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Name: Rosamae Golendez Course Year: BSED 3-C

Activity in Stat 2

Instruction. This is a 5-item essay. Each problem is worth 10 points. Answer each problem
comprehensively. Do not use ChatGPT or any AI tool but you are allowed to browse the internet or
consult a book.

1.What do you think is the importance of computer applications (such as SPSS and JASP) to teachers or
researchers? Give examples to illustrate your point.

* Both JASP and SPSS offer a wide range of statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, t-tests,
ANOVA, regression analysis, factor analysis, and more. However, SPSS has a longer history and a
larger set of features, making it more comprehensive in terms of available statistical techniques. JASP,
on the other hand, focuses on providing essential statistical methods in a user-friendly manner. SPSS
offers a broader range of advanced features and options for customization. It provides a programming
language called Syntax that allows users to automate tasks and create complex data transformations.
JASP, being a more simplified software, does not offer the same level of advanced functionality and
customization options.

2.“Accurate data can be misused.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Justify your answer.

* I strongly disagree, It is not possible for statistical data to be 100% accurate. Statistical facts can be
affected by multiple causes, there is a lot of scope for error to be embedded in the data collected, one
reason is that there may be biases on the part of the interviewer and/or the interviewer.

3.Why is there a need for an analyst or a researcher to ensure that the data is accurate?

*The accuracy of your research findings are dependent on the accuracy and completeness of your data
presented for analysis to get your findings. As such a researcher will want to ensure that the
methodology is properly designed so that the right data samples are collected using the right research
approach, and sufficient data are acurrately collected.

4.Teacher Jan is conducting action research. One of the instruments he used was a 50-item test to determine
how effective his intervention was in improving the academic achievement of the students. Prior to the use of
parametric inferential statistical tests, he found out that his students’ post-test scores is negatively skewed
(badly skewed). (a) Do you think teacher Jan used effective intervention? Why? (b) Suggest how teacher Jan
will push through his action research despite his badly skewed data.

* Teacher Jan had used effective intervention.The test result shown , right-skewness distribution this means
most of the students got a low score. We can conclude that the test is difficult . He could investigate how to
Name: Rosamae Golendez Course Year: BSED 3-C

improve the given test or either he could find another way to let the students learn the lesson in that students
could have high score in the test.

5. Mr. Encarnacion is a schoolteacher. He wanted to analyze the scores of his students in a 60-item test.
For him to have a quick picture of the skewness of his data, he created a box plot out from that data with the
use of the SPSS. Is he doing the right thing? Justify your answer.

When the median is closer to the bottom of the box, and if the whisker is shorter on the lower end of the box,
then the distribution is positively skewed (skewed right).

*Click on Analyze -> Descriptive Statistics -> Descriptives

* Drag and drop the variable for which you wish to calculate skewness and kurtosis into the box on the right

* Click on Options, and select Skewness and Kurtosis

* Click on Continue, and then OK

* Result will appear in the SPSS output viewer

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