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Assignment 1

Cloud Security: Unit 1

1. Explain the fundamental security concepts in the context of cloud computing. Discuss
how confidentiality, integrity, and availability are crucial in PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS
environments. Provide examples to illustrate their significance in each service model.

2. Discuss the principles of access control and defence in depth as they apply to cloud
security. How does the principle of least privilege enhance security in the cloud?
Provide practical scenarios or use cases to illustrate the implementation of these

3. Describe the importance of user authentication in cloud computing. Explain the

differences between symmetric and public-key cryptography. When and why would
you choose one over the other in a cloud-based application?

4. Explain the role of digital signatures and public-key infrastructures (PKIs) in ensuring
data authenticity and non-repudiation in cloud environments. Discuss the significance
of X.509 certificates and key management in maintaining the security of cloud

5. Discuss the concept of "defence in depth" in cloud security. Describe how various
cryptographic systems and techniques, such as stream ciphers, block ciphers, modes
of operation, hashing, and OpenSSL, can be integrated to establish a multi-layered
security strategy in a cloud-based application. Provide real-world examples to
illustrate its implementation.

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