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Chapter: 14 Noise pollution

At a glance:
 Types of pollution
 Noise pollution
 How do we hear?
 Effects of noise pollution
 Ways to Reduce noise pollution

What is pollution?
Pollution is the presence or introduction of harmful substances into the environment, which can
cause damage to our environment and have negative effects on human, animal and plant health.
In this chapter, we will learn about noise pollution and how. It is important for us, to understand
pollution and take steps to prevent it.
Before we understand noise pollution, let us revisit types of pollution that we have studied in
previous classes.
142.1 Types of pollution
1. Air Pollution: Air pollution occurs when harmful substances like dust, smoke, and
chemicals mix with the air we breathe. This can make the air dirty and hard to breathe.
Cars, factories, and even burning trash can release these harmful substances into the air.
2. Water Pollution: Water pollution happens when pollutants, like garbage, chemicals, or
sewage, get into our rivers, lakes, and oceans. This can make the water unsafe for
drinking and harm aquatic life.
3. Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is the unwanted and loud sounds that disturb our peace.
It can come from vehicles, factories, and even loud music. Too much noise can be
harmful to our ears and make it hard to concentrate.

142.3 Noise pollution:

Noise pollution is the presence of unwanted, loud, or disruptive sounds in our environment.
These sounds can be irritating, disturbing, and harmful to both humans and animals. Noise
pollution can come from various sources, such as traffic, construction work, industrial
machinery, drilling machines, loud music, and even barking dogs.
How do we hear?
1. Hearing is how we listen to sounds. It is our ability to perceive sounds.
1. The process begins in our ears, which act as sound receptors (receiving sound).
2. Sound in the environment is collected by the outer ear.
3. These waves then travel through a passage called the ear canal located in the ear.
[4.] Inside the ear canal, there are tiny structures called hair cells. Hair cells play an
important crucial role in the process of hearing.
4.[5.] When sound waves reach the hair cells, they cause the hair cells to vibrate.
5.[6.] The vibrations of hair cells are then converted into signals.
[7.] These signals travel along a nerve and reaches to our brain. The brain
understandsinterprets these signals and helps us recognize and understand the sounds.
This process allows us to hear and identify the various sounds in our environment.

We like pleasant voice. A pleasant voice is when it sounds nice and comforting. It is like when
someone talks or sings in a way that makes you feel happy or comfortable. A pleasant voice is
gentle and pleasing to listen to, like Songs
But a loud voice Is when someone speaks or makes a sound with a lot of power. It is not
comforting sound. it is very strong sound. Loud sounds make us restless and uncomfortable.
Like, when someone shouts or Honk of vehicle.
Loud voice causes noise pollution. Let us now explore the effects of noise pollution.
Self-Evaluation – 1

Fill in the blank

[a)] 1Pollution is the presence or introduction of harmful substances into the _________
a)[b)] 2Air pollution occurs when harmful substances like dust, smoke, and chemicals mix
with the air we ________
b)[c)] 3 ________ happens when pollutants, like garbage, chemicals, or sewage, get into our
rivers, lakes, and oceans.
c)[d)] 4Noise pollution is when there are too many __________ sounds around us, like loud
cars and machines
d)[e)] 5. When sound waves reach the hair cells, they cause the hair cells to _________

2.4 Effects of Noise Pollution:

1. Hearing Problems: Long exposure to loud noise can lead to hearing loss or damage,
especially in children. It can make it hard to hear sounds properly, like whispers or
important instructions.
2. Health Issues: Noise pollution can cause stress, anxiety, and even sleep disturbances.
Lack of proper sleep can lead to other health problems like fatigue, decreased
concentration, and a weakened immune system.
3. Communication Difficulties: Too much noise can make it challenging to have
conversations, both at home and in public places. This can affect our ability to learn and
communicate effectively.
[4.] Disturbed Learning: Noise pollution around in schools can disrupt learning and
concentration, making it harder for students to focus on their studies.
4.[5.] Negative Impact on Wildlife: Animals and birds in urban areas can also be affected.
Loud noises from traffic or construction can disrupt their natural behaviours, migration
patterns (bird travel), and communication.
5.[6.] Safety Concerns: Loud noises can mask important sounds, like a car horn or a
warning signal, potentially leading to accidents.
2.5 Ways to reduce Noise Pollution
Plant Trees and Shrubs: Planting trees and shrubs in your surroundings can act as natural
sound barriers, absorbing and deflecting noise.
Use Noise Barriers: Install noise barriers, like fences or walls, along busy roads or near noisy
industrial areas to block and reduce sound transmission.
Soundproofing: Use soundproof materials in homes and buildings, especially in walls, ceilings,
and floors, to minimize indoor noise.
Limit Construction Noise: Construction sites should follow strict noise regulations, including
limiting noisy activities during specific hours.
Reduce Vehicle Noise: Regular maintenance of vehicles can help reduce noisy exhaust systems.,
and using public transportation or carpooling can decrease overall traffic noise.
Quiet Zones: Establish quiet zones in urban areas, such as near schools and hospitals, where
noise levels are strictly controlled.
Educate and Raise Awareness: Educate people about the importance of reducing noise
pollution and encourage them to be mindful of noise levels in their daily activities.
Community Involvement: Communities can come together to address noise pollution concerns
and work with local authorities to find solutions.
Promote Quieter Alternatives: Encourage the use of quieter machinery, equipment, and
transportation options to reduce noise emissions.

Plant Trees and Bushes: Planting more trees and bushes around can help muffle noise naturally
by absorbing and deflecting it.
Use Sound Barriers: Put up fences or walls near busy streets or noisy factories to stop or lessen
the loud sounds.
Make Things Less Noisy: Use special materials in houses and buildings to keep noise inside or
outside, especially in walls, ceilings, and floors.
Control Loud Building Work: When people are building things, they should follow rules to keep
things quiet, especially during certain times.
Make Vehicles Quieter: Take care of your vehicles to make sure they don't make loud noises.
Also, use shared transportation or carpool to reduce traffic noise.
Create Peaceful Zones: Make special areas in cities, like near schools and hospitals, where loud
sounds are not allowed.
Teach and Share Knowledge: Tell people why it's important to reduce noise and ask them to be
more aware of how loud they are.
Get the Community Involved: People in a neighborhood can work together to fix noise problems
and talk to local leaders about it.
Encourage Quiet Options: Tell people to use machines, tools, and transportation that aren't too
loud to make less noise.
Self-Evaluation – 2

a) Give answer in one word.

a) What is noise pollution caused by?

b) What do our ears have inside them to help us hear?
c) What can loud noises from traffic or construction disrupt for birds?
d) What can people use to make sure their vehicles don't make loud noises?
e) What can be planted to absorb and deflect noise naturally?

Points to Ponder
 Taking Care of Our Earth:
 We should not throw trash on the ground. Instead, we can put it in the trash bins..
 Listening and Learning:
 When it’s noisy, it’s hard to hear our teachers and friends. Quiet places help us learn

 Being Kind to Animals:

 Loud noises can scare animals and birds. We should be quiet so they feel safe.
 Peaceful Times:
 Nighttime and naptime are quiet times when we should be calm and restful.
 By cleaning up after ourselves and not being too loud, we make our school and home
happier places.

End-of-Chapter Assessment

1. What is pollution?
A. Cleaning the environment
B. Harmful substances in the environment
C. Planting trees
D. Painting walls
2. By looking at the image which of these is a type of noise pollution?
3. What is noise pollution caused by?
A. Soft sounds
B. Unwanted and loud sounds
C. Birds chirping
D. Bright colors
4. Where can noise pollution come from?
A. Trees
B. Cars and factories
C. Flowers
D. Clouds
5. Why is it important not to throw garbage in rivers and lakes?
A. Garbage needs to be in rivers
B. It makes the water dirty and harms animals
C. Garbage makes the water clean
D. Garbage makes the water colorful
6. What do our ears have inside to help us hear?
A. Hair cells
B. Leaves
C. Water
D. Stones
7. Why should we be quiet during bedtime?
A. Because it's fun
B. Because we can hear stories better
C. It's a quiet and restful time
D. Because we can play games
8. How can we make our surroundings quieter and peaceful?
A. Making more noise
B. Using loud machines
C. Being mindful of the noise we make
D. Shouting loudly
9. What can we use to block and reduce sound near busy roads?
A. Fences and walls
B. Trees and bushes
C. Loudspeakers
D. Cars and trucks
10. What helps absorb noise naturally?

Answer Key
Self-Evaluation 1

a. Environment
b. Breathe
c. Water pollution
d. Unwanted
e. Vibrate

Self-Evaluation – 2

a) Unwanted and loud

b) Hair cells
c) Migration patterns
d) Maintenance
e) Trees

End-of-Chapter Assessment

a) B. Harmful substances in the environment

b) D. beep in the car
c) B. Unwanted and loud sounds
d).B. Cars and factories
e).B. It makes the water dirty and harms animals
f).A. Hair cells
g).C. It's a quiet and restful time
h).C. Being mindful of the noise we make
i).A. Fences and walls
j).D. Trees

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