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Author: Moyanah Otukile

Student ID: 201903482

Date: 2020/
Version of work: Lab4

***This piece of work was done under the University of Botswana policy. And I therefore affirm that this
was individual work. ***

1. Introduction to Haskell environment. See “getting started with Haskell” or

“Writing your first Haskell program”
Key tools:
 {editor, ghc interpretor}
 {:load, :cd, :!dir,:browse, … }

𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡(𝑖𝑛𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒, 𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑛, 𝑎𝑑𝑑)

𝑔ℎ𝑐𝑖(: 𝑐𝑑, ∶ ! 𝑑𝑖𝑟, ∶ 𝑐𝑑, ∶ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑, ∶ 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑠𝑒)
𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑚𝑖𝑡(𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒, 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒)

4. Write a simple specification for each of the functions in question

a) Sumt(m,n) which gives the sum of first n natural numbers that are divisible by m. [Hint: may
assume m is a natural number.]
sumt : ℕ x ℕ → ℕ
sumt: (Integer m, Integer n): Integer
Purpose: computes natural numbers divisible by m up to n
check if m is divisible by n
Precondition: (n >= 0) && (m >= 1)
Post condition: m + sumt(n-1) iff [x|x <- [1...n]]

b) getChar(n) which gives the character of a given Unicode n.

getChar : ℕ → Char
getChar(integer i): Char n
Purpose: get the character at position i
Precondition: (i >= 0)
Post condition: UTF-8[0] iff 0 =< i && i =< maxPos "error" otherwise

c) getCode(c) which gives the Unicode of a given character c.

getCode : Char → String
getCode(Char c): String
Purpose: gives the Unicode of a given character c
Precondition: (i >= 0)
Post condition: getCode iff UTF-8[c] =getCode && "null" otherwise

d) isHex(c) which determines if the Unicode character c is a hexadecimal digit.

isHex: Char → Boolean
isHex(Char c): Boolean
Purpose: determines if the Unicode character c is a hexadecimal digit.
Prec: c != null
Postc: True iff 'Elem'['0'...['9']] v ['A'... 'F'] false otherwise

c isHex(c)

4 if c `elem` [0…9] || `elem` [A…F] then

True else false

j if c `elem` [0…9] || `elem` [A...F] then

True else false

e) prodt(n) which gives the product of the first n natural numbers. [Hint: the product identity is 1.]

prodt: ℕ -> ℕ

prodt(integer n):integer

Purpose: gives the product of numbers up to n

Precondition: n>=0
Postcondition:{n+ prodt ( n−1 ) iff n> 1

{1 otherwise

f) isIn(c,w) which determines if the character c is in the word w.

isin(Char c,String w):Bool
purpose:checks if charater c in word w
precondition :c/=null && w/=null
postcondition:if c`elem` w then true else false

g) isHexWord

isHexWord:String ->Bool

isHexWord(String w):Bool

purpose:checks w has all hex character


postcondition: :| True iff isHex(head(w)) = True ^ isHex(tail(w)) = True

| false otherwise


4. let P(n) be isDiv(m,n)

Base Case

n = -1 : P(n) : isDiv(m,n) = True

n = 0 : P(n) : isDiv(m,n) = false

n = 1 : P(n) : isDiv(m,n) = True

Inductive Hypothesis

Assume p(k) : isDiv(m, k) Ɐk: ℤ | k >= n

Inductive Step

I will show that:

P(k + -1) isDiv(k + (-1))

isDiv(m,-1) ⋀ isDiv(m, k)

True ⋀ isDiv(m, k)

P(k + 0) isDiv(m, )

isDiv(m,) ⋀ isDiv(m, k)

True ⋀ isDiv(m, k)

P(k + 1) isDiv(k + 1)

isDiv(m,1) ⋀ isDiv(m, k)

True ⋀ isDiv(m, k)

Therefore isDiv(m,n) is partially correct.

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