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Activity 1:

1. Give at least 3 differences of learning objectives and student learning outcomes.

1. Focus
- Learning objectives focus on what instructors plan to teach, while student learning
outcomes focus on what students are expected to have learned by the end of the course or
2. Scope
- Learning objectives tend to be more specific, whereas student learning outcomes are
broader in scope and can cover a range of skills, knowledge or behaviors that students should
have acquired.
3. Time Frame
- Learning objectives tend to be more short-term and immediate, while student learning
outcomes are more long-term and aimed at achieving the overall educational goals of the course
or program.

2. Provide at least 3 examples statements of learning objectives and 3 examples of student

learning outcomes

Examples of Learning Objectives:

1. Students will be able to differentiate between the various types of cells through microscopic
2. Students will be able to implement statistical analysis methods for data interpretation and
hypothesis testing.
3. Students will be able to demonstrate familiarity with the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and
JavaScript for web design.

Examples of Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will be able to compare and contrast the cultural practices and beliefs of indigenous
populations across multiple continents.
2. Students will be able to apply ethical principles to practical cases in various professional
3. Students will be able to synthesize and present a summary of research findings using
appropriate knowledge of citation and referencing formats.

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