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The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping by Lazarus and Folkman is a

significant and well-known theory in the field of stress and coping. This theory mainly focus
on the relationship between a person and their environment as a way of managing the thing
causes stress to them. The primary appraisal and secondary appraisal are its two main
The first step in determining if an event has a good, negative, or neutral meaning is
called primary appraisal. Determining if a scenario poses a threat, challenge, or harm is the
goal of the secondary appraisal. When a situation is considered difficult, people assess their
resources and their capacity to handle the stressor. People utilize coping mechanisms
according to their assessments, if we are to observe the coping mechanisms. Either problem-
or emotion-focused coping involves managing one's emotional reactions, whereas problem-
focused coping involves confronting the stressor directly.
I also have my own real-life experience which can relate to this theory I have to deal
with the pressure of meeting assignment deadlines. The workload and pressure to complete
all of the assignments as best I can have me feeling overburdened. My main assessment is
that I think the assignment is really important to my academic performance. Apart from that,
there's an anxiety of not meeting expectations because of some complicated assignments. I
evaluate my coping mechanisms as part of my secondary appraisal. I understand that I have
the information, study skills, and friends' and lecturers' assistance accessible to me. I also
think about time-management techniques. I think that by applying these
strategies and techniques, I can effectively handle my stress. I employ a problem-focused
coping technique by making a thorough study plan, categorizing my work, and asking
lectures for assistance as necessary. I also ask my fellow classmates for guidance and
encouragement. My conclusion is that my coping mechanisms work well. I successfully
finish my assignments and am happy with the results. In the end, I have released my stress
and get a sense of achievement.
To sum up, this theory highlights how individuals actively engage with their
environment to manage stress and underlines the importance of perceptions and coping
mechanisms in the stress and coping process.

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