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studio cabins 1

contents relationship between long band and

short band in studio

cabins with half ball and

seven carom effect on the

table This study aims to

demonstrate the relationship between the

short band on the right and the upper long band,

especially when we act with

half ball and effect

seven, first of all we will take into

account the distance from the corner to

both balls, we observe that in this

first case the red ball has eight diamonds

and the yellow ball has four,

that blow will seek Exactly that

relationship if we attack the red ball with the

same blow from diamond s it

will look for 3 and Med on the

short rail if we do it from diamond 6 it

will look for diamond 3 that is, it will lower

six half

diamonds doing it from diamond

5 the White ball will look for diamond 2 and a

half of the short one

counted from the

upper edge if

we attack the ball that is in diamond

4 the white will go to diamond

c if we do it from diamond

3 we will look for the 1 and a


from the diamond c it will look for the

one and from the diamond a it will look for

the half

diamond always maintaining the


half carom relationship on Villar's table

if we attack with a half ball effect

seven a ball that is in


8 or ours white will look for the

four on the

right side if masters now attacks the ball

located in the s will look for the 3 and a

half on the

short rail attacking diamond

6 he will look for the three on the

short rail now we do it from the c then

the cue ball or cue ball will reach

diamond 2 and a

half if it is on diamond 4 it will look for


two If we do it to diamond 3 it

will go Searching for 1 and

Med from two will search for

a And finally from 1 it will search for

all the blows that we have taken

obviously did not have


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