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Topic: Harvesting Success Through Challenges

“When the Wheat is Golden”

Farmers, as one of the main providers that sustains the masses, go through
multitudes of efforts in their career. Many in the countryside who choose farming as a way
of living, possess the capability to provide what people need to survive – they place the food
on people’s plates and sow the seeds essential for life. However, as the folk song goes,
“Magtanim ay ‘di biro”; encountering tough challenges are a familiar situation for farmers.
Much as in life, we also encounter obstacles that test our determination, yet it is in facing
these challenges head-on that we have the opportunity to harvest success.

Success is not without its share in hardships. As we go through life and the seasons
change, we go through a never-ending scenario of adapting to situations that we encounter.
We also change our goals as time passes, as well as how we choose to overcome the
problems we face. Coming back to farmers, they encounter unpredictable weather
conditions, pests, and other factors that can threaten the harvest. Similarly, in our lives, we
embark on various endeavors, set goals, and work hard to achieve them. However,
challenges and obstacles are inevitable companions on this journey. Problems will almost
always arise when we set out to achieve something worthwhile. These challenges are not
meant to deter us – but rather to test our resolve and adaptability.

We truly reap what we sow; as you plant your seed of input in the soil of challenges,
sooner or later are you going to gather the fruit you harvest, and its sweetness can only be
determined by how you have planted your seed.

To achieve your goal means you have to exert an amount of effort, no matter how big
or small; as a student with immense ambitions, I myself know that to dream big means to
work bigger. It is only through how we choose to go about the situations can we know if we
deserve the results we get. Most of the time, students like myself have had a thought or two
about succumbing to the hardships faced, as we cannot avoid problems that seem a bit too
large for us. As I reflect on the situations I have been through, I do know one thing; the
problems may pass on along with the seasons, but the experience we get from these said
problems has a greater chance to stay with us – it is in our hands to learn how we can use
these experiences as a stepping stone for us to face our future problems.

I do believe that it is a universal human experience to feel like life paces too fast at
times – One day, spring arises and the crops of our hard-earned work grow beautifully. But
yet, in a moment, we feel the weather of autumn nearing upon us and suddenly, we cannot
enjoy our reap of laurels to its full extent. The fields we tread on seem harder to plow the
farther we get from where we started, and the land we stand on is soon seeped by drought.
There are times when life feels like it is only full of burdens, but as the seasons change, so
should the crops we choose to harvest. The flow of life’s challenges may momentarily
overshadow our achievements, but the experiences gained should be lessons to navigate
future adversities. During these times, we are tested by nature. We must only try to dig
deeper and find the strength to persevere.
Now, success in its essence is not garnered overnight. It requires dedication,
patience, and the commitment to overcome challenges Just as the farmer battles the
unpredictability of life, we too face unforeseen circumstances. However, our sustained effort
will surely produce success itself if faced with the right way of facing these challenges –
Every step of the way, and every moment we take into nurturing our crops through the
experiences we take in life, sooner or later could we find the right time to reap all of our
perseverance and hard work we have faced; we will only know if the time is right if we know
by heart when the wheat we have sowed turns into a golden harvest.

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