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H1 : Piles Surgery: When is it Right for You, and What to Expect?

Hemorrhoids, those pesky cushions in your rectum, can become quite a pain, literally and
figuratively. While we wouldn't blame you for picturing surgery as the answer, it's actually the
"big gun" reserved for specific situations.

Think of hemorrhoids as swollen veins around your rectum and anus. They're pretty common,
affecting almost half of us at some point.

There are two main types: internal and external :

Internal hemorrhoids: These reside inside the rectum and usually don't cause symptoms
unless they become enlarged or prolapsed (bulging outside).

External hemorrhoids: Located under the skin near the anus, these can be itchy, painful, and
sometimes bleed.

Before the Surgical Route:

First things first, surgery isn't the only option. Lifestyle changes like increasing fiber intake,
staying hydrated, and avoiding straining during bathroom breaks often provide relief. There are
also over-the-counter medications and minimally invasive procedures your doctor might

So, When Does Surgery Come In?

While most hemorrhoids respond well to conservative measures, surgery becomes a

consideration when:

● The pain is constant and severe: If you're wincing every time you sit, it's definitely time
to talk to your doctor.

● Bleeding becomes excessive: While occasional bright red streaks are common, heavy
bleeding needs medical attention.
● Prolapse becomes frequent: Prolapsed hemorrhoids, when they bulge outside the
anus, can be uncomfortable and difficult to manage.

● Other treatments haven't worked: If you've tried lifestyle changes, medications, and
minimally invasive procedures without success, surgery might be the next step.

Hemorrhoid Laser Surgery

Among surgical options, laser hemorrhoidectomy is gaining popularity. This minimally invasive
procedure uses a laser beam to remove hemorrhoid tissue.

Compared to traditional methods, it offers potential benefits like:

● Less pain: Lasers cauterize blood vessels during the procedure, minimizing bleeding
and potentially reducing pain.

● Faster recovery: Smaller incisions mean quicker healing times, often allowing you to
return to normal activities sooner.

● Reduced risk of recurrence: While no procedure guarantees 100% success, laser

treatment reportedly shows lower recurrence rates compared to traditional methods.

Finding the Right Doctor:

If you're considering surgery, finding the right doctor is crucial.

Dr. Raviram, dedicated Gastro Surgeon & Laser Proctologist in Thrissur, Kerala, is here to
provide you with expert care and relief. Booking an appointment is easy, and we assure you a
personalized approach to your well-being.

Speak With Doctor :

Conclusion :

Hemorrhoids, while uncomfortable, are often manageable with conservative measures or

minimally invasive procedures. However, if you're struggling with constant pain, heavy bleeding,
persistent prolapse, or haven't found relief with other options, talk to your doctor about whether
surgery, including the laser option, might be right for you.

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