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1. Explain the role of believers in advocating for morality (10

The Role of Believers in Advocating for Morality

Believers have an important role in advocating for morality in society. As followers of a religious faith,
they are called upon to promote values that are based on the principles of their faith. This involves
encouraging people to live according to certain standards that are rooted in a religious worldview.

One way that believers can advocate for morality is by being good role models themselves. This means
living their lives in a way that reflects the values of their faith. By doing so, they can inspire others to do
the same.

Believers can also be involved in the education of others about morality. This is usually done through
teaching religious principles to people, such as in a religious school or a community center. By teaching
these principles, believers can help others develop a strong sense of morality.

Another way in which believers can advocate for morality is by speaking out against behaviors that are
considered immoral. For example, they can voice their opposition to things like violence, dishonesty,
and selfishness. By doing so, they can help promote a culture of morality in society.

In conclusion, the role of believers in advocating for morality is an important one. Through their actions,
teachings, and speech, they can help promote a society that is rooted in strong moral values. By living
according to these values and encouraging others to do the same, believers can help create a world that
is more just, peaceful, and full of love.

2. Evaluate the Islamic teaching on the treatment of employees 10mks

Islamic teachings place high emphasis on the fair and just treatment of employees. In fact, Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) often worked alongside and supported the rights of workers during his
One of the most important principles in Islamic treatment of employees is the concept of
"Sadaqah,"which means "truthfulness."Employers are expected to be honest and transparent in their
dealings with employees, particularly in terms of payment. Paying workers fairly and on time is
considered a top priority, and employers who fail to meet this standard are committing a serious sin.

Another key aspect of Islamic treatment of employees is respect and kindness. Employers are expected
to treat their workers with respect, avoiding any kind of abuse or exploitation. Islam encourages
employers to create a healthy and safe work environment, where employees can feel valued and

In addition, Islamic teachings call upon employers to provide benefits and opportunities for their
employees. This includes offering fair salaries and benefits, as well as providing training and professional
development opportunities. By investing in their employees, employers can create a loyal and
committed workforce that can benefit both the company and society as a whole.

Overall, Islamic teachings on the treatment of employees emphasize fairness, respect, and compassion.
When employers follow these principles, they can create a positive and productive workplace that
reflects the values of Islam.

3. Discuss the rules to be observed in business in islam 10mks

The rules to be observed in business in Islam can be summarized into a few key principles:

1. Honesty and Integrity: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the
importance of honesty and integrity in all business dealings. This means being transparent with
customers and clients, not deceiving them in any way, and delivering on promises made.

2. Fairness and Equity: Another important principle is fairness and equity. This means treating all
parties involved in a business deal fairly, regardless of their social status, ethnicity or religion.
Business deals must be based on mutual benefit and should be a win-win situation for all parties

3. Avoiding Interest-based Transactions: Interest or riba is strictly forbidden in Islam. This means
that Muslims cannot participate in any business deals that involve charging or paying interest.
Instead, there are alternative ways to finance transactions, such as profit-sharing arrangements.

4. Avoiding Gharar: Uncertainty or gharar is also not allowed in Islamic business deals. This means
that all terms of a contract must be clear and certain and must not be open to interpretation or
5. Avoiding Unlawful Transactions: Muslims are also prohibited from engaging in any business
deals that involve haram activities or products. This includes activities such as gambling, drug
dealing, and the production or sale of alcohol.

Overall, conducting business in Islam requires adherence to these principles and the belief that all
business dealings should be conducted in a fair, ethical and transparent way.

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