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TAÑAJURA, Emmanuel A. Grade 12 – St.



(First Quarter)

Author(s): Ganesan Y. , Talwar P. , Norsiah Fauzan and Oon Y.B.

Research Title: A Study on Stress Level and Coping Strategies among Undergraduate Students
Journal Title: Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development
Volume and Issue Number: Vol.3(2)
Year of Publication: March 2018

This study from the Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development which is all about
the said “relationship between stress and coping strategies among university students” on the report the
abstract. The information given to us, on how coping mechanisms can possibly affect stress levels of
students suggest that the study uses a correlational research design. Undergraduates are not an exception
to the fact that stress can hinder a person's ability to complete tasks in their daily lives. This study aims to
determine how different coping mechanisms used by university students can help them manage or lessen
the stress they experience on a daily basis. They experience various levels of stress in their lives, which
has an impact on their academic performance and day-to-day tasks in general. The observable strengths in
this study are that the study's aims and has the potential ability to provide the groundwork for better stress
management techniques among undergraduates in further research. However, this study merely
demonstrates the presumptive association; it does not involve itself further or produce a cause-and-effect
relationship. Additionally, it is unable to manipulate the factors included in the research design. Speaking
of demographics, some of the experts' conclusions were in conflict with one another. In the stress
inventory, females performed better than males and reported feeling greater stress and vice versa. All in
all, introduces the weaknesses or the limitations of the study.
It is true that there are numerous methods for conducting research, each with its own set of
advantages and disadvantages. Limitations or weaknesses are always present in research designs, but
there will always possible solutions to improve these hindrances. Since the primary limitation of the
research design is that it can only be used to determine the statistical relationship between two variables
(male and female). We can improve this by providing more options for an individual's gender identity. In
order to obtain more results from various types of people. Where we can obtain different but distinct
results from these various demographic statuses. By categorizing the respondents, you can control how
the findings are obtained, resulting in a more organized sampling system. This may eventually influence
how the researchers analyze the findings in each category. All of this can greatly aid in reaching a
conclusion based on the findings of the researchers.
Undergraduates' coping mechanisms make up the majority of the independent variables since
different coping mechanisms can alter a student's capacity to handle stress. Since, when undergraduates
have appropriate coping mechanisms, they have a lower chance of stress or health issues, which is what
the "stress variable" depends on. The construction of these coping mechanisms has a cumulative impact
on the stress levels of the learners. Students' academic performance is impacted if they are unable to
manage their stress. According to this study, kids have fewer coping mechanisms when they are under a
lot of stress than when the situation is the reverse. Since "Stress" causes noticeable changes when Coping
Strategies are changed, this strongly suggests that it is an independent variable. Because the coping
mechanisms are described in words but are graded from best to worst, it is safe to say that this variable is
qualitative and discrete.
On the other hand, the level of stress is the major dependent variable in this study. It is designated
as a dependent variable because its levels can change as a result of manipulating the independent variable,
which are undergraduates' coping strategies. Simply saying, it is demonstrated in the study that it is the
one being measured and is likely to change or be affected as a result of the cause. Since it is expressed
numerically, the dependent variable is both quantitative and continuous. It is Continuous since it is also
expressed as a scale or level of intensity.
The results of their questionnaires are shown in a bar graph in the research paper. Therefore,
the Ordinal Scale is used to measure the levels of measurement in the research paper. So even though,
whether it's stress levels or coping strategies that are being measured, they're all ranked, but it's
impossible to tell how much the ranks differ from one another. The “Stress Levels” are being measured in
the study where they ranked from 0 as “never” and 4 as “very often”. It is ranked, but the size of the gap
between ranks is not specified.  Furthermore, when it comes to measuring the Independent Variable
(Coping Strategies), the approach is ranked by how preferred it is. Most preferred, Second Most
Preferred, and Least Preferred are the three options. Only through rank can you tell the difference, not
internally. The distinction between "Most Preferred" and "Next Most Preferred" is most likely not
equivalent to the distinction between "Next Most Preferred" and "Least Preferred."
The study above deals with stress and the coping strategies of students, which is very suitable to
my life experiences. It guided me in learning new ways to cope with the stress of college life or why
having a coping strategy is important when experiencing stress. It's essential to know how you react so
you can recognize when you're stressed as soon as possible. We can't avoid stress, and no one can manage
it for us. We must make the decision to learn and practice stress management techniques that will allow
us to live well no matter what situations arise. As a fellow student, it provided me with such important
information. Furthermore, quantitative research in general has been beneficial to me as a student. It
merely provides data expressed through numbers in order to help me gain greater knowledge about
certain topics, despite the fact that I have only learned a portion of what a Quantitative Research is.
Furthermore, it observes situations or events. As a student, it helped me understand more and more about
what quantitative research is. It broadens the way a student thinks critically and dynamically, especially
as a Senior High STEM student. It broadens a student's critical and dynamic thinking.
After reading this research paper, it broadened my understanding of how stressful university life
can be. People have different perspectives on things. We choose to focus our attention on different
aspects of a message based on what interests us, what is familiar to us, or what we consider important.
Our listening skills could often use improvement. Listening and thinking are inextricably linked. Stress is
a normal psychological and physiological response to life's demands. A small amount of stress can be
beneficial in terms of motivating you to perform well. However, many daily challenges, such as sitting in
traffic, meeting deadlines, and paying bills, can overwhelm you. That is why stress awareness is very
important for us to learn. It can assist your mind and body in adapting (resilience). Without it, your body
may be constantly on high alert. Chronic stress can cause serious health problems over time. Don't wait
until stress has a negative impact on your health, relationships, or quality of life. It is critical for use to
understand how to avoid becoming overwhelmed by stress and pressure. School is not always about
competitions, deadlines and pressure, but it is also about new things about life, knowing and
understanding yourself more, learning about our future, and to also enjoy school life. Therefore, rest is
essential for improved mental health, improved concentration and memory, a stronger immune system,
reduced stress, improved mood, and even a faster metabolism. A consistent sleep schedule calms and
restores the body, improves concentration, regulates mood, and sharpens judgment and decision-making.
When you are well-rested, you are a better problem solver and can cope with stress.

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