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Bermuda Triangle Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of the Bermuda Triangle is both intriguing and challenging. The
topic itself is shrouded in mystery and controversy, making it captivating for readers but demanding
for the writer. The Bermuda Triangle, known for the alleged disappearances of ships and aircraft,
invites exploration of various theories, scientific explanations, and historical incidents.

To begin with, researching the Bermuda Triangle requires delving into a plethora of sources,
including scientific studies, historical records, and conspiracy theories. Sorting through the vast
amount of information available and discerning credible sources from speculative ones is a task in
itself. The challenge lies in presenting a well-balanced and informed perspective, steering clear of
sensationalism while maintaining the essay's appeal.

Moreover, structuring the essay poses its own set of difficulties. The Bermuda Triangle encompasses
diverse aspects, from geographical features to historical events, and the essay must seamlessly weave
these elements into a coherent narrative. Maintaining a logical flow while addressing the various
dimensions of the topic is essential to ensure clarity for the reader.

Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the task of forming a nuanced conclusion. The Bermuda
Triangle's enigmatic nature leaves room for speculation, and presenting a conclusion that is both
satisfying and intellectually sound requires careful consideration of the evidence and theories
presented throughout the essay.

In conclusion, while the subject of the Bermuda Triangle is undoubtedly captivating, composing an
essay on this topic demands meticulous research, critical thinking, and the ability to navigate through
a myriad of information. It is a task that challenges a writer to present a comprehensive and well-
structured analysis while maintaining the intrigue surrounding the mysterious phenomenon.

For assistance with essays on similar topics or any other writing needs, various resources are
available. Websites like offer services where one can order custom essays,
providing support for those seeking help in tackling challenging subjects or simply looking to
enhance their writing skills.
Bermuda Triangle EssayBermuda Triangle Essay
Essay about Successful Management of the Passive...
Source Review
A critical factor in the management of people today is the ability to handle every
challenging employee situation with the appropriate communication and actions. One of
the most difficult types of employees to manage is the Passive Aggressive who refuses to
accept constructive feedback and tries to stir up discontent among other employees. In
order to be successful in the management of the Passive Aggressive Employee, there has
to be a planned approach, which includes effective communication, consequences, and

This article discusses the effect feedback has on an employee or subordinate, and
evaluates the most appropriate way to deliver feedback. Negative feedback given in a
positive manner can be very ... Show more content on ...
(40) The authors also note that failure to address the bullying behavior can lead to
adverse consequences for the consumer, the organization, and the profession. (40)

This article looks at challenging behavior in the clinical setting, and gives advice on how
to develop an Action Plan for Education and Training. The author looks at challenging
behavior from more of an interactional viewpoint instead of a judgmental viewpoint. The
goal is to understand what instigated the behavior, and why certain reactions caused the
situation to escalate. The key to handling challenging behavior is education and training.
The training should include different ways to deal with the staff s response to the
challenging behavior as well as the environmental influences that might influence the
behavior. Through increased education and training, the staff will gain a better
understanding about how the behavior affects them personally, how the situation could
have provoked the behavior, and how to prevent environmental influences from
provoking a challenging behavioral response.
The study confirms the fact that there has to be a planned educated approach to manage
any difficult employee or patient situation. Taking an educated approach instead of a
judgmental approach will help promote solutions that are more effective, communication,
and actions.
The Famous Poems Of Charles Baudelaire s Les Fleurs Du Mal
One of the most famous poems of Charles Baudelaire Les Fleurs du mal , he introduces
the term Flaneur. Meaning stroller or anbler, this word has no literal explanation in the
English language. Flâneur is a person who generally moves around on the streets.
Baudelaire, in one of his earliest poems, The Sun which depicted the spontaneous
quality of frolic through the city: Along the old outskirts of town, where Venetian
blinds in hovel hide secret lecheries, when the cruel sun strikes with redoubled ray
town and country, rooftop and wheatfield, I go to practice by myself my whimsical
swordsmanship, sniffing at any corner for chance rhymes, tripping over words like
curbs, bumping sometimes into lines long sought in dreams. Flâneur strays around the
city to understand the secretive bliss in its earliest embodiment. The poetic creativity
here is considered as the origin of capital. The stroller or the artist can happily forget
about the worries when on the streets and here he even finds the rhythm and expression
to nourish his poetry. In later demonstrations, Flaneur is filled with separation, sorrow
and spleen as it has been described. Paris was considered to be the most typical lieu d
exil, which was the emblem of the barren status of modernity. Flaneur goes through an
intense namelessness which lines the personality of the flâneur. The skill of the Flaneur
lies in his craft of converting the spleen , discontent and agony into bliss.

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