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Lesson 1.

The lives of people, in present and future generations, are influenced by historical events. The bulk of
structures in every city, barrio, and country was built in the past to suit the goals, and aspirations of the
people, which the present deemed non-operational or obsolete. Past population movements, tyranny
by the powerful, religious faiths, and communal identities formed are all fundamental sources of conflict
in the past. Governmental systems, political ideologies, artistic and cultural beliefs, conventions,
educational practices, and conduct are all products of the pasts, both recent and distant (Marwick,
1989). Furthermore, we are left with vestiges and traces now—most notably the buildings, cities, and
streets. Recollections, traditions, and rituals passed down from generation to generation also include
traces of the past. Myths and fables are also a part of ‘the past,' which is a vast and complex collection
of events, ideas, systems, and frivolous activities (Marwick, 1989).
Human society opted to build a field that tackles the need to examine, explore, and cherish the
past since it is important and vital. As a means of comprehending the past, history as an academic field
involves the abilities of analyzing and interpreting materials. The word "history" comes from the Greek
word "enquiry." It refers to both the investigation process and the report that results from the
investigation. History, according to Marwick (1989), is an interpretation of the past, and as
interpretations of the past were duplicated, a body of knowledge grew.
History is concerned with the evolution of human society. This development is the product of collective
movements, or at least the extent to which they have influenced collective behavior. History is linked to
sociology, philosophy, and psychology while also being distinct from them. It is interested, like sociology,
in the phenomena of the masses that result from physiological needs or moral tendencies. History, on
the other hand, refers to gaining concrete knowledge of what existed at the time. It tracks all of life's
vicissitudes in it, identifies its unique qualities, and elucidates all that has happened over time to shape
it into what it is today. It is concerned, like psychology, with identifying the internal processes that
explain and determine an individual's behavior. Individuals' concerns about history arise solely because
of the impact of a particular person. Some Filipino heroes like Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Jose
Rizal, Emilio Jacinto, and others inspired not just their contemporaries but also the Philippines today
(Pirenne, 1933).
Furthermore, to have a deeper understanding of history below are the perspectives of Georg Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel, Friedrich Nietzsche and Robin George Collingwood. Their reflection about is deemed

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Hegel's fascination in history is well-known and undeniable. In fact, his interest in history is
inspired by various causes. This includes his classical education at German secondary school, and later at
the Protestant seminary, his interest in current events, the French Revolution, and the emergence of the
knowledge problem in German idealism (Rockmore, 2009). Hegel’s contribution to the philosophy of
history is marked with metaphysical, religious, and empirically based. Thus, the meaning Hegel finds in
the course of history can only fully be expounded by means of metaphysical notions like “world spirit,”
which are derived from his general philosophical position (Dray, 1964). Hegel's biggest contribution to
philosophy was the introduction of a historical aspect; he believed that philosophers had a special
insight into history that ordinary historians supported. Only a philosopher truly comprehends about
reason. It is the world's sovereign, and that the world's history is a rational process (Kenny, 2006).
There are three methods to do history, according to Hegel. Original History is the first. This
includes historians like Herodotus, Thucydides, and others, whose descriptions are essentially limited to
deeds, events, and states of society that they experienced and shared in spirit. They simply represented
what was happening in the world in the realm of representative cognition (Hegel, 2001; Singh and
Mohapatra, 2008).
Reflective history is the second type of history. Meaning, the style of depiction is not limited by
the confines of the chronological period to which it refers, but whose spirit reaches beyond. There are
four types of Reflective history:

(a) Universal history. The goal of the investigation is to gain a view of the entire history of the
people, countries, or the world.
(b) Pragmatical history. The occurrence is taken out of the category of the past and made virtually
present; and
(c) Pragmatical history. The occurrence is elevated from the realm of the past to the realm of the
present. Despite their abstract form, pragmatical musings are truly of the present, hastening the
chronicles of the dead past with the live today. It is up to the writer's spirit whether such
reflections are intriguing and enlivening. Despite their abstract nature, pragmatical beliefs are
truly and indefensibly of the present. It combines the stories of the past with the lives of people
today. Whether such observations are engaging and enlivening is determined by the writer's
own spirit. It's important to note that this isn't a history lesson. Because it is a critique of
historical narratives and an investigation of their truth and dependability, it is legitimate to call it
a history of history. Its peculiarity (in terms of both fact and goal) is the acuity with which the
writer draws information from the records that was not present in the cases recounted; and
(d) Specialized history, the greatest form of contemplative history, announces its fragmentary
nature right away. It adopts an abstract viewpoint, yet it relates Philosophy to World History
since it considers universal perspectives (such as the history of art, law, and religion) (Hegel,
Philosophical history is the third type of history. The most general description is that historical
philosophy is nothing more than the serious analysis of history. Humanity cannot exist without thought.
This is what sets us apart from the brutes. Thought is an invariable element in sensations, cognition, and
intelligence, in our impulse, and own volition to the extent that they are truly human (Hegel, 2001).

Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche’s reflection had been enormously influential to the current trends in
philosophy, who advocated a radical revaluation of values. He emphasized that one must be suspicious
accepting information and valuing ideas in making life and finding meaning in it (Kenny, 2013). Humans
are aware of not just existing, but also of living well or badly, according to Nietzsche. Life is not solely
something that occurs to people; it is also something that they engage based on their ideals (Preuss,
1980; Jensen, 2013).
He pointed out in his essay On the Use and Disadvantage of History for Life that humans need history for
life and action, not for selfishness and cowardly, terrible conduct. In conducting history, he saw that
there is a level of doing history and evaluating it that results in life withering and
degeneration. Historical men are persons who find solace in history in the hope of a better future. These
historical figures think that as time passes, more light is shed for the purpose of existence, and they look
back to ponder that process solely to better grasp the present and grow to love the future more
passionately (Nietzsche, 1873).
Nietzsche identified three kinds of history: monumental history, it focuses on the individual as far
as it is active and striving. History belongs, primarily, to the powerful individual who fights a tremendous
battle, where the great moments in individual struggle form a chain, the high points of humanity are
linked in them through millennia, and what is greatest in such a distant past be still alive. The call for
monumental history expresses the underlying notion of humankind's faith in humanity (Nietzsche,
As a result, the benefit of monumental history at present is the awareness that the magnificent
that once existed was at least feasible once and may probably be achievable again, serving as a source
of inspiration in times of weakness. It is just a collection of "effects in and of themselves," or
happenings, that will always generate an effect. What is commemorated, in national holidays, religious
or military days of memory, is an effect in and of itself (Nietzsche, 1873; Jensen, 2013).
Then there's antiquarian history, which belongs to someone who cherishes and preserves the
past. He aims to preserve the conditions in which he grew up for people who will come after him by
tending to what has long endured with loving hands. For him, the history of his culture and country
becomes the history of his own identity. Even across the vastness, he will occasionally welcome the soul
of his people as if it were his own. Furthermore, antique perceptions of a man, an urban neighborhood,
or a complete people always have a very narrow field of view; what is seen is observed intimately and in
isolation. In this situation, there are no differences in value or proportion for the things of the past.
Instead, there are only measures and proportions for those things in connection to the antiquarian
individual or people looking back at them (Nietzsche, 1873).
As a result, antiquarian history degenerates the moment the vitality of the present ceases to animate
and inspire it. It only knows how to conserve life, not how to create it; it consistently undervalues what
is in the process of being because it lacks the ability to detect its significance (Nietzsche, 1873).
Finally, critical history pertains to an individual as a victim in need of liberation. A person who is critical
of history must have strength and use it (from time to time) to shatter and demolish something in order
to exist by studying and rejecting the past. In his battle against untrustworthy sources, the critical
historian uses codex and lexicon to examine the heritage and tradition of interpretation that have grown
up around historical assertions (Jensen, 2013). In the light of skeptical examination, the origins of long-
held traditions and belief systems are painstakingly uncovered and exposed naked.

Robin George Collingwood

He was a British archaeologist and philosopher who specialized in aesthetics and history
philosophy. In the dispute regarding the nature of explanation in the social sciences, and whether they
can be explained in the natural sciences, his own philosophy of history took center stage. It has fueled
his research in topics including moral, social, and political philosophy, as well as the relationship
between historical thinking and action (Connelly and D'Oro, 2015).
History, according to Collingwood, is concerned with human action. The world generated by
human acts of reason and choice is the focus of discussion concerning history as an object. People can
learn about the world of human action through historiography. We can create a philosophy of history by
reflecting on typical activities in modern historiography. Simultaneously, we are constructing a broad
description of how actions are understood. Collingwood's actions can be deduced by looking at the
historical context and the choices that agents made (Helgeby, 2016).
Collingwood evidently believed history was an odd profession. Historians try to write intelligently
about situations that no longer exist. They are beyond observation, experiment, and reproduction, but
the histories of these states of affairs, many of which are very different from our own, such as pyramid
construction, child’s sacrifice, and coming-of-age rituals, as well as others with which we are more
familiar, such as coronations, strikes, wars, revolutions, and marriages, tell us how we came to be who
we are. If history is more than a collection of facts, it necessitates an idea of knowledge that is far
beyond realism (Johnson, 2013).
Furthermore, Collingwood highlights the importance of understanding our emotions and wishes
to be aware of alternatives, because we always want something different from what we already have.
Since history is the sphere of moral acts or acts of choice, there are three grounds for an individual to
make a reasoned decision between alternatives, according to Collingwood.
First, a decision can be made for the sake of utility, such as when pursuing a particular action is cost-
effective. Understanding why someone selects one method over another necessitates more than a
knowledge of the efficacy of the means to an end.
Second, a decision may entail abiding a particular law or rule. We can try to comprehend the behavior,
such as when we describe it as displaying regularity or as a societal law, both of which are inadequate. A
rule or a law alone will not suffice to guide our behavior. We may be able to assess a situation
objectively in each case, rendering rule-following either "unnecessary" or even malicious.
Finally, a choice might be a duty-driven action. The concept of obligation in Collingwood's mind is of
tangible action. It is his take on Kant's "categorical imperative." It is one's responsibility to perform a
specific act in a specific situation (Helgeby, 2016; Dray,1995).
Historiography provides us what we need, for the situations in which we must intervene. Rather
than rules, we need the understanding from history to behave effectively. It is crucial in determining the
cause of moral or political issues. To understand our alternatives, we must first understand what we are
capable and who we have become, which necessitates historiography. Similarly, historiographic
accounts of what options people must choose and what they have become might help us comprehend
others (Johnson, 2013).
Collingwood's work emphasized the importance of historiography in understanding ourselves,
and others. We can historiographically comprehend the conditions in which we find ourselves. Practical
reasoning requires us to see ourselves as characters in certain historical stories. The issue we ask
ourselves in practical reasoning is which of our competing desires we will pursue. We rule out numerous
possibilities since they do not meet our needs or go against our values. The notion of freedom from duty
allows us to comprehend not just our own actions in the past and now, but also the actions of others,
and hence history, the arena of human action (Helgeby, 2009).

Uses of History

History should be studied, according to Peter Stearns (1998), because it is necessary for the
advancement of human society. Staerns identified the following uses of history:
1. History Aids Our Understanding of People and Society-History provides a wealth of knowledge
about how people and societies interact. History serves as a laboratory while historical data
serves as evidence in the necessary quest to understand why our complicated species behave in
society the way it does. As a result, history provides a rich evidence base for the contemplation
and analysis of how societies work, and people require some understanding of how societies’
2. History Provides Identity—it is crucial to know our identity, whether individually or as part of a
group, and this is one of the reasons why Philippine History Readings are part of our educational
system. Because historical data contains information about how families, groups, institutions,
and entire countries were established and evolved.
3. History's Importance in Our Own Lives— Stories about people and societies from the past elicit
reflections about the human experience in various eras and locations. As a result, the way they
live their lives and the events that occurred in the past have influenced and inspired us in the
4. Good Citizenship Requires a Knowledge of History— Initially, proponents of citizenship history
hoped to instill a sense of national pride and allegiance through vivid events and lessons in
personal success and virtue. History provides information on the emergence of national
institutions, challenges, and ideals, which is vital for successful citizenship. Providing evidence of
how countries have interacted with other societies, as well as international and comparative
viewpoints that are critical for responsible citizenship. Furthermore, it promotes mental habits
that are necessary for responsible public action, whether as a national or local leader, an
informed voter, a petitioner, or a bystander.
5. History Aids Moral Understanding—History can also be used for moral reflection. Studying the
lives of historical figures, and situations puts our own moral sense to the test, allowing us to
sharpen it against some of the real-life difficulties that people have faced in tough situations.
Individuals who have overcome difficulty under real-life historical conditions serve as role

Lesson 1.2

According to Flandez and Fernandez (2020), “information has become an important currency” in our
present age. Information is a very potent tool which can shape the public opinion that is why many
people exploit the power of stories and data to serve their personal interests. From advertisers to
pseudo-historians in the media or social media, disinformation abounds. Today, the proliferation of
unchecked information and data which are manipulated into stories are widely known as FAKE NEWS.
Flandez and Fernandez (2020) states that the spread and the creation of fake news is not a new
phenomenon, in fact, history is haunted by this since the process of writing down history began up until
the present.

If there are no genuine and reliable historical sources, history cannot be written or otherwise
interpreted. According to Candelaria et al. (2018), historical sources are the most important study
instruments. Flandez and Fernandez (2020) mentions that there are several definitions for “source”.
According to Merriam-Webster, it might be a first-hand document or primary reference book, or it can
also be defined as artifacts left by the past (Howell and Prevenier, 2001 as cited in Flandez and
Fernandez, 2020). Ligan et al. (2018) elaborate on the definition of a historical source, concluding
"Historical sources, then, are the elements that historians use to create meaning”. To put it another
way, a source is "a historical object or witness about the past on which historians rely to develop their
own representation of the past”. Therefore, historical sources are materials which can provide useful
information to help people, especially historians, elucidate the past.

To write history as accurately and scientifically as feasible, facts must be gathered from a variety of
sources. Information from historical sources can be perplexing at times. As a result, students should
learn how to write history in the appropriate manner. Writing about the past necessitates a thorough
understanding of the history-writing process. Historians call this practice historiography – a term that
comes from the Greek words historia (past) and graphia (to write) (Sebastian, n.d.). Flandez and
Fernandez (2020) define historiography as "a method of doing historical research that focuses on
gathering documents from various sources (different libraries and archives) to form a pool of evidence
needed to make a descriptive or analytical narrative. It also refers to the theory and history of historical
writing". Knowing about historical sources can help you better understand how historians practice
historiography and how to scrutinize historical narratives.

Classification of Sources

Knowing which sources can provide relevant and accurate information about the historical subject or
phenomenon being examined requires classifying the sources (Asuncion and Cruz, 2019). Generally,
historians indicate two general types of sources in the writing of history, namely the primary and
secondary sources. However, sources can also be determined according the intentionality of the source
in relation to the topic being studied, and the nature or material that the source is made of.

A. Proximity to Subject or Event

According to Asuncion and Cruz (2019), distinguishing “the degree to which the author of a piece is
detached from the actual event being described” is significant since it “indicates whether the source is
relaying firsthand or secondhand impressions.” Following this rationale, historians give primacy to
primary sources instead of secondary sources.

Primary Source – the type of source that is typically considered as first-hand accounts that are written
by people who witnessed as the events being talked about transpired (Flandez and Fernandez, 2020).
Asuncion and Cruz (2019) explain that primary sources directly narrate the details of an event. The usual
material examples of these are eyewitness testimonies, photographs, video recordings, diaries,
memoirs, speeches, official records, minutes of meetings, artworks, artifacts that directly pertains or
witness to the subject or event being studied.
For example: The original manuscript, first hand account written by Italian explorer Antonio Pigafetta's
(chronicler) during the Magellan’s expedition.

Secondary Source – the type of source which is derivative of a primary source (Flandez and Fernandez,
2020). A secondary source often serves as readings, interpretations, criticisms of primary sources. As
Asuncion and Cruz (2019) point out, “the author (of a secondary source) piece already incorporates his
or her personal insights and interpretations, thus detaching the original value of the component of the
subject being discussed,” secondary sources are often regarded as inferior to primary sources. Usual
examples of secondary sources are journals, articles, biographies, literary criticisms, reviews, textbooks,

For example: Danilo Gerona published a book entitled Ferdinand Magellan: The Armada de Maluco and
the European Discovery of the Philippines using the Pigafetta’s manuscripts and other primary sources.

It is important to note, however, that the classification between primary and secondary source must not
be confusing. Candelaria and Alphora (2018) suggests that “the classification of sources between
primary and secondary depends not on the period when the period when the source was produced but
on the subject of the historical research (being conducted)” [italics and parenthesis mine]. Therefore,
following this logic, a textbook which is usually a secondary source (because it is a compilation of
information from different sources), can be a primary source if the historical research being conducted is
about, let’s say, the development of writing textbooks.

B. By Motive

Flandez and Fernandez (2020) also highlight intentionality in the categorization of historical sources. The
conditions under which a source was produced and the motives that lead to its creation can directly or
indirectly inform the subject being studied by the student or historian. “The knowledge of the
motivation behind the creation can be a good basis for objectivity – one of the great problems of
historiography,” Flandez and Fernandez (2020) asserts.

Intentional – is a source whose motive of production directly informs the subject being studied by the
historian or student.

Unintentional – is a source whose motive of production is indirectly linked to the subject or event being
studied by the historian or student.

C. By Material

Written Documents, Archaeological and Oral Evidence are sources of materials utilized by the writer to
collect information about their subject and to support the arguments and views presented by historians
and history students such as written documents.

Written Documents – is a source of history that helps us construct past and usually considered as best
sources. A written document can be categorized into three:
(1) Narrative or Literary Source, (2) Diplomatic Source, and (3) Social Documents.

Narrative or Literary Source – is a category of written sources that tells us story or message that follow
narrated commentary such as diaries, letters, novels, poetry and many others. This type of source also
describes the events, people or ideas.

Diplomatic Source – is considered as the most trustworthy and best sources for its documents are legal
such as executive orders or court rulings (Flandez & Fernandez, 2020).

Social Documents – is a work or record that embody an authentic and informative source created by
organizations such as birth, death, marriage and tax records.

Archaeological Evidence – a materials that are also considered to be a good source of history in which it
is to look out unearthed records, thus, archeological evidence such as artifacts, sculptures, and other
evidence is used in a research and interpretation in which it will be analyzed and reconstructed the past
by adding past human activities.
Oral Evidence - is considered as oldest type of evidence in which the information is passed down from
one generation to other generation through story-telling. Although, oral evidence thought it was
unreliable because they thought the story might have change as it was passed down. But, the reliability
of oral evidence can be tested through internally and externally. The internal test, according to (Flandez
& Fernandez 2020), is performed by examining the information content's coherence with the date,
place, and other details it is designed to convey. External test of the reliability of oral evidence is by
knowing whether the narrator is a member of the group that controls the transmission of the
information. Historians should only trust oral sources if it can be verified by other forms of evidence.

Locating Historical Sources

Historical sources can be found in a variety of places. Written sources that are very instructive and useful
are typically found in archives, whereas unwritten sources are typically located in museums. In today's
world, many institutions and organizations have their own archives to keep track of their records
(Flandez & Fernandez, 2020).

In the Philippines, The National Museum, National Library, and National Archives are country’s largest
collection of historical sources. These institutions have a large collection of records ranging from Spanish
colonial to Philippine government documents. Institutional libraries of schools and universities, such as
those at the De La Salle University, University of Santo Tomas, University of the Philippines Diliman,
Ateneo de Manila, and others, are examples of such repositories. Study centers, such as the Cebuano
Studies Center at the University of San Carlos in Cebu, also have historical sources pertaining to a certain
subject or theme. Finally, there are also historical sources that are readily available on the internet (e.g.

Sources of Philippine History

Because of their extensive collection of Spanish materials, the National Archives, the Dominican
Provincial Archives (Convent of Santo Domingo), and the Rizal Library of the Ateneo de Manila (Diliman,
Quezon City) are among the few reasonable venues to visit for the Spanish period. You can also go to
the Philippine National Archives, which has the largest collection of manuscript sources from 1565 to
1898. Except for the topics of guerra, 1837-1898, and Mindanao y Sulu, 1857-1897, it comprises an
estimated 11 million documents bundled into legajos (bundles) and yet uncatalogued. The majority of
the sources in the Archives can be described as "scraps of evidence" culled from subject and subtopic
headings (Cruz, 1984 as cited in Flandez and Fernandez, 2020).

In the contemporary period, artifacts, in addition to written sources, can be combined with oral sources
or sources obtained by word of mouth. Newspapers, speeches by politicians or notable individuals,
interviews, documentaries, slide displays, reminiscences, and other sources are all possible sources.
Interviews with selected persons, whether influential or ordinary, can be enough to extract information
and "scraps of evidence." Ancestral data like as baptism, deaths, birth, marriages and social mobility
from one location to another may be found in parish records. Municipal records can provide a wealth of
information or serve as excellent resource for obtaining a more or less full picture of a city. The
municipal secretary's office houses a variety of typescript data, including ordinances, resolutions, and
administrative circulars, as well as cultural events, barrio records, town council hearings, and ecological
data from the engineer's office detailing town planning and development. Social, urban, and oral history
can be written based on these data available from the municipal offices (Cruz, 1984 as cited in Flandez &
Fernandez, 2020).

Historical Criticism
History is the sum total of everything that has occurred in the past. Individual activities in the past are
observed, recorded, and analyzed using a number of sources of critique (Irea Hewitt, 2014). Historical
criticism is a method by which a document is subjected to test and observed the sources to determine
whether they are authentic and reliable. The historians shall conduct internal and external criticisms to
come up with historical truth.
When it comes to critiquing historical materials, there are two levels or parts:
(1) External Criticism and (2) Internal Criticism.

External Criticism – physical aspects are examined, as well as the materials used, to ensure that they are
consistent with historical traits of the time when they were created. The quality of the paper, the type of
ink, and the language and words used in the material, among other things, are examples of things to
look at while conducting an external critique of a document.

Internal Criticism – after the authorized source has been subjected to external scrutiny, check its
reliability. It looks at the author of the source, its context, the knowledge it formed, the agenda behind
its development, and its intended purpose to determine whether the evidence is true.

Test of Authenticity of Historical Sources/Documents

For example, one of the most scandalous cases of deception in Philippine history is the hoax Code of
Kalantiaw. The code is said to be a set of rules contained in an epic Maragtas, allegedly written by Datu
Kalantiaw. The pre-colonial document was sold to the National Library and highly regarded as an
important pre-colonial document until William Henry Scott debunked the authenticity of code because
the document could have not existed and lack of evidence to prove that the code existed in the pre-
colonial Philippines.

Historians must apply tests to check the validity of the documents using the basic test, which is
anachronistic, to distinguish a hoax or a misrepresentation from a genuine document. Aside from the
basic test, historians might look for handwriting, watermarks, signatures, letterhead, and seals.

Anachronistic styles are those that do not belong to the time period they claim to be from, and can be
discovered by experts in terms of proper name spelling and signature forgery
detection. Paleography and diplomatic have been employed to examine handwriting over certain
periods of history and a sigillography’s can examine seals to see if they are genuine.

Lesson 1.3

Historiography is defined as the history of history. It is through analysis, the selection of genuine
sources, and the composition of the same as a narrative that the writing of history can be made again. It
can answer the questions who wrote it, how it was written, and why it was recorded as such.

It also means meta-history or second-degree history. Meaning, it pertains to the study of how historians
built their readings of the past. Furthermore, it is directly concentrated in how historians have chosen,
and represented some events and processes of the past in their respective work.

Historiography is important for some reasons, to wit:

1. Learn why there are different interpretations regarding historical events as the years pass
by. This may help us examine not only the history itself, but also its broad characteristic that
shape the recording thereof.
2. Understand biases that may shape the historical event and period. This way to the same biases
may be re-interpreted in a more equitable manner.
3. It gives us an appreciation of how factors shape and alter the recording of history in the
interpretation of its result.
The Spanish colonial period and Ferdinand Magellan’s arrival in the Philippines mark the beginning
of Philippine historiography. In fact, according to Bernardita Churchill, prior to the 16th century, the
archipelago’s society and culture can be partly reinterpreted from archaeological remains and
references. Spanish missionaries and government officials, furthermore, have written the history of our
country. The Spanish historical writing had two significant attributes. These are:

1. Written by the friars or missionaries. These have had a strong bias (hagiographic in nature). The
friars do not have competent knowledge about the Filipinos. In other words, Filipinos are
utterly discriminated upon in mostly in articles or any writings. However, Bernardita Churchill
opined that the only secular writer was Dr. Antonio Morga (1559-1636). Dr. Morga is the Judge
of the Audencia, whose Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas is one of the most interesting books
Philippines in the sixteenth century. His works were considered judicious, and impartial.
2. It was inseparably connected with the historiography of Spanish missions in Asia (Moluccas,
Indochina, China, and Japan.

According to Candelaria & Alporha (2018), there are key concepts that must be defined when
conducting historical analysis. These are: interpretation, and multi-perspectivity.

A. Historical Interpretation. The primary source may be interpreted differently depending on

who is reading it, when and how it was read. Readers, including students, must be skeptical to
learn the various types of interpretations. In the first place, they must know how to construe
the same through historical evaluation. Therefore, to make these (facts) reliable, it must be
subjected to careful evaluation including its primary source, and its historical interpretation
(Candelaria et al, 2018).
B. Multiperspectivity. Historical events, personalities, developments, cultures, and societies from
different aspects may be examined through multi-perspectivity. Meaning, we can view the
world in a different way which is equally valid, and partial. Hence, historians can decide on
what sources to use, or what interpretations to make, historical writing is biased, and partial,
(Candelaria et al, 2018).

The Retraction of Dr. Jose Rizal is ahistorical writing that had been interpreted or construed which
created various historical truth.

Dr. Rizal is known for his writings against the Spanish rule in our country. There are further works in
which he declares his Catholic faith and retracts or nullifies all he has said in opposition to the Spanish
government. This was called as “The Retraction” which was signed a few hours before his execution.
Primary Source

Rizal’s Retraction The Balaguer Testimony The Testimony of Cuerpo de

Fr. Manuel Garcia on May 18, It was solely Fr. Vicente Professor Rene R. Escalante's
1935 found a document which Balaguer who serves as the investigation led to the
serves as the basis of this mere eyewitness to the discovery of a report made by
retraction written by Dr. Rizal. existence of the said Federiico Moreni among the
document. There are plenty Cuerpo de Vigilancia's
of doubts arising on this documents. This was brought
document. up again in 2016.
“I declare myself a Catholic, and Cuerpo de Vigilancia’s agent
in this religion in which I was opined that;
born, and educated, I wish to live Jose Rizal was sentenced to
and die. death at 7:50 a.m. Senor Taviel
de Andrade, his attorney, and
I retract with all my heart Fr. Villaclara accompanied him.
whatever in my words, writings,
publications, and conduct has Dr. Rizal (at 9A.M.) was asked
been contrary to my character as by Senor Maure (assistant in
son of the Catholic Church. I the plaza) about what he
despise Masonry as the Church's wanted. He only said that he
adversary and as a society wanted a prayer book.
forbidden by the Church. The
Superior Ecclesiastical Authority, At 10 a.m., Dr. Rizal, Fr. March,
the Diocesan Prelate, may make and Fr. Vilaclara were
public this spontaneous conversing. They were
manifestation of mine in order to discussing religious issues.
rectify the scandal that my actions Then he was offered with a
may have caused, and so that God prepared retraction on his life
and the people may forgive me. and deeds, which he refused
to sign.
Manila 29 Dec of 1896
Dr. Rizal at 3: 00 P.M. gave
Jose Rizal what he was written to Fr.
Dr. Rizal's lover came at the
prison at 5 a.m. on December
30. Following that, a nuptial
was performed between them
at the place of death. (GMA
News Online, published 29
December 2016: Retraction Ni
Jose Rizal: Mga Bagong
Dokumento at Pananaw).
According to Chua, the last account written corroborates the existence of the retraction
document. But, Fr. Balaguer’s account hence not mentioned was made. Hence, it was regarded
as a secondary source, (Candelaria et al, 2018).
Historiography of Local History

Since the 1970’s, an example of the increase in interest in Philippine historiography is the growing
number of local or regional histories. Local histories may be “the necessary building blocks that help in
the interpretation of a substantial foundation for Philippine history.”

Further, the interest in local history in the Philippines begun in 1950’s. This can be seen in the works of
nationalist writers. In fact, Isabelo de los Reyes was able to publish history, and culture of the Ilocos,
and the Visayas together with Rafael Artigas y Cuerva on Leyte. In 1950, the Department of Education
requested the compilation by public school teachers of reports on local history, folklore and traditions in
the historical data papers in the National Library of the Philippines. Furthermore, the National Historical
Institute now the National Historical Commission of the Philippines, conducted trainings to promote
regional and provincial histories.
Philippine National Historical Society also held a national conference on local and national history
(PNHS). This is to take history to the people and convince teachers, and researchers in the provinces to
write history from the people. Many projects were also done to bring history closer to the heart of
people living in the skirt of the archipelago. One is providing the people with new, and updated
historical materials to enrich their knowledge of Philippine history, and enhance their competence as
history teachers.

Truly without local realities, national history will not find its meaning. Local history played a big role to
understand national history better. Thus, a relationship must be established between local and national
history. Therefore, local history must be in the context of national history. Therefore, Filipino historians
must teach history by integrating the history of the regions, and their peoples.

Philippine Historiography at Present

Philippine historiography has changed (from colonial to nationalistic history; from Manila and Luzon to
the provinces and regions). The methodologies used have also been modified. Further, there are also
challenges that Filipino historians encounter. Thus, Filipino historians must undertake more studies on
the Spanish colonial period despite although its sources are increasingly difficult to find. To manifest,
there are materials in repositories abroad that are not written in English or any of the Philippine
languages, and many have documentary materials that are not accessible to Filipino researchers. But,
through Internet portals we can access it now, and will help scholars look at foreign sources on the
Philippines. If one envisioned to re-write our national history, it must be truly inclusive. This means that
it must show the cultural diversity of the Filipinos. This can be done by a critical inventory of the
materials to make a useful, and meaningful past for all Filipinos. Another is to re-construct it by reading
it again and giving another interpretation especially of old for new sources. This could also be done
through creating a standardized curriculum. Hence, it necessary to upgrade the teaching of history
especially that it is not taught by an expert in history.

History matters. It played a big role in shaping the future of a particular country like the Philippines.
Thus, learning institutions must promote a good understanding of history among Filipinos. The Filipino
teacher of history must teach, and write Philippine history that considers the ethnic community or
region. There is a need for a good analysis of the forces of history (religious, cultural, historical,
economic, intellectual) to unite all Filipinos despite its diversity.

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