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Assignment 3

Q1. Examine the shared responsibility model in cloud security.

Analyze the responsibilities of both cloud service providers and
customers in ensuring a secure cloud environment. Provide
examples to illustrate how this model is applied in practice.

Q2. Discuss the role of encryption in cloud security. Analyze

how encryption techniques contribute to data confidentiality in
transit and at rest. Evaluate potential challenges and trade-offs
associated with implementing encryption in a cloud

Q3. Compare and contrast identity and access management

(IAM) in on-premise systems and cloud environments. Analyze
the unique challenges and advantages of implementing IAM in
the cloud. Provide examples of IAM best practices for securing
cloud resources.

Q4. Explore the concept of zero trust security in the context of

cloud computing. Analyze the principles behind zero trust and
how it differs from traditional security models. Discuss the
potential benefits and challenges of implementing a zero trust
approach in a cloud infrastructure.
Q5. Examine the security considerations when migrating
applications from an on-premise environment to the cloud.
Analyze the key steps and best practices for ensuring a secure
migration process. Discuss potential risks and mitigation
strategies for a successful cloud migration.

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