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the Homework


9th - Social Studies

SN Marks

1 What is the time lag between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat ? How is a uniform time set at all 3
places ?

2 Why was 82°30' E chosen as the Standard Meridian of India? Explain the reason. 3

3 Why is India called a subcontinent ? Name any two countries that form a part of the Indian 3
subcontinent other than India?

4 What is the significance of India's central location ? 3

5 Why is the Indian Ocean named after our country ? Give three reasons 3

6 Explain the significance of India's eminent position in the Indian Ocean. 3

7 Explain the major reasons for the 2 hour time difference in local time between Arunachal 3
Pradesh and Gujarat.

8 What is meant by Indian Standard Time? Why do we need a Standard Meridian for India? 3

9 Why is the difference between the duration of day and night hardly felt at Kanyakumari but not 3
so in Kashmir ?

10 The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the West but 3
the watches show the same time. How does this happen?

11 India has a long coastline which is advantageous. Explain. 3

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the Homework

12 When did the Suez Canal start functioning and how did it benefit India? 3

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