb to 294°F. film running over the packing. The process is heat
The question is: why do the phase temperatures transfer rate limited. The mass transfer driving
trend this way? The answer for the gas phase is force for humidification is so high that enough
relatively simple: feed, preheated to 300°F, heat is drawn from the reflux water to cool it, in
enters the column at the 2ft level and flashes into this case by approximately 33°F.
its vapour and liquid parts. The fact that the As we traverse lower into the column and
vapour temperature changes radically at the feed approach the bottom of the stripping section,
point is simply the result of the hot feed meeting liquid starts to meet much hotter vapour coming
a cold reflux water stream. But why does the from the reboiler. (The bubble point of TEG-
reflux water cool so much? water mixtures is quite sensitive to water content
When the vapour leaves the top of the stripping when the water content is low.) This cools the
section, its water content is very nearly in equilib- vapour and heats the liquid, and again some of
rium with the liquid in the stripping section. The the heat transfer is the result of water transfer- PTQ Q3 2006 7

reflux water temperature peaks
and then drops from 197°F to

about 141°F, for a total cooling of
 D ist a nc e  f rom  t op of 

 56°F, the same as for the case

 without stripping gas. However,
 with stripping gas (dry nitrogen),
be d,  f t

 the temperature bulge in the

 reflux section is a consequence of
 the dilution by nitrogen. We note

7BQPVS in passing that, to maintain
-JRVJE water balance, the no stripping

          gas case required a 212°F
Temperature, ºF condenser temperature versus
180°F for the case with stripping

 D ist a nc e  f rom  t op

 Factors that affect dehydration

of sweet gases
of  be d,  f t

To learn more about the practi-

cal limits of glycol dehydration,
 a sensitivity analysis was
 conducted, starting with the 3
 SCF/gallon stripping gas rate at
 1.72 MMBtu/hr reboiler duty
           referenced in the preceding
Temperature, ºF section. First, the reboiler duty
was increased to 2.5 MMBtu/hr,
Figure 7 Stripping gas is not necessary for anomalous temperature profiles which amounted to an increase
(a) No stripping gas (b) Stripping gas at 3 scf/gal from 1124 to 1634 Btu/gallon.
This change allowed the glycol
ring from the vapour back into the liquid in the purity to increase from 99.79 to 99.96 wt% TEG.
bottom couple of segments of the stripping The water content of the dehydrated gas was
section. predicted to drop from 2.7 to 2.0 lb/MMscf,
Figures 7a and b are intended to show how the assuming six bubble cap trays for contacting.
use of stripping gas affects these temperature This is not much of an improvement for nearly a
profiles. The plots are for the same 10ft bed of 50% increase in reboiler energy. Are there
Flexipac 1.6Y structured packing referenced in enough absorber trays to take advantage of the
Figure 5. Even when stripping gas is not used, the greatly improved TEG dryness? The number of
condensed water leaving the reflux section meets trays was increased from 6 to 8 in the glycol
a much hotter gas, and a good part of the temper- contactor, while maintaining the lean glycol
ature equilibration takes place by water purity of 99.96 wt%. This dropped the water
evaporation from the reflux stream. This is, again, content by an order of magnitude, from 2.0 to
a humidification process and the reflux water 0.2 lb/MMscf. Twelve trays gave no improve-
cools as a result of the demand for latent heat for ment. So much for rules of thumb!
vapourisation. In Figure 7b, the presence of strip- Finally, at 12 trays of dehydrator contacting,
ping vapour dilutes the gas leaving the stripping some of the reboiler duty was traded for strip-
section, which results in slightly more driving ping gas. Lowering the reboiler duty from 2.5 to
force for humidification together with the small 2.0 MMBtu/hr and doubling the stripping gas
additional capacity of the gas for water. (How rate (from 3 to 6 SCF/gallon) resulted in a
much the stripping gas adds to the driving force predicted water content of 0.13 lb/MMscf (a dew
and capacity depends on the relative flows of point well below the hydrate formation tempera-
stripping gas versus reboiler vapour.) Again, the ture). Simulated glycol purity was 99.975 wt%.

8 PTQ Q3 2006

So it appears that stripping gas
is a more effective way to Sweet

Water in treated gas,

improve dehydration system CO2
performance. 120 H2S

There is much that can be
learned by playing with a mass 80
transfer rate model, even for
such a seemingly mundane
process as glycol dehydration.
The mass and heat transfer rate
model allows one to probe the 40
5 10 15 20
limits of what is in practice
Number of trays
possible; for example, trading
expensive reboiler duty for Figure 8 Effect of tray count on water content of methane, CO2 and H2S
possibly cheaper stripping gas, dehydrated with 99.5 wt% TEG at 15 psig and 100°F using bubble trays
or optimising dehydration unit
performance in a demanding
LNG setting. Since this kind of
tool is so reflective of the real Sweet
engineering physics, the real CO2
Water in treated gas,

chemistry and the real process- 110 H2S

ing happening in an amine, 100
dimethyl ether of polyethyleneg-

lycol (DMPEG) or glycol plant, 80
using the tool as a virtual labo-
ratory, pilot plant and full-scale
virtual plant is very attractive. 60
Dehydration of nearly pure acid 40
gases: H2S 12 16 20 24 28
Down-well disposal of acid gases Packing depth, ft
(so-called acid gas injection)
requires the gas to be Figure 9 Effect of tray count on water content of methane, CO2 and H2S
compressed to a very high pres- dehydrated with 99.5 wt% TEG at 15 psig and 100°F using Mellapak M170.
sure. If the gas is wet, X structured packing
compressing it will cause liquid 99.5 wt% TEG at 100°F. Figure 9 shows similar
water to drop out and this liquid will be satu- results for Mellapak M 170.X structured
rated with acid gas at high pressure. Unless one packing.
is prepared to build compressors and other Under otherwise identical conditions, the water
equipment from unobtainium, it is paramount content of H2S in equilibrium with the lean TEG
that the water be removed from the gas before is somewhat higher than it is for either CO2 or
compression. Therefore, it is of interest to even methane. This has to do with the very polar
compare dehydration of otherwise pure but nature of H2S, which binds water more tightly to
water-saturated H2S with the equivalent sweet itself than CO2 does. But this is information that
gas volume. As Figure 8 shows, it is difficult to can be gleaned more easily directly from VLE
lower the water content to the same level as calculations. The mass transfer rate-based dehy-
high-pressure pipeline gas, for example, simply dration model, however, shows that in this
because of the treating pressure. The lines in this instance H2S is pretty much completely dehy-
plot are simulation results for bubble cap trays drated after about 12 trays (about 20ft of
in a 10ft-diameter column treating 30 MMscfd packing), whereas CO2 and methane require 15
of either pure methane, CO2 or H2S saturated trays (24–26ft of packing) to reach their ultimate
with water at 120°F. Lean solvent is 200 gpm of dryness. PTQ Q3 2006 9

In an overall sense, the acid gases appear to be model does not use rules of thumb — it uses
no harder than hydrocarbons to dehydrate, science and good engineering to predict perform-
although H2S is very polar, which leaves it a little ance. These results were all obtained without any
wetter than most other gases. However, there is correction factors whatsoever. They are true
nothing particularly challenging about dehydrat- predictions in every sense of the word.
ing the acid gases, except for their high solubility
in the TEG solvent. For the conditions corre- ProTreat is a mark of Optimized Gas Treating Inc.
sponding to Figures 8 and 9 (15 psig and 120°F),
the methane, CO2 and H2S content of the rich References
1 Bestani B, Shing K S, Infinite dilution activity coefficients of
solvent is simulated to be 8.4 ppm, 0.66 mol%
water in TEG, PEG, glycerol and their mixtures in the temperature
and 3.32 mol%, respectively. Thus, the water-
range 50 to 140ºC, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 50, 1989.
laden solvent contains quite a bit of H2S and this
2 Carroll J J, What is Henry’s Law?, Chem. Eng. Prog., 87, 9, 1991,
must be removed before the solvent is regener- 48–52.
ated to a suitable state of dryness, because it is a 3 Carroll J J, Use Henry’s Law for multicomponent mixtures,
certainty that this much H2S cannot be vented to Chem. Eng. Prog., 88, 8, 1992, 53–58.
atmosphere with the water vapour stripped from 4 Clinton P, Hubbard R A, Shah H, A review of TEG-water
the solvent. equilibrium data and its effect on the design of glycol dehydration
Its high solubility in TEG is really the main units, Laurence Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, Norman, OK,
difficulty with dehydrating very high concentra- 2008.
tion H2S; otherwise, in terms of just water 5 Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association,
absorption, the acid gases are no more challeng- 12th Ed, vol II, 20, 2004.
6 Parrish W R, Won K W, Baltatu M E, Phase behavior of the
ing than any other gas from a purely process
triethylene glycol-water system and dehydration/regeneration
standpoint. The difficulty is accurately represent-
design for extremely low dew point requirements, 65th Annual
ing the gas-phase non-idealities that arise from Convention of the GPA, San Antonio, TX, 1986.
the highly polar nature of water and H2S.
John J Carroll is the Director, Geostorage Process Engineering for
Conclusions Gas Liquids Engineering, Ltd in Calgary, Canada. He was recently
Rules of thumb are fraught with danger because appointed Honored Visiting Professor at Southwest Petroleum
often the rules simply do not apply. A blanket University in Chengdu, China. He holds bachelor and doctoral
tray efficiency of 25% is close to the truth most degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Alberta,
of the time. But in deep water removal, 25% is Edmonton.
optimistic and, unless one adds several addi- Nathan Hatcher is Vice-President, Technology, Optimized Gas
Treating, Buda, Texas. He has spent most of his career in amine
tional safety trays, failure will threaten. The
treating and sulphur recovery, and has extensive experience in
situation with packing, be it random or struc-
the practical application of process simulation to operations,
tured, is much worse. Quoting or recommending troubleshooting and training. He holds a BS in chemical
a single HETP or HTU is foolhardy. The right engineering from the University of Kansas.
value depends on the packing as well as on the Email:
operating conditions and the gas dryness sought. Ralph Weiland founded Optimized Gas Treating in 1992 and
Rules of thumb had their place when the best has been active in Canada, Australia and the US in research in
one could do was an equilibrium-stage calcula- gas treating since 1965. He developed the first mass transfer
tion, and reliance had to be placed on experience rate-based model for amine columns for Dow Chemical and the
as expressed (and mis-expressed) in such rules Windows-based ProTreat process simulation package. He holds
of thumb. Today, we have available powerful BA.Sc, MA.Sc, and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the
University of Toronto. Email:
heat and mass transfer rate-based simulation
tools, and reliance on rules of thumb and other
approximations and guestimates is no longer
warranted. Links
The beauty of the heat and mass transfer rate-
More articles from: Optimized Gas Treating Inc
based approach to simulation is that one never
has to worry about tray efficiencies, artificial More articles from the following categories:
residence times, HETPs, HTUs and other rules Gas Processing/Treatment
of thumb. The mass transfer rate-based tower

10 PTQ Q3 2006

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