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The issue of whether or not people should have snakes as pets is a very

controversial one. Some people believe that it can be a dangerous pet, which can hurt other
people, while others believe that it can be a nice option for a tropical pet.Before taking a
stand on such matter, I will examine the main aspects involved, evaluating the benefits and
drawbacks of the situation.
There are many advantages of having a snake as a pet. The first advantage is that
snakes are such uncommon pets that when someone comes to visit you, probably you will
have something to talk about your snake. The second advantage for having a snake is that
you can give pests for it to eat, such as rats or mouses. The final good reason for having a
snake is that because it is such an uncommon animal, you will probably get into some
specific groups of people that have snakes as pets and by doing that you will have the
oportunity to meet new people.
However, there are also several drawbacks of having snakes as pets. The first
drawback is that snakes are very dangerous pets and if the owner is not very cautious, the
snake can harm him or her or even another person. The second drawback of having a
snake is that because it is an exotic animal, it can be hard to find food for a snake,
sometimes you will even have to buy snake food online because there is not a big demand
for it. The third reason for not having a snake is that taking care of a snake can be a hard
task, snakes need to have an aquarium with sand, lamps for heating and have to be fed with
living things, and sometimes those requirements can be hard to some people.
Despite the advantages of having a snake as a pet, I believe that snakes should
never be kept as pets. My reasoning for that is that I worry about the risks of having a snake
and I worry that snakes are animals too hard to take care of and be kept as pets.
Undoubtedly, people should not have snakes as pets.

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