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Theres always so much hope we can get through praying especially this time of

pandemic. As things worsen and hard to bear, along with prayer, life become easy and great.
Facing pandemic with positivity
There are so much things to worry and there ae so much reason to be sad about this time
of pandemic but it is very important to face pandemic with positivity. Coz positivity attracts
goodness and it enables us to face everything with courage, hope, strength and love
Though there’s a lot of negative impacts of this pandemic that made us sad, angry,
anxious and hopeless but we should never give up. Though our economy, community and society
are greatly affected; businesses, works and everyone’s safety is at risk, we should always bear in
mind that at some point in life, we have to face challenges and difficulties for us to realize that
we cannot grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges. And Joshua Marine
said, “Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life
meaningful.” This pandemic teaches us a lot of lessons. And every individual learns different
lessons from it. Some learn the importance of saving money, some learn the importance of
family, some learn the importance of giving and sharing, some learn the importance of following
instructions, some learn the meaning of life and death and some learn the value of many things,
the value that’s almost forgotten, and as for me, this pandemic taught me to love, to listen, to
care, to help and to continue living life with hope.

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