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Subject A: New York City

Subject B: Los Angeles

Points of comparison/contrast:
1. Economy
2. Public Transit
3. Culture and Entertainment

A. Overview of topic: New York City and Los Angeles are cities that are not only similar in
terms of their size but also have distinct characteristics that set them apart. Taking a look at the
economy, the public transit systems, and the cultural and entertainment offerings gives a deeper
understanding of their unique attributes.
B. Thesis statement: Both of these cities, in spite of being similarly sized, differ significantly in
terms of their economy, public transit infrastructure, and cultural and entertainment scene, which
impacts the daily lives of their residents.

Body Paragraph 1:
A. Topic sentence for Point 1 of the comparison: The economies of New York City and Los
Angeles differ in terms of industries, job opportunities, and economic output.
• Subject 1 (New York City): New York City's economy is diverse, with a strong presence in
finance, media, and technology.
• Subject 2 (Los Angeles): Los Angeles, on the other hand, is known for its entertainment
industry, including film, television, and music production.

Body Paragraph 2:
B. Topic sentence for Point 2 of the comparison: The public transit systems in New York City
and Los Angeles show stark contrasts in terms of accessibility, coverage, and effectiveness.
• Subject 1 (New York City): New York City has an extensive subway system and buses that
provides efficient transportation options for its residents.
• Subject 2 (Los Angeles): Los Angeles, has been working to improve its public transit with
projects like the Metro, but it still lags behind New York in terms of coverage and accessibility.

Body Paragraph 3:
C. Topic sentence for Point 3 of the comparison: New York City and Los Angeles offer distinct
cultural and entertainment experiences due to their unique histories and local attractions.
• Subject 1 (New York City): New York City is renowned for its world-class museums,
Broadway shows, and diverse cultural neighborhoods.
• Subject 2 (Los Angeles): Los Angeles is famous for its Hollywood entertainment industry,
beautiful beaches, and a more relaxed lifestyle.
• Restatement of thesis: In conclusion, the comparison of New York City and Los Angeles
reveals stark differences in their economy, public transit systems, and cultural and entertainment
scenes, shaping the lives of their residents in distinct ways.
• Summary of main points: New York City's diverse economy, extensive public transit system,
and rich cultural and entertainment offerings contrast with Los Angeles' entertainment focused
economy, evolving public transit infrastructure, and unique lifestyle attractions.
• Broader significance of the topic: Understanding these differences between two major
American cities not only provides insights into urban planning and development but also
showcases the diversity and dynamism that characterize the United States as a whole. It allows
everyone to appreciate the variety of experiences available in different cities across the country.

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