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Beauty Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of beauty can be both an intriguing and challenging endeavor. The
concept of beauty is multifaceted, subjective, and deeply ingrained in cultural, social, and personal
contexts. As the writer, you'll find yourself navigating through a vast landscape of perspectives,
theories, and historical influences, attempting to encapsulate the essence of beauty.

One of the difficulties lies in defining beauty itself. It's a concept that eludes a precise and
universally agreed-upon definition. Beauty can manifest in various forms, encompassing aesthetics,
nature, art, and even human relationships. The challenge is to navigate this subjective realm, offering
a nuanced and well-reasoned interpretation that resonates with your audience.

Moreover, delving into the historical evolution of beauty standards and their cultural implications
adds another layer of complexity. Different eras and societies have held contrasting views on what is
considered beautiful, and analyzing these shifts requires meticulous research and a keen
understanding of historical contexts.

Furthermore, discussing the societal pressures and expectations linked to beauty introduces a layer of
sensitivity to the essay. It involves exploring how societal norms shape individuals' perceptions of
themselves and others, often leading to complex relationships with one's own appearance.

Balancing objectivity and subjectivity is yet another challenge. While there is an objective aspect to
the study of beauty in fields like art and aesthetics, personal experiences and cultural influences
inevitably color one's perspective. Striking a harmonious balance between these elements is crucial
for a comprehensive and engaging essay.

In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of the "Beauty Essay" requires a careful dance between the
objective and the subjective, an in-depth exploration of historical and cultural contexts, and a
thoughtful consideration of the multifaceted nature of the topic. Successfully weaving these elements
together creates an essay that not only informs but also stimulates critical thinking and reflection.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or a diverse range of topics, various resources are
available, including online writing services such as . These platforms offer tailored
support to students and individuals looking to enhance their writing skills or delegate the task of
essay creation.
Beauty Essay Beauty Essay
Pressure Mapping
In Behrendt et al (2014) in summary of the article reviewing continuous bedside
pressure mapping (CBPM) devices were studied on the effects of pressure ulcer
prevention. It focused on reducing the number of hospital associated pressure ulcers.
Prevention of pressure ulcer is a very important in nursing, we can provide a better
quality life for patients in the hospital. Patient with the CBPM devices had an
occurrence of developing a pressure ulcer in 2 of 213 patients and in patients with no
CBPM the occurrence of developing a pressure ulcer were 10 of 209 patient (Behrendt
et al., 2014). We can see a good change in occurrence between in the two groups, the
percentage of a pressure ulcer occurring on a patient with a CBPM device was at 0.9%....
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They evaluate if the skin was at risk for developing pressure ulcers after the patient was
repositioned routinely every 2 hours. Measurement of the pressure points were taken
every 30 seconds continuously (Peterson et al., 2013). The study is relevant to my
study as well because they use the same method as far as pressure mapping as
Behrendt et al (2014) but they measured pressure points. Their study showed that
patients are still at risk to develop pressure ulcers when repositioned every 2 hours,
some area of the body did not relieve from pressure after repositioning. This means that
even after the patient was repositioned to prevent or reduce the risk of pressure ulcer
formation, there are substantial areas of skin that do not get relieved and remain at
risk for pressure ulcers regardless of routine repositioning by experienced nurses
(Peterson et al., 2013). The study was done to reduce pressure ulcers prevention by
revealing that other areas of the skin were still at risk after repositioning the patient.
Further studies would reveal inconsistencies in this study whether or not these triple
jeopardy areas will into pressure ulcers, progress a pressure ulcer or occur at specific
tissue location only, these can be tested by expending the testing time to 24 hours rather
than 4 to 6 hours. Expansion of
Sustainable Efforts for Innovation-Lego
1. Introduction
LEGO is a combination of the Danish words leg and godt , meaning play well .
As their name and ideal, Lego has been beloved by the children as well as the parents
for decades. Not only as plastic toy bricks, but also effective educational tools, the LEGO
Company enjoyed continuous growth and broaden the global brand value. The LEGO
brand moved to third place in 2002/2003 with only Coca cola and Kellogg having
greater respect among families with children. Even though as the overall toy market
faces challenges, LEGO s revenue and profits are increasing rapidly, especially since
2005. This profitability didn t change even in the current recession in the global market.
The LEGO Group achieved record breaking profits in ... Show more content on ...
In addition to this restructuring, innovative management under new leadership began
creating positive synergies in 2005.
1) Collaborating with Customer Communities
In spring 2012, MIT Sloan Management Review had an article about the lessons from
the LEGO Group, regarding collaborating with customer communities. The authors
explained how the LEGO user communities emerged and how management s
involvement with user groups has evolved and the core principles that LEGO has
formulated for successful interaction with its user groups. This article let us explore
the answer for an ongoing question to many organizations; how can companies
collaborate effectively with their customers? By February 2012, there were more than
150 known user groups, with over 100,000 active adult fans worldwide. In 2005,
LEGO created the Ambassador Program to provide a fast and direct way for the
company and its pans to get into contract with each other. Representatives, drawn from
across the community of LEO user groups, provide a fast and direct way for LEGO
managers to get in contact with adult fans. The program has provided considerable value
to both sides. Not only do fans inject energy and ideas, but in some cases they help
refocus products. For example, after the innovative communication with one of the users
who participated on the development team and was in the business
Sensitive Periods During The Caterpillar Of The Prosthesis...
Sensitive periods is a term developed by the Dutch geneticist Hugo de Vries and later
used by the Italian educator Maria Montessori.
Montessori cites DeVries example of a Sensitive Period in the caterpillar of the
Prosthesis butterfly. The caterpillar must feed on very tender leaves, and yet the
butterfly lays its eggs in the most hidden fork of the branch, near the trunk of the tree.
Who will show the little caterpillars hidden there, the moment they leave the egg, that
the tender leaves they need are to be found at the extreme tip of the branch, in the light?
Now the caterpillar is strongly sensible to light; light attracts it, summons it as by an
irresistible voice, fascinates it, and the caterpillar goes wriggling towards where the
light is brightest, till it reaches the tip of the branch, and thus finds itself, famished for
food, among the budding leaves that can give it nourishment. It is a strange fact that
when the caterpillar has passed through its first stage and is full grown, it can eat other
food, and then loses its sensibility to light. This has been proved in scientific laboratories
where there are neither trees nor leaves but only the caterpillar and the light.
According to Montessori sensitive periods, refers to several overlapping periods of
development where a child is sensitive to a particular stimuli or type of interaction. A
child passes through special times in his life when he easily incorporates a particular
Research Paper On Oskar Schindler
Oskar Schindler grew up in a prosperous Catholic family with all the privileges money
could buy. He grew up to be a German industrialist, spy, and a member of the Nazi Party,
who outwitted Hitler and the Nazis to save more Jews than any other from the deathly
events of World War॥. With the help of his wife, Emilie Schindler, Oskar Schindlersaved
the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaustby employing them in his ammunition and
enamelware factories, spending millions bribing the SS, and eventually risking his
life to rescue the Schindler Jews ( The Oscar Schindler Story ) Oskar Schindler was
not one to pass up an opportunity to make some money. He marched into Poland with
the SS and dove head first into the black market. He soon began to make friends with
the Gestapo, the secret state police, by softening them up with women, money and
alcohol. His newfound connections helped him to acquire a factory, which he ran with
the cheapest labor around, Jews. At first, it seemed like he was another German money
driven industrialist but somewhere along the way something changed. In December
1939, as the German occupied Poland was being torn up by the events of the
Holocaust, Schindler took his first steps in becoming a Holocaust hero. If you saw a
dog going to be crushed under a car, he said later of his wartime actions, wouldn t you
help him? ( Oskar Schindler, Jewish Virtual Library).
Schindler, a money hungry, fast talking, womanizing, Nazi investor, bought Jewish
How Does Dickens Create Suspense
4.Dickens creates an atmosphere of mystery and danger by keeping the reader in
suspense and on edge. He does so through his abundance of details in his descriptions.
He evokes emotions that the reader wouldn t otherwise feel unless they were there.
Dickens uses imagery to make the reader feel as though they are in the novel with the
other characters, making it tangible. He increases the tension in the chapter using
heavy mist, which is used to block the reader s vision, so they cannot tell what is
coming next. The setting also played a role in creating such a suspenseful mood. It is a
late night in November, so it is particularly dark and cold outside. The Dover mail
coach is traveling up a hill called Shooter s Hill, which leads the reader to know that the
surroundings are dangerous and to think that someone might get shot. 5.When Jerry
Cruncher first heard Mr. Lorry s message, he was confused. He knew the literal... Show
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Mr. Jarvis Lorry is the embodiment of order on the outside. He wears sleek stockings
and shoes with plain, but trim buckles. Although his clothes are not of higher quality,
like his stockings, they were still a crisp white. His suit was brown, finishing his look
of a proper businessman. Mr. Lorry does not even have a hair out of place. His face is
clear of emotions, and he insists that he is a man of business who has no feelings. His
brown clothing helps to make him look dull and reserved, which is how people would
assume that he is a trustworthy and honest businessman. The reader also notes that Mr.
Lorry has carefully trained and forced himself to look dull instead of bright and full of
life. Like many other men, he is under the impression that showing his feelings is not a
masculine act. By hiding his true feelings, he thinks he is being strong. However, the
reader knows that he is a compassionate and sentimental man because he goes out of his
way to take care of Miss Manette and her father although doing so could tarnish his
Essay on How Pyrotechnics and Explosives Have Changed
Since man s first experiences with fire we have longed to control it and we wished to
will it to do our bidding. For very long we failed mostly, and we still do sometimes, but
with the trials and experiments we have done and died doing, we succeed now, mostly.
The first formula that is still written down of an explosive or pyrotechnic composition are
the three examples of gunpowderin the 1044A.D. Chinese military guide Wujing
Zongyao which showed a few uses of this powder they had experimented with for near a
hundred years. The most used formula from it was approximately 50% KNO3, also
known as Saltpeter in those times, and formally called Potassium nitrate today, ~25% S,
Sulfur, and ~25% carbonaceous matter (mostly charcoal and... Show more content on ...
Pyrotechnics and explosives have changed the world, us ourselves, and our knowledge of
chemistry and what we learned from it. Chinese gunpowder is the first written and still
standing formula of a true explosive, or pyrotechnic composition. It was first
discovered by someone trying to mix life elongating elixirs, somehow he or she must
have lit it up, or dropped it in fire and noticed the flash and quick burn. It obviously
spread decently throughout China because within 100 years or so the Wujing
Zongyao (1044A.D.) was written and it, as stated previously used gunpowder as a
military weapon. Also it was a commonplace to see fireworks of some kind at New
Years, celebrations, and also used to warn away evil spirits by 1000A.D. The Tang
Dynasty had plenty of gunpowder trade in China and on the Silk Road (Harmon 82) and
their fireworks would bring in some currency for the economy. Because they were the
first to make gunpowder, the grandfather of all modern pyrotechnics and bombs, except
nuclear, biological, and chemical, they are extremely popular within the pyrotechnic and
explosives communities. They are known for quality powders, amazingly colorful
display mixtures, and going for crazy sized everything pyro related. They used different
chemicals to attain these different colors, not chemicals to add to the boom, or burn, only
the color. Our understanding of
The Digestive System Of Digestion Essay
Digestion is the breaking apart of foods into smaller and smaller units and absorbtion is
the movements of those small units from the gut into the bloodstream or lymphatic
system for circulation. (1) The digestive system is what keeps you going from day to
day because without the digestive system you wouldn t be able to consume anything.
You also wouldn t be able to absorb the necessary nutrients you need for your body to
keep functioning correctly. The organs that play a role in the digestive systemis the
mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, appendix, rectum, liver,
gallbladder, pancreas, and the anal canal. The mouth is where it all starts. Before you
even take a bite of your food, the smell of the food is what triggers your salivary glands
which include the parotid, sublingual, and submandibular glands in your mouth making
it start to water. Your saliva increases when you taste the food. When you chew the food
into smaller pieces the enzyme amylase breaks food into small sugar molecules. To start
fat digestionanother enzyme is released at the base of the tongue called lingual lipase. A
bolus is easy to swallow and is formed when saliva and other fluids in the mouth mixed
with mucous. Bolus slides past the epiglottis and then goes through the esophagus and to
the stomach where it is then digested. The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting the
pharynx to the stomach that is part of the upper gastrointestinal tract. (4) This organ
carries the

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