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1. Intelligent : thông minh

2. Evil : độc ác
3. Enemies : kẻ thù
4. Selfish : ít kỷ
5. Unimportant : không quan trọng
6. Horrible : tệ hại
7. Illness : sự ốm yếu
8. Pocket : túi
9. Horror : kinh dị
10. Ugly : xấu xí
11. Terrible : kinh khủng
12. Sadness : sự sầu não
13. Hung : treo
14. Shouting : la hét
15. Plaster : băng dán
16. Shoulders : đôi vai
17. Shape : hình dạng
18. Clearly : rõ ràng
19. Searched : đã tìm kím
20. Drinking-house : nhà uống rượu
21. Cupboard : cái tủ
22. Bottles : chai
23. Touched : chạm vào
24. Several : một số
25. Immediately : ngay lập tức
26. Jumped : nhảy
27. Noticed : nhận thấy
28. Seemed : dường như
29. Murder : giết người
30. Describe : mô tả
31. Chest : ngực
32. Cellar : hầm
33. Servant : người hầu
34. Buried : chôn cất
35. Neighbours : người hàng xóm
36. River : dòng sông
37. Wooden : bằng gỗ
38. Wet : ướt
39. Underneath : bên dưới
40. Stones : đá
41. Upstairs : tầng trên
42. Surprised : ngạc nhiên
43. Still : vẫn
44. Wonderful : tuyệt vời
45. Easily : một cách dễ dàng
46. Gallows : giá treo cổ
47. Blood : máu
48. Policemen : cảnh sát
49. Gentlemen : quý ông
50. Calmly : bình tĩnh
That's quite a dark and chilling tale. The descent of the narrator into
cruelty and violence under the influence of alcohol is a haunting
exploration of the destructive power of addiction. The poor cat, Pluto,
becomes a tragic victim of this downward spiral, and the remorse that
follows adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. It's a stark reminder
of the consequences of one's actions and the toll that addiction can take
on a person's life.What a haunting turn of events. The symbolism of the
cat's shape in the plaster is both eerie and profound. The guilt and horror
experienced by the narrator as they realize the consequences of their
actions are palpable. The destructive path of addiction, leading to cruelty
and tragedy, is a powerful theme in this story.The idea that the image of
the cat lingers in the narrator's mind, even appearing in their dreams,
speaks to the weight of their guilt and remorse. The search for another
black cat, perhaps as a way to replace what was lost or seek redemption,
adds another layer to the narrative.It's a tragic tale that delves into the
depths of human darkness and the lingering impact of one's own
actions.The way you describe the narrative makes it even more intriguing.
The transformation of the white shape on the cat's chest, coupled with the
narrator's growing aversion and fear, sets the stage for a chilling
revelation. It's as if the cat carries a secret, and the anticipation of
discovering what that object represents is both exciting and anxiety-
inducing.The connection between the cat's changing shape and the
narrator's dread seems like a psychological unraveling, a descent into the
unknown. It's fascinating to see how the story is unfolding, and I can't
wait to find out what this mysterious shape signifies.The narrator's
descent into darkness and the increasing malevolence is indeed a haunting
and tragic transformation. The choices made, especially the violence
towards the wife and the gruesome methods employed to conceal the
crime, paint a chilling picture of moral decay and a complete loss of
humanity.The use of symbols like the gallows on the cat's chest and the
calculated hiding of the body within the cellar wall adds a layer of
psychological horror to the narrative. It's a tale of spiraling into madness,
with the narrator becoming a prisoner of their own sinister thoughts and
actions.The impending doom and the cat's role in representing bad luck
create a sense of inevitability and suspense. The atmosphere of dread is
palpable, and the story has woven a web of darkness that leaves a lasting
impact. The unfolding events are absolutely chilling. The absence of the
cat and the narrator's initial relief create a false sense of freedom and
happiness. The police search and the narrator's nonchalant demeanor add
a layer of suspense, but the shocking revelation in the cellar turns the
narrative into a horrifying nightmare.The image of the wife standing
inside the wall, with the cat perched on her head, is a disturbing and
surreal scene. The cat's red mouth wide open in a scream and the gold eye
shining like fire add a nightmarish quality to the moment. The cleverness
of the cat, causing the death of the wife and seemingly orchestrating the
narrator's downfall, is a horrifying twist.The story has taken a dark and
tragic turn, with the sense of impending doom now fully realized. The
gallows, initially a symbol on the cat's chest, now loom over the narrator.

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