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his 21 days spiritual guide for prayer and fasting is
supported by daily reflections and teachings. The
reflections will aid the child of God to be rooted in the
fundamentals of the Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition of
the church.

Beloved, do not be past-possesed. The events of the previous

year(s), should not throw you into forlornless, learn from them,
be strategic in this new year, shun indolence and pray with
conviction like Daniel who gained Divine Intervention after his
21 days prayer march. Be hopeful, because the hopeless can't
be helped by the Almighty. I can see everything turning
around for your good, just BELIEVE!

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)


Duration: 21 days
1. Visit the sacrament of penance/confess your sins (1 John
2. Avoid occasion of sin (Proverbs 4:23).
3. Pardon your offender (Matthew 5:23-24).
4. Fasting from 6 am - 12 pm (Psalm 35:13).
5. Book novena Mass for 21 days.
6. Console the poor around you (Proverbs 19:17).
7. Support God's projects in your church (Luke 6:38).
8. Pray with great faith (Proverbs 3:5-6).
9. For the Catholics, you must attend morning masses within
this period.
10. It is a chain prayer, therefore, no day should be missed.


Oh sweet Jesus my adorable Saviour, behold me here,
prostrate, imploring your mercy for myself and for every
member of my family. Vouchsafe to apply to me the infinite
merits of your sanctifying grace. Let your redeeming blood
purify me from all defilement and iniquities. In you I take
refuge, let me never be put to shame.

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Oh Lord have your way in my life this year and always.
Disconnect me from destiny hackers and terminators. May I not
labour in vain this year and always. Release the oil of favour
upon the work of my hands. May your emancipating blood
liberate me from every form of fruitless labour, setback and
stagnation. Clothe me with the garment of holiness and
Support me with your power, comfort me with your protection
and give me the strength to fight against evil and do your will
graciously. Therefore I boldly declare that I shall testify of the
Lord's goodness and mercies in the land of the living this year
and always, in the miraculous name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Oh Mary, my Mother and Queen. I entrust to you my soul and
my body, my life and my death and all that will follow. I place
all these into your hands, oh my good mother, cover my soul
with your virginal mantle and grant me the grace of a generous
heart, a straight mind and a pure body. Protect me with your
power from enemies of any kind; in particular from those who
conceal their wickedness under the appearance of goodness.
Oh adorable Lily, be for me always a model of all virtues.
Mother of God and mine, Mary, virgin most holy, you are my
mother in a special way. Since your beloved son became my
spouse, we are both then, your children. Oh Mary, my dear
mother, be then the guide of my spiritual life, so that I may
always be pleasing to you and your son. Amen.

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

Morning: Chaplet and litany of divine mercy
Noon: Prayer of repentance
Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee by
word, thought, deed and omission. I detest all my sins because
I dread the loss of heaven and pains of hell. I firmly resolve,
with the help of thy grace to mend my life. Amen.
Night: pray the following Psalms; 51, 130, 32, and 6

D AY E I G H T T O F O U R T E E N ( P E R I O D O F
Morning: Chaplet and litany of our lady of perpetual help
Noon: Prayer of Liberation
Oh God arise above the heavens and let your glory shine over
me. Oh come and set me free from stagnation, failure,
labouring but not harvesting, anti-prosperity spirit. Lord, set me
free from unseen spiritual chains that make it difficult for me to
make progress in life. Endow me with your glorious presence
so as to do exploits and be impactful to my generation, through
Christ our Lord, amen.
Night: Pray the following Psalms; 143, 39, 77 and 121


Morning: Chaplet and litany of the Precious Blood
Noon: Prayer of Manifestation
Oh Lord my God, your word declares that all power belongs to
you and that you are ready to give power to those who believe
21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight) .001
in Christ so they can manifest your glory on earth. Now Lord, I
pray that you fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit for
unquantifiable breakthrough in my spirituality, finance,
destiny and career. Lord, wherever darkness is reigning in my
life, illuminate it with your light. Let my brand manifest and be
synonymous with Godliness, power and grace. Let the blanket
and cobwebs of darkness be eternally dissipated, amen.
Night: pray the following Psalms; 102, 25, 27 and 16

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

Wisdom is
1 profitable

isdom is a timeless gift of God and he who doesn't
have wisdom will go through life clueless and
purposeless, and he or she will continue to be less
of all that God has destined for him or her. Wisdom is a
guiding principle for living a fulfilling and meaningful life and
it is to be found only in God as the Psalmist says in Psalm
119:97-104, “I have more understanding than all my
teachers, For your testimonies are my meditation. I understand
more than the ancients because I keep your precepts. I have
restrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep your
word.” In the treasury of life, wisdom is the most valuable
currency. No wisdom, no true progress. Wisdom is a priceless
gem, a beacon of light in the darkness, and a steadfast
compass in the storms of existence. The profitability of wisdom
extends far beyond material wealth; it encompasses the
richness of the soul, the harmony of relationships, and the
serenity of the mind. Wisdom opens the door to

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understanding, showing us the world through a lens of
discernment. It invites us to look past the superficial and to
seek the deeper truths that underlie every situation. In times of
uncertainty and doubt, wisdom offers clarity and purpose,
steering us away from impulsive choices and toward
decisions that lead to growth and well-being. If you lack
wisdom, going through life will be very tough and rough for

Wisdom is very important in our lives, not only because of the

things we will gain but mainly because, with wisdom, we will
be smart enough to know the things that we ought to avoid.
Wisdom will shield you from the snares of rashness and the
pitfalls of ignorance. It is the hand that guides us safely through
the dark paths of life's challenges, helping us sidestep
unnecessary suffering and regret. Wisdom will help you
dodge bullets, avoid unnecessary fights and walk away from
conflicts and bickering. In any case, do not forget that wisdom
is not a passive acquisition; it's an active pursuit. It requires a
humble heart, a curious mind, and a willingness to learn from
both successes and failures. Seek wisdom through lifelong
learning, through listening to the experiences of others,
through introspection and especially, through the word of
God. Wisdom, once obtained, should be shared. It is not for
your individual use, but for others too. Its profitability multiplies
when passed on to others, illuminating their paths and
fostering a culture of enlightenment and empathy. In the act of
sharing wisdom, you enrich not only your own life but the lives
of those who are fortunate to receive your guidance.
.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)
Finally, don't forget that wisdom is an investment that yields
returns in joy, fulfillment, and a life well lived. As you walk the
journey of existence, let wisdom be your constant companion,
your trusted advisor, and your most cherished treasure.

James 3:13
Proverbs 16:16
James 1:5
Proverbs 4:6-7
Job 12:12

Holy Spirit, be my comforter,
Holy Spirit, take control
As am walking along the way, the road is so narrow
Holy Spirit, lead me through.

PRAYERS: Lord, you are all-wise, the source of all true

wisdom. With your supreme wisdom, you have planned my
life and the course I have to take. Shine your light over my
thoughts as you help me navigate my life and decisions in the
right direction. Amen.

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2 My destiny

f you don't have character, forget it; you don't also have a
destiny. With no character, you will merely travel in circles
in life and you will celebrate your birthdays as your greatest
achievement in this life. See, character is the thread that
weaves our destiny and when this thread is missing, destiny
loses direction. Character is not just a moral compass; it is also
a spiritual guide, an essential force that shapes the path we
walk, and the ultimate destination we reach as we journey to
our destinations in this life. Our character is formed in the
crucible of choices, tested in the fires of adversity, and
polished through the sands of time. Just as a gem's brilliance is
revealed through the facets of its cut, our character shines
through the choices we make in our daily lives. When we say
that our destinies depend on our character, we acknowledge
the profound connection between the seeds we sow and the
fruits we reap in time and beyond time. The best booster for
your destiny is your character and when there is no character

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

as the base or foundation to your destination, everything will
scatter. No character, no destiny.
Listen, character is not built in the light alone; it is tested in the
shadows of life's trials too. When the chips are down, how do
you react? When no eyes see your actions, how do you
behave? When you leave the floods of light, do you remain
authentic and disciplined? It's in the moments of difficulty that
we reveal the true nature of our character. Our responses to
challenges, our resilience in the face of adversity and our
ability to maintain integrity under pressure are defining
moments that shape our destiny. Spiritual growth and
character development go hand in hand. As we draw closer to
God, seeking His guidance and wisdom, we find the strength
to cultivate a character that is aligned with divine principles.
Proverbs 3:5-6 advises, 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to
Him, and He will make your paths straight.' In our Christian
journey, we are both the artist and the canvas. Our choices,
and our character, are the strokes that create the masterpiece
of our destiny. Let us, with spiritual resolve, nurture a character
that reflects the love, grace, and wisdom of God. In doing so,
we acknowledge that 'our destinies depend on our Character,'
and through faith, integrity, and love, we chart a course
toward a destiny that is both profound and divine." No
character, no destiny.

Romans 5:3-5
James 1:4
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2 Peter 1:5
Philippians 4:8

Come walk with me
The road is straight and narrow.
Come walk with me
I cannot walk alone
The road is rough and there are many dangers.
Come walk with me, and I will see you through.

PRAYER: To you oh Lord, I lift up my prayer, for I trust in you.

Please teach me your path so that I can grow to be more like
Christ every day. You are my salvation. Help me to wait
patiently for you as my character grows.

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

3 is a destiny

f you don't know that bitterness is a poison that slowly and
insidiously corrodes the threads of our destiny, then you are
still a baby Christian. There is a reason why Christ
admonished us to forgive; he knows too well that bitterness is
an acid that will consume and destroy us if we don't let go of it.
Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers; that was
betrayal at its peak. Betrayed by his blood, he faced numerous
trials and tribulations in a foreign land, all because his
brothers let envy eat them up. However, instead of harbouring
bitterness towards them, Joseph chose to forgive and trust in
God's plan. His character and faithfulness allowed him to rise
from slavery to become a high-ranking official in Egypt,
ultimately saving his family from famine. Joseph's story
exemplifies how a lack of bitterness can pave the way for a
remarkable destiny. Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian Holocaust
survivor, endured unimaginable suffering in a concentration
camp during World War II. Despite witnessing the depths of

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human cruelty, she emerged from this horrific experience with
a heart full of forgiveness and a determination to spread God's
love. Her destiny was not destroyed by the bitterness she could
have harboured but was instead marked by her commitment to
forgiveness and reconciliation.

Bitterness can be likened to a slow-burning fire that consumes

our inner peace, joy, and potential. It's an acid that destroys
us, the containers. It not only harms our emotional and spiritual
well-being but also affects our relationships, hindering our
capacity to love and be loved. It's a poison and slowly, it
destroys us. It creates a barrier between us and God,
preventing us from fully experiencing His grace and guidance.
On the contrary, forgiveness is a powerful catalyst for spiritual
growth and transformation. It frees us from the chains of
bitterness, enabling us to embrace our God-given destiny with
open hearts. Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing
the wrongs done to us, but it signifies releasing the burden of
bitterness and trusting God to bring justice and healing. As
children of God, we are called to be agents of God's love and
reconciliation. Bitterness is an obstacle that impedes this divine
purpose, preventing us from fully embracing our destiny. By
choosing forgiveness, we break free from the chains that bind
us and open the door to a destiny marked by love, grace, and
spiritual growth.

Ephesians 4:31-32
Hebrews 12:15
.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)
Acts 8:23
1 Corinthians 14:20
1 Peter 2:1

Take me, deeper in love
With you Jesus, deeper in love.
Hold me, closer in love with you
Jesus, hold me closer in love with you.

PRAYER: Merciful father, please do not allow my vulnerable

heart to become a garden for the planting of roots of
resentment and bushes of bitterness. By your Holy wounds,
may my heart of stone be transformed this year and always.

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4 compassionate

ach time I read the story of the Good Samaritan, I
understand that our lives as Christians go beyond
carrying the Bible, to living our lives as the Bible. If
compassion is not part of your life as a Christian, then you are
fake. If you don't have space for compassion in your life, it
means that you are not following Christ. If the tears of others
don't move you to tears, then Satan has torn you to pieces.
Compassion is a radiant light that illuminates the darkest
corners of the human heart and that is why the Bible calls on us
to be merciful. It is a virtue that transcends borders, beliefs,
and backgrounds, uniting us in our shared humanity. To be
compassionate is to echo the divine love that flows through our
souls. Compassion is not merely a sentiment; it is a call to
action. It is seen in the helping hand extended to someone in
need, in the comforting embrace given to a grieving friend,
and in the warm smile offered to a stranger. It is a reminder
that, as we tread through the rough and tough paths of life, we

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

do so alongside others who carry their own joys and burdens,
and as brothers and sisters, we ought to bear each other's
burdens and provide shoulders for them to lean on. If you lack
compassion, then you are everything but not a Christian.
Compassion possesses a unique power - it heals both the
receiver and the giver. When we extend compassion, we
become channels of love and grace. In Matthew 5:7, Jesus
said, "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy."
This reminds us that the compassion we sow will return to us in
abundance. Compassion goes hand in hand with
understanding. It involves empathizing with others, seeing the
world through their eyes, and acknowledging their pain and
struggles. In doing so, we connect on a deeper level, breaking
down the walls that separate us. In a world that often seems
divided and tumultuous, indifferent and insensitive to the
plights of others, the call to 'be compassionate' is a beacon of
hope. It urges us to be the change we wish to see, to replace
judgment with understanding, and to sow love where there is
discord. Instead of casting the stones like the Pharisees, let us
help them stand up like Jesus. See, it is only through
compassion that we can mend the broken, uplift the fallen, and
heal the wounded. It is a testament to our capacity for
kindness, and it invites us to be the hands and feet of God's
love on Earth. If you are not compassionate like Christ, then
you are fake.

Colossians 3:12-13
Isaiah. 30:18
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Psalm 103:13
Matthew 9:35-38
Proverbs 19:17

Whatsoever you do, to the
Least of my brothers, that
You do unto me.

PRAYERS: Compassionate Lord, help me to identify the poor

and needy and reach out to them. Give me the heart to be
interested and involved in their needs, to console the
inconsolable, give hope to the hopeless, and show mercy to
the downtrodden, abandoned, and isolated. Amen.

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

Be rooted
5 in your Faith

n a world where values shift like sand and ideologies come
and go, the call to be rooted in our faith is a call to
steadfastness, to anchor ourselves in the unchanging truths
of our Catholic heritage. When you see how we Catholics are
being pushed around like paper in a fiery wind, you will
understand that we have left the ancient path of authenticity in
the city and outside the city which the apostles and all
followers of Christ adopted and lived with all through their
lives. We are a people who have forgotten that we have
everything in the Church and that with Jesus and Mary, we are
completely complete. We have the sacraments which
accompany us from the womb to the tomb and our traditional
prayers are forever effective and powerful. We have the saints
and the angels who are often at our service. We have the holy
Mass and in fact, at the Eucharist, the summit of our lives, God
is forever present with answers, solutions and ways out of
every problem we find ourselves in. The problem is what

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Hosea calls the problem of knowledge. That prophet said in
Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed because they lack
In Colossians 2:7, the apostle Paul reminds us to "let your roots
grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then
your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you
will overflow with thankfulness." Being rooted in our faith
provides us with a spiritual stability that withstands the storms
of life. Just as a tree with deep roots can weather strong winds,
we can face life's challenges with resilience when grounded in
our faith. Our Catholic faith is an ancient tradition, passed
down through generations. Being rooted in our faith means
preserving this sacred tradition, cherishing the wisdom of our
ancestors, and passing it on to our descendants. There may be
moments in our lives when doubt creeps in. In these times, our
rootedness in faith serves as a lifeline, grounding us and
leading us back to the firm foundation of our beliefs.

How to Be Rooted in Your Faith:

1. Prayer: Prayer is the channel through which we deepen
our relationship with God. Regular and fervent prayer keeps
us connected to the source of our faith.
2. Scripture: Regularly reading and studying the Bible helps
us understand the Word of God. The Scriptures provide the
framework of our faith and guide us in our spiritual journey.
3. Sacraments: Participation in the sacraments, especially
the Eucharist, fortifies our faith and keeps us in communion
with Christ and the Church.
4. Community: Being part of a faith community provides us
.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)
with support, accountability, and opportunities for service.
Engaging with fellow Catholics strengthens our faith journey.
When we are rooted in our faith, we bear fruits that nourish not
only our souls but also the world around us. We become
beacons of hope, love, and charity. Our actions speak of our
faith, and they draw others to the light of Christ.
In a world that constantly challenges our values and beliefs; a
world filled with fake ministries, fake pastors, fake prophecies,
fake miracles, let us hold fast to the unchanging truths of our
Catholic faith. Being rooted in your faith will serve as your
response to the call to be "in the world, but not of the world."
Let us be beacons of faith, hope, and love, and in doing so, we
will be living witnesses of the Gospel.

Colossians 2:6-7
salm 1:3
Ephesians 3:16-19
Psalm 92:13
Mark 4:17

My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness,
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sound.
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PRAYER: Blessed Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart,
seeking a renewal of my faith and hope. Help me to see the
possibilities that lie ahead and trust in Your divine purpose for
my life. May Your hope shine brightly in my heart and guide
my steps. In Jesus' name, I pray.

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

Vision is
6 necessary for
upliftment in life

ision is not just a function of the eyes; it is the spark that
ignites the human spirit. It is the ability to see beyond
the present and imagine a future that does not yet exist.
Vision is the compass that guides our actions, the source of our
inspiration, and the catalyst for change. There is a reason why
many who have eyes are said not to be visionary; it is because
vision is not just about the physical sight, but about great
insights from God and I must tell you that it is a gift of God.
Vision will give you purpose and it will provide clarity and
direction in a world that often seems chaotic and distressed.
When we have a clear vision, we know where we are headed,
and every step we take is meaningful. But when vision is
missing, we will surely miss the track. Listen, vision is the
foundation of our dreams. It's the seed from which our
aspirations grow. It fuels our creativity and ignites our
imagination. Without vision, there would be no masterpieces
of art, no great inventions, and no monumental achievements.

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Our Lord Jesus was a visionary; in fact, the greatest and
noblest of them all. 2000 years later, his words still carry
power and he is still changing lives because he had a vision.
A vision is a powerful motivator because it will inspire you to
rise above your limitations, to strive for excellence, and to
persevere through adversity. It will instil a sense of belief that
you can achieve what we set out to do. Visionaries are the
catalysts of change. They see a different world and work
relentlessly to make it a reality. Think of those who envisioned
social justice, scientific breakthroughs, or artistic revolutions.
Their visions transformed society. Think of Mother Theresa,
Blessed Iwene Tansi, Martin Luther King Junior and Pope St.
John Paul II; they changed the world because they had visions.
When life presents challenges, a strong vision can provide
resilience, but with no vision, we tumble and crumble
completely. Vision will give you the strength to push through
difficulties because you can see the reward on the other side.
Your vision will become a lighthouse guiding you through
storms, troubles and problems of life.

Finally, don't forget that having a vision is not just about

achieving external success; it's also about personal fulfillment
and spiritual upliftment. When we align our actions with our
vision, we experience a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing
we are living in accordance with our true calling. Vision as the
blueprint of your future reminds you and me that our capacity
to shape the world is limited only by the scope of our
imagination. Embrace the profound impact of vision in your
life, and you will discover the boundless potential of your spirit.
.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)
2 Chronicles 16:9
Jeremiah 20:12
Job 42:5
Jeremiah 29:11
Proverbs 29:18

Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
The darkness deepens Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comfort flee,
Help of the helpless oh abide with me.

PRAYER: Father, open my spiritual eyes to see your mysteries.

Bring me into a deep and intimate knowledge of your world
and your ways, and reveal to me the hope of my calling.

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Pray & never
7 lose heart

he day Satan listens and he hears not your voice rising in
prayer, that day he sharpens his arrows and heads
towards your direction. The day you depart from the
place of prayer, you enter a zone filled with enemy snipers and
with one shot, they will bring you down. In fact, if you are not
praying, you are losing on all sides. A genuine Christian is
known by the intensity of his or her prayers. If prayer is missing
in your life, then you are like a fish outside water; your chances
of surviving outside of the prayer zone are very slim if not zero.
I am talking about persistent and consistent prayer.

In Luke 18:1, Jesus tells the Parable of the Persistent Widow. He

shares the story of a widow who repeatedly sought justice from
an unjust judge. Though the judge initially refused, her
persistence eventually moved him to grant her request. This
parable underscores the importance of unwavering faith and
persistent prayer, even in the face of apparent resistance, and

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

that is why St. Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says: "Pray without
ceasing." If you want to move mountains in your life, you must
establish an unbroken connection with God by raising altars of
prayer where you will be able to draw fire from heaven. If you
are not praying, you are dying.

Prayer is the oxygen of every child of God and that is why

Ephesians 6:18 encourages us to pray 'at all times' with 'all
kinds of prayers and requests.' Our Lord Jesus himself in
Matthew 26:41 instructed his disciples to “watch and pray so
that you will not fall into temptation.” See, there is a deep
connection with prayer and vigilance in the Spiritual world.
The moment you stop praying, you will fall into a spiritual sleep
and that sleep is very dangerous for your spiritual life and
sustenance. Go and verify; those who slept in the Bible didn't
end well. It was when Samson fell into that demonic sleep that
Delilah and her kinsmen were able to cut his hair and make
him lose his strength. When a child of God stops praying, he
disconnects himself from the source of all light and life. When
he doesn't raise his voice in prayer like incense, enemies
gyrate and celebrate because they know that they will soon
gun him down. When you retire from the place of prayer,
Satan guesses his war attire to fire and mesmerize you. If you
must win in this battle of life, then your prayer must be
persistent, consistent and filled with faith.

Finally, prayer is not merely a religious duty but a lifeline to

anyone who wishes to scale through the many obstacles,
problems and difficulties of this life. Remember that Satan is
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roaring like a lion; use your knees else he will eat you up.

Like 18:1
Mark 11:24
Matthew 26:41
Colossians 4:2
Genesis 18:22-33

One day at a time, sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking of you.
Just give me the strength
To do every day what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine
Lord help me today, show me the way,
One day at a time.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, I surrender my life to you for total

dedication and commitment in praying. I desire to dedicate all
I am to you, to live my life in humble submission, looking to
Jesus Christ the author and finisher of my life.

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

Avoid fake
8 Minstries

e are living in terrible and horrible times. The
hunger for money and wealth has turned everyone
into a minister, a prophet, a man or woman of God,
a pastor and a miracle worker. Church has become a serious
and booming business in our nation and that is why we have
more churches than industries, and more men of God than
scientists, economists, socialists and educationists combined.
Everyone in our days is seeing a vision, and once they speak,
we foolishly swallow their words hook, line and sinker. It's a
pity; we have fallen into sad times and fake ministries and
prophecies are on the rise. Everywhere you turn in this nation,
you will either find a church or a ministry, and the worst of it all
is that once they say that it is happening there, we all are
already there to see for ourselves. There is an invasion of this
country by fake ministries, false prophets, and religious
charlatans who have proliferated and developed new tricks on
how to siphon people of their hard-earned money; child of

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God, be wise
If you lack wisdom, these fake men of God will make a fool of
you. So many have been deceived with fake miraculous
healing, fake financial prosperity, and fake prophecies given
by fake prophets. Many turned their backs on Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament because they saw magic and interpreted it
as miracles. Native doctors have all abandoned their thatched
houses inside thick forests; these days, they don't go around
with white markings on their bodies and with beads all over
their bodies; they now wear suits, with ties and a big Bible in
their hands, they move around deceiving unsuspecting
persons. Satan has devised another means of leading souls
away, and the hunger for miracles won't let us see it. The
hunger for instant success has led many to men of the
underworld who pose as prophets and evangelists. The thirst
for instant breakthrough has blinded many, and as it stands,
souls are languishing in the devil's den because they didn't
recognise that behind the picture of Jesus on the building, lies
human or animal remains that were used for demonic rituals to
attract power into their ministry.

Child of God, patience is the key to your journey as a

Christian. Don't let anyone deceive you. Be firm and be strong.
Satan no longer goes around with horns and a tail, these days,
he carries the Bible and he quotes it with alacrity and audacity,
in the city and outside the city. Beware.

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Matthew 7:15
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
1 John 4:1
Romans 16:18
1 Corinthians 14:10

I need no other argument
I need no other plea
It is enough that Jesus died
And died to set me free.

PRAYER: Gracious God, I beseech you to endow me with the

oil of strong conviction in your precious word. Release your
refreshing light upon me, to make me more focused on
committing my life to the God of men and not "men of God".
Save your children from adulterated ministers who are
deceiving the gullible Christians with heretical teachings and
questionable character. Amen.

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Let your life
9 be your message

f people can't read your life as a Bible, then you have failed
as a witness. If your life doesn't speak louder than your
voice, then sycophancy has eaten deep into the fabric of
your faith. If people can't encounter you and experience
something different from their encounter with the children of
the world, then your Christianity is fake. See, if your life is not
your message, check very well, somewhere Satan is
massaging you. As a child of God, if your life does not serve as
a testament to the transformative power of Christ's love and
grace, then you are missing something fundamental in your
Christian life. St. Francis of Assisi once said, "preach the good
news always; if necessary, use words." You don't need a pulpit
to pull people from the pits of darkness that they found
themselves in, but first, you must be out of that pit.

When we conduct ourselves with kindness, compassion, and

integrity, we demonstrate the genuine difference that Christ

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has made in our lives; if we don't, then making a distinction
between us and pagans will be very difficult. People are
drawn to authenticity, not to the loudness of our voices. They
are attracted to our exemplary lives, not to the bigness of our
Bibles. When we exhibit love, forgiveness, humility, and
grace, we embody the very essence of Christ and our lives
become our messages. In fact, if your actions don't mirror the
attributes of God, and in doing so, we draw others closer to
His divine presence, you are just a pretender. If your words and
your actions don't match to become a powerful catalyst for
transformation, then know that you are not representing Christ
very well here on earth. Live your life like Christ lived his and
you will discover that people will be attracted to Christ through
you. You don't need a loudspeaker to announce Christ; your
life as a witness will do the talking for you.

Psalm 121:7-8
2 Corinthians 5-7
Romans 12:2
John 6:35
Proverbs 13:3

Lord I lift up Your Name on high
Lord I love to sing your praises
I'm so glad You are in my life
I'm so glad You came to save me.

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PRAYER: Righteous God, I seek You with all my heart, do not
let me stay away from your precepts, keep me dear Lord in Your
love, so as to be dedicated in all my dealings with You my
Precious Lord and my neighbors.

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Lead thou
10 me on

n life's complicated journey, we often find ourselves at a
crossroads, faced with decisions that will shape our
destinies. At such moments, the cry "Lead Thou Me On"
springs from the depths of our hearts. It is an
acknowledgement of our limitations and a plea for divine
wisdom to light our path. If Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is
not the one leading you, be sure that you will never ever end
well. It doesn't matter their connections, smartness or wealth;
cut off from the guidance of the holy spirit, we will wallow in
chaos and Satan will forever make us his own. If God is not
your light when all other lights go out, then missing your track
will be a matter of time. If you don't see Christ leading,
whoever is leading you will mislead you, and it doesn't matter
the loudness of his voice or his gestures; when Christ is not part
of it, it will definitely not bring happiness, peace of mind, joy
and fulfillment. Letting God lead you on resonates with a
profound sense of guidance, trust, and faith. It is an

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invocation, a plea for divine direction in a world filled with
uncertainties and challenges.
Letting God lead you carries the assurance of a kindly guide, a
benevolent force that cares for us and seeks our well-being. It is
a trust in the loving nature of the Divine, a belief that the
guidance we seek will be compassionate, wise, and aligned
with our highest good. Letting God lead you means you
surrender to him; it means you let God take the steering wheel
and as the driver, we let him drive us to our goal. It's an act of
humility, recognizing that we do not have all the answers and
that our faith is strengthened when we release our burdens. To
be led is to follow a guiding light. It is to walk a path that may
not always be clearly illuminated but is navigated with the
assurance that the light will lead us, even when we cannot see
the entire journey. It is a journey of faith and trust in God.
Irrespective of the challenges, tough choices, and dark paths,
when we let God lead, the destination is assured.

No matter what you face, just know that God won't abandon
you in moments of darkness or uncertainty. Have the courage
to ask for guidance, the humility to surrender, and the trust to

Proverbs 6:22
Proverbs 11:3
Psalm 25:4-5
Philippians 2:13
Isaiah 30:21
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Lead kindly light, amid
the encircling gloom,
Lead thou me
The night is dark and I am far from home
Lead thou me on.
Keep thou my feet,
I do not ask to see
The distant scene, one step enough for me.

PRAYER: Dearest Lord, please open my eyes and heart to the

direction you want me to take. Help me to make wise decisions
that will lead me closer to your path for my life. Give me
strength to endure difficult times. Lead me with your truth and
love. Into Your hands oh Lord, I commend my spirit.

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Move on from
11 your past

our past is past; leave it in the past. If you don't move on
from your past, moving past life's obstacles and
problems will become impossible for you. If you don't
let go of the past, you will be in chains. Don't carry the weight
of past disappointments, heartbreaks, sorrows, pains, regrets,
and failures on your back; it will break you. Don't let the heavy
anchors of the past keep you stuck in a sea of despair.
Unburden yourself from the past and set sail toward a brighter
future. Your past disappointments and heartbreaks can feel like
a leaden shroud, casting a shadow over your present and
future. The sorrows and pains you have endured may linger,
keeping you captive in a perpetual state of mourning. Regrets
and failures can haunt you, making you question your worth
and your capacity for happiness. But I wish to remind you that
letting go of the past will bring greater results than dwelling on
it. Letting go is not a sign of weakness; it's an act of courage
and strength. It's a declaration that the past does not define

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your future. When you release the grip of your
disappointments and regrets, you create space for hope,
healing, and renewal. Let the past be in the past; move on!
The present moment is a gift, and it's where life unfolds. It's
filled with opportunities for joy, growth, and connection. Yet, if
you are too consumed by your past, you risk missing the
beauty of today. Letting go allows us to fully engage in the
present. While you should move on from your past, you should
also carry the lessons it has taught you. Your disappointments
and failures are not wasted experiences; they are teachers that
equip you for the future. You can learn, grow, and evolve
because of them. When you move on from your past, you
reclaim your future. You regain the power to shape your
destiny, to set new goals, and to dream again. The past may
have been written, but the future is an open page where we
can script a new story.

Letting go of the past is an act of hope. It is an affirmation that

better days are possible and that the sun will shine again after
the darkest of storms. Hope is the beacon that guides us
toward a brighter tomorrow. In life's journey, it's essential to
recognize that the past is past. The past has shaped us, but it
should not shackle us. The future is a new beginning, a canvas
awaiting our artistry. Free yourself from the burdens of
yesterday and step into the light of a new day, where hope,
healing, and joy await. It's time to move on and embrace the
future with open hearts and open arms.

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Isaiah 43:18-19
Romans 8:18
Philippians 3:13-14
Matthew 6:27
1 Corinthians 9:24

Restore to me the Joy of my salvation,
Oh Lord, my God. (x2)

PRAYER: Heavenly father, my times are in your precious

hand. You are the lifter up of men and women. Redeem me
from the mistakes of the past, renew my spirit with
inconceivable acceleration, to reclaim all that was lost both in
the spiritual and the temporal order. Amen.

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In the hollow
12 of His hands

s we go through life experiences we continue to realize
so many areas of human existence that seem to defy
our knowledge, power and even potentials. At some
point in time we seem so helpless and powerless in the face of
some realities. One of those realities that overwhelm humans is
the uncertainty of life. Through the years we have watched
empires, structures and personalities fall. Things that seemed
so sure to us have failed before our very eyes. We meet with a
lot of changes and chances of life. Sometimes things we have
prayed and worked for even elude us. People we have trusted
and relied on fail us. Unfortunately we even fail our very selves
The effect of this situation is that we lose confidence. We
scarcely hold on too long. We are not too sure that our
convictions might pay off. Living in the world full of such
uncertainties poses a lot of mental confusion. How can we
survive such a fleeting world? The inevitability of pain, sorrow
suffering and irregularities crushes our self-confidence and

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dashes our hopes. We can only keep hoping that things will
work out well or better after a while. We only recognize better
days when they are already in the past.

In saving us, God came to dwell among us. He didn't

physically take us out of this world of pain and uncertainties;
he rather came down to us in the midst of this darkness and
took us into himself. In John 16:33 Jesus told his disciples “in
the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have
overcome the world”. In him we find peace. He has taken us
into himself. We no longer go through life experiences alone.
He is with us. We are in him. Whatever may befall us, we are
safe in the hollow of his hands. We cannot lose in the hollow of
his hands; it is a win-win. Things might not work out straight but
they eventually will work out well. Storms may rise so high but
he who knows the end from the beginning has assured us of an
eventual safe landing. He is beyond our fears and failures. He
is greater than our doubts and anxieties. In the hollow of His
hands, we are unmovable. We could say with David “with Him
at my right hand I shall stand firm”.

We only need to be sure we will remain in the hollow of his

hands. You must focus on what you can do to help keep you in
the hollow of his hands. A good sacramental life is a sure plug
for remaining in the hollow of his hands. Devotion to the
Eucharist and sacrament of reconciliation (confession) retains
us in the hollow of his hands.

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Another great help to remaining in the hollow of His hands is to
cling to her in whose womb he remained for nine months.
Under whose tutelage he grew in grace and knowledge for
90% of his earthly life. She knows not only how to remain in
that hollow but she knows how best to make us remain in that
hollow. Go to her today and secure a space in that ever
assured haven.

Psalm 354:19
Psalm 91:1-2
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 138:7
Proverbs 3:5-6

With my Saviour ever near to guide me,
I am safe whatever may betide me.
From the storm and tempest he will hide me,
In the hollow of his hand.

PRAYERS: I humbly beseech you heavenly father, to surround

me with your shield of preservation and protection. Keep me
safe from known and unknown arrows flying by day and night.
As the shepherd watches over his flock, watch over me, protect
me from harm and lead me away from the snares of the
adversary. Amen.

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They won’t attack
13 you, until you start
making impact

obody will try to drag you down until they begin to
notice that your contribution is somewhat outstanding
and awesome. Nobody will speak ill of you until you
start making it in life. Men will call you humble until they
realize that you are making impact; that is when they will start
discrediting you. I have seen it in my life again and again.
Mean men and women will be short sighted about you until
you accomplish something worthwhile; that is the time they will
open their armoury and rain their bullets on you. Before you
accomplished that, they polished and raised you as a rare
gem, but once your accomplishments announce you, they pour
out venom on you because for them, you are trying to outshine
them. You won't know that life is difficult until you start leaving
your mark on the sand of time. Bear this in mind, the system
won't notice your presence until certain impacts are attached
to your name and person. Powers won't rise against you until
you start breaking grounds and records. When you begin to

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rise, dominions will arise against you, and they will throw all in
their power to make you stumble, crumble and tumble.

When you start conquering territories, the powers that be will

unleash mayhem on you. Battles will become a part of your life
when you rise to give light to a people in darkness. Men won't
accuse you of stealing, embezzling, misappropriation of
funds, lack of transparency and criminality until you start doing
unimaginable things, destroying old myths, setting the records
straights and bringing in life into lifeless territories, zones and
areas. Your reputation will be dealt blows, your character
attacked, your name mesmerized and your image tarnished
once you want to be different and do away with those existing
protocols that left many in darkness. Nobody will care about
you until you start making impact. I have seen it again and
again; you will see men go back to your past to dig up your
past just to discredit and disgrace you. People who never
cared will start caring once you start making impact, and what
a care they will give to you. To avoid bringing you down, make
sure that you are always kneeling down before Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament. To avoid crumbling and humiliating you,
make sure that you are battle ready for their missiles, bombs
and attacks. Will they try to destroy you? Yes; but Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament will not let them succeed.

Proverbs 14:30
1 Corinthians 3:3
Ecclesiastes 4:4
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James 4:11
Romans 12:21

God of mercy and compassion
Look with pity upon me
Father let me call thee father
'Tis thy child returns to thee.

PRAYER: Heavenly father, I often feel vulnerable without

guidance or assurance. Fill me with steadfastness, so that no
temptation will bring me away from your precious face,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Be not as you
14 are, but as you
should be

f you want to live your life based on the principle of being as
you are, then becoming who you should be, will become a
mere fantasy for you. If you hold onto the notion of 'that's
how I am,' then your weaknesses will pull you down, and what
a downfall that will be. If you are not making efforts to be as
you should be, then you are making efforts to go down
permanently. See, I have heard many who exhibit paranoid
tendencies tell people that that is how they are, and I
wondered who told them that they can't improve and become
who they should be. Some who have fallen into certain
addictions express this helplessness before that which is eating
them up; it's like the more they try climb out of that dark pit, the
deeper they fall. I am here with good news for you: “you can
become that which you have always wanted to be; just involve
the Holy Spirit of God.” I did not say that you should leave the
work to the Holy Spirit; I said that you should instead involve
Him, because most times, our resolves does not last longer

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than MTN data and our willpower disappoints us before those
things that made us stumble and crumble in the first place.
Please, do not forget that you will not be able to defeat those
demons if you are still enjoying their company. Resist the devil
and he will flee from you (I Peter 5:9).

You can rise from that dark pit if only you will see that you can
become better instead of saying that that's how you are.
Change is permanent and you and I are not exempted from
changing from whom we used to be to whom we should be.
You can abandon that deep hunger for pornography and you
can drop those smoking and heavy drinking habits. You can
free yourself from drugs and masturbation can become a thing
of the past in your life if only you can let the Holy Spirit take
control even while you work hard to sharpen yourself into a
pencil in the Hand of God. If you create occasions to fall and
fail, surely you will fall and fail. If you make yourself vulnerable
when those temptations come, then you will remain in that dark
conundrum of helplessness before the tough questions of life.
Indeed, no one is helpless; we only feel helpless because we
have told ourselves in our deep mind that that's how we are.
Let us work to become who we should be and let's stop saying,
"this is how I am;" that is not how you are; wake up and work
on yourself. Be not as you are, but as you should be.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27
2 Timothy 1:7
Philippians 3:12-14
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Proverbs 25:28
2 Chronicles 15:7

One day at a time sweet Jesus,
That's all I'm asking of you.
Just give me the strength to do
Everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus,
And tomorrow may never be mine.
God help me today, show me the way
One day at a time.

PRAYER: Blessed Lord, I have lacked discipline in so many

areas of my life. This is affecting my health, finances,
relationship,and my work, Lord. I pray that you help me
overcome those habits that are ruining my life. Holy spirit, I
depend on you for strength and the will to practice self-
discipline daily.

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Going to the potter’s
15 house is always painful,
but in the end, it will
be gainful

ou will never amount to anything in this kingdom if you
don't go down to the Potter's house. If you dodge the
potter's house, you have dodged a place where
destinies are forged and where the militants of the cross are
trained. God told Jeremiah to go down to the Potter's house
because there he will behold what God does with every soul
that He has marked for great encounters and endeavours. The
Potter's house is a place where 'Generals' are built. It is not a
place for the fainthearted because it involves a painful process
of breaking down who you used to be, in order to build a new
you up. If you must go down to the Potter's house, then you must
be willing to let Him remold you in the way He so desires. He
will not form you according to your own specifications, neither
will you give Him direction on how to mold you; He does not
need your suggestions neither can you give Him terms and
conditions. The Potter's house is a place of total surrender
where you tell Jesus to do with you whatever He wills. It is not a

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place you look for shortcuts else you go down there and come
up without His signature or imprint on your body.

See, God will prepare you for what He has prepared for you
and that is why He often takes His own to the Potter's house to
make sure that they are well refined and molded. You can't
fulfill destiny without taking a walk through the Potter's house
where the Almighty will work on you in unimaginable ways. To
become all that God has destined you to be, you must lodge in
that house of transformation called the Potter's house. The
Potter's house is a house of formation and there God passes on
to you, secrets and information that you won't find in any book.
It is not an easy place to be because there you will be melted
and remolded. The Potter's house will involve being broken
and being remolded and that is why it is a painful place to be
in. It will strip you of whom you used to be. The Potter's house
will reshape you. Your Potter's house might be a family
problem, sickness, set back, loss of job or a loved one;
whatever it is, just know that He who called you is faithful and
that as you leave that Potter's house, your life will be changed

Psalm 26:8
Galatians 6:17
Romans 12;5
Romans 8:18
Psalm 84:2

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Nearer my God to thee, nearer to thee,
Even though it be a cross that raiseth me,
Still all my songs shall be,
Nearer my God to thee, nearer to thee.

PRAYER: Lord my God, I beseech you to enable me to be

grateful for every situation. Let Joy be my constant competition,
a beacon of hope that guides me through the darkest valleys.
Teach me to rejoice continually, pray consistently and never
lose hope.

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The Indispensable
16 God

n a world filled with distractions, uncertainties, and chaos,
the concept of an indispensable God shines through as a
beacon of hope and comfort. God remains a necessity for
us, a Being we cannot do without. In the hustle and bustle of
our daily lives, the challenges, hunger, disappointments and
troubles of life, it is easy to lose sight of the spiritual dimension
and the significance of God's presence in our lives. However,
it is crucial to remember that God is indeed indispensable and
plays a pivotal role in our existence. As St. Augustine rightly
pointed out, when he exclaimed thus: “You have made us for
yourself, and our souls are restless until they rest in you.” John
15:5 says, “cut off from you can do nothing.” As we delve into
this concept of God as One without whom we lose our
meaning, worth and direction, let us explore the Bible for
proper guidance and wisdom.

The Word of God serves as a foundation for our understanding

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of the indispensability of God. In the book of Psalms, King
David proclaims, “The heavens are telling the glory of God,
and the firmament proclaims his handiwork” (Psalm 19:1).
This verse encapsulates the idea that God's presence is
pervasive and evident in all of creation. From the splendour of
the heavens to the intricate details of the natural world, God's
fingerprints are everywhere. This serves as a reminder that we
cannot escape the presence of God, and His influence is
indelibly woven into the fabric of our lives. Indeed, the very
hairs on your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are
worth more than many sparrows (Luke 12:7). God never fails
to love us.

Furthermore, the New Testament reinforces the concept of the

Indispensable God. In the book of Colossians, the apostle Paul
writes, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold
together” (Colossians 1:17). This powerful statement
emphasizes the indispensable nature of God in upholding the
universe and maintaining its order. Just as foundational
support is indispensable to the stability of a structure, so too is
God indispensable to the coherence and functioning of the
world. This truth inspires awe and reverence for the Almighty,
as we recognize His essential role in sustaining all of creation.
Additionally, the Gospel of John presents Jesus Christ as the
embodiment of the Indispensable God. In the opening verses
of the Gospel, it is stated, "In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John
1:1). Here, the divine nature of Jesus is proclaimed,
highlighting his eternal existence and unity with God. This
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profound revelation underscores the indispensability of Jesus
Christ in the grand narrative of salvation and redemption.
Without Jesus, the divine plan for humanity's reconciliation
with God would be incomplete, further underscoring his
indispensable role in our spiritual journey.

As we ponder the indispensable God, it is important to

consider the implications of this truth in our lives. Firstly,
recognizing God's indispensability prompts us to
acknowledge our utter dependence on Him. We are not self-
sufficient beings, but rather, we are contingent upon God for
our very existence. This humbling realization invites us to
cultivate a posture of gratitude and reliance on God for
sustenance and guidance.

Moreover, the indispensable God invites us into a deeper

intimacy with Him. When we acknowledge that God is
essential to every aspect of our lives, we are compelled to seek
Him earnestly and prioritize our relationship with Him above
all else. This entails devoting time to prayer, studying His
Word, and engaging in worship, as we seek to align our
hearts with His divine purposes.

Furthermore, the truth of the indispensable God also serves as

a source of strength and encouragement in the face of trials
and tribulations. As we navigate the challenges of life, we can
draw comfort from the assurance that God is unshakable and
unwavering in His indispensability. His steadfast presence
offers solace and hope, empowering us to persevere with
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unwavering faith.
In conclusion, In the face of these challenges, the message of
hope that comes from a deep and abiding faith in God
becomes a beacon of light, illuminating the darkness that
threatens to engulf society. In a country where the struggles of
everyday life can seem insurmountable, the presence of God
provides a sense of comfort and reassurance, a reminder that
even in the bleakest of circumstances, there is always a higher
power watching over and guiding the way.

As we meditate on the biblical passages that underscore

God's essential nature, may we be stirred to embrace a
deeper appreciation for His presence in our lives. Let us
cultivate a spirit of gratitude, seek intimacy with Him, and
draw strength from His unwavering indispensability.
Ultimately, may God guide and sustain us as we navigate the
complexities of life, leading us into a deeper understanding of
His unchanging love and provision.

Psalm 115:3
Isaiah 58:11
Ephesians 3:20
Colossians 1:16
Romans 11:33

Christ is my rock, my refuge, my stronghold,
Firm as the tree's root that clutches the land,
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He who has faith builds without worry,
Not like the man who builds upon sand.
I set my house on a solid foundation,
Christ is my rock, the root of my soul's recreation.

PRAYER: Heavenly father, I lean on you because I know you

care for me. Your strength supports me, your love carries me.
You are here for me: to help me through every hardship. Cut off
from you, I can do nothing. Into your precious hands, I
commend my spirit.

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17 A major hindrance
to spirituality

niquity is a concept that is deeply rooted in the human
experience. It is a state of moral corruption, wickedness,
and injustice that separates us from God and hinders our
spiritual growth. Iniquity can manifest itself in various forms,
such as greed, pride, envy, and dishonesty. It is a barrier that
prevents us from fully experiencing God's love and grace in
our lives. The Bible warns us about the dangers of iniquity and
the need for repentance and transformation.

The first instance of iniquity in the Bible can be found in the

book of Genesis. The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of
Eden illustrates how the pursuit of personal desires and
disobedience towards God's commands leads to iniquity.
When Eve listened to the serpent's temptation and ate from the
forbidden tree, she allowed iniquity to enter into the world.
This act of disobedience caused a separation between
humanity and God, leading to a life of toil and hardship. The

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presence of iniquity in our lives is a constant reminder of our
fallen nature and our need for redemption.

As we journey through life, we encounter the consequences of

iniquity in ourselves and in the world around us. We see the
effects of sin and injustice in broken relationships, societal
conflicts, and personal struggles. Iniquity tarnishes our
spiritual connection with God and creates a barrier that must
be overcome through repentance and transformation.

The book of Psalms provides us with a powerful illustration of

the impact of iniquity on our spiritual lives. In Psalm 51, King
David expresses deep remorse for his sinful actions and pleads
for God's forgiveness. He acknowledges the presence of
iniquity in his heart and the need for inner transformation.
David's prayer reflects a deep sense of contrition and a desire
for spiritual renewal. He recognizes that his iniquity has
separated him from God and seeks to be cleansed and

In verse 10, David cries out, "Create in me a clean heart, O

God, and renew a right spirit within me." This plea for a
transformed heart and spirit reflects the longing for metanoia,
a profound change of heart and mind. David understands that
iniquity has tainted his soul and hinders his spiritual growth.
His prayer serves as a model for all of us who seek to overcome
the barriers of iniquity and experience a deepened spirituality.
In the New Testament, the apostle Paul addresses the issue of
iniquity and the need for transformation in his letter to the
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Romans. He warns against the destructive power of sin and its
ability to enslave us. In Romans 6:23, Paul writes, "For the
wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord." This verse emphasizes the dire
consequences of iniquity and the necessity of turning away
from a life of sin.

Paul further encourages the believers in Romans 12:2 to be

transformed by the renewal of their minds, so that they may
discern God's will and live in accordance with His purposes.
This transformation requires a deliberate effort to turn away
from iniquity and embrace a life of righteousness and holiness.
It involves a deep shift in our thinking and behavior, leading to
a renewed spiritual existence.

The transformative power of metanoia is exemplified in, the

story of the prodigal son in the gospel of Luke. The son's
decision to leave his father's house and indulge in a life of
pleasure and excess reflects the lure of iniquity. However, as he
reaches the depths of despair, he comes to his senses and
decides to return to his father's embrace. This moment of
repentance marks a turning point in his life, as he experiences
a profound change of heart and a restoration of his
relationship with his father.

The father's response to his son's return reflects the boundless

mercy and grace of God towards those who seek to leave their
iniquity behind and return to Him. The son's transformation
from a life of rebellion to one of repentance and reconciliation
.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)
embodies the essence of metanoia. It is a powerful reminder
that iniquity can be overcome through humility, repentance,
and a willingness to embrace a new way of living.

In conclusion, iniquity is a major hindrance to spirituality that

tarnishes our relationship with God and hinders our spiritual
growth. The Bible teaches us about the consequences of
iniquity and the need for transformation. As we reflect on the
stories and teachings of Scripture, we are called to examine
our hearts and confront the presence of iniquity in our lives.
Through metanoia, we can overcome the barriers of iniquity
and experience a deepened spirituality rooted in repentance,
transformation, and a renewed relationship with God. Let us
heed the call to turn away from iniquity and embrace a life of
righteousness and holiness, seeking God's grace and mercy in
our spiritual journey.

Romans 6:23
Psalm 32:5
Proverbs 10:9
Isaiah 1:6
Ezekiel 18:21

God of mercy and compassion,
Look with pity upon me.
Father let me call Thee father, 'Tis thy child returns to Thee.

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PRAYER: My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In
choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned
against you whom I love above all things. I firmly intend with
your help to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid
whatever leads me to sin.

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God is my
18 Ebenezer

he term "Ebenezer" comes from the Bible and is often
associated with the story of Samuel in the Old Testament.
In 1 Samuel 7:12, after God helped the Israelites defeat
the Philistines, Samuel set up a stone to commemorate the
victory and named it "Ebenezer," which means "stone of
help." This stone served as a reminder to the Israelites of God's
faithfulness and intervention in their lives.

In the same way, we can look to God as our Ebenezer amid the
uncertainty and tribulations that we face in life. We can trust
that God is our rock and our fortress, a present help in times of
trouble (Psalm 46:1). Even when the world around us is
chaotic and unpredictable, we can find peace and stability in
knowing that God is unchanging and steadfast.

Scripture reminds us that God is our refuge and strength, an

ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). This means that we

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can turn to God in times of distress and find comfort and
strength in His presence. When we feel overwhelmed by the
challenges of life in Nigeria, we can seek refuge in God and
find the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians

Furthermore, as believers, we can take comfort in knowing that

God is in control, even when it may seem like the world around
us is spiraling out of control. Proverbs 19:21 tells us that "Many
are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose
that prevails." This reminds us that no matter what the
circumstances may look like, God's purposes will ultimately
prevail, and His plans for us are good (Jeremiah 29:11).

In the face of uncertainty and tribulations, we can also trust in

God's promise to never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy
31:6). Even when the challenges of life feel overwhelming, we
can take comfort in knowing that God is with us, walking
alongside us every step of the way. His presence gives us the
strength and courage to face whatever may come our way.

As we navigate the struggles of life, we can also find hope in

the promise of God's restoration and redemption. In Isaiah
43:19, God says, "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it
springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the
wilderness and rivers in the desert." This reminds us that even
amid chaos and despair, God is at work, bringing about new
life and hope.

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

In conclusion, as believers, we can find hope and stability in
the fact that God is our Ebenezer. In the midst of uncertainty
and tribulations, we can trust in God's unchanging character,
take refuge in His presence, and find hope in His promises.
Even when the challenges of life seem insurmountable, we can
rest in the assurance that God is with us, working all things
together for our good. As we fix our eyes on Him, we can find
the strength, peace, and hope that we need to navigate the
uncertainties of life.

Isaiah 7:12
Psalm 46:1-5
Deuteronomy 33:26
Exodus 15:11
Romans 8:28

Ebenezer ehh (Ebenezer ehh!)
Ebenezer ehh (Ebenezer ehh!)
My stone of help, only you are my helper.

PRAYER: Gracious God, visit me, bless me, change my story,

help me, open the doors of favour to me. Help me to make wise
decisions and to trust in your plan for my life. May I have the
strength to follow your gracious will.

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When they try
19 to quench you,
say your Rosary...

here are battles you can't fight and win on your own;
during those bitter battles with your enemies, going to
some persons for help will be detrimental to you because
some of them will use you to cash out in the hands of those who
hate you; go and say your rosary. Once you observe that like
the Pharisees, they have started their backyard meetings, start
immediately to organize plenty of meetings with Mother Mary
by saying your rosary. When they call for an emergency
meeting online via their WhatsApp groups, let it be that you
are online with Mother Mary because you are saying your
rosary. Let them whisper, but be sure that your own whispers
are going into the ears of Mother Mary. It doesn't matter
whether you are the only one on their agenda; their plots might
be tactical, but make sure that you are on your knees on the
altar of God with your rosary as your weapon. Let them form a
WhatsApp group to discuss your matter; just be sure that you
are often chatting with Mother Mary through your rosary. Let

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them paint you black for all I care; they can call you names,
criticize, attack, or even try to crucify you before others; don't
worry. Mother Mary will scatter their dark plots.

People around you might hold round table discussions about

you, not to promote you, but to attack and bash you in
unimaginable ways; anyway, be on the altar of my mother at
midnights and during the day, and their meetings will yield no
fruit because even though they have the number, you have
mother Mary and that is what matters most. Are they planning
for you in your office, don't fret; go to Mother Mary on your
knees and invite her to come and take over. If you attack them
on your own, they will show you pepper; hand it over to
Mother Mary and watch as they eat the pepper they are
grinding to blind you. Take up nine days novena and hand
everything over to Mother Mary; tell her about their
conspiracies, attacks, lies, plots, their gossip; tell her about
your children, your family, your business, your future, life, and
life's dreams. Don't take laws into your own hands; let Mother
Mary do it her way. It might appear that they are winning
today, but remember that with Jesus and Mary, Satan can
never have the upper hand. I am a living testimony of what
Mother Mary can do with you if you are her ardent devotee.

Isaiah 7:14
Revelation 12:1-7
Luke 1:26-56
John 19:26-27
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Luke 1:48

Ave Maria o maiden, o mother
Proudly thy children are calling on thee;
Thine are thy graces unclaimed by another,
Sinless and beautiful star of the sea.

PRAYER: Remember, O most gracious virgin Mary, that never

was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored
thy aid or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired by
this confidence, I fly unto thee, O virgin of virgins my mother, to
thee do I come, before thee I stand,, sinful and sorrowful. O
mother of the word incarnate despise not my petitions but in
thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

Your gift,
20 Your lift

s I reflect on the concept of God's grace and gift, I am
reminded of the verse from Ephesians 2:8-9, "For it is
by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this
is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so
that no one can boast." This verse emphasizes the importance
of understanding that God's grace and gift are not something
we can earn or deserve, but it is freely given to us by His love
and mercy.

In understanding the concept of God's grace and gift, it

becomes clear that it is a gift that is meant to be utilized for our
development and growth. Just as a gift is given with the
intention of being used and appreciated, God's grace is given
to us with the intention of being utilized for our spiritual and
personal development.

The theme "Your Gift, Your Lift" speaks to the idea that the gift

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of God's grace is meant to lift us up and propel us forward in
our faith and our lives. It is a reminder that the grace we have
received from God is not meant to be squandered or
overlooked, but it is meant to be embraced and utilized for our
spiritual growth and development.

One aspect of utilizing God's grace for our development is to

understand the unique gifts and talents that God has given to
each of us. Romans 12:6-8 reminds us, "We have different
gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is
prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it
is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to
encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give
generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy,
do it cheerfully." This verse emphasizes the importance of
recognizing the gifts that God has given to us and using them
for His glory.

When we recognize and utilize our gifts for God's glory, we

can experience the lift that comes from living in alignment with
His will. This lift is not only spiritual in nature, but it also extends
to our personal and professional lives. When we embrace and
utilize the gifts that God has given to us, we can experience a
sense of purpose and fulfillment that comes from living in
alignment with His plan for our lives.

At the heart of the theme "Your Gift, Your Lift" is the

understanding that the gift of God's grace is not meant to be
hoarded or kept to ourselves, but it is meant to be shared with
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others. 1 Peter 4:10 reminds us: “Each of you should use
whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful
stewards of God's grace in its various forms.” This verse
highlights the importance of using our gifts to serve others and
to be faithful stewards of God's grace.

When we use our gifts to serve others, we can experience the

lift that comes from living a life of purpose and meaning. We
can make a positive impact in the lives of others and bring
glory to God through the use of our gifts. This lift is not only felt
in our own lives, but it also extends to those around us as they
can experience the love and grace of God through our actions.
As I reflect on the theme "Your Gift, Your Lift," I am reminded of
the importance of embracing and utilizing the gifts that God
has given to me. I am reminded that God's grace is a gift that is
meant to be used for my development and growth and that it is
a gift that is meant to be shared with others. I am reminded that
when I use my gifts to serve others and to bring glory to God, I
am able to experience a lift in my own life that comes from
living in alignment with His will.

In conclusion, the theme "Your Gift, Your Lift" serves as a

powerful reminder of the importance of embracing and
utilizing the gifts that God has given to us. It serves as a
reminder that the gift of God's grace is meant to lift us and
propel us forward in our faith and in our lives. It serves as a
reminder that when we use our gifts to serve others and to
bring glory to God, we are able to experience a lift that comes
from living in alignment with His will. As we continue to live out
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this truth, may we all experience the fullness of God's grace
and the lift that comes from embracing and utilizing the gifts
that He has given to us.

Proverbs 18:16
1 Peter 4:10-11
James 1:17
Ephesians 1:3-4
1 Corinthians 12:7-11

You are God, from beginning to the end,
There is no place for argument,
You are God all by yourself.

PRAYER: Almighty father, giver of every good and perfect

gift, who has made the light of your truth shine in our hearts,
make us to walk as children of light in all goodness and
righteousness, that we may have no fellowship with the
unfaithful works of darkness, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

.001 21 Days Prayer Booklet (For Generational Exploits and Insight)

The impact of
21 association

he power of association is powerful. It is also known as
social or peer influence. Your friends and people around
you can impact your success, health, mindset and
happiness. You don't need everybody in your life, you just
need the right people around you. If you want to move forward
and be progressive in life and destiny, then you have to audit
your circle.

It is a divine injunction to love liberally, however, to be

impactful in life, you must relate selectively, especially when it
comes to matters of vision and destiny. Association will either
build us or break us. The choice is ours.

No human being can progress in life independently. God

designed us to be interdependent or interlinked. The human
network is the channel God uses to promote people. In running
with a dream or vision, upholding a strong and sound

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relationship is vital.
Here is a powerful statements; "you are the same today that
you are going to be in the next six years from now except for
two things, the people with whom you associate and the books
you read". When you associate with people, it is not just a
matter of being found together, but a principle of the
contagious sharing of life. Not every association can be
impactful and inspirational. Are you Samson? Then avoid the
company of Delilah because the right conviction can be
destroyed by the wrong association.
Who you hang with, determines what hangs around you. You
don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends
you can be certain of.

Proverbs 13:20
Proverbs 27:17
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
1 Corinthians 15:33

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and fries to bear
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer
Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer
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PRAYERS: Almighty Father, I pray that you deepen my
friendships. I appreciate the friends I have had through the
years, but I am longing for a God-fearing friend, who will walk
with me towards the life to which Jesus has called us. Keep me
from destiny hackers and vision killers and aid me with destiny
enhancers, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

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