Fast Food Cause and Effect Essay

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Fast Food Cause And Effect Essay

Crafting an essay on the cause and effect of fast food consumption can be both challenging and
enlightening. The difficulty lies in navigating through the vast array of interconnected factors that
contribute to the fast food phenomenon. The topic demands a thorough understanding of the cultural,
societal, economic, and health-related implications associated with the fast-paced world of
convenience eating.

To begin, one must delve into the roots of the fast food industry, examining its historical
development and evolution. Understanding the economic drivers behind its rapid growth becomes
crucial, as does grasping the marketing strategies employed to lure consumers into the realm of
quick, often unhealthy, food choices.

The cause-and-effect relationship poses its own set of challenges. Identifying the myriad
consequences of fast food consumption requires a nuanced approach. Health repercussions, societal
impacts, and environmental considerations all play a role. Balancing the presentation of these effects
without oversimplification or exaggeration is an intricate task that demands careful research and

Moreover, there is a need to consider the cultural dimensions of fast food, exploring how it
influences lifestyles, dietary habits, and even social interactions. It's essential to navigate the fine line
between blaming the industry and acknowledging individual responsibility in making dietary choices.

In conclusion, crafting a compelling essay on the cause and effect of fast food consumption involves
a multi-faceted exploration that spans various disciplines. The ability to synthesize information from
diverse sources and present a cohesive narrative is key. Despite its complexity, tackling this topic
offers an opportunity for personal growth and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of
contemporary issues.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, remember that assistance is available. Similar
essays and more can be ordered through platforms like , providing valuable
support for those navigating the challenges of academic writing.
Fast Food Cause And Effect Essay Fast Food Cause And Effect Essay
Early American Colonization
When the American people first think of colonization of this country, they usually think
back to the old elementary rhyme Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492
and think of that as the beginning of the colonization. While it was a first for European
exploration to the western world, it was not the first mass colonization. Nearly 70 years
after Columbus Queen Elizabeth the first authorized a charter to Sir Humphrey Gilbert
and his half brother Walter Ralegh for them to discover, search, find out, and view such
remote heathen and barbarous lands, countries, and territories, not actually possessed of
any Christian Prince and people (Davis, The lost colony, 2004). Over the next 20 years
three main voyages would set sail in sight... Show more content on ...
John White who would also become the colony s governor led the expedition. The
third group arrived in 1587. Entire families came with children 17 women and 11
children accompanied a party of 90 men. That meant the group wanted to settle in the
New World and was not a military excursion, which would have included only male
explorers (Basu, Have We Found the Lost Colony of Roanoke?, 2017). This
expedition would be the final test for England, to see whether or not colonization is
fully possible. If the 117 men and women were to survive, England would send over
more ships of citizens and supplies, if not, then colonization of the Western World
would be put off. As months past, the colonists began to run low on provisions. They
urged their leader, John White, to return to England for provisions. When he did, the
French attacked and the Queen closed all ports leading to White s delayed return three
years later. When he did finally return, his people were gone and nowhere to be found.
Historians have come up with multiple scenarios of what could have happened to the
citizens of this lost colony, as there has not been much evidence found. Most
researchers think the colonists likely encountered disease caused by New World
microbes their bodies had never encountered before or violence (Basu, et al., 2017).
Violence could have been caused by the Native Tribes along the Carolina
School Counselor Reflection
As a future school counselor, I can reflect that these past eight weeks, I have a full
understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a school counselor in a traditional
high school. Practicum 2 has been learning experiences that I will remember as I start
my new profession. I believe that being exposed and actively involved with a group of
school counselors brought a wide range of knowledge that I plan to utilize in the future.
As a continuum from my Practicum 1, the following CACREP standards are mentioned
Counseling Helping Relationships Serving students with different backgrounds,
personalities, or beliefs may not be the easiest thing to do, as their thought process may
differ. Therefore, it is essential for school counselors to find healthy ways to build on a
school counselor student relationship. There are several characteristics or behaviors that
I feel school counselors should have, that helps them maintain a relationship with their
students. Students can be more willing to open up their thoughts or accept suggestions
when the school counselor is a good listener. A lot of the times, we can think that we
have to do all the talking, but is necessary to step back and listen at the students first.
Also, school counselors must be friendly and easy to approach. Students can feel more
comfortable with individuals they like and accept. In addition, it is essential for all
school counselors to appreciate diversity. It is important for school counselors to
Symbolic Convergence Theory Of Public Health
Convergence Theory
Communication provides sustainable information to everyone throughout the world,
whether it is through signs, pictures, objects or just simply words. Symbolic
Convergence Theory (SCT), simply known as Convergence Theory, accentuates the
importance of mutual agreement, mutual understanding and information sharing through
various groups and community s actions that will ultimately bring social change for the
better of Earth and its community (Figueroa, Kincaid, Rani, and Lewis, 2002, p. 4). The
purpose of this theory in the field of public health is to explain the general tendencies of
humans in a crowd situation so that studiers may obtain a clear understanding of why and
how individuals allow themselves to act and behave ... Show more content on ...
Because this theory obtains the criteria of the Evolution Theory, the primary strengths for
the Convergence Theory clearly are: scope, appropriateness, heuristic value, validity,
parsimony and openness. With these six components one can understand how this makes
the convergence theory a good theory. In addition, the weakness for this theory is as
simple as this: because almost all decisions of the Convergence Theory happen to be
subconscious decisions, criticism can occur even though the individuals are not aware of
it. With this, the influential aspect of this theory can be highly limited due to the notion
that this theory just happens without anyone being consciously
Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Essay
Margaret Sanger s Planned Parenthood

During a time in which white supremacy was being challenged by an ever increasing
African population, a woman named Margaret Sanger sought to purify America s
breeding stock and purge America s bad stains (Planned Parenthood). She set out to
establish the American Birth Control League, which eventually became the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). Sanger s actions provoked much controversy
because at the time not only was contraception illegal in the United States, but it was
denounced by almost every major religious denomination (Contraception History).
Margaret Sanger set out on a mission to overcome first the church and then the state in
order to stop bringing to ... Show more content on ...
Because of the Comstock Law of 1873, the mailing of information regarding
contraception or devices to perform contraceptive techniques was prohibited. This was a
major obstacle for Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. As a result of the 1936
court case U.S. v. One Package, the mailing of contraceptive related materials among
physicians was legalized (Planned Parenthood). This turning point signified that
contraceptives were finally beginning to be regarded as an important area of medicine.
The mailing of contraceptive material to married couples and single adults was not
legalized until 1965 and 1972 respectively (Contraception History). The government
continued to liberalize its other policies regarding contraception as a result of Sanger s

Margaret Sanger s hard work to legalize and promote contraception was rooted in her
belief that those who were impoverished should not procreate. In her book My Fight for
Birth Control, Sanger claims, I associate poverty, toil, unemployment, drunkenness,
cruelty, quarreling, fighting, debts, and jails with large families (Planned Parenthood).
Sanger set out to sterilize the unfit and make known methods to control the population
(Planned Parenthood). Many of her colleagues were racist and believed contraception
should be used for the purpose of maintaining
Why I Want To Pursue A DBA Degree
My purpose of choosing to pursue a Doctorate in Business Administration is to prepare
myself for advancement in my current employment and provide opportunities to elevate
my qualifications. Currently, I am employed with a manufacturing corporation for the
past 18 years as a collections/credit manager and work part time as adjunct professor for
a massage therapy school. I have been successful in businessfor the past 16 years, and I
am looking for a new personal challenge to achieve the highest degree in the management
field. However, expanding my knowledge skills enrolling in a doctorate program at
Liberty University can only have a major impact in my life and the privilege to influence
the lives of countless individuals. After doing a lot of research into various doctorate
programs, speaking with... Show more content on ...
The online Doctorate in Business of Administration (DBA) program can also offer a lot
of flexibility, while maintaining a full time position and attend my family needs.
Nevertheless, the Doctorate in Business of Administration (DBA) program can open up
opportunities for online teaching which is a field that has grown immensely over the
years due to fluctuations in our economy. With a Doctorate in Business Administration
(DBA), I wanted to be able to come up with several theories that would answer questions
in the marketplace. I want to be able to solve practical issues in my current employment,
and apply them to a specific work environment. Furthermore, I want to be given the
opportunity to conduct surveys, face to face
Smart Reading Device Of The Future May Be Paper Analysis
The article Why The Smart Reading Device of The Future May be Paper by Brandon
Keim is about the difference between reading on paper or on a screen such as phones,
tablets or kindle etc and depending on the reading style how the reader s comprehension
is impacted. The author shares what researchers have found and focuses on the reader s
comprehension because when we read we want to understand. As a reader, I agreed with
the points the author made because different points were brought up and there is a lot to
read about and in the end, it depends on the person but overall different readingstyles
matter depending on what it is that you are reading and how long it is. In the article the
author uses a quote from a literacy professor at Norway s... Show more content on ...
Some researchers found that readers were able to learn better when reading from paper
while some it depended on if they were engaged readers. For some readers, it was more
difficult because their performance was impacted from scrolling which is something
that I can relate to. According to the study that was done by Wasteland Text flowing,
up and down a page also disrupts a reader s visual attention forcing eyes to the search
for a new starting point and refocus. When I am reading from a phone or tablet I
always have this issue after scrolling I lose the sentence that I was on and it takes
longer for me to read on a screen compared to paper. Taking time to refocus disrupts the
reading the text is blurred because you end up focusing more on refocusing than
continuing to read. This is one of the major reasons why I choose not to read on
screens because there are way too many distractions and I would rather save time and
read from paper. There are times when I prefer to read on screen because I like to be
sustainable and so some texts do need to be printed out depending on length and can
be read on screen but I also like to have physical paper, especially on books and
mangas. The author also brings up E readers may fail to capture a crucial, generally
overlooked aspect of paper books: their physicality. Personally, I enjoy reading when I
have the text physically in my hand and my understanding of the text is much better
on paper. Overall deep reading occurs for me when I read from paper and prefer it over a
screen. There are fewer distractions and not much effort put into it because all you have
to do is flip to the next page and not worry about
Instilled Heritage Essay
Instilled Heritage
Alice Walker usually puts herself into characters that she writes about in her stories.
However, you don t understand this unless you know about her. Staring with this let
us find out about who she is and where she came from. When recounting the life of
Alice Walker, you find out that she was born to sharecroppers in Eatonton, Georgia in
1944 and was the baby of eight children. She lost one of her eyes when her brother shot
her with a BB gun by accident. She was valedictorian of her class in high school and
with that and receiving a scholarship; she went to Spelman, a college for black women,
in Atlanta. She then transferred to Sarah Lawrence College in New York and during her
time there went Africa as an exchange ... Show more content on ...
While Dee is gone Maggie and Mother are doing whatever needs to be done around the
house, to survive. Dee would write every now and again, and told her Mother, no
matter where she, the Mother, lived, she would always come and see her, but she
wouldn t bring any friends. Upon Dee s visit, she arrives with a man that greets
everyone, Asalamalakim, upon exiting the vehicle. Mother confuses this with his name
and is very unsuccessful in trying to pronounce it. She is told to call him Hakim a
Barber. Her daughter Dee also tells her mother that she has changed her name and it is
now, Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo. This name, Wangero, has a personal meaning to
Alice Walker in the fact that while on her trip as an exchange student in Africa, the name
Wangero is the name that was given to her while she was there.
Moving to the trivial meaning of the short story, we later find Dee along with her
mother, sister and Hakim, at the dinner table, having, none the less, pork. Hakim had
stated that he did not eat pork and collards, yet Dee is more than happy to help herself
to everything that is available. While sitting at dinner, she sees the churn that is in the
corner and states that she wants to take the top home and make it a center piece as well
as she wants the dasher as well, the wooden rod used to make butter. She can do
something fancy with it as well. She continues after dinner going through the house
searching through some old belongings,

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