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Bosnian Crisis (1908)

Bosnia and Herzegovina, situated in the western
coast of the Balkans, used to belong to the Ottoman
Empire. According to the Berlin Treaty in 1878,
Bosnia and Herzegovina were occupied by the
Austria-Hungary Empire but they still belonged to
the Ottoman Empire.
In the late 19th century, Serbia advocated the He Bu
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"Greater Serbia Movement". It aimed to improve go ri
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national strength by expanding its territories. Serbia a
therefore set eyes on Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Process Turkey
In 1908, a riot broke out in the Ottoman Empire.
Attaining support from Germany, Austria-Hungary ▲ A cartoon showing Austria-Hungary's
annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia also secured annexation of Bosnia
support from Russia and was ready for war against
Austria-Hungary. Meanwhile, Britain and Germany Significance
interfered with the conflict and demanded powers to The Bosnian Crisis deteriorated the situation
negotiate diplomatically. As Russia failed to secure in the Balkans. Austria-Hungary attained
support from Britain and it had not recovered from support from Germany and further expanded
the Russo-Japanese War, it eventually withdrew its its influence in the Balkans in the hope to
militarily support for Serbia. completely resolve the threats from Serbia.
Serbia was discontent about Austria-Hungary's
Russia and Serbia were forced to compromise. In obstruction of its "Greater Serbia Movement".
1909, powers enacted the Berlin Treaty that was first Anti-Austria-Hungary sentiments went high
introduced in 1878, allowing Austria-Hungary to and foreshadowed the Sarajevo incident.
annex Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russia suffered from diplomatic failure which
drew it closer to Britain and France. Its relation
with Germany and Austria-Hungary further
Austria-Hungary According to the Triple Alliance, Austria-
Hungary should cease territories including
Romania Black Sea Istria, Dalmatia and Fiume to Italy in exchange
Bosnia Herze- for Italy’s recognition of Austria-Hungary's
govina Bulgaria
Montenegro annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. After
Ita the Bosnia Crisis, Austria-Hungary did not
ly Turkey keep its promise and Italy eventually withdrew
Greece from the Triple Alliance during the First World

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The First Balkan War (1912-13)

In 1911, Italy launched a war on the Ottoman Empire to seize Libya, an African colony. Balkan states
also got involved in war. In 1912, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Montenegro formed the Balkan League
and declared war on the Ottoman Empire. They aimed to divide its territories. The First Balkan War
broke out.
During the war, Albania declared independence. Although powers did not take part in the war, they
convened a conference in London shortly after the victory of the Balkan league and discussed how to
divide the territories of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans.

Serbia wanted to conquere Albania for a port to the Adriatic Sea. However, Austria-Hungary feared that
Serbia would grow in power, it therefore turned to support independence of Albania.
Italy also set eyes on Albania but was opposed by Austria-Hungary. Powers eventually signed the Treaty
of London in May 1913. The independent status of Albania was consolidated.

Austria-Hungary supported independence of Albania and obstructed westward expansion of Serbia. The
conference failed to resolve the intense relations between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Italy failed to
regain Albania and was more determined to withdraw from the Triple Alliance.
The Ottoman Empire lost most of its territories. Territories were divided among the Balkan League
where Bulgaria was allocated Macedonia.

▲ In Nov 1912, Albania declared independence. ▲ A German cartoon showing Balkan states fighting
for territories of the Ottoman Empire

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The Second Balkan War (1914)

Bulgaria was dissatisfied with territorial
arrangement in the Treaty of London and
believed that it did not get what it deserved.
Serbia and Greece were opposed the
arrangement that Macedonia was obtained by
In June 1913, Bulgaria declared war on Serbia.
The Balkan League dissolved. Romania, Greece,
Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire supported
Serbia. The Second Balkan War broke out. ▲ A postcard from Serbia. The Serbian army was prepared
Bulgaria lost in the war. Powers convened a for war with Bulgaria.
conference in Bucharest, the capital of Romania.
○ The Treaty of Bucharest was signed in August 1913. Territories gained by Bulgaria in the First
Balkan War were divided among victorious countries.
○ Serbia obtained northern and central Macedonia. Greece obtained southern Macedonia while
Albania became an autonomous state.
Pan-Slavism and Pan-Germanism exacerbated
conflicts. Territories of Serbia hugely expanded
by one-third its original size. However, under
strong disagreement from Austria-Hungary,
Serbia once again failed to annex Albania. Anti-
Austro violence grew in the Serbian territories
which eventually led to the Sarajevo Crisis.
Powers believed that a full-scale war was
inevitable. They sped up arms expansion. For
instance, in 1910-1914, military expenses of ▲ The Bosnian Youth was one of the anti-Austro group
Germany and Austria-Hungary multiplied. before WWI.
Bulgaria’s defeat in Second Balkan War led
to hatred of Russia and Serbia. The Ottoman
Empire feared that Serbia would further expand
in the Balkan peninsula. The two countries
therefore turned to the Triple Alliance led by
Germany. During the First World War, the two
countries were a part of the allied power.

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