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Reporter: Characterized by similarities in the goals, structures, programs, and

internal operations of countries; education, health care, economy & finance,
environment, foreign policy and military & defenses

An example of political globalization is the European union.

Reporter: Reporting from Brussels, the heart of the European Union, it's (Name)
highlighting the EU's evolution from post-WWII unity to a pivotal global player, facing
challenges while championing achievements in economic integration, diplomacy, and
shared values. (Name) signing off, emphasizing the EU's reliance on citizen
solidarity and leadership cooperation for its unique experiment in political

Reporter: Next is Country. What is Country? (or as Academicians call it,



Reporter: In the beginning... people did not always organize themselves as

countries- they identified themselves with units as small as their village or their tribe
or as members of larger political categories like "Christendom"

Reporter: A country is a defined geographical area distinguished by its borders,

governance, and unique cultural and social characteristics, where a population
resides under a specific system of laws and governance, forming a cohesive entity
on the global stage. It represents a unified community, embodying shared values,
history, and often a distinct national identity.

Reporter: Next is Nation, State and Nation-State


Reporter: Not all states are nations and not all nations are states. Scotland is a
nation but still belongs to the state of the United Kingdom. Bangsamoro is a separate
nation from the Philippines but recognizes the Philippine state.

Reporter: A nation refers to a group of people sharing common history, culture,

language, and often a sense of identity, transcending geographical boundaries. A
state is a political entity with defined borders, a government, and sovereignty over its
territory. A nation-state is the convergence of these concepts, representing a
geographically defined area where a distinct cultural group resides under a unified
government, embodying both a shared identity and political sovereignty.


Reporter: Political globalization has propelled countries towards increased

interconnectedness, transcending traditional notions of sovereignty and boundaries.
While countries remain geographical territories governed by states, the essence of a
nation, defined by shared culture and identity, transcends these borders, fostering a
sense of belonging. The convergence of nation and state forms the complex entity of
a nation-state, highlighting the intricate interplay between cultural identity,
governance, and the evolving landscape of political globalization.

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