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Bad Habit Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of bad habits is no easy feat. It involves delving into the complexities
of human behavior, understanding the psychological and societal factors that contribute to the
formation and perpetuation of these habits, and exploring potential solutions for breaking free from
such detrimental patterns.

One of the challenges lies in navigating the fine line between personal anecdotes and broader
research findings. While personal experiences can add a relatable touch to the essay, it's crucial to
ground the narrative in a broader context to make it universally applicable and insightful. Balancing
the emotional tone with factual information requires a delicate touch to ensure the essay resonates
with a diverse audience.

Moreover, addressing the multifaceted nature of bad habits demands a comprehensive understanding
of various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and even neuroscience. It requires the writer to
synthesize information from these diverse fields to offer a well-rounded perspective on why bad
habits are formed, sustained, and, most importantly, how they can be overcome.

Selecting and organizing the content also pose challenges. The essay should have a coherent
structure that guides the reader through the exploration of different facets of bad habits. It involves
meticulous planning to ensure a logical flow from introduction to conclusion, with each paragraph
contributing meaningfully to the overall narrative.

Additionally, maintaining a balance between being informative and engaging is crucial. A dry, overly
academic tone may alienate readers, while an excessively casual approach might undermine the
seriousness of the topic. Striking the right chord requires a nuanced writing style that caters to both
intellect and empathy.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of bad habits demands a blend of research skills,
empathy, and a nuanced understanding of human behavior. It involves navigating the challenges of
personal versus academic tone, synthesizing information from diverse disciplines, and presenting a
well-structured narrative. Successfully addressing these challenges can result in a thought-provoking
essay that not only informs but also inspires change.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, remember that help is available. Similar essays
and much more can be ordered on , where experienced writers can assist you in
tackling complex topics with finesse.
Bad Habit Essay Bad Habit Essay
How Did Shigeru Miyamoto Influence The Entertainment
Shigeru Miyamoto, a famous designer from Nintendo is considered by many to be the
father of modern video games. He is known as one of biggest celebrities in gaming due
to his prolific career as a game designer. His work at the company has established
Nintendo as one of the biggest game developers. He has created many influential
games such as Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., and The Legend of Zelda. He is
without a doubt a leader in the video game industry. He was born on November 16,
1952 at Sonobe, Japan. As a boy, Miyamoto was quite the imaginative child. He didn t
have too many toys and video games didn t exist back then, so he had to be creative
when it came to having fun. He would explore around the Sonobe area, the nearby
mountain, and a forest. His imaginative adventures in his youth may have contributed to
his ability to design games. He certainly needed to find ways to entertain... Show more
content on ...
and Mario Bros. Nintendo was attempting to sell a console they had been developing
and the company needed more games to sell the console. Miyamoto decided to work
on one of the best selling games of all time: Super Mario Bros. The game featured
Mario and his recently introduced twin, Luigi as they travelled through the Mushroom
Kingdom to save a princess from the clutches of Bowser. The game is considered to be
a classic among fans of video games due to its polished gameplay and groundbreaking
design. According to G4TV: The game almost single handedly saved the video game
industry after the market crashed a few years before. After the success of Super Mario
Bros. Miyamoto helped make The Legend of Zelda, a game that was inspired by his
adventures as a child. The game was mostly focused on exploring the various regions of
Hyrule and solving puzzles to eventually save the kingdom. Over the next couple
decades he would eventually create other popular games like F Zero, Star Fox, and
Essay Gentlemen, Your Verdict
Gentlemen, Your Verdict
Michael Bruce

1. From what perspective is the story told? (1 mark)

This story is told in limited omniscient third person perspective. This is because the
narrating voice enters the minds of most characters, excluding the radio telephone scenes.
You can only hear Lieutenant Commander Oram s voice, not the character on the other
end of the radio.

2. Through which literary device does Michael Bruce tell his story? (1 mark) The
literary device used was flashback with a cliff hanger ending. Michael Bruce started the
setting in a courtroom, where the five surviving characters recalled the details of the past
event. This is where the flashback took place to present the actual event. Once we see the
events ... Show more content on ...
They soon discovered the submarines bow planes were buried; the bow tanks full of
sand. The propellers were torn off, steering gear ruined, stern tanks flooded, and all the
hatches were desperately jammed.

5. Identify a conflict within the short story. (1 mark)

I believe the conflict in Gentlemen, Your Verdict, is human against self.

B) State whether it is internal or external. (1 mark)

The conflict in this story is internal struggle concerning emotion and decision.

6. In your own words, explain the term moral dilemma. (1 mark)

Moral Dilemma to me, means having to make an ethical decision between what is
considered right and what is considered wrong.

B) What is Lieutenant Commander Oram s moral dilemma? (1 mark)

Lieutenant Commander Oram s moral dilemma is deciding whether or not to kill fifteen
of his men, so five with families can live, as there is not enough oxygen for all twenty to
survive until help arrives.

7. How does the author create a sense of urgency in his writing? (2 marks)

The author creates a sense of urgency through his ability to place the reader into the
Lieutenant s point of view during the accident. The Lieutenant is taking quick action, yet
the reader is unclear what the true nature of the danger is. The situation gets seemingly
worse as the story goes on until finally a gruesome resolution is found.
8. Did the Captain make a good decision? Was it right? (2 marks) * Support your
Summary Of Some Lessons From The Assembly Line
Could you make it in the grind of the assembly line in the blue collar world? In reading
Braaksma s Some Lessons From The Assembly Line , the main idea is how important
college education is, which is conveyed in a number of different ways. The author
looks at the experience they had at assembling line job on their summer break and how
awful it was. Comparing it to the easy going lifestyle as a collegestudent. The article s
main claim of educationbeing an important avenue to take is an important lesson to be
taken seriously because of the author s negative view of the assembly line, positive view
of being at school, and the value the author holds in education.
Braaksma starts with his argument by his negative view of the assembly line. The
author gained this view from his first hand experiences. As we take a look at what
happened we will see the cons of this world, and what kind of life this can lead to. With
this stance, he will discourage the reader from life on the assembly line.
The author continues to use the information that he discovered in his experience to
compel the reader to understand the importance of education; dissuading them from
entering this field. There are a number of descriptions the author gives from low pay, high
physical exertion, long hours, and lack of job security (Braaksma, 2005). This leaves
little to the imagination on how it is to work in this environment, furthermore, it leaves
little to be desired in the industry. Without education,
The Boston Celtics
I decided to evaluate the organizational structure of the Boston Celtics, which is a
professional basketball franchise whose team is a member of the NBA. The NBA is a
professional basketball league in the United States and Canada that consist of 32 teams.
I choose the Boston Celtics because it is one of the most recognizable franchises and
logos in all professional sports. With 17 NBA championships, the most of any NBA
franchise and unbelievable fan base from all over the world. The average fan that watches
the NBA has no idea to the amount of money and organization managementthat is
involved with these organizations and franchises. They are structured very meticulously,
where every position is essential to winning, making money, and... Show more content on ...
The other department is about sales and public relations. This is a business that depends
on the consumers for support to cheer on a victory. That is why community support and
involvement is a major part of the organizations success.

The CFO or chief financial officer oversees three directors: a human resource director,
senior director or controller, director of accounting, and all receptions. He or she is
basically over day to day operations on the business side of the business; handling finical
problems paying bills and overseeing the employees of the company. Another depart that
helps and is on the same operational side of the franchise is the Operations and
Information department. Which is ran by a vice president, that oversees; technology,
operations, risk management, and has a staff accountant.

The last major department is the Basketball Operations side of the franchise. This
department is the reason the franchise is financially successful and the reason why
people pay their money to cheer this organization. The Basketball Operations side of the
company is run by a general manager or president. He or she oversees a scouting
director. The scouting director oversees the scouting of new potential amateur and
professional employees. The most important job for the head of basketball operations is
hiring the right coach that will win. The coaching department is run by the head coach
who hires assistants to help coach players.

The Boston

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