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3, MARCH 2021

Quadrilateral Spatial Diversity Circularly Polarized

MIMO Cubic Implantable Antenna System
for Biotelemetry
Vikrant Kaim , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, Binod Kumar Kanaujia , Senior Member, IEEE,
and Karumudi Rambabu , Member, IEEE

Abstract— This article presents a first of its kind, coplanar in healthcare costs [1]. This dramatic shift requires modern
waveguide (CPW)-fed 3-D multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) healthcare systems to be more affordable with scalable solu-
ground radiating cubic antenna (CA), implantable in the human tions. A key solution to this should be through a wireless
upper arm for biotelemetry applications. The four antenna
elements are circular in shape and loaded with a pair of body area network (WBAN) that should operate in the vicin-
slots to obtain circular polarization (CP). It excites diversified ity of the human body [2]. This network allows ubiquitous
CP radiation in Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band monitoring of biological and physiological parameters of
2.45 and 5.8 GHz in orthogonal space to establish communication the human body, which can be achieved using low power
between the human body moving in random directions and base- nanotechnology-enabled implantable medical devices (IMDs).
station. The overall dimensions of the proposed antenna are
15 × 15 × 15 mm3 . Monitoring circuit PCB is placed at the IMDs should be designed considering its robust biocom-
top, and the bottom side of the cube and central hollow space patibility, impedance matching, miniaturization, and efficient
is filled with a dry solid phantom for impedance matching. The wireless communication along with specific absorption rate
CA is simulated in the vicinity of the canonical arm tissue model (SAR) compatibility [3].
in HFSS software and examined in a realistic human model. The The implantable antenna connects the IMDs wirelessly with
far-field gain is −18.5 dB with −32 dB isolation between elements.
The CA is fabricated, and measurements are carried out in skin- an external base-station antenna. Several types of antenna
fat-muscle phantom and minced pork. Simulated results closely designs have been worked upon already to meet the require-
match with measured results. The results show that the proposed ments of implantable antennas [3], [4], and many more have
CA is polarization and 3-D orientation insensitive and provides come up lately, but all of them are of single-input-single-output
good MIMO properties. The low SAR value of the CA allows (SISO) configuration. Since biotelemetry applications majorly
maximum transmit power of 5.81 mW, makes it a suitable choice
to transfer high data rate (200 Mb/s) to an external antenna require indoor propagation of wireless channels, thus renders
of diverse polarization. These features make CA an attractive it to multipath reflections [5]. As SISO configuration does
solution for real-time healthcare applications. not provide immunity to multipath reflections and also are
Index Terms— 3-D multi-input-multi-output (MIMO), circular not independent of spatial diversity, thereby hinders efficient
polarization (CP), cubic antenna (CA), data telemetry, external wireless communication with an external antenna (EA). There-
antenna (EA), implantable antenna, Industrial, Scientific, and fore, multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) antenna technology
Medical (ISM) band, polarization diversity, spatial diversity. emerges out with a great potential of addressing the drawbacks
of SISO configuration with improved channel capacity [6].
I. I NTRODUCTION Moreover, modern biotelemetry applications such as image

T ODAY, world population growth with the demographic

peak of baby boomers leading to an aging population
has overloaded the existing conventional healthcare systems
sensors require high-quality images with a data-rate of more
than 78 Mb/s [7]. Therefore, MIMO configuration is the viable
alternative to achieve a data-rate of more than 100 Mb/s up to
and significantly worsened the quality of life with rising long distances (10 m) [8]. The SISO antenna topology could
not achieve such a high data-rate effectively for long distances
Manuscript received March 20, 2020; revised July 17, 2020; accepted
July 23, 2020. Date of publication August 19, 2020; date of current version with a low input power of −4 dBm [7].
March 3, 2021. This work was supported by the Council of Scientific and Many authors have successfully explored the MIMO
Industrial Research (CSIR) under SRF Grant-09/263 (1181)/2019-EMR-I. antenna technology for WBAN wearable applications
(Corresponding author: Binod Kumar Kanaujia.)
Vikrant Kaim and Binod Kumar Kanaujia are with the School of in [9]–[13]. In [9], a high impedance surface (HIS)-based
Computational and Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, circular MIMO antenna is designed. In [10] and [11],
New Delhi 110067, India (e-mail:; bkkanaujia@ the ground radiation circular polarization (CP) MIMO
Karumudi Rambabu is with the Department of Electrical and Computer antenna and single-layer textile MIMO antenna are designed,
Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2V4, Canada (e-mail: respectively. In [12] and [13], ultra-wideband (UWB) and millimeter-wave MIMO antenna have been designed,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at respectively. In the above applications, the authors concluded
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2020.3016483 that the design of MIMO antennas encounters a significant
0018-926X © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY- NEW DELHI. Downloaded on September 19,2022 at 11:23:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

challenge to alleviate the mutual coupling between antenna

elements in a restricted antenna system’s footprint.
Since MIMO antennas have already been explored
considerably for on-body wearable biotelemetry applications,
exploring MIMO antennas for in-body implantable bioteleme-
try applications is a logical extension. In view of the same,
only two publications have come up to the best of the author’s
knowledge [14], [15]. Hence, the MIMO technique has not
been explored quantitatively for implantable applications.
In [14], a dual antenna system has been worked upon in the
401–406 MHz MedRadio frequency band for biotelemetry
devices. The spiral radiator with a helix line achieved
miniaturization with wide-impedance characteristics. In [15],
four-element MIMO antenna has been worked upon for IMDs
using electromagnetic bandgap (EBG)-based metasurface
in 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band. Fig. 1. Application diagram of body-centric wireless communication (edited
In the above-mentioned on-body (wearables) and in-body original image from clipart station).
(IMDs) biotelemetry applications, besides being the valid
candidate, the performance of the MIMO antenna systems still
lack far behind in terms of polarization diversity, spatial diver-
sity, dual-band operation, and immunity to multipath reflec-
tions. All the above-mentioned MIMO antenna systems have
a planar profile and operate in a single band without diver-
sified CP in orthogonal space. Hence, it could not overcome
possible multipath reflections (indoor propagation) in modern
medical applications, recently demonstrated in [16] and [17]
that require sensing of wandering patterns and freezing of
gait detection in patients who have dementia and Parkinson’s
disease. Moreover, it leaves no possibility for high-speed data
transfer. Hence, for implantable applications, there is a need
for a nonplanar MIMO antenna system that should be spatial
and CP diversified in orthogonal directions. The design can
overcome multipath reflections and communicate effectively
with the external base-station systems like multipolarized
reconfigurable antenna developed in [18] for the wireless
biomedical network.
In this article, a quadrilateral spatial diversified CP 3-D
MIMO cubic implantable antenna system has been designed to
operate at IEEE 802.11 standard 2.45 and 5.8 GHz for wireless
data transfer. These bands are chosen in this work as both
the bands are unlicensed, universal, and interoperable with
high gain. CP of antenna has better immunity to misalignment
issues than a linearly polarized antenna. Cubic antenna (CA) CA system can communicate in LHCP and RHCP signals with
configuration is adopted to get dual benefits. Since, in planar external base-station antennas along the direct or indirect path
MIMO antenna configurations, isolation between elements is in orthogonal directions. Hence, it could achieve 360◦ spatial
achieved at the cost of large footprints; therefore, the first ben- and polarization diversity in orthogonal directions and has the
efit is, cubic geometry prevents the need of extra structures to edge over their planar counterparts [19]. Note, Xu et al. [20]
achieve isolation and thus, alleviates mutual coupling to a great have designed a conformal MIMO loop antenna for ingestible
extent. It also provides physical compactness, most desirable applications, but the results are still in the preliminary stage,
in this work for implantable applications compared to planar and the design is not CP diversified. To the best of the author’s
counterparts. The second benefit is, it overcomes the menace knowledge, this kind of work involving CA configuration
of signal fading due to polarization mismatch in one of the to achieve mainly CP diversity in orthogonal directions has
possible scenarios of body-centric wireless communication, not been studied before for implantable applications; hence,
as shown in Fig. 1, where no clear line-of-sight (LOS) could it justifies the novelty of the proposed work. Table I shows the
be established between the transmitter and the receiver. The comparison of our proposed work with the already developed
multipath fading effect irrespective of polarization mismatch MIMO antennas for implantable applications.
could be overcome by utilizing omnidirectional planar MIMO This article consists of six sections, organized as follows.
antennas that provide spatial diversity. However, the proposed Section I presents the introduction and motivation for the

Authorized licensed use limited to: JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA UNIVERSITY- NEW DELHI. Downloaded on September 19,2022 at 11:23:47 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 2. Exploded schematic of the CA configuration.

proposed work. Section II presents the proposed CA synthesis

followed by design and operating mechanism. Section III
elaborates the simulation and measurement scenario and com-
pares the respective results. In the surrounding environment,
Fig. 3. Schematic of the CAE (set-A).
impedance stability and biocompatibility is also analyzed.
Section IV validates the MIMO performance and polarization
diversity in orthogonal space. Section V evaluates SAR and the TABLE II
communication link characteristic for high data-rate, followed D ESIGN PARAMETERS OF THE P ROPOSED A NTENNA E LEMENT ( IN mm)
by the conclusion in Section VI.


A. Antenna Synthesis
In the 3-D MIMO CA, quad antenna elements are designed
on four faces of a cube of size 15 × 15 × 15 mm3 .
Cube is filled with custom made cube-shaped phantom made
of solid ATE (Artificial Tissue Emulating) material bearing
electrical properties with a relative dielectric constant (εr ), (0.85 × 0.3 mm2 ) is made in the patch strip near the feed
30–40, and conductivity (σ ) 1–10 S/m across the band point (G 3 ) for impedance matching. Antenna elements are
500 MHz–10 GHz. Since this solid dry phantom would stay excited through a coplanar feed, maintaining a gap of 0.3 mm
inside the CA implanted in the human body for a long time, between meandered patch strip and circular ground.
therefore, it needed to overcome the hydration drawbacks of
the liquid gel and semisolid ATE materials. This solid phantom
B. Design Mechanism
is prepared by following the steps mentioned in [21, Fig. 10].
We filled the CA with this phantom since it is dry and not Fig. 4(a) shows the proposed CAE-i design evolution from
water-based, which can sustain over a long period without Ant-0 to Ant-3 and the corresponding simulated reflection
changing its shape and stay intact with no defect in its electri- coefficient (|S11 |) and axial-ratio (AR) of CAE-1 only, for
cal properties. The cube is made of RT Duroid 5880 substrate brevity, as shown in Fig. 4(b). Note, all the CAE-i placed
(εr = 2.2 and tanδ = 0.0009) of a thickness (h) 0.508 mm, and on cubic face-i are evolved simultaneously, and the simu-
the top and bottom sides of a cube are left opened without any lated and measured results shown for CAE-1 further in this
faces to accommodate circuit PCB chips of thickness 2 mm, article applies to all other CAEs unless stated. In Ant-0,
each having monitoring circuits as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 we have placed two circuit PCBs (PEC) at the top and bottom
presents the geometrical design of the CA element (CAE) position of the cubic substrate. Note, the bottom PEC sheet
of the proposed CA, which is placed on faces-1, 2 and the is connected to the ground of all the CAEs by 0.2 mm-thick
opposite configuration of CAE on faces-3, 4 of a cube. CAE-i copper strip. The central hollow space in the cube is filled with
(i = 1, 2, 3, 4) belongs to cubic face-i. Physical dimensions are air. Ant-0 resonates at two frequencies (3.5 and 6.5 GHz) with
provided in Table II. All the four antenna elements are circular linearly polarized radiation. The lower frequency is excited
in the shape of the radius (R) 5.2 mm with a single layer of due to the combined length of the patch strip and half of
copper only acting as ground with a coplanar metal strip in the the rectangular slot in the ground, and the higher frequency is
middle acting as a patch. The circular ground plane consists excited due to only half of the rectangular slot. Here, the patch
of a vertical rectangular slot (9.5 × 2.3 mm2 ) and two more strip is acting as a monopole, which can be approximated with
rectangular slots (4.25 × 1.4 mm2 ) breaking the symmetry of linear wire antenna so that the resonant frequency of this patch
the ground plane. A patch strip (8.2 × 1.1 mm2 ) meandered strip could become a function of its overall size, length, and
in the shape of the alphabetical letter “S” is integrated into geometry [22]. At both the resonance, the respective current
the center of the ground plane. A horizontal rectangular slit path length is λg /4, where λg is the wavelength in the medium.

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Fig. 5. Surface current distribution of CAE-1 for different time phases (ωt).

Hence, Ant-3 is the final geometry of the CAE-i in the

proposed CA.

C. Operating Mechanism
Each CAE-i is designed to operate at two fundamental
resonant frequencies of 2.45 and 5.8 GHz. The radiation in
Fig. 4. (a) Design evolution of the proposed CA. (b) Simulated |S11 | and
the two frequency bands is circularly polarized. The detailed
AR plot of CAE-1 for Ant-0 to Ant-3 (proposed). explanation of resonating lengths and the cause of CP
radiations for the two resonating frequencies have been given
in our previous work [23]. The geometrical design of the
To achieve resonance with CP radiation at the desired ISM CAE shown in Fig. 3 generates RHCP radiation at 2.45 GHz
band frequencies, Ant-1 is designed. It resonates at 2.5 and and LHCP radiation at 5.8 GHz. The design of this antenna
5.5 GHz with AR = 3.1 and 2 dB at 2.45 and 6.2 GHz, element is denoted as set-A (see Fig. 2). By interchanging
respectively. Note, frequency miniaturization is achieved by the position of two rectangular slots along the sides of the
introducing meandered sections in the patch strip and two centerline of the ground plane and by changing the orientation
additional rectangular slots in the ground by lengthening the of “S”-shaped patch strip [see Fig. 4(a)], it generates LHCP
respective current paths at both the resonances. Rectangular radiation at 2.45 GHz and RHCP radiation at 5.8 GHz. The
slots also generate CP radiation close to the resonating fre- design of this antenna element is denoted as set-B.
quencies by splitting fundamental mode in the two frequency To visualize the CP operation, the surface current
bands into two near-degenerate orthogonal modes and the distribution is plotted on CAE-1 of set-A for four different
asymmetric position of two slots with respect to each other time phases (ωt = 0◦ , 90◦ , 180◦ , and 270◦ ) at 2.45 and 5.8
induces phase quadrature between the two orthogonal modes. GHz, as shown in Fig. 5. The rotation of electric current
Additionally, in Ant-1, we have added custom-made dry (yellow arrows) on the ground plane can be seen traveling
solid phantom in the cubic hollow space and introduced a from patch strip to ground near the feed point for ωt = 0◦ ,
rectangular slit in patch strip for impedance matching. Note, and the minimas (pink dashed line) align itself in such a
the suitability of using solid phantom for impedance matching manner that as time phase progresses by quarter length up to
is discussed further in Section III. ωt = 270◦ , electric current rotates in anticlockwise direction
To achieve AR < 3 dB at both the desired resonating (highlighted by black arrows) for an observer facing the
frequencies, Ant-2 is designed where two rectangular slots aperture of CAE-1 which shows set-A antenna provides
are optimized. It provides AR = 0.5 and 4.6 dB at 2.45 and RHCP radiation at 2.45 GHz. A similar explanation applies
5.8 GHz, respectively. After optimizing these slots, lower band for LHCP radiation at 2.45 GHz from antenna element of
shifts to 2.8 GHz and upper band shifts to 5 GHz. Since the set-B. For resonating frequency of 5.8 GHz, surface current
middle section of meandered patch strip is controlling the rotates in the clockwise direction for an observer facing the
lower band, top and bottom sections controlling the upper aperture of the CAE-1 which shows set-A antenna provides
band, therefore, Ant-3 is designed, where middle meandered LHCP radiation at 5.8 GHz. A similar explanation applies for
section in “S”-shaped patch strip is elongated, and top–bottom RHCP radiation at 5.8 GHz from antenna element of set-B.
sections are de-meandered (as compared to Ant-1) to achieve So, to meet the CP diversity in spatial quadrature in two
the desired resonance at 2.5 and 5.8 GHz. Two rectangular ISM bands, we have proposed a 3-D MIMO CA system in
slots are optimized further to achieve AR = 0.8 and 0.7 dB at which we have placed antenna element of set-A on faces-1, 2,
2.45 and 6 GHz with 3 dB AR bandwidths well covered in the and antenna element of set-B on faces-3, 4 of a cube,
respective impedance bandwidths. Elongated and demeandered as shown in Fig. 2. Placement of antenna elements in this
sections, lengthens and shortens the current paths, respectively. manner generates RHCP radiation at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz in the

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Fig. 6. Diverse CP radiation from the CA in orthogonal space at 2.45 and

5.8 GHz.


direction of faces-1, 2 and faces-3, 4, respectively, whereas

LHCP radiation at 5.8 and 2.45 GHz in the direction of
faces-1, 2 and faces-3, 4, respectively, as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 7. (a) One-layer model (simplified). (b) Three-layer model (canonical).
In this manner, we can mitigate the probable constraints (c) Realistic body model (AustinMan). (d) Simulated |S11 | and AR plot of
(multipath reflections) for the general implantable SISO planar CA (with bone).
antenna as the proposed MIMO CA would not need an EA
(outside the body) with specific polarization, at a fixed location
modeled as muscle tissue only for the single-layer model.
in a room to communicate. Table III presents the received sig-
The electrical properties of 2/3 muscle equivalent phantom at
nal quality of the CA for various polarizations of the EA [18].
2.45 GHz is εr = 35.15 and σ = 1.16 S/m [24] which is close
to human skin (εr = 37.88 and σ = 1.44 S/m). In contrast,
muscles have εr = 52.73 and σ = 1.74 S/m; therefore,
A. Simulation Setup we prefer to use the electrical properties of skin tissue for
The CA is synthesized using commercially available full- the single-layer model and skin-fat-muscle for the canonical
wave FEM-based Ansys HFSS (v 19.3) software in the model, for radius values of tissue models, see Table II [5].
frequency domain. In the electromagnetic (EM) simulator, It is to be noted, in the canonical arm model, the bone
the CA design is started through Ant-0 [see Fig. 4(a)] by tissue layer is not included specifically for two reasons. First,
placing it at the center in a cylindrical model [Fig. 7(a)] of inclusion of bone layer could disturb the central placement
simplified homogeneous single layer tissue (skin) of the human (symmetricity) of the CA in arm model during simulation.
upper arm, and all the antenna elements are excited using the Thus, it increases simulation time to more than 7 h/simulation
lumped port for simplicity. Cylindrical arm model (radius = run (in computer with 24 GB RAM). Second, avoiding
50 mm and height = 300 mm) is enclosed in a radiation bone layer provides symmetrical geometry of arm model
box of size 310 × 110 × 110 mm3 . The radius (50 mm) allowing characterization of CA radiation performance under
of the cylindrical model from the center of a MIMO cube well-controlled isotropic conditions.
ensures sufficient distance for half-wavelength propagation for But to observe the extent of detuning occurs due to the
frequency, f ≥ 2.45 GHz, and εr = 37.88. In a single layer presence of bone on the CA performance, we plotted simulated
model, we obtained Ant-1, and the canonical homogeneous |S11 | and AR of the proposed CA, as shown in Fig. 7(d),
multilayer tissue (skin-fat-muscle) arm model [Fig. 7(b)] is when the bone tissue layer (Rbone = 10 mm) is included at
utilized to obtain Ant-2. Subsequently, the final optimized the center in the muscle layer of the canonical model facing
geometry of the proposed CA (Ant-3) is obtained. Since the CAE-3. CA is placed off-centered in the muscle layer at an
human upper arm is the operating place, therefore, it can be implantable depth of 30 mm from the surface of the skin layer.

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It is observed that resonant frequency for |S11 | in 5.8 GHz

band and AR in 2.45 GHz band shift slightly to a higher
frequency with degradation in AR and impedance value in
both the ISM bands. This discrepancy is due to the close
presence of extra tissue layer (bone) having lower permittivity,
compared to muscle in the vicinity of the proposed CA. But
this deviation is not a serious concern and can be optimized
easily by CAEs dimensions.
Since the CA needed to perform at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz,
so electrical properties of tissue layers corresponding to both
the frequencies should be embedded in the canonical arm
model. In view of the same, we adopted a novel approach
in our work of using the dielectric properties of arm model
tissue layers correspond to the lowest frequency of interest Fig. 8. (a) Fabricated CA prototype showing size comparison.
(b) Far-field measurement setup with connecting cables and matched termi-
in the required wide frequency range [25]. In this approach, nals. (c) Near-field measurement in three-layer phantom and pork.
we have used dielectric properties at 2.45 GHz only (more
than the average value of properties at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz)
and sweep the frequency from 1 to 7 GHz in simulation. network analyzer, as shown in Fig. 8. In Fig. 8(a), we can see,
The electrical properties of the skin, fat, muscle, and bone the physical volume of the fabricated CA (IMD) is only ≈17%
at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz, referenced from [26], have been of the cubic IMDs designed successfully in [28] and [29],
given in Table IV, which shows relative dielectric constant where the physical dimensions are (62 × 35× 7.8 mm3 ) and
is inversely proportional to frequency, and conductivity is (54× 31 ×11 mm3 ), respectively. Hence, we believe the phys-
directly proportional to frequency. In this manner, impedance ical size of the proposed CA is fit for muscle implantation. The
matching of CA at the highest overall electrical properties measurement procedure is approximately in accordance with
(εr = 37.88, 5.28, and 52.73) of tissue layers in the required the simulated one, and the dummy circuit PCBs are made of
frequency range compensates for the increased antenna aluminum sheet. The CA performance is measured in-vitro and
mismatch loss due to deviation in electrical properties at the in-vivo conditions by placing it at the center within a semisolid
frequency, f ≥ 2.45 GHz. phantom (gel) and minced pork, respectively [Fig. 8(c)]. Note,
After obtaining the final optimized geometry of the pro- the value of |S11 | is measured in both phantom and pork while
posed CA (Ant-3) in canonical arm model with desired radi- the isolation (near-field), AR, and radiation pattern (far-field)
ation performance, we also carried out simulations to observe measurements are carried out for the phantom only. Cylindrical
detuning in the proposed antenna’s radiation performance in an plastic container (diameter = 80 mm and height = 100 mm) is
anatomical environment of a heterogeneous voxel-based model filled with the skin-fat-muscle mimicking phantom similar to
of the human arm (AustinMan v 2.6) as shown in Fig. 7(c), the canonical model in Fig. 7(b). This multilayer phantom is
developed from the National Library of Medicine’s Visible prepared using semisolid, gel-based ATE materials using the
Human Project data set [27]. Note, during the simulation, steps mentioned in [21, Fig. 9]. These materials are capable of
antenna is placed off-centered in voxel arm model at an conforming to any shape independently, and no osmosis occurs
implantable depth of 30 mm due to the presence of bone in between adjacent layers when multiple layers are placed one
the realistic model. Here, numerical analyses are conducted after another, like in Fig. 7(b). The electrical properties of skin-
using CST Microwave Studio Suite, using CST (.vox + .lat) fat-muscle mimicking phantom layers match approximately
files. The.vox file was imported into CST using the “voxel with the properties given in [21, Table I]. Note, all the four
data option.” The model data is contained in file, ports of the CA are given power using the subminiature molex
and we changed the EM properties of the selected tissues surface mount plug (SMP) with 50  impedance (part no.
corresponding to 2.45 GHz using [26]. 853050232), where one port at a time is excited while other
ports are terminated with 50  matched termination. Adapter
cables (part no. SLB220-SMPF-SMAF-6”) from Agilent Tech-
B. Measurement Setup nologies are used for SMP-to-SMA interface [Fig. 8(b)].
To validate the simulated results, we measured the fabricated Fig. 9 shows the simulated and measured |S11 | of the
prototype of the proposed CA using the Agilent N9914A PNA proposed CA for CAE-1 only for brevity, but measurements

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Fig. 9. Comparison of simulated and measured |S11 | and AR plot of CAE-1.

Fig. 10. Simulated peak gain for co- and x-pol CP of CAEs and measured
total gain plot of CA.

Fig. 11. (a) Comparison of simulated |S11 | and AR plot of CAE-1 in different
simulation tissue models. (b) Comparison of simulated and measured isolation
are taken for each CAE-i at a time, while other CAE ports are plot between CAEs.
terminated with 50  loads. The simulated −10 dB impedance
bandwidth of CAE-1 is from 2.1–3 and 5.1–6.6 GHz. The mea-
sured bandwidth in phantom matches closely with simulation.
Though slight variations arise due to fabrication and soldering procedure adopted in an anechoic chamber involving long
tolerances and utilization of interface adapter cables. In pork, cables. Fig. 11(a) shows the comparison of simulated |S11 | and
resonance in both the bands shift to lower frequency with AR of the proposed CAE-1 of Ant-3 for canonical and realistic
bandwidths 2–2.6 GHz and 3.3–beyond 8 GHz, which com- arm models. It also compares CAE-1 of Ant-1 in a simplified
pletely covers the required ISM bands. The broad bandwidth in model, just for reference. Resonant frequency for both |S11 |
pork owes to the deviation in εr and σ of the minced pork from and AR in the realistic model shifts to the lower side due to the
the parameters in the simulation [30]. The air gap between high εr value of surrounding tissues, but shifting in the higher
the antenna and the minced pork also contributes to the band is more (1 dB) due to high path loss at higher frequencies.
multiple resonances that lead to broad bandwidth. However, In the realistic model, impedance bandwidth is not changed
still, measurements in pork samples have given satisfactory significantly, but AR bandwidth narrows. Fig. 11(b) shows
results for the initial stage assessment. the simulated and measured isolation between different CAEs.
The simulated AR in Fig. 9 shows that 3 dB AR bandwidth Mutual coupling between CAEs-1, 2 is highest at 5.8 GHz
of CAE-1 is from 2.1–3 and 5.8–6.3 GHz. The measured (−32 dB), whereas coupling among other CAEs is −37 and
3 dB bandwidth in phantom matches closely with the sim- −40 dB at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz. The measured coupling results
ulated bandwidth with slight discrepancies due to measure- match closely with the simulated results. Hence, all the CAEs
ment procedure complexity. Fig. 10 shows the simulated in the proposed CA do not couple together and could guarantee
(co- and × − pol) peak gain of all CAEs, where ×−pol is the MIMO performance.
30 dB lower than the maximum co-pol gain of −18.5 dBc at Fig. 12 shows the simulated and measured radiation pattern
2.45 and 5.8 GHz in broadside direction of antenna elements. for CAE-1 only in phantom at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz. The
The measured total peak gain (in Fig. 10) of CAE-1 shows measured radiation pattern is rotated slightly compared to the
similar behavior and close agreement with the simulated simulated one, but still, maximum gain matches closely at
one, though variations can be attributed to the measurement 2.45 GHz. However, it decreases to some extent at 5.8 GHz,

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Fig. 12. Comparison of simulated and measured 2-D radiation pattern plot
of CAE-1.

compared to gain value (−18.5 dB) in simulation (θ = 0◦ )

at both frequencies. It is noticed, this variation arises due to
rotating stand on which cylindrical container is placed, but
the patterns show similar behavior in phantom, compared to
simulated one, depicting maximum radiation is emitting from
CAE-1 in desired off-body direction.

C. Dielectric Loaded Impedance Matching

In the case of the proposed CA system, two interfaces
contribute to the reflections at the designing stage in the
simulator. The first interface is between body tissues (εr1 , σ1 )
in the vicinity of the CA and biocompatible layer (εr3 , σ3 ) on
the CA surface. Note, the biocompatibility of the proposed
CA is discussed further in this section. The second interface
is between the biocompatible layer and cubic hollow space
filled with dry solid phantom (εr2 , σ2 ), as shown in Fig. 13(a).
Since substrate (εr = 2.2) has minimal effect on antenna’s
performance in the vicinity of lossy (high εr ) body tissues;
therefore, its effect is not taken into account while match-
ing the antenna’s impedance with body tissues [31]. From
Fig. 13(b), it can be seen that dry solid phantom improves
impedance matching in both the resonating bands by matching
media at both the interfaces.
In this study, widely available ceramic zirconia material Fig. 13. (a) Schematic showing interfaces between CA and dissipative
biological tissue. (b) Comparison of simulated |S11 | plot of CA with and
is considered as a biocompatible insulating layer, with a without solid phantom. (c) Comparison of simulated |S11 | and AR plot of
thickness (s) 0.05 mm, due to its high dielectric constant CAE-1 for different thickness values of zirconia layer.
(εr3 = 27) as compared to other biocompatible materials such
as Teflon, MACOR, ceramic alumina, PEEK, and Silastic
MDX-4210. The approach of selecting biocompatible layer the effect of thickness of the zirconia layer on the CA
and loaded dry phantom of high dielectric constant is to performance has been analyzed and compared with the
make it comparable as εr1 (37.88) ≈ εr2 (30–40) ≈ εr3 (27), simulated |S11 | and the AR in Fig. 13(c) for CAE-1 only.
so that the waves propagating from the CAEs toward body From the results, it can be seen that AR is not changing
tissues could not face much discontinuity in permittivity significantly in both the bands, but the frequency shift to the
values at the two interfaces and could lead to impedance lower side in the higher band. However, the impedance value
matching with improved impedance bandwidths in the in both the bands degrades with increasing thickness of the
frequency bands. Note, in place of dry phantom, glycerin zirconia layer. Hence, s ≤ 0.05 mm can provide the optimum
(εr = 50) or pure water (εr = 78) could also be used as performance of the proposed CA as performance degrades
reported in [32] and [33], respectively, but due to its hydration for s > 0.05 mm with controllable deviation.
drawbacks it could not sustain for long period required for
implantable applications. By choosing a high permittivity IV. MIMO P ERFORMANCE
biocompatible material for an insulator, one can increase The feasibility of the diversity performance of CAEs in the
the robustness of the antenna. But high permittivity ceramic proposed MIMO CA is analyzed by the envelope correlation
zirconia material is not cost-effective [25]. Additionally, coefficients (ECCs) among CAE-i. ECC < 0.5 gives the

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Fig. 15. Fabricated prototypes of EA-1 and EA-2.

by developing a downlink communication [EA (Tx ) to CA

(Rx )] at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz. For this, we have chosen EA
(50 × 50 × 1.0 mm3 ) from [36] to be installed outside
the body in free space. We have designed this EA in the
simulator and reproduced its results. Then, |S11 |, AR, and
gain are measured in free space from its fabricated prototype.
Fig. 14. 3-D radiation patterns of individual CAEs.
The measured results are in close agreement with the simu-
lated one, similar to the results in [36] but not shown here
for brevity. Fig. 15 shows the fabricated prototypes of EA.
acceptable performance of any MIMO system. MIMO perfor- Antenna radiating RHCP waves at 2.45 GHz and LHCP at
mance degrades with the increase in ECC value when radiated 5.8 GHz is termed as EA-1 whereas, antenna radiating LHCP
fields from two antennas strongly interact with each other. waves at 2.45 GHz and RHCP at 5.8 GHz is EA-2. In this
ECC (ιi j ) values have been calculated from the measured manner, we have characterized EA-1 and EA-2 as standard
radiation pattern using (1) [34], [35] in a three-layer phantom, transmit antenna (STA) to communicate with the proposed CA
where XPR is the measure of the cross-polarization ratio of the for downlink communication.
incident field, defined as XPR = PV /PH . PV and PH are the In the simulator, we created an environment by placing
average power along θ and φ, respectively. E θ i and E φi are EA-2 (STA) at a distance of 500 mm facing CAE-1, where
the complex envelopes of θ and φ components of the radiated CA is placed at the center of the canonical arm model and
far-field, respectively, when only the i th-port is excited, and received power levels (Pr ) are simulated at CAE-i. Downlink
other ports are terminated with 50  loads. Pθ and Pφ are communication is shown using the canonical model instead
the probability of distributions of the incident power on the of a realistic arm model so that it could be replicated in
antenna in θ - and φ-directions respectively.  is the solid measurement easily. EA-2 makes  0◦ (LOS) with CAE-1,
angle. Taking PV = PH for an isotropic environment, where ⊥90◦ (NLOS) with CAEs-3, 4 and  180◦ (LOS) with CAE-2
XPR = 1 and Pθ = Pφ = 1/4 π. Table V shows the simulated of CA, as shown in Fig. 16(a). The input power (Pt ) of
and calculated ECC values, which are much less than 0.5 in EA-2 in simulator is fixed as 1 W (30 dBm). Note, since
both 2.45 and 5.8 GHz ISM band. It indicates the suitability CAE-1 in LOS with EA-2 have opposite polarization sense to
of the cubic configuration of antenna elements with diverse that of EA-2 at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz, hence, could communicate
CP in spatial quadrature, implying that the proposed MIMO efficiently (refer Table III).
CA has good channel characteristics to achieve a high data Simulated power levels are validated by measuring the
rate [8]. power levels at different angles made by CAEs with respect
The 3-D radiation pattern of the proposed CA in the to the fixed location of EA-2 to account for possible random
canonical model is shown in Fig. 14. Diverse radiation patterns movement in the human arm due to mobility. EA-2 has
in orthogonal directions help in maintaining a low correlation been kept 500 mm away in LOS with CAE-1 embedded
between CAEs. The discrepancy between simulated and cal- in three-layer phantom, as shown in Fig. 16(b). EA-2 port
culated ECC values is mainly attributed to the measurement is connected to Tektronix TSG 4106A RF Signal Generator
limitations. The error can be reduced at the cost of the (DC—6 GHz), and the CAE-i port is connected to Tektronix
radiation pattern measurement complexity RSA 5115B Real-Time Signal Analyzer (1 Hz–15 GHz). Note,
   2 only i th-port of CAE-i is connected to signal analyzer at a time
 0 X P R · E θ i E θ∗j Pθ + E φi E φ∗ j Pφ d while other element ports are matched with 50  load. During
ιi j =    (1) measurement, EA-2 is given 25 dBm input power, as it is the
4π ∗ ∗
X P R·E θ i E θi Pθ + E φi E φi Pφ d maximum power generated by the signal generator available.

× 0 X P R · E θ j E θ∗j Pθ + E φ j E φ∗ j Pφ d. Table VI shows the simulated and measured power levels. It is
observed, simulated power is in the range of −46 to −56 dB
at 2.45 GHz in orthogonal directions, but at 5.8 GHz power
A. Polarization and Spatial Diversity level is in the range of −29 to −36 dB, comparatively more
In this section, we demonstrated the polarization and than 15 dB higher due to high radiation efficiency at higher
3-D orientation insensitivity for the proposed 3-D MIMO CA frequency [30]. The measured power decreases by 2–2.5 dB

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Fig. 17. ASAR distribution due to CA in canonical arm model (scale: W/kg).

tissue to less than 1.6 and 2 W/kg, respectively. IEEE

C95.1-1999 is considered as the prominent [37]; therefore,
we have studied only 1 g average SAR (ASAR) distribution.
Fig. 17 shows 1 g ASAR distribution due to CA in the
canonical arm model when 1 W input power is given to
all the four ports of the CA for data telemetry scenario.
The maximum 1 g ASAR value due to CA (four CAEs) is
1101.7 and 1135.8 W/kg at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz, respectively;
therefore, due to one CAE, ASAR is 276 and 284 W/kg,
respectively. It can be seen that maximum ASAR intensity
is at the central part of the CAEs only, and the remaining
surface of the CA remains inactive, leading to low SAR due
to single CAE. Considering the IEEE C95.1-1999 restrictions,
Fig. 16. (a) Schematic of downlink communication between CA and EA. the maximum power, Pt that could be delivered to the single
(b) Downlink communication measurement setup in three-layer phantom.
element, is 1.45 mW (1.61 dBm) and 1.41 mW (1.49 dBm),
respectively. Therefore, the maximum power that could be
delivered to the MIMO CA is 5.81 mW (7.64 dBm) and
5.63 mW (7.5 dBm), respectively. Since we are restricted
to give only 25 μW (−16 dBm) power (at both 2.45 and
5.8 GHz) to each CAE [38], where whole CA will consume
0.1 mW (−10 dBm) input power; therefore, SAR due to the
proposed MIMO CA is not a major concern.

B. Link Margin
To transfer data from the CA to EA (uplink communication),
due to less input power and change in the environment during we need to specify the range of the data telemetry link between
measurement compared to simulation. Note, we have also the CA (Tx ) and EA (Rx ). Therefore, the communication link
carried out the same procedure during simulation and measure- budget is calculated through link margin (LM) considering
ment by replacing EA-2 with EA-1 in LOS ( 0◦ ) with CAE-4, various losses, using standard Friis equations in [39] and [40]
which gives power values similar to the case with EA-2 but not for scenario when EA is placed in LOS ( 0◦ ) with CAE-1.
shown here for brevity. Hence, it can be concluded that the The LM shown in Fig. 18 is calculated at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz
proposed CA could communicate well in spatial quadrature using the parameters given inTable VII. Polarization loss (e p )
with EA irrespective of its polarization sense. This justifies is calculated using (2) where, υ is the linear AR value of
the suitability of four elements in the nonplanar profile (cubic) RX antenna (EA), and α is angle between LOS of TX -RX
of the proposed implantable CA for biotelemetry applications antenna [41]. According to free-space reduction in signal
where the human body could move freely in any direction strength, path loss (L f ) is calculated using [39]. Tx and Rx
with respect to EA. Note, based on a particular scenario, antenna gains are based on simulated results where Rx antenna
a two-face antenna may be sufficient. However, the proposed gain is referenced from [36
cubic MIMO antenna performs much better in 3-D space. 1 υ2 − 1
ep = (cos 2α). (2)
2 υ2 + 1
For effective communication between IMDs and external
A. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) base-station, the LM should be better than 0 dB and from
Two standards IEEE C95.1-1999 and IEEE C95.1-2005 Fig. 18, it is seen that the LOS communication between
restrict SAR averaged over any 1 and 10 g of cube-shaped CAEs-1, 2 and EA can be established effectively up to more

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2.45 and 5.8 GHz, respectively. But to transmit the highest data
rate of 200 Mb/s up to 10 m in spatial quadrature (long range
of interest for indoor applications), the proposed CA confirms
its suitability with total input power ≤1.61 and 1.49 dBm
to each CAE at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz, respectively, conforming
to SAR limit. Thus, the proposed CA system fulfills the
requirement of multiple biotelemetry applications in both free
space and an indoor environment where data rate varies from
low to high.

In this article, a novel implantable 3-D MIMO CA is
designed for biotelemetry applications, which allows polariza-
tion and 3-D orientation insensitivity of implantable antennas.
It aims to solve the menace of polarization mismatching
Fig. 18. Calculated LM with varying data-rate and transmit power (Pt ) at
different angles between EA and CA.
in a complex environment due to human body mobility in
random directions. Table I lists the comparison of the cubic
MIMO with planar MIMO antennas found in the literature.
Compared to planar versions, the cubic MIMO antenna system
provides robust performance in orthogonal space in terms
of the communication link, diverse CP, impedance matching,
large impedance, and AR bandwidths, high gain and radiation
efficiency, and tight device packaging with zirconia (ceramic).
The measured results of the fabricated prototype match with
simulated one due to close similarity in simulation and mea-
surement scenario. The polarization and orthogonal spatial
diversity of the proposed CA are validated by developing a
stable communication link at different angles (LOS/NLOS)
between CA and EA of diverse polarization. Furthermore, high
transmit power due to low SAR and capability to transmit high
data with diverse polarization in dual-frequency ISM bands
in orthogonal space over a reasonably long distance proves
stronghold of the proposed MIMO CA.

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Binod Kumar Kanaujia (Senior Member, IEEE) AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communication, and Interna-
received the B.Tech. degree in electronics engi- tional Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. He had successfully
neering from KNIT Sultanpur, Sultanpur, India, executed 08 research projects sponsored by several agencies of Government
in 1994, and the M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from the of India, i.e., DRDO, DST, AICTE, and ISRO. He is also an Associate
Department of Electronics Engineering, IIT (BHU) Editor of the AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communication
Varanasi, Varanasi, India, in 1998 and 2004, of publisher Elsevier and the IETE Technical Review of publisher Taylor and
respectively. Francis.
He held the positions of a Lecturer from 1996 to
2005, the Reader from 2005 to 2008, and the Head
of the Department of Electronics and Communica-
tion Engineering, M. J. P. Rohilkhand University,
Bareilly, India. Prior to his career in academics, he was an Executive Engineer
with the R&D Division, M/s UPTRON India Ltd, Lucknow, India. He has
been a Professor with the Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies
& Research, New Delhi, since 2011, where he was an Associate Professor
from 2008 to 2011. He has been a Professor with the School of Computational
and Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, since 2016.
He has been credited to publish more than 325 research articles with more Karumudi Rambabu (Member, IEEE) received the
than 2575 citations with H-index of 22 in several peer-reviewed journals and Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineer-
conferences. He had supervised 50 M.Tech. and 26 Ph.D. research scholars in ing from the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC,
the field of microwave engineering. He has a keen research interest in design Canada, in 2005.
and modeling of microstrip antenna, dielectric resonator antenna, left-handed He was a Research Member of the Institute for
metamaterial microstrip antenna, shorted microstrip antenna, ultra-wideband Infocomm Research, Singapore, from 2005 to 2007.
antennas, and reconfigurable and circular polarized antennas for wireless Since 2007, he has been an Assistant Professor
communication. with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Dr. Kanaujia is a member of several academic and professional bodies, Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
i.e., Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Technical Education, Canada, where he is currently a Professor. He is
and The Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers of India. currently involved in industrial and biomedical imag-
He has been awarded the Junior Research Fellowship by UGC Delhi during ing, vital sign monitoring, and biopsy needle guiding using ultra-wideband
2001–2002 for his outstanding work in the electronics field. He is a reviewer (UWB) radar systems. His current research interests include the design and
for several journals of international repute, i.e., the IET Microwaves, Anten- development of UWB technology, and components and radar systems for
nas & Propagation, IEEE A NTENNAS AND W IRELESS P ROPAGATION L ET- various applications.
TERS , Wireless Personal Communications, Journal of Electromagnetic Wave Dr. Rambabu was a recipient of the Andy Farquharson Award for excellence
and Application, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, IETE Technical in graduate student teaching from the University of Victoria in 2003 and the
Review, International Journal of Electronics, International Journal of Engi- Governor Generals Gold Medal for the Ph.D. research in 2005. He serves as
neering Science, IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON A NTENNAS AND P ROPAGATION, an Associate Editor for the IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation.

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