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Alcohol Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of alcohol can be a challenging endeavor due to the multifaceted
nature of the topic. On one hand, alcohol is deeply ingrained in various cultures and societies,
carrying historical and social significance. On the other hand, it is associated with numerous health
and social issues, such as addiction, impaired judgment, and societal harm.

The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between presenting an unbiased,
comprehensive view of alcohol and addressing the potential harms associated with its consumption.
The writer must navigate through a myriad of perspectives, considering cultural, historical, medical,
and sociological aspects. This requires extensive research to provide accurate information and a
nuanced understanding of the subject.

Moreover, the sensitive nature of alcohol-related issues adds another layer of complexity. Discussing
topics like alcoholism, binge drinking, or the impact of alcohol on mental health demands a careful
and empathetic approach. Balancing statistical data, scientific research, and personal narratives can
be challenging to ensure the essay is informative without being overly clinical or detached.

Furthermore, the writer needs to be conscious of potential biases and stereotypes that may surround
the topic of alcohol. Striking a fair and impartial tone while discussing the positive and negative
aspects of alcohol consumption requires a delicate touch.

In conclusion, tackling the subject of alcohol in an essay demands a thorough understanding of its
various dimensions, from cultural significance to potential health risks. The writer must navigate
through sensitive topics with empathy and objectivity, all while presenting a well-researched and
cohesive argument. It is a task that requires diligence, research, and a balanced perspective to create
an essay that is both informative and thought-provoking.

For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, similar to the one discussed above, you can explore
additional resources and services available at .
Alcohol Essay Alcohol Essay
Personality Disorders Are Pervasive And Enduring Patterns...
Personality Disorders are pervasive and enduring patterns of thoughts and behaviors that
deviate significantly from the expectations of a person s culture (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). The inner experiences or behaviors are expressed in at least two of
the following areas: Cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control.
These patterns are inflexible and stable over time, cause significant impairment or
distress, and have an onset typically occurring in adolescence or early adulthood. The
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th Edition (DSM 5) includes ten specific personality
disorders, classified into three clusters based on similar characteristics (APA, 2013).
Cluster A disorders exhibit odd or strange characteristics and include Paranoid, Schizoid,
and Schizotypal personality disorders. Cluster B disorders encompass wild or dramatic
qualities and include Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic personality
disorders. Lastly, Cluster C disorders express anxious or worried features and include
Avoidant, Dependent, and Obsessive Compulsive personality disorders. Due to the
breadth and comprehensiveness of personality disorders, this review with concentrate on
the treatment of Cluster B disorders, specifically Borderline Personality Disorder.
Psychopathology of Borderline Personality Disorder According to the DSM 5 (APA,
2013), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a persistent pattern of instability in
Visiting a Third World Country and My Experience There
When I was little, I heard stories of Third World countries where people lived in
complete poverty. I would hear of how they had dilapidated domiciles, contaminated
water, deadly diseases, and shortages of food. I was always told how blessed I was to live
in a country where I was free of these situations, but I always took this truth for granted.
I would go along every day, not worrying about where I was going to sleep or what I was
going to eat, when people all over the world were facing these situations as problems. It
wasn t until I was sixteen that I realized how blessed I was, when I was given the
opportunity to visit San Jose, Costa Rica.

It was May 25, 2013 when I, accompanied by my friends, went on a journey that would
change my ... Show more content on ...
We tried to remain imperturbable, but we were overwhelmed with all the glorious
architectures, festivities, and traditions of San Jose, Costa Rica. Later, we arrived to the
periphery part of the city, where are new, utilitarian abode for the week awaited.

The following week, we spent most of our time in the poorest parts of the city. There
we went door to door sharing the love of God and had Vacation Bible Schools for the
kids. This is when I realized how blessed I truly was. For the first time, I got to see the
privations and penury environment that the citizens of Third World countries had to
endure. The unpaved streets were covered in trash. Many houses, made of tin sheets,
had collapsed on themselves. The people had to share wells, where they drew their
parasitic water. Men, women, and children sat on the sides of the roads begging for
money, because they were sick, hungry, and needed money for food and proper
medication. The site of these atrocious states of living broke my heart, and showed me
how blessed I really was for not having to face these problems.

As the week came to an end, I thought of all the wondrous adventures that I had
experienced such as: spending time with the locals; roaming the marketplaces; sailing
across the elevated zip lines; and sharing the abundant love of God. I also thought of
how blessed I was to have a home, food, water, and a family that loves me. At that
The Between The Prince And Han Fei Tz
As an international student, sometimes it is really hard to connect the ethical theory of
western philosophers with my background knowledge; however, when I first read about
Niccolò Machiavelli s thoughts, I immediately related his theory with what I had learned
before I came to the United States. I find it really interesting to see that the Chinese
philosopher HanFei and the Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli, who actually was
born 1800 years later, could develop such similar ethical theories. To me, it is really
significant to understand both western and eastern concepts. Therefore, in this essay, I
will be comparing and contrasting the similarities and the unlikeness between The Prince
and Han Fei Tz. Throughout the essay, my purpose is to analyze whether or not these
two theories can be applied to the real world efficiently.
To start with, I would like to introduce more about Han Fei, whose status in China is as
important as Machiavelli s in the western country. Before the Qin Dynasty, Confucianism
was the mainstream and most of the people followed its rules of humanity. Han Fei,
however, thought that Confucianism is too ideology and could be beguiling. He
believed that selfishness and greed are the essences of human s characters, which means
that between people, there is nothing but self interest. Hence, Han further developed a
complete opposite point of view, which is the doctrine of Legalism. The core of
Legalism is the importance of the law; assuming that
Union General William Tecumseh Sherman s Carolina
Union General William Tecumseh Sherman s Carolina campaign during the American
Civil War led to the capital of South Carolina in the city of Columbia in early 1865.
Sherman was employing a new military strategy of total war, in which he considered the
civilian population and their property as military targets. Upon hearing of Sherman s
march toward Columbia, the Confederate cavalry General Wade Hampton faced the
reality that Columbia would be lost to Sherman.
The question for Hampton was how to prepare for the invasion of Columbia with a focus
on the disposition of supplies ranging from cotton, food, and alcohol, to military related
supplies such as ammunition, rifles, and cannons. It was both obvious and imperative to
the Confederacy that the Union could not take possession of these supplies, since this
would simultaneously help the Union and seriously hurt the Confederacy. Additionally,
the presence of the cotton would make the potential of fire a real danger for the citizenry
and the buildings in which they lived, worked, gathered, and prayed.
Confederate General Wade Hampton unsuccessfully employed the tenants of the current
U.S. Army mission command philosophy during the Union General Sherman s campaign
through South Carolina. Hampton s failure to follow the yet to be written philosophy of
mission command both before and during Sherman s occupation of Columbia directly
destroyed what little chance of winning the war the South may have clung to.
Conversely, General

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