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An Essay On Fear

Writing an essay on the topic of fear can be a challenging endeavor, as it requires navigating the
intricate landscapes of human emotions and psychology. Fear, a primal and universal emotion,
manifests in various forms and contexts, making it a complex subject to explore. The difficulty lies
not only in articulating the nature of fear but also in delving into its underlying causes, effects, and
the ways it shapes human behavior.

Crafting an essay on fear demands a delicate balance between providing insightful analysis and
engaging the reader on a personal level. One must delve into the psychological aspects of fear,
examining its evolutionary roots, the physiological responses it triggers, and its role in the human
survival instinct. Simultaneously, the essay should explore the more nuanced and subjective
experiences of fear, acknowledging the diversity of fears individuals may encounter in different life

Furthermore, addressing the cultural, societal, and historical dimensions of fear adds another layer of
complexity to the essay. Fear is not a static concept; its manifestations can vary across cultures and
change over time. Therefore, a comprehensive exploration requires an in-depth examination of how
fear is perceived, expressed, and even manipulated in different societies and historical periods.

The challenge also lies in avoiding clichés and superficial analyses. Fear is a topic that has been
extensively explored in literature, psychology, and philosophy, making it essential for the essay to
offer a fresh perspective or a unique synthesis of existing ideas. Developing a coherent and original
thesis that goes beyond the obvious and delves into the intricacies of fear is a demanding task that
requires careful research and critical thinking.

In conclusion, writing an essay on fear involves navigating the complexities of human emotions,
psychology, culture, and history. It requires a nuanced approach to capture the multifaceted nature of
fear while offering original insights. The challenge lies not only in addressing the intellectual aspects
of fear but also in connecting with the reader on a personal and emotional level. Despite the
difficulty, a well-crafted essay on fear can provide valuable insights into the human experience.

For assistance with similar essays and more, you can explore the services available at .
An Essay On Fear An Essay On Fear
Water Is Essential For Any Plants
In order for any plants to grow you need water. Water is essential for any and all life to
be sustainable. Water itself is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. This happens through
chemical processes in which two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom in
order to fulfill a complete outer energy shell. When the process is completed water is
Water is found all around you. It s in lakes, river, streams, oceans and even in canals.
Water makes up 70% of the world. 2% of it is frozen at the poles in glaciers. Although
it s most of the world, not all of the water is drinkable. Roughly 3% of earth s water is
fresh water and drinkable. Through scientific research, a person can only go two days
without drinking or consuming any water before they die. Water also keeps kidneys
functioning and working properly.
Photosynthesis is what plants use to create their food, and water is crucial to this process.
Water comes through plant s stems and travels up to its leaves, which is where
photosynthesis actually takes place. Once in the leaves water evaporates, as the plant
exchanges water for carbon dioxide. This glucose can be converted into pyruvate which
releases adenosine triphosphate by cellular respiration.

Sunlight is earth s most valuable light source. Without the sun earth wouldn t have plants
and the earth s temperature would be below zero in under a week. If the sun would
miraculously go out, it would take eight and a half minutes to reach earth. Within nine
Ernest Hemingway s The Sun
Ernest Hemingway lived a fairly normal childhood. He was born on July 21st, 1899 to
Grace and Clarence Hemingway in Oak Park, Illinois. He was heavily influenced by
nature as a young man and would take summer trips to Walloon Lake in Michigan
(Ernest 1). During his stay, he would participate in hunting and fishing. His passion
for nature influenced many parts in his works, such as the fishing trip in his novel,
The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway grew up in a well educated and rather wealthy
household, living in a seven bedroom house with his father, a doctor, and his mother,
a musician. As a teenager, he attended River Forest High school where, unlike many
authors, was very popular and excelled in his classes (Wikipedia 2). In addition to his
popularity and overall success in high school, he was very athletic as he was involved
in many sports such as track and field, boxing, and football. He was greatly affected by
the masculinity of his father and, in return, learned to hate his mother. Perhaps this
was the root of his rejection of femininity that influenced his seemingly misogynistic
views portrayed in his works. As a junior in high school, Hemingway joined a
journalism class that sparked his love for writing. He wrote for the school paper The
Trapeze, as well as the yearbook, The Tabula. His style of writing seemed to imitate
that of a sports writer (Wikipedia 2). Hemingway s writing was often inspired by the
post World War 1 Generation. As a young man, he responded to a
Evaluating The Simplicity And Timeliness Of Sars...
The purpose of SARS surveillance system includes, early detection and prompt
identification of high risk subjects, super spreaders and disease cases and clusters,
without intense laboratory testing and complete reporting of potential SARS CoV
transmission and outbreak with contact tracing to contain the disease and prevent the
spread. Post epidemic, ongoing surveillance of SARS is useful in preparedness for
future outbreaks, due to potential sources of re emergence like animal reservoirs,
humans with persistent infection and laboratory exposures or development of novel
coronavirus. [4] The operation is mostly as a syndromic surveillance, which is phased
based on the level of epidemic. Due to globalization and increased travelling and... Show
more content on ...
[5] The system complex to be executed, as it was based on syndromic surveillance
hence, the disease identification was delayed until symptoms are exhibited. The
patients were classified as preliminary positive, probable, confirmed or unverifiable [6]
with case definition and laboratory testing that took time to give confirmation.
Unnecessary travel to and from china was restricted with strict travel advisory and
data collection for contact tracing of passengers. A combined force of WHO, GROAN
and its partners made up of 115 technical and academic institutions, national health
services and individuals; virtual epidemiologist network, public health institutions,
ministries of health and laboratory network formed the response team for SARS. [4]
The Global SARS surveillance employed the mechanism of daily cases of SARS
summary for that country. This in turn was informed to WHO headquarters in Geneva,
by national public health authorities as a report containing number of incident cases
and deaths since last report, cumulative number of probable cases with the details of
their geographical distribution. The local transmission in any area if present was
updated on WHO website daily. [4] Hence, the SARS surveillance was complex
requiring extensive laboratory reporting, multiple levels of reporting, integration of
systems requiring special skills to collect data and perform tests for diagnosis, and
required a lot of resources in the form of money
Wicked By Gregory Maguire Analysis
The author of Wicked,Gregory Maguire wrote his story to be engaging in many
levels.Firstly, he uses expanded detail that engages readers who love background.
Similarly, his writing is high quality and contains many similes, metaphors and
personification. His characters are also very consistent in their beliefs. You can tell a
what characters opinion will be just by how much you know about them. Finally, his
writing is occasionally incredibly humorous, and one wants to keep reading, just to be
able to laugh again.

In Wicked,Liir, Elphaba s (perhaps) son, grows up from a whimpering child, to a

headstrong teenager. When we first meet Liir, he is constantly silent and when he meets
Sarina s children, he is scared of them. Developing through the pain and loss he suffers
(like nearly dieing in the fishing well), he becomes stronger after every time he is pushed
down.Towards ... Show more content on ...
She begins as a shallow naive girl, who when her maid gets hurt, rather than having
sympathy, she complains for her not being able to assist her. However, after spending
time with Elphaba, she learns to become less superficial and becomes a better person.

In Wicked, Elphaba learns the importance of companionship. She had spent her whole
life pushing people away, but when she reunites with Feiro, she realizes how much she
needs people in her life, and mourns her for her entire life. Again, when Sarima and her
family are kidnapped, Elphaba spends seven and a half years looking for them. Though
she won t admit it, she needs people (and her animals) to keep her happy.

The title Wicked symbolizes the belief of what wicked truly is. Many people believe
that Elphaba is wicked, so much so that she starts believing it too. In truth, Elphaba is a
unhappy, truthful to fault, stubborn, strong hearted girl. The contrast between good and
evil is far more complicated than one thinks. The true question of the story is if Elphaba
deserves her

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