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Name: kirtan prajapati

Roll no: 21BEE069


(a) To scan two numbers and display result of

different arithmetic


#include <stdio.h>

int main()

int a,b,c,d,reversed ;

printf("Enter a three digit number to be reversed\n");

scanf("%d" , &a);

b = a%10 ;

a = a/10 ;

c = a%10 ;

d = a/10 ;

reversed = (b*100)+(c*10)+d ;

printf("Reversed Number = %d " , reversed) ;


return 0;


C. The driver is driving a car from city Ahmedabad to city

Mumbai, in Ahmedabad temperature displays in Celsius while

in Mumbai the temperature displayed in Fahrenheit, a driver

wants to find the difference between the temperatures of two

Cities in Celsius.


int main( )

float x,y,c,d;

printf("the temprature of ahmedabad in deegre cecious is",x);


printf("¥n the temprature of mumbai in deegre fehrenhit is",y);



printf("¥n the temperatur in mumbai in deegre cecious is ",c);


printf("¥n the diference in temperature is %f ",d);

return 0;

E. A boy was punished and asked to cover 5 rounds of the circular

ground. Area of the ground is 32000 sq mtr. Calculate how many

kilometres the boy has covered.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

int main()

float area , radius , x , cf ;

printf("Area Of the Ground is: 32000 sq.m");


area = 32000 ;

x = area/3.14 ;

radius = sqrt(x);

cf = (2*3.14*radius*5)/1000 ;

printf("\nRadius of The circle is: %f" ,radius);

printf("\nThus,The Distance Covered By The Boy in km Is: %f",cf);


return 0;


(g) To swap the value of two numbers

(i)Using a temporary variable

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

Int main()

Int a,b,temp;

Printf(“Enter the value of a : “);


Printf(“Enter the value of b : “);


Temp = b;

B = a;

A = temp;

Printf(“Value of a = %d¥nValue of b = %d”,a,b);

Return 0;

(ii)Without using temporary variable

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

Int main()

Int a,b;

Printf(“Enter the value of a :¥n”);


Printf(“Enter the value of b :¥n”);


A = a+b;

B = a-b;

A = a-b;

Printf(“Value of a = %d¥nValue of b = %d”,a,b);

Return 0;

(b) A company has following scheme for payment to their staff.

• Net salary = Gross salary – Deduction

• Gross salary = Basic + DA + HRA + Medical

• Deduction = Insurance + PF

• DA (Dearness allowance) = 50% of Basic

• HRA (House rent allowance) = 10% of Basic

• Medical = 4% of Basic

• PF (Provident Fund) = 5% of Gross

• Insurance = 7% of Gross



int main()

float basic, da, hra, medical, gross_salary, pf,

insurance, deduction, net_salary;

printf("Enter The Basic of an Employee :¥n");

scanf("%f", &basic);

printf("¥nThe Dearness Allowance (DA)= %f¥n",da);


printf("The House Rent Allowance (HRA)= %f¥n",hra);


printf("The Medical= %f¥n", medical);


printf("The Gross Salary=%f¥n", gross_salary);


printf("The Provident Fund (PF)=%f¥n", pf);


printf("The Insurance=%f¥n", insurance);


printf("The Deduction=%f¥n¥n", deduction);


printf("The Net Salary Of The Employee=%f",net_salary);

return 0;


(f) Read the price of item in decimal form. For

example, 12.52 and separate rupee and paise from

the given value. For example, 12 rupees and 52




int main()

float x;

int r,p;

printf("Enter the price : ¥n");


r = (int)x;

p = 100*(x-r);

printf("Rupees = %d¥nPaise = %d",r,p);

return 0;

(h) To find greatest of two and three numbers

using the ternary operator.


int main()

int a,b,c;

printf("enter the value of a");


printf("enter the value of b");



{ printf("the value of a is greater than b");

else{printf("the value of a is less than b");}

return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

Int main() {

Greater than both n2 and n3, n1 is the largest

If (n1 >= n2 && n1 >= n3)

Printf(“%.f is the largest number.”, n1);

Double n1, n2, n3;

Printf(“Enter three different numbers: “n”)

Scanf(“%f %f %f”, &n1, &n2, &n3);

// if n1 is

// if n2 is greater than both n1 and n3, n2 is the largest

If (n2 >= n1 && n2 >= n3)

Printf(“%.f is the largest number.”,number)

// if n3 is greater than both n1 and n2, n3 is the largest

If (n3 >= n1 && n3 >= n2)

Printf(“%.f is the largest number.”, n3);

Return 0;


(d) To calculate simple interest.



Int main()

Float p, r, t, si;

Printf(“Enter The Principal Amount:¥n “);

Scanf(“%f”, &p);

Printf(“Enter The Rate Of Interest:¥n”);

Scanf(“%f”, &r);

Printf(“Enter The Time In Years:¥n”);

Scanf(“%f”, &t);


Printf(“¥nYour Simple Interest(SI) Amount is:%f¥n”, si);

Return 0;

* Thank you *

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