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Topic: Ukrainian and English artistic traditions

 to introduce and practises treadin topic, to revise previously taught vocabulary
on the topic; to improve students reading and speaking skills;
 to develop students communicative competence; to activate thinking and
creative imagination; to encourage understanding of human diversity;
 to broaden students' outlook; to develop students' cognitive skills; to encourage
students' interest in artistic traditions of different countries; to develop self-
esteem and a sense of respect for others.
 by the end of the lesson students will be able:
 to use the words of the topic in oral speech;
 to read and understand texts about certain genres of painting;
 to give definitions of the words;
 to express their personal attitude to paintings and art;
 to discuss the questions expressing agreement or disagreement;
 to retell information about some of the schools of painting in Ukraine and the
1. Warm-up
Do the "Warm-up activity", p. 165.
In two groups, discuss the questions on p. 165. One of the groups is "lovers" and the
other one is "opponents". Find the reasonable "pro" / "contra" arguments to prove
your ("lovers" or "opponents") opinion. Use the beginnings of the sentences and
linking words.
2. Speaking
Do ex. 1, p. 166.
In pairs, talk to your partner about the questions from the exercise and exchange your
results with the other pairs.
Do ex. 2, p. 166.
Read the quotation from Horace. Think and say whether you agree / disagree with the
statement. Explain why / why not. Compare your results.
Use the table if necessary:
Do ex. 3, p. 166:
Recall and name some of Ukrainian painters.
3. Reading & Vocabulary
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Do ex. 4a, p. 166-168.
Listen to the text and follow it while listening. Pay attention to the words in bold and
find out their definitions. Take the art trends mentioned in the text sepa-rately. Use a
dictionary if necessary.

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