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Maintenance & Care of your Acrylic Sports Floor

Ebaco Acrylic Systems are long lasting and need less maintenance. To keep the surface to use it longer just needs some basic cleaning and
maintenance method. Here you will find some tips how you extend your sport surface life.

Rinsing court with water is usually sufficient for general cleaning. If there are visible stains on the court surface, a mild cleaning agent can be
applied prior to gentle scrubbing with a soft bristled brush.

Clean your court regularly

Once in a month is suggested. Watch for evidence of mold or mildew in shaded areas and corners where organic debris tends to accumulate.
Acrylic coatings do not support fungus growth, so growth of fungus or mold is a result from standing water, food and drink spills, decaying matter,
or other foreign materials on the surface.

To remove mold, fungus & other organisms on the Acrylic surface, mix cleaning solution with water. Use this solution to treat affected areas.
Scrub gently with soft bristled brush and rinse thoroughly after a few minutes.

Remove standing water

Rain showers help clean your court. However, dirt accumulates in standing water, leaving stains and piles of debris. Remove water from ground
as often as possible.

Remove foreign matter

Leaves and pine needles not only can stain your court, but also are breeding grounds for mold and mildew. It is especially important to remove
leaves in the fall and keep your court free of debris all winter.

Use proper equipment

Use soft nylon or hair‐type brooms for scrubbing your surface. Scrubbing too hard with hard bristles can damage the surface. Water brooms are a
great tool for cleaning tennis court surfaces. It use up to 75% less water than a pressure washer or hose and much less time spent in labor. When
using a pressure washer or water broom, limit pressure to 70 p.s.i. for jet pressure use.

Prevention from Damage

• Near the court entrance post sign or banners regarding court “rules” as below.
• Use only non‐marking sports shoes on the court surface (no spike shoes should be allowed)
• No bikes, roller blades, or skateboards
• No any chewing gum, food, drinks(like cola or others) on the playing surface
• Do not drag the chairs, benches or other related item over the surface
• Use pads underneath chairs legs or any other equipment on the court


Drain systems are a very important part of outdoor court construction. Excess water that flows back onto the court surface or beneath the court
can cause problems. Properly installed drainage systems divert water away from the court and should be inspected from
time to time.

Look for any evident damage to structures and drain pipes

Clear away any vegetation or debris that may be blocking drains or swales

Repairing and resurfacing of court

Acrylic Surface Systems cycle is around ‐5

3 years. No matter how well built all concrete or asphalt based tennis court surfaces can face cracking
and low spots (birdbath) problems. Many factors contribute to these problems from ground movement and sinking, or
improper construction or base mixes.

Our advice is to have a routine checking performed twice a year to see the condition of facility. Here are some tips will take your attention in
regards to surfacing.
• Overall condition and appearance of the facility
• Surface damage, low spots, cracks
Drain systems are a very important part of outdoor court construction. Excess water that flows back onto the court surface or beneath the court
can cause problems. Properly installed drainage systems divert water away from the court and should be inspected from
time to time.

Look for any evident damage to structures and drain pipes

Clear away any vegetation or debris that may be blocking drains or swales

Repairing and resurfacing of court

Acrylic Surface Systems cycle is around ‐5

3 years. No matter how well built all concrete or asphalt based tennis court surfaces can face cracking
and low spots (birdbath) problems. Many factors contribute to these problems from ground movement and sinking, or
improper construction or base mixes.

Our advice is to have a routine checking performed twice a year to see the condition of facility. Here are some tips will take your attention in
regards to surfacing.
• Overall condition and appearance of the facility
• Surface damage, low spots, cracks
• Drainage system performance
• Damaged areas
• Condition of surfacing system i.e.; texture, mold, stains
• Condition of equipments i.e.; Tennis Nets, posts, windscreen

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