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Villain Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of villains can be both challenging and intriguing. The difficulty lies in
the multifaceted nature of villains, as they are not mere one-dimensional characters but often embody
a complex interplay of motives, psychology, and societal influences. To write a compelling villain
essay, one must delve deep into the realm of human nature, exploring the darker facets of the human

Understanding what makes a villain captivating involves a thorough analysis of literature, cinema,
and real-life examples. It requires the ability to dissect the motivations behind their actions, unravel
their moral ambiguity, and scrutinize the impact they have on the narrative or society. The challenge
intensifies when attempting to strike a balance between portraying villains as both detestable and, to
some extent, empathetic.

Moreover, exploring the cultural and historical context is crucial to comprehending the evolution of
the villain archetype. Different eras and societies shape the perception of villains differently, making
it essential to contextualize the essay within a broader framework. This demands a comprehensive
grasp of diverse narratives, from classical literature to contemporary media.

The process of crafting a compelling villain essay also involves critical thinking, analytical skills, and
the ability to communicate ideas effectively. It requires the writer to weave a narrative that engages
readers while presenting a nuanced understanding of villainy. Juggling between condemnation and
understanding, the essay should provoke thought and elicit a deeper examination of morality.

In conclusion, writing an essay on villains demands more than just stringing words together; it
necessitates a profound exploration of human nature, literary analysis, and a keen awareness of
societal nuances. It's a challenging endeavor that requires the writer to navigate the intricate web of
morality, psychology, and storytelling.

And for those seeking assistance with such thought-provoking essays or similar tasks, a valuable
resource to explore is . There, you can find professional help in crafting essays on a
variety of topics, ensuring that your academic or creative writing needs are met with expertise and
Villain EssayVillain Essay
Divine Morality In The Poisonwood Bible
In the words of Pauline Hopkins, And, after all, our surroundings influence our lives
and characters as much as fate, destiny, or any supernatural agency. In the post
colonial fiction, The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, a family of six is
being led blind into the Congo in the name of Jesus and left all their modern
conveniences behind. There are many shifts in the daily lives and beliefs of the Price s
from the simple change of drinking water to the complexity of what Jesus truly means
in their lives.While adapting to the new normal throughout the developing years of the
Price children s lives, the second eldest daughter, Leah Price, starts discovering who she
is and how she is going to take on the task of life. By replacing each... Show more content
on ...
As their journey to and through the Congo is just beginning it is already seen that
compromise will be the key source for survival. The Congo did not have much to offer
the Price family, though Leah has high expectations for it. She expected everything:
jungle flowers, wild roaring beasts. God s Kingdom in its pure, unenlightened glory. (
Kingsolver, 17) The Congo is already revealing an expectation Leah would never have
found between the pages of a King James version, the rewiring of her thoughts on
equality and her inner need to fight for justice are compelling emotions that are
overtaking her. She can see that this place poses a potential challenge much greater than
anything a hot Georgia summer put her family through. Still measuring her worth in the
few short breaths her father permits her, Leah is still determined the Congo would not
stop her from gaining the acceptance of her father. If only I could ever bring forth all that
I knew quickly enough to suit father (Kingsolver, 37), but little did she know that nothing
her female mind could do or say would suit the righteous Nathan Price. Similar to The
White Man s Burden, once given the thought of superiority nothing beneath that was
beneficial. Leah s cognitive thought process is starting its shift into survivor instead of
Giotto Di Bondone s Lamentation
Giotto di Bondone s Lamentation: Subject and Symbolism
Giotto Di Bondone s Lamentation depicts the mourning of the crucifixion of Jesus
Christ. The Virgin Mary is pictured holding her son s body, mourning his death. Saint
John the Evangelist is seen with his arms thrown back, dramatizing his grief (Kleiner
409). Mary Magdalene is seen at his feet, in sorrow, looking at the wounds of the
crucifixion. Four other disciples are seen with the golden halos above their head, two
expressing outward grief, while the remaining two Surrounding the Virgin Mary, Saint
John, and Mary Magdalene are several other mourners. Their bodies are slouched while
their faces express their similar feelings of despair. Above the mortals mourning on
Earth are several angels darting about in hysterical grief (409). Behind the group is a
rocky background, with a barren tree perched atop the seemingly arid land. The sky,
while blue, is still dark and gloomy. The representation of lamentation expressed both by
the angels and humans connects both the heavens and the Earth with a shared sorrow. The
... Show more content on ...
Giotto makes use of an implied line to direct the viewer s attention from the tree
representing Adam and Eve s original sin to the lifeless body of Jesus Christ. This
diagonal line signals that Jesus Christ is the focal point of the painting. In order to
portray three dimensions in his two dimensional painting, Giotto relies on varying
values of color on the clothing and bodies of the observers and angels, as well as on the
rocky background. Darker shades indicate shadows and lighter shades imply light, such
as the sun. A diagonal balance is seen from the dead tree, down to the seated mourner in
tan, following the line of the rocks in the background. Giotto also blurs the ends of the
robes worn by the angels. This technique he employs suggests the implied motion, or
flight, of the angels over the mourning congregation
Robert Greene Mastery Summary
In the video presentation Mastery , the author, Robert Greene give us an idea of some
of the concepts that he discusses in deep in his book. The author explains, in life many
times we need to solve problems, create a project or lead one, and along the way we
need to make decision to complete that project. The problem is we always go thru the
same path, we make decisions from what we know at that moment our comfort zone.
The author estate that when we finish the project or solved a problem we have the
sensation that something is missing and we feel we can do it better (Robert Grenne,
Mastery, Talk at Google). Greene says that the creativity comes thru a process and this
process begins with a critical first step of choosing a field or a subject to persuade
(Robert Grenne, Mastery, Talk at Google). The purpose of the author with the
presentation in the video... Show more content on ...
When she was three she was diagnosed with autism (Greene, 2012, p. 43) Her mom did
not give up on her, she sent Temple to a speech therapist, who miraculously, slowly
managed to teach her language, which allowed her to attend school and begin to learn
what other children were learning (Greene, 2012, p.42). The future of Temple was not
clear. Temple never give up, she found her own path to follow. She develops her own
way to work with her disability. Starting off freelance, she offered her services to various
ranches and feedlots, designing cattle chutes that were much more suited to the animals
and more efficient. Slowly, with her visual sense of design and engineering, she taught
herself the rudiments of the business. Temple expanded her services to designing more
humane slaughterhouses and systems for managing farm animals (Greene, 2012, p. 44).
Temple became a writer; she returned to the university as a professor; she transformed
herself into a gifted lecturer on animals and autism. (Greene, 2012, p.45) Temple focused
in her most deeply
A Deck Research Paper
What Is A Deck

A deck is a platform that is typically made out of either composite material or wood. It is
a good choice for sloped yards. It is also a great choice for homes that are high above the
ground. If your home is 14 inches above the ground, then a deck may be a good choice.

What Are Decks Used For?

Decks can be used for a variety of purposes, including hanging out, cooking out and
eating. There are many things that you can add to your deck depending on your budget.
This includes things such as a hot tub, kitchen, outdoor TV and a water heater.

You should think about what you want to use your deck for before you add one to
your own. Will you be hosting a lot of parties? Do you have a lot of children? This will
ensure that your deck is the appropriate size for your needs.

The ... Show more content on ...

If you have a door that will lead to the outside of your deck, then you are in good shape.
However, you will need to add an opening if you are adding the deck to a portion of the
house that does not have a door. This will increase the costs of the deck.

If you want to use your deck for dining, then you should put it close to your kitchen. You
want to easily access the things that you need to cook.

The Look

The style and architecture of your home is something else that you want to consider. A
professional can help you select a deck that is the right fit for your home.

Material Options

Composite boards and wood are the two materials that you can use for a deck. Composite
boards are made up of plastic and wood fibers. Composite boards can be expensive, but
they often come a 20 to 25 year warranty. They are also low maintenance.

Wood is less expensive than composite boards. However, it does require more
maintenance. If wood is not properly cared for, then it can dry out and rot. You will need
to power wash and re oil wood regularly. This will remove leaves and pollen, which can
be a food source for bacteria.

Other Things To
How Is Imagery Used In The Barber By Chesnutt
Chesnutt uses Upon reaching the shop he removed the doll from his pocket and hung it
on one of the gilded spikes projecting about the wire netting surrounding the cashier
desk, where his eye would catch it (109) to reveal the importance of the doll catching
the barbers eye. Chesnutt expresses sight imagery through giving vivid explanation of
the barber removing the doll from his pocket and hanging it upon a golden spike. This
image allows the readers to visualize where the doll is hung and understand why it is
hung there. He also uses barbers eye to stress the importance of the barber seeing the doll
later in the story. Chesnutt is allowing the reader to understand the importance the doll
has on the barber, his community, and his daughter.... Show more content on ...
Chesnutt expresses this as sight imagery through the boy wept and also a keen eyed .
Chesnutt uses the first image to give a demonstration of the horror and grief the barber
went through as a boy. He also used this image to reveal that the barber has seen and
experienced violence. Chesnutt also uses this image to show that the barber has felt and
understands love. He also chose this to give a feeling of understanding and compassion
towards African Americans who has faced injustice. Chesnutt uses the second image to
reveal that the barber is not the weeping boy and has transformed into a man just trying
to do his job. Chesnutt uses the second image to demonstrate how unhappy the barber felt
about shaving the Colonel. He uses this to demonstrate that even how unhappy the barber
feels he is controlling himself from murdering the colonel. Chesnutt stresses through both
images to reveal even under extreme emotion the barber feels love in both
The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Editing And Human Cloning
The humanity of the human future is in our hands. Humans as a species have innovated
the world. Leading to modern medicine, which continues daily becoming ever more
powerful against disease and death, due to the bewildering achievements in the fields of
biomedical science and technology. The groundbreaking achievements in these field
have made things possible, which people thousands of years ago, could only dream of.
The present and future advances in genetic and reproductive technologies, in
neuroscience and psychopharmacology, and in the development of artificial organs and
computer chip implants for human brains, we now recognize new uses for biomedical
power that goes beyond the traditional medical goals of healing disease and relieving
suffering. Medicine has grown a new branch for genetic editing and human cloning,
which should be banned and tightly regulated due to the threat it poses to humanity.
Our genes shape who we are as individuals and as a species. Advancements in DNA
sequencing have allowed researchers to identify thousands of genes that affect our risk of
... Show more content on ...
an egg with a new somatic nucleus must re program itself in a matter of minutes or
hours (whereas the nucleus of an unaltered egg has been prepared over months and
years). There is thus a greatly increased likelihood of error in translating the genetic
instructions, leading to developmental defects some of which will show themselves
only much later. (Kass). As stated by Kass the chance for survival is not the ideal for
human testing. Additionally, for a child to be created it takes nine months of human
programming within the cells as opposed to gene editing and human cloning where an
egg must reprogram itself in a few weeks. The results of these technologies will not be
fully seen until the child grows. The rapid reprogramming of the cell could lead to great
errors that could lead to unhealthy, abnormal, and malformed
Religious Duty In Kingdom Of Heaven
Religious Duty in the film Kingdom of Heaven

The growth and spread of any religion are based on the efforts and dedication of the
first believers of the said religion. There are people who are ready to die to ensure that
their religious beliefs are accepted and protected. In ancient Rome, religion played a
significant role in the day to day life of the Romans1. Religious figures were
significantly honored, and almost all the decisions relied on them. Among the numerous
essential elements of religion, the most prominent one was the personification of piety as
well as the devotion to duty, also referred to as pietas.

It was one of the Roman virtues that emphasized on the respect for the natural order
religiously, politically and socially. ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the audience learns on the benefits of tolerance as a result of the mutual
acceptance of creeds and cultures and the dismissal of leaders who make use of
religion as a means or front of achieving their advancement as well as political
ambitions. The film questions religious duty especially religious tradition and dogma in
everyday life and society. The general message from the film is that reactions because of
religion should be tempered by moderation and reason. On the other hand, religious
fervor and dogma should be tempered by common humanity.

After losing his wife and child, Balian is tormented by grief that causes him to lose faith.
After that painful ordeal, he chooses not to believe in anything but act by conscience.
After a while, he realizes that there is more than one way of looking at things, but
either way, whichever way he chose, it is equally valid. He seeks and finds comfort and
purpose in religion after he is

reunited with his father. This explains why he was entirely dedicated to religion
because it helped him move on from a hard and dark time after losing his family. For
this reason, he decided to be a devoted Christian and swore to help others and defend his

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