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Power BI Dashboards and Report Requirements

Case Study
Prepared by: Teejay Cruz

AdventureWorks Cycles have a maintained various flat files used in their Sales
Group that monitors their sales in the following:
 Sales per Teritory
 Sales per Reseller
 Sales per Product
 And Sales per Customer
In the past years they’ve noticed that they cannot monitor the most recent excel
files to monitor. Several excel files are maintained by individual sales personnel and
its getting cumbersome to monitor which file is the latest and relevant.

As a Power BI Consultant you are ask by the Sales Heads and Manager to formulate
a strategy to resolve their pain points in maintaining and creating reports.
1. Create a Strategy on how to resolve the multiple excel files of the sales team.
2. Modify the data for Product Information that the sales team can easily adjust
the product list price.
3. Create Individual reports for the sales team.
4. Create a main dashboard that monitors all aspect of the Sales Requirement.
5. Present the Dasboards and Reports that you have created in a Story like

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